FYB’s Salute To Eccentrics: Korney Creates a HOMUNCULUS

We came across a Enthusiastic Russian Man Who was Posting a Series of Home Videos of Him Attempting to Create a Actual Homunculus. Though He never produced the Definition of a Homunculus what He managed to Create is Something Straight out of Science fucking Fiction.

Definition of a Homunculus:

Is a Representation of a Miniature Fully Formed Human Being (Example Tom Thumb). Popularized in 16th Century Alchemy. Alchemy is an Ancient Branch of Natural Philosophy. Most People are Familiar with Alchemists as The Lunatics from History that tried to Purify, Mature, and Perfect Materials (example Transforming “Base Metals such as Lead into “Noble Metals” most Notably Gold. Alchemists also attempted to Create an Elixir of Immortality, the creation of Panaceas able to Cure Disease, the Development of Alkahest a Universal Solvent, and the Creation of Homunculi to Name a Few. The Homunculus Concept has Roots in Performationism (a Formerly Popular Theory that Organisms Develop from Miniature Versions of Themselves).


The Homunculus first Appeared by Name in the Alchemical writings Attributed to Paracelsus (1493-1542) In De Natura Rerum (1537) Paracelsus Outlines His Method for Creating Homunculi:

That the Sperm of a Man be Putrified bu Itself in a Sealed cucurbit for 40 Days with the Highest Degree of Putrefaction in a Horse’s Womb, or at least so Long that it comes to life and moves Itself, and Stirs, which is Easily Observed. After this Time it will look Somewhat like a Man, but Transparent, without a Body. If, after this, it be Fed Wisely with the Arcanum of Human Blood, and be Nourished for up to 40 Weeks, and be kept in the even Heat of a Horse’s Womb, a Living Human Child Grows therefrom, with all its Members like another Child, which is Born of a Woman, But Much Smaller.

In 1775, Count Johann Ferdinand von Kufstein working together with Abbe Geloni, an Italian Cleric, is Reputed to have Created 10 Homunculi with the Ability to Foresee the Future, which von Kufstein kept in a Glass Containers at His Masonic Lodge in Vienna. Dr. Emil Besetzny’s Masonic Handbook Die Sphinx, Devoted an Entire Chapter to the wahrsagenden Geisterm(Crying Ghosts). These Homunculi are Reputed to have been seen by Several People, Including some Local Dignitaries.


With That Said Now Back to The Russian and His Homunculus Experiments…..

The Man’s goes by the Name Korney (the R is Silent), and Unfortunately there isn’t a whole hell of a lot about Him online Outside of His Passionate Homunculi Experiments. Here is what We have Uncovered Thus Far:

  • Korney went Silent for 6 moths without Posting.
  • After 6 Months Rumors started that Korney had if fact Died of a Heart Attack.
  • Once the Rumor of Korney’s apparent Demise Conspiracy Theories Erupted like an On Line Volcano.
  • One Rumor was the KGB or Russian Government Assassinated Karney due to His Experimentation and “Knowing Too Much”. The only Problem with this Theory is Why the hell would the Russian Government/KGB wait for Years (and countless Video Posts) before Intervening?!
  • Then There’s The Frankenstein Theory to consider. The Frankenstein Theory is Based on Korney’s Videos where in one Episode in the Series HE announces One of His Two Current Homunculi in Fact Emits Electricity. Karney Demonstrates this in the Video using an Electrical Detection Device of some Kind. So the Theory is The Homunculus (Named Pikachu after its Electric Emitting Capabilities) may have Accidentally or perhaps Intentionally as a Defense Mechanism Electrocuted Korney causing said Heart Attack . Now to Believe this Theory One must believe that Korney’s Video’s are Real and Not Faked in Any Way.


