The Art Of Self Mummification

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post pertaining to the illegal Art Of Self Mummification. While the Practice of Mummification (made Famous by the Egyptians) has its Own Page in the Book of Demented History it like so many things gets Even More Extreme. And what could be more Extreme than Mummifying a Person’s Corpse? Well how about Mummifying Yourself while You’re still Alive. That was the Case in back in the Day with Certain Sects of Buddhist Monks in Japan until Emperor Meiji Outlawed the Practice along with any Forms of Suicide (even though those who Practiced Self Mummification did Not consider it Suicide) back in 1879. It’s important to Note that there was a Good Deal of Terminology So Much so that We decided (for Time and Length Purposes) to Comprise a Glossary. The Glossary is Located Below the Text for Your Connivence and Now back to the Interesting Shit. You might be Wondering What was the Practice of Someone Mummifying Themselves while Alive all about? Well let’s find out Shall We.

First off the Term used in for the Process of Self Mummification in Japan was called Sokushinbutsu which Translates to “Buddhas in Their Own Bodies.” Sokushinbutsu is referring to the practice of Buddhist Monks observing Asceticism to the Point of Death, and Preforming mummification upon Themselves while still Alive. Traditionally it was/is Believed that the Mummified Monks had entered a State of Deep Mediation rather than having Died, and that They were/are still able to Grant the Prayers of Their Partitioners. There are Cases of Other Buddhist Mummified Monks in Other Buddhist Countries especially in East Asia, but They were Mummified after Death from Natural Causes. It’s Believed that Shingon School founder Kukai was the One who introduced Sokushinbutsu to Japan as Part of Secret Tantric Practices that He had Learned while in Tang China. In Addition to that the Sokushinbutsu Ascetic Practices of Shengendo were likely Inspired by Kukai, Who was the Founder of Shingon Buddhism. Kukai ended His Life by Slowly Reducing His intake of Food and Water, Ingesting Natural Preservatives (to Aid in the Self Mummification Process), and then Stopping Food and Water intake all together while Continuing to Meditate and Chant Buddhist Mantras.

Ascetic Self Mummification Practices have also been Recorded in China, but are associated with Ch’an (Zen Buddhism) Tradition there. Alternate Ascetic Practices similar to Sokushinbutsu are also known to have Existed such as Public Self-Immolation practice in China. The Final Purpose of Shegendo is for the Practitioners to find Supernatural Power and Save Themselves (as well as the Masses) by Conducting Religious Training while Traveling through Steep Mountain Ranges to Achieve Buddha Nature. In the Mountain Dwelling Region of Japan Shugendo emerged as a Syncretism, and the Practice was Perfected Over Time Particularly in the Three Mountains of Dewa (Mount Haguro, Gassen, and Yudono).

Now We have touched on the History of Self Mummification, but as for Actual Process of Self Mummification We haven’t so Here We Go. The Practice of Self Mummification was Mainly Practiced in Yamagata in Northern Japan between the 11th and 19th Century by the Members of the Japanese Vajrayanc School of Buddhism called Shingon (which Translates to ‘True Word’). In Medieval Japan the Practice was Developed into a Specific Process for Sokushinbutsu which a Monk could Complete from Beginning to End in Approximately 3,000 Days. The Process involved a Strict Specialized Diet called Mokujiki which translates to “Eating a Tree” while Simultaneously Restricting Food. They also Slowly decreased Their Water Intake to Help Dehydrate Their Bodies and Shrink Their Internal Organs. At the End of the Process a Monk Abstained from All Food and Water relying on Pine Needles, Resins (example Tree Sap), as well as Seeds found in the Mountain Regions of Japan in Order to Eliminate All Fat in the Body. In Addition the Monks utilized Fasting and Meditation in order to Expedite the Process.

Once the Monk was Almost Diseased They were put into a Wooden Barrel and Lowered into the Ground before the Barrel was Covered with generous amount of Charcoal. The Monks would take a Small Hand Held Bell that They rang the Bell as the Chanted Buddhist Mantras until They Died. Once the Bell ceased ringing the Monks knew Their fellow Monk had indeed Died. The Body of the Now Diseased Monk was Left for in its Wooden Tomb for 1,000 Days before being Removed. Now here is the fucking Kicker out of the Hundreds of Monks Attempting Self Mummification ONLY 17 Actually Accomplished the Task. Imagine that Shit, Seriously how utterly fucked up is that We mean talk about shitty Odds. So after Enduring the Gruelingly Prolonged 3,000 Days of Continuing Agony Slowly Starving Yourself to the Brink of Death, Effectively then Buried Alive until You Die, and Once it was all Said and Done it fucking Didn’t Work.

By the End of the Process the Monks Died in a State of Jhana (Meditation) while They Chanted the Nenbutsu (a Mantra about Buddha), and Their Bodies would become Naturally Preserved from the Inside Out. The Mummified Monk’s Skin and Teeth remained intact without Decomposing with out the Use of Artificial Preservatives such as Embalming Fluid. It’s Important to Note that Many of the Existing Buddhist Mummies are Wearing Sunglass which does Seem fucking Odd. There is a Valid reason for this and the Reason is Human Eye Balls unlike Teeth/Skin Decay Away thus the Use of Sunglasses to Hide the Empty Hollow Eye Sockets. Many Buddhist Sokushinbutsu Mummies have been found in Northern Japan and are Estimated to be Several Centuries Old. Ancient Texts suggest Hundreds of Mummified Monks are Buried in the Stupas and in the Mountains of Japan (and are Revered by the Practitioners of Buddhism to this Very Day).

One of the Alters in the Honey-ji Temple of Yamagata Prefecture, which is a Prefecture of Japan Located in the Tohoku Region of Honshu, is the Home of one of the Oldest Mummies of the Sokushinbutst Ascetic named Honmyokai. There is at Least one Self Mummified Buddhist Monk  named Sangha Tenzin (who was more then likely a Practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism) from the Northern Himalayan Region of India that was Confirmed to be 550 year Old. Tenzin’s Mummy can be Viewed to this Day at a Temple in Gue Village, Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. As I stated before it is Important to Note the Practitioners of Sokushinbutsu DID NOT consider the Practice as an Act of Suicide, BUT rather as a Form of Enlightenment.


Asceticism: The Practice of Self Discipline and Abstinence from All Forms of Indulgence Typically for Religious Reasons Spiritual Goals.

Dzogpu-Chenpo: The Traditional Teaching in Indo-Tibetian Buddhism and Youngdrung Bon that is Aimed at Discovering/Continuing in the Ultimate.

Ground: is a Primordial State that is an Essential Component of the Both the Dzogpu Tradition and Bon Tradition from the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism.

Syncretisym: Is the Combination of Different Religions, Cultures, Or Schools of Thought) between Vajrayana Buddhism, Shinto, and Taoism in the 7th Century which Stressed Ascetic Practices.

Stupas: A Mound like or Hemispherical Structure that contains Relics and are Used as a Place for Meditation.

Shut Endo: A Body of Ascetic Practices that Originated in the Nara Period in Japan that Evolved during 7th Century (710-794 bc) from a Combination of a Variety of Beliefs, Philosophies, Doctrine, Schools of Thought, Ans Ritual Systems found in Folk Religions.

Folk Religions: Japanese Folklore that encompasses the Informally learned Folk Traditions, Customs, and Material Culture.

Shingon Buddhism: Is One of the Major Schools of Buddhism in Japan, and one of Only a Few Surviving Vajrayana Lineages in East Asian Buddhism.

Shinto: A Religion Originating from Japan that is Classified as an East Asian Religion by Theologians, and regarded as Japan’s Indigenous Religion.

Tao: In Chinese Philosophy is the Absolute Principle Underlying the Universe, Combing within itself the Principals of Yin and Yang and Signifying the Way, or Code of Behavior, that is in Harmony with the Natural Order. The Interpretation of Tao in the Tao-te-Ching developed into a Philosophical Religion known as Taoism.

Taoism: Diverse Tradition Indigenous to China Characterized as Both a Philosophy and a Religion that Emphasizes Living in Harmony with Tao. Tao is generally understood as being the Impersonal Enigmatic Process of Transformation Ultimately Underlying Reality.

Buddha Nature: The Potential for all Sentient Beings to become a Buddha or the Fact that All Beings already have a Pure Buddha Essence Within.

Prefecture: An Administrative Jurisdiction Traditionally Governed by an Appointed Perfect which is a Magisterial Title of Varying Definition, But Essentially refers to the Leader of an Administrative Area.

Three Mountains of Dewa: Are 3 Sacred Mountains of Mount Haguro, Mount  Gassen, and Mount Yudono which are grouped together in the Ancient Province of Dewa. Haguro, Gassen, and Yudono Mountains remain Sacred in the Shugendo Traditional to this Day.

Vajrayana: Is often Translated to simply mean “The Diamond Vehicle”. Both Tibetan Buddhism and the Japanese Shingon Buddhism are Vajrayana Lineages. Tibetan Buddhism is Predominant in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, and Mongolia. It was Taught in and Continues to be Taught in China, Usually by Tibetan Masters.

Zen: is a School of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang Dynasty as the Chan School or the Buddha Mind School, and Later on Zen later developed into Various Sub-Schools as well as Branches. From China Chan spread South to Vietnam and became Vietnamese Thein, Northeast to Korea to become Soon Buddhism, and East Japan becoming Japanese Zen.

Self-Immolation: IS the Act of Setting Oneself on Fire and is Mostly done for Political or Religious Reasons, often as a Form of Protest or in Acts of Martyrdom. Due to its Disturbingly Violent Nature Self Immolation is Regarded as One of the Most Extreme Methods of Protest.


It is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Shits and Giggles: “Doll”

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Music Video “Dove” by the Band Anthoney and Animated the Strange Content Creator by nana825762. In Fact the Only Reason We are Posting it is We are Big Fans of nana825762’s Extremely Unusual Content. As Far for the Music well Lets just Say it Simply  isn’t Our Cup of Tea, But We did get a Kick Out of the Cringy Anime Vocals. Basically the Reason We like this Video is Due to the Fact it Reminds Us of a Hunter S. Thompson Drug Induced Hallucination Directed by David Lynch.

For those Unaware nana825763 is a Notorious Japanese Animator (also known as PiroPito) Who was made Internet famous with/for His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling.

As Far as Antihoney is Concerned Antiohoney was a Female Japanese Artist whose Music is mainly Ambient Pop/IDM/Trip-Hop/Dream Pop/Art Pop/Dark Indietronica. Anthony is Self Described as: “Ambient Color, plus Musica Production. Darkly Multicolor Vibrant Honey. As Impure as it is Sweet and Innocent.” Unfortunately She Passed Away in 2023 Due to Mysterious Causes related to Her Health.



It Is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation “The Price Of Ecstasy Is Pain”

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Song “The Price Of Ecstasy Is Pain” by Yonder Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory. Now this is One of Those Posts where due to the fact YCRF is in an Extreme Music Niche there isn’t much Information Out there on Them. YCRF is part of a Sub Genre of Grindcore Known as Animegrind so Information is Scarce. For those Who may be Unaware of the Genre here is a Brief Synopsis of Animegrind. Common Animegrind Themes are a Preoccupation with Pitch-Shifted or Extreme Low Guttural Vocals, Murder,  Gore Galore, Intense Violence, Mutilation, Anime/Anime Themed Art, Death, Bodily Fluids, Sexual Fetishes, Hentai inspired Lyrics, Destruction, Forensic Pathology, and Blisteringly Fast Tempos. While Other Grindcore Sub Genre like Goregrind or Pornogrind utilize Grotesque, Nauseating, Sexually Violent, Gore Driven, and Often Misogynistic illistrations Animegrind utilizes Various Variants of Disemboweled Anime School Girls (like Those see in Pro Guro or Erotic Gore Mangas, and Japanese Hentai Films often Combine Sex and Violence are used as a Backdrop). With that Said here is All the Information on YCRF that We were able to Scrap Together from Our Notes.


Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory:

  • Real Name Andrew Gonzales
  • YCRF is a One Man Project like Putrid Pile for Example (We have a Putrid Pile in Concert in Our Obscene Extreme Post in Our Music Section).
  • Based in Tehachapi, Kern County, California.
  • Years Active 2001-Present
  • Label: Impaled Ximena Records
  • Themes: Sadism, Gore, Extreme Violence, Sick Humor, and Anime.
  • Musical Aspects: Brutally Guttural Vocals, Explosive Down Tuned Riffs, and Anime Themes.
  • Though YCRF is in Fact a Animegrind Act but YCRF has also been mistaken for Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, and Slamming Brutal Death Metal.
  • YCRF define Themselves Specifically as a “Weeb Slamming Animegrind”
  • Weeb is a Slang Term used to refer to Someone who is Obsessed with Japanese Culture, Particularly Anime and Manga. Weeb is a Term used in a Mocking or Derogatory manner.


It is What it IS,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Why You Never Became A Dancer

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Official Video for the Song Why You Never Became A Dancer by the British Band named Whitehouse. So Who the fuck are/was Whitehouse and Why should Anyone Care? Valid Questions for Sure so here is the Backstory of Whitehouse.

Whitehouse was formed in England in 1980 and the Group is Largely credited for Founding and Pioneering the Power Electronics Genre of Music. The Band is Also Credited with Developing the Genre of Music Known as Noisecore or as it was Originally Know as Noise Music (Yeah Pretty fucking Original), and the Band is Credited for Developing Noisecore in America, England, and Japan. Power Electronics is a Offshoot of Noisecore that typically consists of Static, Screeching Feedback, Analogue Synthesizers making Sub-Base Pulses or High Frequency Squealing Sounds. Some but Not All Noisecore Songs have “Lyrics” that are Heavily Distorted, Screamed, or Guttural Vocalizations. Meanwhile Noisecore for those Unfamiliar is a Niche Genre of Music Characterized by the Expressive use of Noise within a Musical Context.  Noisecore tends to Challenge the Distinction between Musical and Non-Musical Sound. The Band Emerged when Early Industrial Acts that had Heavily Influenced Power Electronics/ Noisecore like THROBBING GRISTLE were backing Away from Extreme Noise. Meanwhile Whitehouse wanted to take Their Fascination with Early Industrial Groups’ Sound and Extreme Subject Matter even Further.

The Band’s Name is Meant as a Mock Tribute to Mary Whitehouse who was a British Morality Campaigner and a Hard-Line Conservative Activist. She Campaigned against Social Liberalism and the Mainstream British Media (Both of Which She Accused of Encouraging a More Permissive Society. That’s Not all as the Band’s Name a Reference to a British Porn Magazine. The Founding Member and Only Sole Constant in the Band William Bennett was Quoted as Saying “I Often Fantasized about creating a Sound that could Bludgeon an Audience into Submission.” , and that His Goal was to Produce “The Most Extreme Music Ever Recorded.”Whitehouse referred to Their Sound as “Extreme Electronic Music” that was Known for its Controversial and Obscene Lyrics and Imagery. The Band’s Lyrics/Imagery Portrayed:

  • Sadistic Sex
  • Misogyny
  • Serial Murder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Child Abuse
  • Extreme Violence in All Forms
  • Neo-Nazi Fetishism

Bennett released His First Album Under the Whitehouse Name in 1980 called Birthdeath Experience that was Released on Bennett’s Own Come Organization Label, and was Immediately followed by the Album Total Sex. In 1981 Bennett released the Album Erector that was Pressed on Red Vinyl, Packaged in a Shiny Black Packaging, and included a Photocopied Picture of a Penis. The Group Started Playing Live Shows in 1982 with Members William Bennett (Whitehouse), Andrew McKenzie (of the Band THE HAFLER TRIO), Steven Stapleton from the Band NURSE WITH WOUND, and Philip Best Who Joined in 1982 After Running away from Home at the Age of 14, and has been an On again/ Off Again Member ever since. Whitehouse was Inactive for the second half of the 1980’s and Re-emerged in 1990 wit the Album “Thank Your Lucky Stars”. During the 1990’s Whitehouse had Stable Line up in Bennett, Best, and Writer Peter Sotos (Sotos Left the Group in 2002). Bennett Decided to Terminate Whitehouse in 2008 to Focus on His Cut Hands Project which was its Music that was Heavily Inspired by African and Haitian Voodoo Music, being Very Rhythmic and Percussion Based.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

My House Walk-Through

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH by the Talented and Allusive nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling.

Synopsis: The Narrator (Subtitle Warning, but Not to Worry they’ve been Translated into English) Wonders around Disoriented While Giving a Tour of His Home where He Lives with His Grandparents. The House is a Hellhole everything is Rotting or Decaying such as the Ceiling for Example, and Every Surface/Wall/Floor/Ceiling is Coated in Filth and Grime. The House is Decaying and Dilapidated there’s an Abundant amount of Mouse Shit on the Floor as well as Rat Nests in the Attic among Other Things.

The Sequences are Repetitive to a Degree during the Tour, BUT if You’re Paying Attention You’ll see Subtle Changes in the Dialogue, Additional Information is Added in, and the Creepy Factor Slowly Builds More and More Through Out the 12 Minutes of Madness that are MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring RUINS by the Notorious Japanese Animator known as nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous amount with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling.

Plot: Not entirely Sure but at Face fucking Value it’s like Some Insane Person’s Demented Stroll Down Memory Lane.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

MeatCanyon’s Nightmare Compilation 2021

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring NIGHTMARE COMPILATION 2021 by One of Our Favorite Content Creators MeatCanyon. We were Dementedly Delighted to See MeatCanyon had put together a Compilation of His Favorite Animations He did in 2021. And MeatCanyon once again did Not Disappoint His Selections are Dead On.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

The MeatCanyon in His Own Words: 

“Thank you all for another amazing year! heres to another! This is a compilation of some of my favorite toons from last year! hope you enjoy!

Nightmare Compilation Playlist:

00:00 – Let’s go Dababy
01:47 – The passion of the craft
04:28 – The last pringle
07:35 – Gumballs in the park
10:54 – I can count to three
13:20 – Yokai Bob the Builder
17:40 – Meaty talk

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Strange and Disturbing Videos: ANOTHER YOUTUBE

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring ANOTHER YOUTUBE by the Notorious Japanese Animator known as nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous amount with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling. The Irony here is ANOTHER YOUTUBE  in Another Reality very well could be the Unofficial Sequel to “User 666”  since They both Deal with a Hapless Unsuspecting Anonymous User, Aspects of the Internet (i.e. Search Engine), and the Devil/Evil in the Machine as it were


nana825763 is Best Known for His Unique Style of Art, which He Repeatedly refers to on His Twitter Account as “Cute and Horror” Videos. This Style is better Elaborated as Youthfully Feminine/Tender that Degrades into Gore with Terrifying Hidden Agendas. As He States on His Website, nana825763 is partly Inspired by the Silent Hill Franchise, which would Explain His Archetypal Degradation Themes. Although the Vast Majority of nana825673’s Major Uploads uses this Horrifying Formula, some of His Earlier work and His more Recent My house walk-through Gradually Degrade They Do Not Possess the “Cute” aspect which He uses More Frequently Nowadays.


DISCLAIMER From The Creator nana825763:

* [Important] Regarding the allegation that the privacy of a specific individual is violated. This video is a video work produced by me nana825763 Unrelated personal information of others (social security number, personal identification number issued by the country origin, and Bank account number, contact information are not included at all. I got a regular license for others, such as those who appear in the video It is a visual processing of a person (such as a woman) in the “Video Material Collection”. No claim is made that violates the privacy of any particular individual.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Fetishes For People Other Than Cannibals

A short while ago FYB posted a post pertaining to different kind of cannibalism, and  we received plenty of e-mails that noted that (especially the end of the list) fell into a sexually fetishized form(s)/kind(s) cannibalism. Now to say that we were unaware of this would be a bold faced fucking lie because we damn well did.

A prime example of this is Vorarephilia which is an abnormal sexual condition characterized by the tendency to become sexually aroused by the idea of eating someone, the idea of being eaten by someone, or by witnessing a cannibalistic act (people with this particular paraphilia are commonly referred to as votes.

A lot of the e-mails were ,for lack of a better word shocked, to learn of how crazy shit got when we delved into the almost unbelievable underbelly of various types of cannibalism. This led people to wonder what other strange fetish shit was out there that they may very well be unaware of. This got us in turn to contemplate the same question so we did some investigating and compiled the following list of sexual fetishes (that with only an exception of one or perhaps two) we had no fucking idea even existed. All we can say in summation of our investigation into lesser known/popular/rarer fetishes we just couldn’t help thinking how insane the human brain actually is even without in this cases  the presence of a mental condition, disorder, or syndrome.


The Fetish List:

  • Breath Play: Breath Play involves the restriction of oxygen to the brain to achieve to heightened orgasm. Self-induced breath play during masturbation is known as autoerotic asphyxiation. Breath play within a couple can be achieved by nose pinching, holding your breath, covering the face with hood or plastic bag, “corseting” (pushing down on someones chest, choking, hanging, “Kininging”/ “Queening” (smothering your partner with your genitals. Any time you restrict someone’s ability to breathe, you’re engaging in high risk behavior, so breath play within the realm of BDSM behaviors known as “edge play”, in which your partner is actively responsible for your life.
  • Hybristophilia: Hybristophilia is an abnormal sexual condition in which sexual desire and climax occur in response to the knowledge that one’s partner has committed a heinous act such as infidelity, lying, or criminal act such as rape, murder, or robbery.
  • Diaper Bondage: Diaper bondage is a specific for of submission that involves role-play in which an adult regresses to an infant-like state. Often, the adult preforming this sexual fetish will wear a diaper and act like a baby, seeking nurturing from their sexual partner. This condition is also known as paraphilia infantilism, autonepiophilia, psychosexual infantilism or, more commonly, adult baby syndrome.


  • Sexsomnia (Sleeping Sex): Sexsomnia is a rare disorder that prompts an individual to seek sexual activity in their sleep. Although most reported cases involve men, both male and females may initiate sleep sex. Most people have some awareness of this fetish since the invention of prescription sleeping pills. Ambien alone has a reputation for causing strange nocturnal behavior (Sleep sex, walking, driving, eating etc.)
  • Cuckolding/Cuckoldry: Cuckholding or cuckoldry is a sexual fetish in which someone experiences sexual arousal by the way of observing their partner having sex with another man or woman. Some report an associated feeling of humiliation and/or rejection as part of the allure.
  • Omarashi: Omarahi, or “omo” for short, falls within the urolagnia family of sexual fetishes which are related to urine. Those who identify as ooo become aroused when they have a full bladder and wet themselves, or observe their partner wetting themselves. Other phrases used to describe this particular fetish are :bladder desperation” and “panty wetting.” The word omarashi is Japanese for “to wet oneself.” This is not to be confused with Golden Showers.


  • Spanking Art: Spanking art is generally enjoyed by people who identify as spanking enthusiasts in the bedroom. Spankophilia is a paraphilia characterized by arousal from spanking or being spanked. It falls within the realm of BDSM (bondgae, discipline, submission, sadomasochism) behaviors, although it’s a sexual fetish in and of itself.
  • Somnophilia: Somnophilia is erotic arousal dependent upon the act of intruding on a stranger mid-sleep, or walking someone up with an erotic caresses.
  • My Little Pony Sex: The adult male fans of “My Little Pony” are colloquially known as “boonies” (these are NOT fuzzies, but are considered a specific subset of the Fuzzy Fetish. While not all bronies associate this cartoon program created for children with sex, there is a niche community of people who fetishize “My Little Pony” and watch porn related to these series/ role-play scenes based on the show.
  • Teratophilia: Teratophilia is a sexual fetish that involves being attracted to people physical deformities. There are many subjects of teratophilia specific to different types of human deformities. For instance, acrotomophilia involves sexual attraction to amputees and stigmatophilia refers to deriving  sexual pleasure from people whose bodies are marked or scarred in some way.


  • Coprophilia/ Scatophilia: Coprophilia/Scatophilia (also know as “scat sex”) is a sexual fetish rooted in a fixation with feces and defecation. People who gravitate towards pop play expierance sexual pleasure through the act of defecating on another person or being defecated on for instance. This is not to be confused with Copraphasia which is the act of eating one owns feces.
  • Daddy Kink (Day Dom): Daddy kink is a relatively simple sexual fetish that involves submission/domination play during which the submissive refers to her dominate partner as “daddy.”
  • Pee Fetish: You’ve more than likely heard of a “golden shower” (the act of urinating on someone for the purpose of sexual pleasure) and the people who like giving or receiving golden showers are characterized as having a pee fetish. The clinic term for this is paraphilia is “urolagnia”.
  • Cum Fetish: People who identify as having a cum fetish are aroused by the act of cumming on their partner, being cummed on, and/or images of people who have been ejaculated on. Sometimes its about the sticky mess of ejaculate on someone’s face, stomach, chest, or ass is tantalizing to those with a cum fetish. The most promenade form of the cum fetish is known in the world of pornography as Bukkake.

  • Mechanophilia: Mechanophilia is characterized by sexual attraction to machines, sometimes a desire to engage in sexual relations with (or in) an airplane, car, bicycle, Bus, Motorcycle, or Helicopter.
  • Macrophilia/ Giantess Sex: Macrophilia or giantess sex is an abnormal sexual condition that involves being attracted to and aroused by someone who is much larger than you are physically. In short, it’s a phenomenon in which people are turned on by giants and fantasies involving giants.
  • Pedal Pumping/ Revving: Pedal Pumping or “revving” is a subset of foot fetishism that involves watching someone, often a woman wearing high heels, push a gas pedal with masturbatory rhythm.
  • Balloon Fetish/ Looners: People with a balloon fetish (aka “looters”) find balloons sexual attractive and incorporate them into their sex lives. While some find creative ways to have sex with balloons, other simply enjoy the sight of their partner sitting on a balloon and popping it.
  • Quorofilia/ Hand Fetish: Some people who experience a hand fetish or quorofilia are attracted to a specific part of the hand, such as the fingers (which might appear phallic), the nails, or the palm. Others are aroused by actions preformed with the hand, whether overtly sexual (i.e. masturbation) or traditionally asexual (i.e. hand washing or rinsing dishes).


  • Sensation Play: While many forms of erotic play and fundamentally cerebral and centered on power exchanges (think domination/submission), sensation play is physical eroticism. In sensation play, the physical stimuli (i.e. silk scarves, ice, candle wax, massage oil, feathers etc.) are applied in a controlled manner with the purpose of eliciting the release of pleasure triggering endorphins. While their may be pain involved, the effect is similar to that of a “runner’s high.”
  • Extreme Feeding/ Feederism: Feeders or “encouragers” take pleasure in funneling excessive quantities of food into the mouths of “gainers”. Some extreme feeders enjoy the sensation of inserting their penis between a gainer’s fat folds.
  • Pygophilia: Sexual attraction or arousal to the human butt.
  • Hematolagnia: Hematolagnia is also known as “vampire syndrome”, hematolagnia is sexual interest in blood or desire to drink blood sensually.
  • Salirophilia: Is the love of getting dirty (or getting your partner dirty) literally, prior or during sexual intercourse.


  • Katoptronophilia: Is the intense sexual satisfaction derived from mirrors, often satisfied by having sex, stripping, or masturbating in front of mirrors.
  • Food Fetish: While some foods are actually aphrodisiacs because they have properties that induce sexual desire, sexual food play can involve any food that a person finds sexually stimulating. Food play is a form of sitophilia which refers to arousal by erotic scenes centering food.
  • Teleiophilia: Sexual attraction to adults? WE HAVE NO IDEA WTF THIS MEANS because if you’re not a pedophile then Yes you’d be an adult attracted to other adults. We couldn’t find any further useful information on this fetish so if you can/do please shoot us an e-mail at Thanks.
  • Microphilia: Is a sexual attraction to small people (the politically correct term(s) for DWARFS/MIDGETS) or someone of a short stature such as a Horse Jockey as well as other tiny things. Basically if someone has a micropenis then a Microphiliac  is just what your looking for.
  • Claustrophilia: Those who have claustrophilia are people that are turned on by/ prefer to have sex in tiny or confined spaces (i.e. a Coffin).


  • Agalmatophilia: Is the love/sexual attraction to mannequins or statues.
  • Hotdogging: Is a sexual fetish that involves someone rubbing their penis between another person’s butt cheeks. (This is NOT about anal penetration, though it can lead it it).
  • Tricophilia: The Sexual Arousal from Hair (primarily human).
  • Abasiophilia: The sexual attraction to people with leg braces.
  • Spectrophilia: The sexual attraction (or arousal) to Ghosts.
  • Phalloorchoalgolagnia: Sexual arousal from pain to the male genitalia (this means anything from being kicked in the balls to cock and ball torture).
  • Plushophilia: The sexual attraction to stuffed animals or people in animal costumes (THESE ARE THE FUZZIES).
  • Emetophilia: The sexual attraction to (or arousal) to vomit.


  • Frotteurism: The sexual  arousal from rubbing against non-consenting people. This in FYB’s opinion is creepy and borderline illegal.
  • Eproctophilia: The sexual arousal or attraction to farts.
  • Homeovestism: Is the attraction to the clothing of one’s own gender (i.e. for males it could be a Woman wearing a man’s shirt).
  • Dacryphilia: The sexual attraction to making someone cry.
  • Nasophilia: The sexual arousal or attraction to noses.
  • Arachnophilia: The sexual arousal or attraction to spiders also known as “spider lovers”


Now if this Post peeked your Curiosity then we suggest you head over to BDSMTEST.ORG and take the test and see what floats your boat, and who knows you might just surprise yourself.

I’ll see you on the other side,

Otto Rageous

Two Different Perspectives For The Same Situation

While Humans have Five different senses (Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste, and Hearing) Yet Ninety Percent of all of the Information We learn/observe  from the World Around Us comes Solely from Sight. Considering this it’s Safe to Say Life is all a Matter of Perspective. The Definition of Perspective is as Follows: Perspective: A Particular Attitude Towards or Way of Regarding Something; A Point of View. What People believe to be Good, Bad, or Indifferent is just a matter of Their personal perspective pertaining to the Subject at Hand.

For all Intents and Purposes We will use the Subject of “Tipping” to serve as Our Example on the Subject of Perspective. A Tip is Defined as : A Tip of Gratuity is an Extra Sum of Money Paid to Certain Services Workers for a Provided Service. Tip Amounts, as well as Acceptance, Vary in Different Parts of the World. In Some Countries in East Asia such as Japan, Tips are seen as Insulting and can Sometimes be Interpreted as a Bribe.


As We can see Even the Definition or the Concept of Tipping is a Matter of Perspective. In Countries like America Gratuity is taken for Granted as being just a part of Utilizing certain Services (Example: Tipping a Waiter, Uber Driver, or Pizza Delivery Man Etc). Meanwhile in Japan Tips aren’t considered Compensation for a Job Well Done by the Employee. In Japan Gratuity is in fact Perceived Negatively as a Bribe so Straight away We have a Prime Example of a Difference in Perspectives.

Many People Perceive Tipping as a Positive Incentive for Employees in the Service Industry to Provide Acceptional Service to and for Their Customers. An Extremely Similar Positive Perspective is Tipping is a way of Rewarding Someone as a Sign of Appreciation for a Job Well Done. An Incentive is Defined as: Incentive: A Thing that Motivates or Encourages One to do Something. Also People who are in Favor of the Tipping System tend to Tip more than Average as a Way of Attempting to Secure Exceptional Service in the Future. It’s simply Applying the Pavlovian Conditioning (See Pavlov’s Dog) to Human Beings instead of Canines. What We Mean is by Repeatedly Tipping People Well the Consumer is trying to Illicit a Conditioned Response from the Employee. The Consumer wants the Employee to Realize that They Tip Well so that the Employee providing Them Service will Automatically do a Superior Job, and this is because the Workers Know You’re a Big Tipper thus providing an Incentive for Them to Provide Good Service. This is Absolutely No Different than Your Basic Reward System for Positively Reenforcing a Certain Desired Behavior (Example Toilet Training a Child, When They Use the Toilet Properly They are Rewarded, Same Tactics are used in Training Dogs as well).

Meanwhile on the Other End of the Perspective Spectrum a Tipping it is Perceived as a Negative System based on Bribery. First the Word Bribe is Defined as: Bribe: Persuade (Someone) to Act in one’s Favor, Typically Illegally or Dishonestly, bu a Gift of Money or Other Inducement. The Opposite Perspective is a Tip is Not an incentive for Someone to Perform Their Job Duties, but a Self Centered Bribe You offer Someone to Insure Good Service for Yourself Alone. It’s the Old Cliche of a Person getting into a Taxi and Saying “I’m in a real rush so if You can Hurry (aka if You Speed and possibly Violate some Traffic Laws) and Get Me to My Destination as Fast as You Possibly can Theres a Big Tip in it For You.” This is an Incentive its just a Negative Incentive. Its Financial Motivation for an Employee to Bend or Break Company Rules, Certain Applicable Laws, or in Some other Nefariously Way  Insure the Employee disregards Protocol to Provide the Specific Service a Particular Customer Desires. Bottomline its the Age Old Adage “IF You scratch My Back THEN I’ll scratch Yours.”  or Simply Put “IF You Do Something For ME, and I’ll do Something for You in Return” which is the Definition of a Bribe.


So in the End We can See that Our Lives Our Likes, Dislikes, Loves, Hates, Opinions, and Judgments are all Based on Our own Personal Perspectives. How We see the Situation dictates How We respond to it or How You Think about a particular Subject be it Positive or Negative in Nature. Your Perspective whatever it may be Dictates Your Perceptions of The World and People Around You at any given Time in Your Life. Having a Vast Variety of Varying Perspectives Not only Challenges, but Demands that We think for Ourselves and Ignore Outside Influences for Once. While We are a Society as a Whole Our Society is made up of Millions of Different People and They’re Different Perspectives We are Not a Collective comprised of Mindless Clones.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober