A Hard Fork For Humanity

Welcome to Today’s Post featuring A HARD FORK FOR HUMANITY by Content Creator Known as Umami (aka Justin Tomchuk) Who is a Canadian Artist and Content Creator who makes Surrealist Animated Videos. We can say in All and Utter Honesty is this is by FAR the Trippiest Mindfucker  of Video by Umami that We have seen to Date. Not Only that it just so Happens to Also be One of the Trippiest Mindfucker Videos We have ever seen Period.

Now We really Can’t Begin to Describe this fucking Video worth a Damn, BUT luckily for Us the Description by Umami well Simple fucking Says it All. I know it We could be Accused of just “Phoning it In”, and to Those We say Watch this Motherfucker and THEN see if You still Think So. In Our Humble Opinion to get the Most Perspective it’s Beneficial to Smoke some Weed while Watching. So with that Said without Further Ado here is A HARD FORK FOR HUMANITY…….


Description by the Creator Umami:

Aboard the SpaceX Starship heading to Mars, a sentient packet of soup mix comes alive to school Elon Musk about its future inhabitants.


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

My Foe

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring By Umami. For those unaware Umami (aka Justin Tomchuk) is a Canadian artist, composer, and content creator who makes surrealist animated videos. Hexsystem is the Alias under which Justin Tomchuk Composes and Publishes His Music. Tomchuk’s Musical genres include Downtempo Electronic Music, Particularly Industrial and Ambient Music. Many of his Songs serve as the Score to His Videos while others are Independent Releases.

Plot: Profound Thoughts Pertaining to Mortality and One’s Enemy.

Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Shits and Giggles: Andy’s Organisms

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring ANDY’S ORGAMISMS by Umami.Umami (aka Justin Tomchukis a Canadian Artist, Photographer,  and Content Creator who makes Surrealist Animated Videos. Hexsystem is the Alias under which Justin Tomchuk Composes and Publishes Music. Tomchuk’s Musical Genres include Downtempo Electronic Music, particularly Industrial and Ambient Music. Many of Tomchuk’s Songs serve as the Score to His Videos while Others are Independent Releases.

Plot: The Oddest Anatomy Lesson You’ll Ever Witness.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Dread The Slammer

Welcome to today’s FYB Post featuring the Animation DREAD THE SLAMMER By Umami. For those unaware Umami (aka Justin Tomchukis a Canadian artist, composer, and content creator who makes surrealist animated videos. The title track for the video is the song “Fourth of the Earth” by Hexsystem which is the alias under which Justin Tomchuk composes and publishes music. Tomchuk’s musical genres include downtempo electronic music, particularly industrial and ambient music. Many of his Songs serve as the score to his videos while others are independent releases.

Mondays are despised for being the flag ship of the five day work week where we toil our lives away 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week for our entire adult lives. With that said when people say “Life’s Short” I interpret the meaning of this phrase differently than most. Most people believe the phrase is a commentary on how when it comes to the big picture our average human lifespan is just an insignificant blip in an eternal timeline. I believe the meaning is that life isn’t short due to the limitations pertaining to our lifespan, but rather that we waste the majority of our time on Earth working. As we labor laboriously we dream of the freedom provided by retirement, and once we obtain our cherished retirement we realize two sad facts.


First we are too old to do a lot of things we would like to have done. At the age of retirement We are  limited by our physical decline as our anatomy slowly and inevitably decays. Thus we must come to the grips with the fact there was a myriad of things we wanted to do, but no longer have the physical ability to do. Those wishes, plans, and desires fall to the wayside and the windows of opportunity slip away. The second is we realize we haven’t actual lived our lives and enjoyed our time here.  Rather we wasted it working in the pursuit of a paycheck, and ended up just simply existing. Existing to earn money the very money that deprived us of a Pandora’s box worth of joy and pleasure that life has to offer us. The only reason this egregious waste of one’s life continues to exist in denying us the life we want to live is we as a society accept it. By accepting it we then tolerate it and even end up enabling a system of labor that erodes our lives until there is virtually nothing left but the scraps. In my opinion DREAD THE SLAMMER embodies this unfortunate fact in a stark and grim manner.


DIALOGUE FROM DREAD THE SLAMMER : Combined, we are. Perfect lines. Harmony. We share a mind. A Synchronicity. From dilution cost, hopes and dreams are lost. Fear does remain. Our enemy we blame. Above all else. We dread of the slammer. For if he were to striketh us. We flip. Then, the wake that follows may change us all.

See you on the other side,

  Otto Rageous   

Monday With Umami The Artist (This Post Is NOT About Food)

Once again we are the start of a new work week which means returning to work which is a laborious chore, but fear not for I Otto Control am here to rub some salt in the wound. It has been said countless times that the beginning of the work week is truly dreaded and that reputation is more than warranted as we are all aware. The drudgery drenched in misery aspect to Mondays that we all are well aware of as we sell our time, and more over our lives to a job that is nothing more than final fucking slavery. Allow me to put it simply: of all the species on the entire planet Humans are the only one who have to pay to live here.


Let that sink in for a second as it might be a moment before one can get their mind around it. The unacknowledged aspect to the loathsome Monday equation is that much like full moons have a noticeably advert affect on people’s behavior/mentality. That’s to say when people are angry, annoyed, stressed, or depressed they have the tendency to take out their aggression on those around them. Mondays a mired maze of negativity a veritable breeding ground for both malice and mourning.

So in a salute to the anguished insanity of Monday’s post features a video by ARTIST AND CREATOR UMAMI. Umami (aka Justin Tomchukis a Canadian artist and content creator who makes surrealist animated videos. Now this is where it gets a bit precarious as for all intents and purposes do not know the title of the video as I can not read any Asian languages. Aside from the title translation situation this little taste of gothic horror reminds me of something a serial killer would have playing on a projector utilizing a bare wall as a screen.


WARNING:This video contains fast flashing images, and It may cause discomfort and trigger seizures for people with Epilepsy. I am well aware the video itself warns of this, but Les wanted me to add it just to insure we did our dual diligence.

See you on the other side…

  Presented by Otto Control