  • The 3rd Major Theory is the Videos were Elaborately Staged using Expert Camera Work and Possibly a bit of CGI thrown in.
  • If The Videos are indeed Fake it Doesn’t Diminish the Excited Enthusiasm for this Korney exhibits for Experimentation Project then Faking His Own Death wouldn’t be Out of the Question. It be the Perfect End Game Move as it would leave all the Questions about His Videos Unanswered Permanently. If He Faked His own Death or Not there will always remain what They Call in the Legal Realm Reasonable Doubt. No One will be able to Definitively say it Was or Wasn’t Real.
  • So if Korney was planning to Fake His Own Death to End the Series as a Real or Fake Mystery He needed a Set Up for the Ending. The Electricity the Homunculus exhibited in His Video then would provide a Perfect Set up for the Heart Attack Scenario. The Principle would have been Simplicity personified as The Homunculi apparently Live in Water and Allegedly Emit an Electricity in some Capacity. This Provides the Set Up for a Possible Electrical Shock, and Electrocution can Cause Heart Attacks or Stop The Human Heart. And since No One Knows if the Videos are Real or Not Who’s to say a Homunculus Couldn’t emit an Electrical Shock great enough to Kill a Full Grown Man?!
  • There was also Official News/Media coverage of Korney’s Passing, and of Course some People believe it was a Fake News Cast also Created by Korney to Help convince People He was indeed Dead. Others believed One of the Reporters in the News Report was in fact Korney proving that He faked His own Death. Some People believe the News Story is actually the Cover Story for the Possible and Alleged Assassination by the KGB/Russian Government.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Questions That Allude Answers: Skinny Bob and “The Nightcrawler”

On This Installment of FYB’s Questions That Allude Answers We give You SKINNY BOB and THE NIGHTCRAWLERS!!!

Skinny BoB: The Backstory: This Video was First Posted by IVAN0135 (Who Remains a Mystery unto Himself) on the Same Day He Joined Youtube on April 13, 2011. Allegedly this Deep Web (Not Dark Web) Video shot in the 1940’s by The Russian Military on Behalf of the Russian Government. These TOP SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL Footage was Leaked by a KGB Agent, and show 1 of 3-4 Aliens who where reported to be Working/Collaborating  with The Russian Military. Since it was Originally Posted THOUSANDS of People have tried to DEBUNK the Skinny BoB Footage, And TO DATE NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO PROVE THE SKINY BOB FOOTAGE IS FAKE.


The Nightcrawler(s): The Original Nightcrawlers Video was Posted by Jose of Fresno California in the Mid 1990’s. Jose had been having been Robbed set up Security Cameras through out His Property. What He Recorded was Far more Frightening than a Petty Burglar. Jose recored 2 Humanoid Unidentified Creatures walking through His Backyard. The Creatures were Approximately 3-4 feet tall with Extremely Long Skinny Legs and a Head (There is NO Evidence of Arms or a Torso), and Appeared to be wearing a White Cloak or Other Garment.

Jose has submitted His Footage to Television Stations and Later Soliceted Help from the Internet, but to NO AVAIL. Finally Jose’s Case Feature on the TV Show Fact Or Faked who Tried several Methods to Debunk the Footage. They Tried Using a Child, A Puttpet on a Pulley, a Puppet under a White Sheet on a Pulley, and Lastly a Crew Member walking a Puppet on a String Across the Backyard. The Results were the Jose’s Video is UNEXPLAINABLE!


Years Later in March 2011 an Elderly Couple living near Yosemite Park was having a Reoccurring Problem with Pesky Trespassers. So They Set up a Security System complete with Cameras, and The Trespassers They caught on Camera were Anything but Human.

Are the Nightcrawlers Paranormal Spirits?! Aliens?! Undiscovered Cryptozoological Creature?! Inter Dimensional Beingings?!

Nightcrawlers According to Native American Tribes have been on Earth for Hundreds to Thousands of Years.  They Believe Nightcrawlers as We call Them are Aliens who are on Earth to Awaken Humanity to bring around World Peace and Harmony.

Skinny BoB:

Yosemite Park and Original Fresno Nightcrawler Footage:

The Fresno Nightcrawlers:

So are Today’s Selection of Videos Real, Fake, or Just Plain Fucked Up?

You Decide.

Thanks for Reading/Viewing,

  Presented By Les Sober