Aleister Crowley Double Feature: FETISH and SEER

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post and We got a Little Something Special a Double Header featuring  the Videos FETISH and SEER by  a Content Creator(s) Who go by Aleister Crowley (Who was an Actual Historical Figure). Now Let’s take a Look at the Channel’s Stats to Help Clarify what the fuck this is all About.


  • The Channel has a Total of just 2 Videos.
  • The Channel has a Piddly 498 Subscribers.
  • Joined: February 25, 2017.
  • Total Number of Views: Again a Rather Pathetic 6,236.
  • About/ Playlists/ Community/Channels List are as You might fucking Imagine are all Completely fucking Blank.

So to Say this is a Tiny Channel is Obscure is the fucking Understatement of the fucking Millennium But Let’s Continue.


In a NutShell Aleister Crowley was an English Occultist, Ceremonial Magician, Poet, Painter, Novelist, and Mountaineer. He also Founded the Religion of Thelema, Identifying Himself as the Prophet Entrusted with Guiding Humanity into AEON of Horus in the Early 20th Century. Basically is was Batshit Crazy by Most Peoples Standards.


  • The First fucking Video is Titled “Fetish” which after watching I’m pretty fucking sure the Name is just Click Bait Bullshit.
  • The Video starts with some Good Old fucking POV  Tired Bullshit.
  • OH BOY ANOTHER UNORIGINAL “Creepy Killer Clown” Central Character because that’s not Be Over Done like a Total Motherfucker. Let’s fucking Own up to the Fact There Only 3 Relevant Clowns in fucking Horror: Pennywise, Art the Clown (from the Movie Terrifier which We just so Happen to have Posted Here Previously), and The Real Deal John Wayne Gacy. That’s fucking it. This Guy, This fucking Clown Decked Out in a Jump Suit and Knit Cap is SO FUCKING LAME Guy looks like a fucking Slipknot Reject.
  • The Only Disturbing thing About the fucking Apartment this was Filmed at is How fucking Bland it is it fucking BLEEDS MUNDANENESS, it’s Disturbing because its SO FUCKING REAL LIFE. Corporate Whores through Up Massive Multi Level Apartment or Town Home Complexes of these Generic Cookie fucking Cutter Soul Sucking Units with No Personality whatsoever. They are the Construction Equivalent to fucking Ikea Furniture.


  • Now some Might say that the ALL TOO PAINFULLY AVERAGE Apartment was Chosen over Let’s Say an Abandoned Factory or Grimy Basement is due to the Commentary of the Creator. To put it Simple a “Even in the Average Day, in an Average Community Evil Lurks in Our Mists” Over Dramatic Shitty B Horror fucking Movie (which by the Way We are Fans of so Don’t get Us Wrong) Tagline.
  • There is No Audio what so fucking ever which is a Change since Usually these Type of Videos feature Abrasive, Harsh, Loud, and Piercing Noises like Two Computers Raping Each other to Death.
  • As Far as Acting is Concerned is Bad if You Suck as Bad as This Tool and All the fuck They are Asking of You is to FUCKING MIME BASIC SHIT LIKE EAT AND DRINK?!! The Acting Ate Aborted Albino Ass.
  • Mother Odd fucking Choice is this Video was Filmed During the Day as Opposed to Night or in Some Dungeon like Basement or other Windowless Rooms. Doesn’t Help the Video to Suck any Less Unfortunately.
  • AND AS FOR THOSE FUCKING MANNEQUIN HEADS HOLY FUCKING SHIT is this Asshole in a Clown Mask going to Pull Out EVERY PLAYED OUT Amateur Gimmick in the goddamn Book?!


  • The ONLY thing that is Even Vaguely Interesting is the Fact the Comments Section is Turned Off. Again Usually with These Sorts of Videos the Comments are Key since it Provides a Place for Viewers to State Opinions or Hypothesis. Which Helps Hopefully to “Build a Buzz Around It” as the Douchbags in Entertainment Say.
  • Video Description: Finally


  • Well it Didn’t take Long for The Content Creator(s) to Realize Turing of Comments (Especially in Their Genre) is Detrimental as Fuck, and So WA-FUCKIG-LA The Comments are On.
  • 99.9% of the Comments Though are Utter fucking Crap. It’s all Bullshit Fluff like “That was INSANE” or “Love the vid” or “can’t wait for part 3” and all that useless fucking Shit. Guess it shouldn’t be Surprising since there only 2 Videos Total and they were Posted Several YEARS Apart.
  • YUP THIS ASSHOLE IS GOING TO PULL OUT EVERY B HORROR CLICHE IN THE BOOK: NOW IT’S HEAVY BREATHING. It’s Not Creepy it’s just Played Out, and it doesn’t make the Clown Chump sound Scarier it makes Him sound fucking Asthmatic. Seriously I wanted to get this Poor Bastard an Inhaler.

  • And Agin a Shit Ton of Beaten to Death POV as Clown Wonders Aimlessly through Apartment.
  • There is a More Interesting Addition to this Video which is Ironically Audio. The First Half of the Video there is a Man’s Voice Heavily Distorted with an Echo. Also in the Second Half there is Much Clearer Audio of a Different Man Rambling On about Aleister Crowley. This is Much More like the “Unexplained/Mysterious” Video Genre.
  • That’s Really all there is Other than the Clown Chump Standing Motionless in Front of the Camera WAY TOO LONG. Learn to Edit Assholes. And this Staring into the fucking Camera Close Up Shit ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?  That Shit is Played Out just like Every other Angle this Content Creator(s) Uses.
  • But like with the Addition of Audio there a Few Interesting Things that are more Typical for this Genre in this Video unlike Fetish. Here they are: The Blurry Picture of Three White People could be Adults or Teens but the Picture was Blurry as Fuck on Purpose so No Foul there, and One Viewer (the 0.01%) Mentioned there are Several Large Possibly Body Sized Lumps under the Cover in the Bed.
  • So It’s pretty fucking Safe to Assume whatever the fuck this is the Theme is BLATANTLY Serial Killer.


So What The Fuck Aleister?

The Way We see it is Very Simple with Three Possible But Viable Explanations. First the Project be it an ARG or Art Project the Creator(s) Ran out of Cash, Ambition, Interest, or a Combination of the Three. The Second is the Series or whatever You want to Call it is in Some “I think I’m so Smart and Creative” Bullshit Mentality where there were Only Meant to be the Two Videos Total, But We think that’s Pretty fucking Unlikely. Thirdly the Whatever it is isn’t Finished as the Videos are Posted Years Apart as We mentioned Earlier so More Could in Theory Anyway be Coming. We REALLY Hope it the Third Option because We’d Hate to have to Circle Back to this Turd in the Future to Talk some more Shit

It is Whatever the fuck It is,

Presented By Les Sober

Saturday Slasher Cinema: TERRIFIER

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema Featuring the 2016 American Slasher Film TERRIFIFER Written, Directed and Co-Produced by Damien Leone. The Film features a New Face in the World of Horror in Art The Clown, Played by David Howard Thornton, Who Dresses in an Early 20th Century Clown Costume complete with an Insanely Small Top Hat. Also Art’s Clown Make Up is Void of the Usual Bright Traditional Clown Colors, and instead is Simply Black on White reminiscent of Black Metal Musician’s Corpse Paint. To His Credit Art The Clown was Named “One of the Scariest Clowns on Screen” by,

Terrifier  marks the Second Feature Film Appearance of Art The Clown Character, After Leone’s 2013 Anthology Film All Hallow’s Eve, which Incorporates Footage from Previous Short Films that were also Directed by Leone that Also Originally featured Art The Clown. If Your interested for whatever Reason in watching All Hallow’s Eve We have it Posted in Our Movie Category, and was actually used in a Prior Saturday Slasher Cinema.



On Halloween Night The Sadistic Serial Killer known as  Art The Clown Returns focusing His Sick Psychotic Obsession on Three Innocent Young Women, Along with Anyone Else that gets in His Way!!!

When We Saw this I KNEW We had to Include it: The Following is Posted on commonsense



Parents need to know that Terrifier is a slasher movie about an evil killer clown. Blood and gore are extremely strong, and the violence against women is disturbing. One woman is hung naked upside down (her breasts are visible) and sawed in half from her crotch to her head. Another woman’s skin is sliced off of her chest, and the killer wears it on his own chest so that he can have breasts. There are many deaths, and tons of blood sprays/spurts, plus beating with blunt objects, guns and shooting, stabbing, slicing, severed heads, eye gouging, and much more. Language is also very strong, with multiple uses of “f–k”, “s–t”, “bitch, and more. There’s some sexual innuendo, and a couple falls into bed, kissing. Characters are drunk after a night of partying, cigarette smoking is shown, and a woman is injected with a knockout drug.


Not To Viewer: While the MOVIE IS IN ENGLISH there are French Subtitles. Unfortunately this was the Only Accessible Copy We could Find, and Since Terrifier is Such a Bad Ass Slasher Movie, and  We would Feel like Real Assholes if We didn’t Post it  (It’s Honestly One of Our Favorites here at FYB). Plus Subtitles are Easy to Ignore if You Don’t have to Read Them.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of a Killer Clown Carnage as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Saturday Slasher Cinema: All Hallow’s Eve

Since Today just Happens to be the Greatest Holiday of Them All We Selected a Halloween Specific Movie.

All Hallow’s Eve is the 2013 Horror Anthology Film Written, Directed, and Edited by Damien Leone, in His First Full Length Feature Film Directorial Debut. The Film Incorperates Footage from the 2008 Short Film The 9th Circle, as well as the 2011 Short Film Terrifier, both of Which were also Directed by Leone and Stared Art The Clown. The Character of Art The Clown would later be featured in the 2016 Full Length Horror Film Terrifer, Also Written and Directed by Leone.



After a Night of Trick-Or-Tricking on Halloween, Babysitter Sarah is Surprised to see that Children Tia and Timmy have Received an Unmarked VHS Tape in one of Their Bags. The Children convince Sarah to allow Them to watch the Tape, which contains Three Stories, each of which features a HOMICIDAL CLOWN simply named Art The Clown.



We Hope You Enjoyed These Three Tales of Terror, and Have a Happy Halloween.

Thanks For Watching and Happy Halloween,

Presented By Les Sober