Short Horror Film Friday: Still Life

Welcome to Another Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring  the 2005 9 Minute Canadian Psychological/Sci Fi Horror Film Still Life Directed By John Kauntz,  and Written By by Charles Johnson.



Nathan is a Sleep Deprived, Pill Popping, Low On Gas, and High on Caffeine Anxious Driver trying to Get Home. On His Way Nathan passes through a Small Desolate Town, but He gets Distracted only for a Split Second by Someone sitting at the Bus Stop. As a Result of the Distraction Nathan Runs Over Something (or Someone) in the Road, and Upon Investigation it Appears to be a China Mannequin. Nathan heads to the Town Cafe in Seek of Assistance, and Discovers the Entire Town is Populated By a Host of Lifeless Mannequins. Strangely However, a Set of Eyes seem to be Locked on Nathan watching His Every Move. Soon a Siren Wails like a Banshee and Nathan Runs the Rest of the way Home, but What can He do to Escape this Surreal Nightmare of Mannequin Induced Madness?!

You’ll just Have to Watch and See for Yourself. Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Malevolent Mannequins as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober