The Mystery of MeatSleep’s Deleted Content Installment 2 (Videos 4-8)

Welcome to Part Two of MeatSleep’s Deleted Video Content where We will be Showcasing MeatSleep’s Videos 4-8. If You haven’t Watched MeatSleeps First 3 Video’s in Our Previous Post “MeatSleep’s Deleted Video Content” We highly recommend You Watch It before Viewing this Post. The Primary Reason is The Video’s are being Posted in Chronological Order. Now for a Brief Recap for Those Who may as of Yet still be Unaware.

MeatSleeps in/was an Individual Who Posted a Slew of Strange Videos that caught  Some People’s Attention as it were. After viewing MeatSleep’s Content Viewer’s found Themselves facing a rather Unconventional Question. The Question became was MeatSleep’s Video’s a Bizarre Art Project/Some kind Weird Promotion OR were They in Fact a POV Vlog belonging to an Actual Real Life Serial Killer??!


After Posting the “Final Video” MeatSleep announced that The Video’s were indeed Fake and was Designed as Part of an Online Art Project. The ODD THING IS if the Videos were Part of an Art Project, AND Supposedly Fake Why then did MeatSleep Immediately Delete ALL Their Content? Why would MeatSleep go to so much fucking Trouble spending God Knows How much Time and Effort Creating and Posting said Video’s Only to Suddenly and Unexplainably Delete Them? Were there Clues Concealed within the Video’s pertaining to MeatSleeps Actual Identity ? Perhaps was there Incriminating Evidence embedded in the Unorthodox Videos? What was it MeatSleep All of a Sudden Didn’t want People to See?

All in All it seems to be rather Abnormal Behavior to come out of Internet Void, and make a Surprise Announcement that Your Content is Fake and Part of a Project followed by the Deletion of all said Content? It’s not Logical in the Least it’s more Indicative of a Panicked Knee Jerk Reaction to Cover One’s Ass by Erasing All Alleged Evidence.


Whoever MeatSleep is Disappeared from the Internet without Posting Anything else (Video or Otherwise) OR making any Further Comment. And that leaves the Question of are the Videos Creative Content Vs. A Serial Killer’s Confession Unanswered to this Very Day. In The End We may Never Know.

So Once Agin Think For Yourself and Draw Your Own Conclusions. Enjoy.

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Stay Tuned as The Mystery of MeatSleep Continues with Installment 3 (Videos 9-14)

Thanks For Watching,

  By Les Sober