Short Horror Film Friday: SLAUGHTERBOTS

Welcome to FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring SLAUGHTERBOTS by Stewart Sugg, and with Real Life Commentary at End of Film By Berkley Computer Science Professor (with 30 years in AI) Stuart Russel. One of the things that Stood Out about SLAUGHTERBOTS is How Relevant it is to the Utterly Insane SHit Going On Today. What I mean simply is Slaughterbots Predates Jan 6th 2020 by little over a year: Posted Jan 17, 2019.


Plot Summery:

In a Not too Far Off Future a New Form of Artificial Intelligence ( A.I.) Weaponry has been Developed. All the Slaughterbots need is a Person’s Personal Profile: Age, Sex, Hight, Weight, Eye Color, Hair Color, and Ethnicity. Nuclear Missiles have Now Become Obsolete. If You Want You can take out Your Enemy Virtually without Risk. Just Profile the Target, Release a Swarm of Slaughterbots, and Sit Back and Relax..

Slaughterbots Opens with a Silicon Valley CEO (reminiscent of Steve Jobs) Delivering a Product Presentation/Seminar in Front of a Live Audience. The Presentation seems Mundane enough at first—the CEO seems to be Unveiling some New Drone Technology, but it Takes a Dark Turn when He Demonstrates how these Autonomous Killer Drones can Slaughter Humans like Cattle utilizing a Direct “Explosive” Head Shot. The Audience Fanatically Eats it Up Hookline and Sinker as They Cheer, along with the CEO as if They hadn’t Witnessed anything more Dangerous than the unveiling of the Next iPhone. The CEO goes further, Showing Videos of the Slaughterbots in Action. “Let’s watch What Happens when the Weapons make the Decisions,” the CEO says, as the Slaughterbots proceed to Execute a Slew of People on a Humungous Screen behind Him. The CEO is quick to Assure the Audience Members that the Peopled Killed in the Demonstration Video aren’t Innocents “Now Trust Me, these are All Bad Guys.” What Follows is a Deeply Unsettling Portrait of a World where Slaughterbots use Their Onboard A.I. Technology to make Autonomous Decisions about Those Who will Live and those Who Die.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: P.O.W

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the 25 Minute 2013 P.O.W. Directed by Doug Cook and Eric Covello. Together the Duo of Cook and Covello are also known Collectively as The House of Short Horrors which They Describe as “Two Guys Making Short Monster Horror Films.”


Plot Summery:

When Their Small Rural Town has a Veteran’s Day Parade, Two Bunglers see it as an Opportunity to Rob what They Anticipated as being an Empty Home.  When the Evil Lurking just Outside makes its way into the House it sends the Partners in Crime Scrambling for Their Lives. Luckily for the Would be Robbers They manage to Escape by the Skin of Their Teeth making it Safely back to Their Vehicles. In Spite of Their Near Escape the Allure of a Safe (and the Possible Treasures Locked Away Inside )Prove to be Too Much for One of the Thieves sending Him back to the House He just Fled From. Once He Returns to the House is when the REAL HORROR BEGINS!!!


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober