Strange and Disturbing Videos: ANOTHER YOUTUBE

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring ANOTHER YOUTUBE by the Notorious Japanese Animator known as nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous amount with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling. The Irony here is ANOTHER YOUTUBE  in Another Reality very well could be the Unofficial Sequel to “User 666”  since They both Deal with a Hapless Unsuspecting Anonymous User, Aspects of the Internet (i.e. Search Engine), and the Devil/Evil in the Machine as it were


nana825763 is Best Known for His Unique Style of Art, which He Repeatedly refers to on His Twitter Account as “Cute and Horror” Videos. This Style is better Elaborated as Youthfully Feminine/Tender that Degrades into Gore with Terrifying Hidden Agendas. As He States on His Website, nana825763 is partly Inspired by the Silent Hill Franchise, which would Explain His Archetypal Degradation Themes. Although the Vast Majority of nana825673’s Major Uploads uses this Horrifying Formula, some of His Earlier work and His more Recent My house walk-through Gradually Degrade They Do Not Possess the “Cute” aspect which He uses More Frequently Nowadays.


DISCLAIMER From The Creator nana825763:

* [Important] Regarding the allegation that the privacy of a specific individual is violated. This video is a video work produced by me nana825763 Unrelated personal information of others (social security number, personal identification number issued by the country origin, and Bank account number, contact information are not included at all. I got a regular license for others, such as those who appear in the video It is a visual processing of a person (such as a woman) in the “Video Material Collection”. No claim is made that violates the privacy of any particular individual.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober


2012’s Hamster Hell is by the Talented Claymation Creator Lee Hardcastle and Features the Music of Shit The Bed. Hamster Hell follows a Young Kid who Secretly Hides His Pet Hamsters from His Parents Under His Bed. Along the Way the Naiver  Kid Learns some Grim Life Lessons the Hard Way While He tries to make Sense of it All.

  • Chapter 1 Arrival
  • Chapter 2 Wife
  • Chapter 3 Fun World
  • Chapter 4 Escape
  • Chapter 5 Disorder
  • Chapter 6 Mother
  • Chapter 7 Punishment
  • Chapter 8 Death


Hamster Hell 2 (Which Premiered on Sept 1st 2020) Follows a Young Hipster  who Attempts to get Rich Quick by Posting Pictures and Videos of His Pet Hamster on Social Media. The Young Man’s Girlfriend isn’t at all Happy about His the so called Business Venture Until She sees the Money Making Potential. This is a Tale of Exploitation Personified in the Age of the Internet where Social Media is King.

  • Chapter 1 Ms. Cupcake
  • Chapter 2 The Accident
  • Chapter 3 Deformed
  • Chapter 4 Play Dead
  • Chapter 5 Fortune
  • Chapter 6 Heaven



Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  


The Struggle Is Real

So I planned on Posting the Next installment of Lee Joints: Professional People Watcher Today, but to be quite frank I’m fucking worn out. There is some good News, well For Me anyways that I am happy to Report. Now You may have seen Me Ranting and Raving about the Fucked Up System of Highway Robbery Know as the American Healthcare System. That and You might have seen Me Enraged Railing Against the Outrageous fucking Scam the Healthcare System Truly Is. Hospitals are By Far are the Worst fucking Offenders of them all I assure You.

To Recap I have Raged against How its utterly insane that People sign up for  Surgery or a Medical Procedure, have it done, and then wait to see what They Owe. Then when the fucking Bills come People just Shrug and Blindly pay them Without Question. Thats fucking Retarded. Before You get Your Car Repaired or Sign up for say Internet/cable Service You know Before hand what You’re going to be Charged, and What You will be receiving for said Payment. This is the way business is conducted unless You’re a Hospital in which case You do Your Damndest to Prevent Patients from being able to receive/View Their Itemized Bill.

Again People blindly Pay Medical Bills WHICH ARE NOT ITEMIZED and My Point is for the Massive Amount of Money involved wouldn’t You want to know what the fuck You paid for? If Your Mechanic or A/C Repair Guy  did a Job for You and then handed You a Bill that stated only “You Owe Me this Sum of Money.”  would You say Alrighty and fork over Your hard earned Cash No Questions asked? Without an Itemized Bill You’re allowing Whoever You’re dealing with to Exploit the shit out of the Situation by taking You for all Your fucking worth.


Now since the Dawn of Hospitals They have been seriously going out of Their way to give Patients the Royal Runaround Routine until You get Too Tired, To Exhausted, Too Pissed Off, or Plain just give the fuck up. The Question is Why? You paid a Handsome amount of Money so why would Hospitals make it insanely Difficult to get an itemized Copy of the Services You have Already fucking Paid For? The Reason is its No Secret that Hospital Charges are Outrageous, but They are so fucking Outrageous They don’t want You to Know How Much They Ripped You Off for. I think its safe to say Most of Us have seen one of the Countless Stories online posted by Patients chronicling and exposing Unbelievably Expensive Charges on Their Hospital Bill (Example: A Patient in NJ finally received his itemized Hospital Bill and saw They Changed Him $230 for a fucking 25 centToothbrush).

In the Age of the Internet Where Social Media is King making the Power of Word of Mouth even more Pivotal No One likes Bad Press. Especially Big Businesses who rely heavily on the Public for Their Income and let’s NOT FORGET Hospitals are BIG BUSINESSES Owned by LARGE CORPORATIONS. They damn well fucking Know if You see Your Itemized Bill then You’ll actually be able to see How Excessive and Greed Driven Their Charges really are. Their solution then is to give any Patient who requests an Itemized Bill the Run Around as Long as it takes for them to finally fuck off at last without EVER receiving the Itemized Bill. They Bounce You around from Department to Department, Tell You a  Supervisor will call You Back with Clarifications (Big Surprise They NEVER call You), They will Mail it to You (Again They hangup and Simply Don’t Mail a Damn fucking Thing. Basically if They can’t frustrate You into giving Up, They try and Placate the Shit Out of You knowing that They have Absolutely No fucking Intention of Actually Helping You. They Tell You what You want to hear, hang up, and immediately forget about You.


I’ve been locked in this Battle with My Local Hospital for and I kid You Not OVER A FUCKING YEAR trying relentlessly but in vain to get a fucking Itemized Copy of My Bill. I have been Run Around like a motherfucker, Bullshitted, Placated, Apologized to, and Assured I would in fact receive My Bill which for the Record was a BOLD FACED LIE. I made 7 requests to have My records mailed to me (Hospitals intentional do not use the Internet for Billing just everything fucking else but Conveniently for them Not Billing), and was told Numerous Times that a Supervisor would call me back in 10-14 fucking days. Thats right I had to wait 2 motherfucking weeks, and like I said earlier They never fucking called and never intended too.

The Only Other Option to receive a Bill is By Fax like its 1986 or some shit can You say Outdated Tech?!! I because its fucking 2020 do not own or have direct access to a Fax Machine (Honestly I was surprised They still made fucking Fax Machines since I figured No One Used Them Nowadays), but I refused to Give Up and Let These Greedy fucking Bastards Win by wearing Me Out into Submission. Usually the People You’re referred to in Your quest for an itemized Bill are in fact Suborn, Abrasive, Standoffish, Aggressive, and Down Right Total Assholes. This I’m sure is Part of the Hospital’s Ongoing Scam because who wants to deal with a total dick? No fucking One thats goddamn Who.


Today I hit the Preverbal One in a Million and had a Woman Who actually Attempted to Help Me though She couldn’t actually get Me My Bill. She said as I stated Earlier that Mailing Doesn’t Work and I told Her I was Well fucking aware and that the whole thing is a fucking Scam from the Get Go. She also Admitted Supervisors don’t do a goddamn thing as Far as Customer Service of Any Kind as they Spend Their Days Holed Up in their fucking Offices Cowering Behind Their fucking Desks like a Bunch of Bureaucratic Paper Pushing Sons of Bitches. She went on to inform Me if I wanted a chance in Hell of actually getting an Itemized Bill I’d have to use the Fax Option. I then informed Her I lack the Time Machine I’d need to travel back in time to 1986 to get a Fax Machine and transport it back 34 years into the fucking Present.

She said I could go to a Store like Office Max or fucking Staples OR I could go to the Physical Hospital Itself and use Their Fax Machine. I was confused by the Receiving a Fax of My Bill when if I am at the Hospital they have a fucking Billing Department and ask what the fuck that was about. Apparently the Actual Hospital’s Billing Department Doesn’t have My Bill an operate Billing Department in another fucking state are the ones who are in possession of My Bill. My Question then is what the fuck are the cocksuckers in the Hospital’s Billing Department do all fucking Day Long if They don’t seem to do any actual do anything Billing related?!


I told the Woman while I appreciated Her so called Help and Information pertaining to My Bill that I simply didn’t Trust a fucking word out of Anyone who Works Directly for or  a Third Party Employed by said Hospital fucking said. I went on to explain that I had a sneaking suspicion that if I went to a Store like Office Max then The Hospital would suddenly come up with a reason why they aren’t allowed to send faxes to Public Places of Business. That or if I went to Directly to the Hospital that They would either Tell Me No right Out or Worse Have ME wait for Someone who isn’t coming until I get tired of sitting in the lobby and go the fuck Home. At that Point We had reached an Impass since I still had No Personal Fax Machine, No Faith in the Hospital what so fucking ever, and She couldn’t send Me a copy of My bill without a Fax Number.

I then spent the next several minutes pacing like a Caged Animal on the Verge of a Psychotic Break and talked the situation over with My Awesome Wife. Luckily 2020 Technology it turns out provided a Back Door Option, as I should have Guessed. You see its 2020 so if You need a Fax Machine for some reason Theres an App for that and I downloaded it. After I installed it and it was up and running I called the Hospital back repeated My Ongoing request for an Itemized Bill, and That I had a Private Fax Number to send it to. The Second Lady I talked to tried to end the call by telling Me that She would put in a Mailing Request (Yeah My Ass) and I stopped Her in Her Tracks. I informed Her I had a Fax Number and would be using the Fax My Bill Option, but Not only that I wanted to be on the Phone as She Faxed it. I wasn’t about to have Them Yes ME to Death and Like the Phone Calls or Mail where They promise They’ll take care of it only then to play the “What do you mean You didn’t get it, We totally sent it.” run around bullshit. I wanted Confirmation that She faxed My Bill on the fucking Spot as I wasn’t about to give these slippery sacks of shit a chance to fuck me over again.


So after 15 Months I received My Copy of My Itemized Bill, mind You I haven’t looked at it yet as I’ve had enough Blood Pressure Aggravating shit for one fucking Day. I wouldn’t’ be surprised that there is a “Look at this Bullshit” post in the Immediate Future once I actually Lay Eyes on the Information.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

Misc. 1 & 2

  1. Dealing with TechTards is A Lot like The DMV. You call One motherfucker for Help and They tell You that You need to talk to This Person or That fucking Person, But it’s Never Actually the fucking Person You are currently Talking too.

First You have to fucking Fight whatever God fucking Awful Automated System that Acts as the fucking Gate Keeper. Then right as Your about to Lose Your fucking Mind and Have already Cursed Out the Automated Asshole System the First Customer Representative (CR) listens to Your entire fucking Story and then Tell You They will Transfer You which is the fucking Kiss of Death. Once You’re stuck on the fucking Transfer Train You will get Bounced around having to Tell 2,3,4 fucking Other CR You entire fucking Story all Over.


That or the First CR claims It’s NOT THEIR COMPANIES Fault, and that You should Call Every Other fucking Tech Company You also Deal with. If it’s the Latter and You’re instructed to Contact one of the Other Tech Companies You have to go through the ENTIRE FUCKING BULLSHIT PROCESS ALL OVER AGAIN. Usually just the Way DMV bounces You from Line to Line so will The Tech Assholes.

What I mean is They all Claim that there is ABSOLUTELY NO ISSUE on Their End so Its Someone Else’s Issue or Perhaps Your Computer is fucked. The Other Day I had to Log into FYB through a Backdoor of WordPress, and to do that I had to Log into Bluehost, BUT Blue Host was Loading. I did EVEY Trouble Shooting Trick in the Entire Goddamn Book before Begrudgingly Accepted the Fact I would have to CALL Bluehost.


I dread making these type of fucking Phone Calls because I get Angry and My Blood Pressure Sky Rockets like an asshole. One Day I may Suffer an Anger/Rage Induced Brain Aneurism I swear to God. I fought through the Automated motherfucker and reached a Real Person. Immediately after I told Him that My Issue was Bluehost’s Website wouldn’t Load Told ME it was in Fact MY INTERNET PROVIDER that I needed to Talk too about the Issue.

I wasn’t standing for any of this Happy Horseshit so I told Him quite Aggressively that My Internet is fucking Fine, and Not only That But I was Streaming the Shit out of Netflix, Tweeting on My Phone, Googling all Kinds of Crap, and Youtube was Up on My iPad. So the Problem isn’t My Internet I told Him because Obviously Everything I just Listed wouldn’t e Working Either.

The conversation then went in the Same shitty Circle for 15 Minutes before the CR gave Me a Tip to Trouble Shoot the Issue at Last. He then became utterly Obsessed with sending Me some fucking Sort of E-mail. I don’t know where that fucking E-mail Ended Up, But he sat on the Phone FOREVER and a fucking Day waiting for Me to Confirm I received it. I decided I had had Enough for one fucking Day, and Simply Hung Up.

2. For Our Lawyers Sake:


Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, Allowance is Made for “Fair Use” for Purposes such as Criticism, Comment, News Reporting, Teaching, Scholarship, and Research. Fair Use is a Use Permitted by Copyright Statute that might Otherwise be Infringing. Non-Profit, Educational or Personal Use tips the Balance in Favor of Fair Use.

Click to access dmca.pdf

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Questions That Allude Answers

I have recently developed a Minor Obsession. I have always been drawn to and fanatically Interested in Weird Shit. Some of the Weird Shit I am fondest of is Unexplainable Videos that Lack ANY and ALL Context. I Viewer has to make up THEIR OWN MIND (Yes This Requires People to fucking Think for Once instead of Mindless Click Bait) as to What the Fuck the Video is about/Means.

This all Started when I was working on a Creative Writing Piece where the Dark Web played a Major Part as the Staging Area for Countless Acts of Violent Revenge. I have since Shelved said Piece due to its Content being found by Others to be “Yet Unreadable due to Highly Objectionable Content.”


I found Myself viewing increasing numbers of Dark Web Videos Pertaining to The Dark Web. I watched Tutorials on How to Access The Dark Web, Navigate the Dark Web, Protect Your Identity & Personal Info while using the Dark Web, Surfing Videos of People exploring the Dark Web, Dark Web Content, Dark Web Rumors.

For Example Red Rooms which is where The Torture and Murder of a Human Being is Streamed Live on The Dark Web. These are Pay-Per-View events allow the Wealthiest Watchers to Bid for Control of the Torturer instructing Him/Her what to do Next (i.e. Stick Hot Pokers in The Vitcim’s Eyes) To this Day no Proof of Red Rooms existing has been found.

The most Helpful, Reliable, and Trusted information were all kinds of Tips from Dark Web Users on How to Safely Navigate The Dark Web, and Find Various Content.


One thing that really caught My Attention was when Mindlessly Annoying YouTubers would do “Dark Web Mystery Boxes” which are bought Sight Unseen from Anonymous Sellers on The Dark Web for different amounts of Money (Anywhere from around $50 all the way to $10,000 or More allegedly). NOTE: THE SELLING, BUYING OR POSSESSION OF A ACTUAL DARK WEB MYSTERY BOX IS ILLEGAL AND YOU CAN/WILL BE ARRESTED AND DETAINED BY THE AUTHORITIES.

With that said I found the most interesting and reoccurring item(s) found in these Dark Web Mystery Boxes were are Zip Drives, Sim Cards, and the Laptop Computer Drive deals.

I was fascinated because You had to see if there was any content such as Photos or better yet Videos stored on the Devices, and then see whatever the fuck there was to see. Again these Videos are more than not creepy as fuck I can’t lie. The Creep Factor is already increased because the Camera, Video Camera, Flash Drive etc. came from a Box of Unknown Origin from a Faceless Entity on The Dark Web. Then the Photos or Videos (sometimes but rarely there Auto Clips as well) have NO CONTEXT.

The Viewer is left with Countless Questions that will never be able to be answered. So is the Video of a Lady walking in the Park shot by a Friend or by a Stalker or Serial Killer or was it simple Someone learning how to use a New Tech Device They have recently purchased?! Thats just it be it is it or could it be just some Boringly Normal Everyday bullshit or Some Immensely Menacing Footage.


Now Obviously Not All Seriously Insane Videos come from the Dark Web nor are They all Ominous or Creepy. Some are Simple just Mind Bendingly Strange that They linger in Your Head for Days its keeps popping into Your Mind.

To gets These “Questions That Allude Answers” Posts We will be doing from Time to Time Lets Start Slowly. Best We ease into it before We take it FAR BEYOND the Realms of Reality to see what’s Lurking in the Shadows.

I don’t know much about this particular Video as I happened to have just stumbled upon it while I was on hold during a phone call this Morning. Its fairly tame, and makes for a good Transition from Puzzling into The Grimmer Shit thats coming.


Thanks for Reading/Watching,

  By Les Sober

2010s Death March

Just thought I would compile a list of all the things that have died in the past 10 years or so.

Well not all everything. Things die innumerably every second whether a person, animal, physical thing, or idea.

These a few of the more obscure.

1) possibly dead. HOW THE FUCK am i gonna know who I am about to outlive now?

2) tumblr porn- for those amphetamine fueled nights where the other 50,000 porn sites didn’t quite cut it.

3) aol IM- the last time i was on here was 8 years ago. All i remember is some black guy from the city randomly Im’d me. I used to yell at him. A lot.

4) AOL chatrooms-

These may still exist within the void of folks still using dialup. This group contains a few personal thins.

Goodbye free passwords.

Goodbye Trisha from Wyoming.

Goodbye Trishas lover

Goodbye free money.

Goodbye AOL sugar daddy.

GOODBYE my johns.

Goodbye my puddlediver.

Goodbye free religious propaganda.

Bye pencil dicks.

Goodbye you’ve got mail.

5) Goodbye Leonard Cohen, the only person i was drunk the whole time from death to funeral thanks to #6.

6) Bye Trump.

7) Bye light cigarettes. And fuck off colored cigarettes.

8) Goodbye me having to imagine obscure celebs shirtless. Holla instagram!!

9) Goodbye Sonic Boom- no one over 21 should be trying random underknown drugs. I could say no one should but teenagers don’t listen.

10) Goodbye vomiting red wine 20 feet from Sonic Boom.

11) Goodbye my insane neighbor and her banshee family.

12) Goodbye giant bags of gum

13) Later Blockbuster

14) Goodbye my 30 inch waist.

15) Goodbye fake facebook friends.

16) Goodbye being spared from 90s action movie stars. They seem to have formed a union where i must see one every week.

17) Goodbye and fuck you hurricane sandy.


goodbye some of my dishes

Goodbye my lamp

goodbye wendys coffee. Don’t do it. You’d be better off trying Krokodil.

goodbye me being a tool


Goodbye light cigarettes. Thanks for confusing me and every cashier nationwide.

19) Bye Lena Dunham. Seeing your vagina every week was the final cement in me being gay.

20) Goodbye Blockbuster.

21) Goodbye apps that paid me 5 dollars for watching 5 minutes of videos.

22) Goodbye couch guy. I’m never adopting a couch guy again no matter his cuteness or penis. You shouldn’t either.

23) Goodbye shitty seedy cheap weed. How i dont miss my ounce of weed being a quarter ounce seeds.

24) goodbye procrastination. This blog has been in drafts for 4 months.

25) goodbye whatever else i missed.

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (11/365)

Shane then scrawled His signature on the Credit Card Receipt, Said thanks for the Cool Question, Turned just in time to see Glen stick His head in the Door and Peer around disapprovingly, and double timed to towards the Door.

Lee had almost all the information He wanted, but He had to try and get Shane to Answer one lats Question before departing. “Why did Lester Lie to the Town Council telling Them that You Guys were making a Low Budget Horror Movie?”


“I thought a smart Fan like Yourself would have already figured that out.” Shane answer honestly surprised by the Question. Shane looked down at His feet for a minute before providing Lee with His answer. “It was because if You think the fucking Shop Onner’s were fucking pissed about it Imagine if Lester HAD told them the Truth about shooting a Indie Horror Flick? They would have Denied the Permits like a motherfucker, and We still would have Filmed the Scene, but We also would have been subject to the Legal Repercussions. The way Lester did it We had the Proper Permits to Film even though Lester Lied about What kind of Movie We were making it wasn’t technically illegal. It was just a dick Move Ya know.”

With that Shane exited and started His return to Work. Lee sat for a few minutes mulling over the conversation he had just had, and found it quite satisfying. Lee spent the next few hours surfing the Internet Googling the fuck out of whatever entered His Mind at that moment.


Lee spent the majority of His time wandering around the Internet reading up on the History of Cannibalism in Fiji. The most interesting documentation Lee came across was the Testimonials of various Christian Missionaries who had traveled to Fiji in the Hope of Converting the Natives. Now yes some where in fact Killed and Eaten over the Year of Active Cannibalism in Fiji.

Now Life in Historical Fiji was Brutal even for Those Missionaries that were luck enough to not be Murder and subsequently Consumed by the Native Tribes of Fiji was no fucking Picnic that was for sure. The Natives had a habit of Harassing the Hell out of the Missionaries. They frequently tossed Severed Heads or Limbs or Freshly Stripped Human Bones over the Walls on the Monitories littering the lawn with Their Human Leftovers.


Even more Outrageous were the Written Accounts of The Missionaries about the Rival Native Tribes returning from Battle with Prisoners in tow. The Natives were exuberant not just drunk on the Victory in Battle, But that They also got to EAT THE PRISONERS.

Lee thought this was a wonderful example of Perspective. To the Outside World (for the most part there were other Countries that indulged in the Ritual of Cannibalism) Cannibalism was one of the Greatest Taboos, Yet for the Cultures that Practiced Cannibalism (or Necro Cannibalsim or the Eating of the Dead) it was Perfectly Acceptable, and really not that a big of a deal that They ate People, its just what the did. It’s what They were taught growing up. Teaching the Next Generation the Practice of Cannibalism was just like Scumbag Racist indoctrinating They’re Young with Their Hate.


Stay Tuned for Kids Tomorrow’s Installment of Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (12/365)

Thanks for Reading,

   By Les Sober

Web Cam Sex Show Vs. 976-HUMP (4867)

Lets just be Adult about it and admit that since there have been People there has been Porn. Cave Paintings became Nude Portraits. Man invented Tools and Nude Sculptures two minutes later. Man created the Written word and Literary Porn was Born. The things really started to take off.

Then the Invention of the Camera changed the World. It all started with Nude Pictures then evolved through time into Pornographic Magazines such as Playboy or Hustler.

After The Camera blew Everyones Tits off Mr. Bell invented The Phone which led to Phone Sex, The Rise of the 976 SexLines, and Eventual demise due to the invention of the Internet (Why Pay for Porn when You can get it ABSOLUTELY FREE ONLINE FROM ANYWHERE?!)


Then Holy Shit someone invented the Movie Camera which introduced Society to Pornographic Movies.

Next the HOME VIDEO CAMERAS AND VIDEO TAPES. Now Everyone could make Their own Sex Tapes, AND with a VCR (first Beta then VHS) People could watch Porno Films in the Comfort, Safety, and Cleanliness  of Their Own Home.

At the same time of the Golden Age of VHS that PC’s were becoming more and more popular, and along with Computers came The Beginning of Gaming as We know it.

And OF COURSE People Invented “Adult 18+ ONLY” Pornographic Games. These Original PC Text Based Role Playing Games are the FARTHEST CRY from the Crazy CGI Adult Games They have out Today. It be like comparing an Atari 2600 to a Playstation 4.


The Internet grew to fruition, and that literally gave One the ability to see an ACTUAL WORLD’S WORTH OF PORN FROM AROUND THE GLOBE AND TO THE 4 CORNERS OF THE EARTH.

The Best had yet to come in the Invention of The Smart Phone. Smart Phones had EVERYTHING One would need for Pornographic Activities. It had a Camera, A Video Camera, and Internet Access.

Plus unlike PC and  Laptops Smartphones are Hand Held Devices, and thus can fit in Your Pocket allowing You to take it ANYWHERE at ANYTIME.

This provided the Platform for the Progression of Human Sexuality with such things as Sexting, taking/sending of Nude Selfies, Tumblr, Growler, Craig’s List (Casual Encounters), Emoji being Given Sexual Association. The Eggplant Emoji being designated as the sign for Penis for Example.


Now that We’ve covered the basic T and A Timeline heres the point of this for this Post: I will be Comparing/Contrasting Two of the Above: 976 Sex Lines of Yesteryear Vs. The New School Internet Live Web Cam Sex Shows.

As One may have already deduced Each The Old School and New School have Their own Pros and Cons its true. And While Live Web Cam Sex Shows are one of the Top Social, and Technological Pornographic Creation does that make Them Superior

Remember Porn is ENTIRELY FANTASY BASED, and uses the Greatest Sex Organ Available to Humanity (get Your Mind out of Your Crotch) The Mind.


I’ll start off with the Old School 976 Sex Lines. For those who are too young to remember or know what the fuck a 976 is it was a Toll Number (90% of which were Sex Lines) You could call for Phone Sex that charged by the MINUTE.

The Numbers always started 976 and the other four digits spelled out something sexual like 976-GIRL, 976-HUMP, 976-SEXX or something similar I’m sure You get the idea.

The FATAL FLAW that Ultimately brought down the 976 Phone Sex Empire was simply GREED. You see as I mentioned Dear Reader these Sex Lines charged per minute, But thats Not All.


The First Minute cost on average$2.99 to $4.99 or so. Then for each additional minute after that the Caller was charged a reduced rate of anywhere from $1.00 to $3.00 per minute.

I know reading this You must be wondering Who the fuck would pay that kind of cash for Phone Sex, and the Answer is FAR MORE THAN YOU THINK.

True there are a sparse handful of Late Night Ads for so called  “Adult Chat Lines”, BUT it basically just redirects the Caller in some one or another to a Web Cam Performer.

Nowadays though the Old School Patron’s of 976 Phone Sex Lines are either Dead or Graduated to Online Live Web Cams where They are Charged as Well because New School or Old School its ALWAYS BEEN PAY TO PLAY.


True there are Free Live Web Cam Sex Show FOOTAGE available to the Public on Free Adult Sites like YOUPORN, But the Clips are Time Restricted and usually have No Sound (or if music is playing its some shitty sounding R&B  that seems to be playing out of a Tin fucking Can under fucking water.)

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY YOU DON’T HAVE ANY INTERACTION with the Performer like You do with Phone Sex or a Live Web Cam Sex Show. Interaction is the Key to Keeping the Customer Interested because it Fuels The Fires of Fantasy. Thats why Strip Clubs will NEVER DIE, but I’ll get back to that a bit later on.

The Fantasy Factor was MUCH, MUCH GREATER with Phone Sex because YOU HAD NO VISUAL STIMULATION so The Caller had to RELY on Their IMAGINATION as a foundation on which to build said Fantasy.


Phone Sex was WAY, WAY more Detailed Oriented making for a much more VIVID Fantasy. It was just The Caller and The Performer one on one with no additional distractions such a music, Computer Sounds, or Other People.

Now Others could argue that Live Web Cam Sex Shows are Superior BECAUSE You can See as well as Interact with the Performer, BUT there are Cons as well that I think FAR out number the One Pro of having the Visual Aspect.

I mean either way Your paying for it so why not get Your money’s Worth?!


The Problem with Web Cam Sex Shows is its like a Virtual Strip Club if you will in that You and the Performer are NOT Even close to being alone as there god knows how many other People who are also vying for the Performer’s time and attention. This Creates a Chaotic to Combative Environment since all the Users can see What one another is writing. This is a HUGE fucking Distraction, and Ugly one at that.

In addition to all the Unwanted Company anytime one of them Tips the Performer some annoying fucking Alert Noise goes off like some sort of hyperactive Smoke Alarm having a fucking Seizure. That too is a BIG Distraction, and Distractions Decimate Fantasy.

Lastly the Web Cam Performer’s all seem to be desperately trying to hold the whole production from falling apart by the Performer becoming overwhelmed by having to manage a constant non stop barrage of Comments and Tip Acknowledgements.


The Performers end up looking like Awkward like a Cross between a Deer in the Head Lights and a New Born Baby Horse struggling to stand minutes after being born. It’s not an Attractive Look to say the least.

976 Phone Sex Lines gave the Caller a much more Personal and Intimate Fantastical Experience  for the Money in spite of Lacking the Visual Component.

The Operator had to be Incredibly Gifted at Description and Enticing the Caller, They had to Act Their Asses Off since Their Performance could only be Heard and Not Seen. This Led to Operators creating several different Personas to Play with, and really losing Themselves in Their Alternate Work Personas. There was always a Strong Thematic Undertone. It took Skill. It took Talent. It was Professional Story Telling.


Now a Days You log into a Web Cam Show and its always the same deal. The Performers naked and fielding a myriad of User Requests. You see its not a One on One scenario instead You thrown into a MASSIVE MIX of Every Other Users Fantasies leading to a Schizophrenic Atmosphere.

That and a lot of the Other Users are just Barbaric Primal Male Scumfucks Type YELLING demands like “Shove such-in-such Up/In…” I mean talk about a fucking Distraction.

In Conclusion Which is Better The Old 976 Phone Sex Lines or The Live Web Cam Sex Shows of Today? Well I leave You to desert that for Yourself. If You give a flying fuck what I think then I’ll tell you. I have no fucking idea. It really comes down to the Type of Person You Are in the End I suppose.

Now before I sign the fuck off I will say I believe the Best Spank Bank Fantasy if You will for Your Money is The Strip Club. They Have Good Music, Booze, Plenty of Performers, and if You want more intimate Experience You can Buy a Lap Dance. Its the Best of Both Worlds really. You have the Visual Component AND a more Structured One On One Design.

Thanks for Reading,

   By Les Sober

Politics is Full of Assholes

People kept asking me why since I am quite passionate about politics (especially now a days) why I don’t write a post about it. I don’t for a few reasons.

The first I don’t want to waste my time or be annoyed by Political Fanatics who want to endlessly argue THEIR political points, its an exercise in utter and complete futility.

Second it take I image a few YEARS for me to write, and in the end it would be a fucking big book (I wouldn’t split it up over several posts because I’m first and foremost a writer NOT a Politician), and I don’t want to turn into a Political Blog either. That gets boring fast as fuck both for readers and myself.

Lastly beside being a writer I dabble a GREAT deal of Art (Painting, Sculpting, Drawing, all that shit.) SO based on the exactly the same concept of my GG ALLIN Pictorial Posts that a picture says a 1,000 words decided to use pictures. This time the Pictures will no be just a Photo, They will be mostly Mean Motherfucking, Brutally Truthful, and to the point Memes (which combines writing and Photographic Art).

I spent several hours showering the Idiotnet looking for direct to the point, I’m not a Politician NOR am I a fucking comedian.

If for ANY reason you as a Reader feel it necessary to voice your political opinion based on this post (or any fucking thing else) do me a fucking favor. Don’t bother posting the comment instead GO EAT SHIT SANDWICHES IN HELL ASSHOLE.

And So Here We Go…….


  Traitor Turned Wannabe Dictator FUCK 45.


(The GOPieces of Shit)


<Putin Buttplug. Enough Said.


The Uneducated Cult Followers


Habitual Liar Press Sec. Sarah SLANDERS


Fake Fox News AKA GOP Propaganda


Alex “Batshit”Jones   


NRA: Domestic Terrorist Org.


The Resistance.

Post By

Les Sober 

Flags, Days, and Ideas

So I do not have any idea how I came across this little tidbit I thought I would share. I find most things on the internet in a very random fashion. I think I was looking up British things, or British slang, or British boys, or text messaging abbreviations or what not.

Well actually it probably was something more like looked at a porn. The guys name was chris. Looked up christmas next. Singing christmas carols to myself. What holiday is today? That timeline is a bit too structure though. Probably was more like hearing lyrics in a song which brought up a random emotion I had to look into.

Law Day????

So yes Happy Law Day! Oh and loyalty day as well. Both holidays which were put into place by President Eisenhower. While the rest of the world has festivities to celebrate International Labour Day, we have Law Day.

Apparantly our president thought that these holidays were communist in nature. The exact reasoning behind this I have no idea, however this is from the party that brought us Freedom Fries, global hatred, and the great depression. So why not try to make us different from the rest of the world??

I mean if we want to get really conservative about things maybe then we shouldn’t really be allies with England. I mean you know we did war against them in the 18th century.

Or maybe we should reverse Jim Crow or teach more intolerance to our children under the guise of religion.

Loyalty Day????

As for Loyality Day, I have nothing against this one. If it means pledge of allegiances to the flag 100 times while standing on one’s head by all means do it.

However I think this holiday is rather dumb and repetitive. Shouldn’t we be loyal everyday of the year? I mean it falls along the same lines as Mother’s Day for me. I cherish and love my mother dearly but do I really need a special day set aside for me by Hallmark to buy her a card and some flowers???? I think it just gives stupid people a reason to be an ass 364 days of the year and then suddenly swoop down in their blazes of glory like some great big hero.

Yeah, hero of the douchebags.


So as my recommendations for this day, there are several. First, if you think the rest of the world is wrong and that today is a communist holiday by all means bust out your law books, dress like that annoying guy in the informecials with the flag shirt on, buy some whiskey, get a mullet, and start a random witch hunt.

However if you think the rest of the world is not wrong, formulate your own minor protest along with me. Break a law. Yes! Break a law!

Please do not break a major law. I don’t need to hear on the 6 o’clock news how some moron with an IQ of 80 raped a pig to teach them a lesson about the swine flu or how some dillweed was told to break the law and decided to piss in the middle of a supermarket (but in the Depends section, I mean that the responsible thing to do).

Minor, minor, minor. Roll through a stop sign going 5. Eat one too many grapes at the grocery store (however many that is). Play your music too loud in the car. Or any other law you deem to be completely stupid that will not get you jail time or a fine.

If you lack the capacity to do this it is okay. But if you do something silly and agree with me that the rest of the world is not celebrating a communist holiday, by all means post your mini infraction here.

I plan to play my music too loud and smoke cigarettes in the car in a town where it is considered illegal to smoke in the car!!! Oh no.

By SpaceDog