Short Horror Film Friday: PEEPHOLE

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring the 2013 Canadian Film PEEPHOLE (2013) Directed and Written by Doug Cook. PEEPHOLE was shown at the Oregon Short Film Festival Film Festival where it Won the Category for the “Best Short Horror Film”, and was an Official Selection for the Short Film Catagory at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival.


A Creepy Voyeuristic Motel manager Secretly Films His guests through a Peephole in the Wall of Suite 12. On one Particular Night, He gets in over His head when he Witnesses something Truly Sinister on the Other Side. Will the Motel Manager be able to make it through the Night and Survive His Terrifying Ordeal or is His Fate Already Sealed???


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

My Two Cents On Three Subjects.

Since Mondays can be a Little Mind Muddling I figured I’d Keep it Simple and Give You My So-Called Two Cents on Three Separate Subjects. The Topics are divided into the following Categories Not So Current Events, Morbid & Murderous, and Utter Absurdity for Absurdity’s Sake. Feel Free to Discuss Them with Your Friends, Family, Co-Workers, and General Public since Americans use Their fucking Smart Phones instead of Their Actual Smarts. The Bottomline is the “Smarter” the Phone the fucking Stupider the User Becomes as They’re Dumbed Down to Moronic Levels but I digress. Without further ado Let’s get Started.


No So Current Events:

I have purposefully tried to Avoid Posting about the Global COVID Pandemic for a Myriad of fucking Reasons, But there is One fucking thing I just Can NOT Stay Silent About. The Pandemic Hot Button Topic I am going to Address here is Kids Going Back To School. Now I’m not here for an In-depth fucking discussion of Kids, School, and all the Usual Bullshit since We all Know why school is Important and that Socialization is Vitally Important so I refuse to Beat a Dead Horse.

My Issue Lies Solely with the Parents. As We are all more than aware Parents are fucking Notorious for Bombarding Other People They encounter with Stories, Pictures, Videos, Social Media Posts, and General Bullshit about Their fucking Kid(s). They spout cliche shit like

  • “Children are a True Blessing”
  • “Having a Kid/Kids Changes Your Life Forever”
  • “Raising Kids is the Greatest Accomplishment One can Accomplish.”
  • “If You Don’t have a Kid/Kids Then You Just Don’t Understand.”
  • “It’s a Shame They Grow Up So Fast.”
  • “Their (Kids) are Angels here to Enlighten Your Life.”
  • “Children are the Future.”
  • “Anything for the Kids.”
  • “I’d Die before I let anything Bad happen to a single Hair on My Child’s Head.”


Along with an Arsenal of Other Parental Wisdoms They Intend  to spread to the Four fucking Corners of the fucking Earth. This Overwhelming Desire to Subjugate the Rest of the World Population to Their Parenting Bullshit seems to be EXTREMELY HYPOCRITICAL in the Age of Covid. When it came to Opening Schools/Sending Kids back to School during an Ongoing Global Pandemic at First Parents were Wary as They damn well Should Be, but then there was a MONUMENTAL ATTITUDE SHIFT among Parents as the Months Rolled On By. Then all of a Sudden One Day the Topic of Kids actually Viably and Safety returning to School Exploded like a fucking Powder Keg across America.

The Next thing Anyone Knew Parents were EVERYWHERE Online, Social Media, and TV Whining Ironically like Bratty Kids about How Much They Wanted Their Kids Back At School. This simple above all had nothing to do with what’s Best for the Kids but What the Aggravated Parents wanted Do to Quarantine. Basically Parents where SICK AND TIRED of having Their Kids with Them in Quarantine and were Blatantly Pushing the School Opening so Their Kids would be SOMEONE ELSE’S PROBLEM. Its fucking astounding How Parents in America Act like They’re Entitled to having The Educational System Raising THEIR fucking Kids for Them. It took just a Matter of Months before Parents couldn’t get Away from Their fucking Kids Fast Enough, and to make it worse where All Over the Place Whining About it like Assholes. Also this is fucking shitty because NOT ONLY are You willing to put Your Child, Yourself, Friends, Family, Teachers, and School Staff in Harms Way (could Result in Their DEATH) because KIDS BECAME TOO INCONVENIENT FOR THEIR PARENTS.

Now the ONLY People You should Listen to in an Emergency especially if its fucking Life or Death to THE EXPERTS Not the Media, Social Media Mob, or Online Idiots and Assholes. I’ll just make My Point by saying if I had a Child or Children During this Covid-19 Pandemic I WOULDN’T SEND THEM TO SCHOOL UNTIL ALL TEACHERS AND SCHOOL STAFF ARE VACCINATED, AND THE CDC SAYS IT’S OK. Parents were Literally Gambling with Their Kids (Along with Theirs and Others) Lives because They were Aggravated by Their Supposedly Precious Little Angels. The Hypocrisy was/is Absolutely fucking Astounding that People would Praise Their Kids Until They wanted a Break From Them then All Bets are Off as it were.


The Most Effective way to Remove and Transport The Corpse of a Dead Ninja is to Simply Cut it Up into 6 Separate Pieces. The You Place the Torso on the Bottom, Fold the Legs and Place Them on Top of the Torso. Next You fold and Place the Arms on Top of the Legs, and Then Lastly Place the Head like the Cherry on a Sunday made of Human Flesh.

You can NOT Burn a Body of a Dead Ninja Properly to Dispose of it. Only a Professional Crematorium has the Equipment Needed to Incinerate an Entire Human Corpse. To Fully dispose of a Human Corpse (with the Exception of small Pieces of Left over Bone) You need a Heat Source of 2,700 Degrees Fahrenheit for Several Hours. This can Not be Accomplished by Dousing the Corpse in a Flammable Fluid and setting it Ablaze.

When Disposing of the Corpse of a Dead Ninja in a Body of Water can be Much Trickier than Most People would Think. The Problem is Bodies Bloat which means They will Float like a Motherfucker, and They Rot so They tend to break free and Float to the Surface. The Issue is when the Human Body starts to Decay it Swells with Gases like a fucked up Cadaver Balloon making it Buoyant. The First method to handle this Problem would to Stab the Corpse just below the Heart to Slice Open the Stomach. This way the Gases can’t Build Up and Increase the Chance of the Bodie becoming a Floater. The Problem with this is Anchoring the Body is still an Issue. You see Crabs, Fish, and Other Aquatic Life feed on the Rotting Flesh until the Body starts to come apart. So if you Anchored the Body with Chains (around the hands and Feet) sooner or later due to Time or Animals will Decay away, and thus the Body can be moved about by Weather or Currents. The most Effective way to Dispose of a Corpse in a Body of Water is to Wrap Chicken Wire Around it from Head to Toe mind You so You’ll Need a Rather Large Piece. This way when the Body Starts to Bloat the Chicken Wire will Lacerate the Rotten Flesh Not only Releasing the Built Up Gas but Also Keeping the Body Tightly Secured within the Chicken Wire.

One of the MOST EFFECTIVE AND TABOO ways to Dispose of a Dead Ninja’s Body is to Actually Eat the Evidence, and then Grind Down the Leftover Bones into Dust. No Body No Crime.


This is The Semi Annual Podunkville Turkey Vulture Report. The Tirkey Vulture Road Kill Clean Up Crews are Seriously Lacking resulting in an Overall Rating at the Time of this Evaluation a Solid D. If You are in the Podunkville area and See a Turkey Vulture Please tell it in Your most Assertive Voice to “GO BACK TO WORK YOU FUCKING BUM!” We suggest You do this from an EXTREMELY SAFE DISTANCE or Optimally from the Confines of a Motor Vehicle. This is Specifically for Your Safety as Turkey Vultures are Rather Large Disagreeable Birds with Seriously Shitty Attitudes, and They are Armed with Razor Sharp Talons and Powerful Beaks.

Also Turkey Vultures are Known for Vomiting on Their Enemies primarily as a Defense Tactic, But You Know what They Say the Best Offense is a Good Defense. It  is also Unconfirmed as of Now, Yet Perturbed Turkey Vultures may try and Shit on You (as well as Vomit) when Confronted in what They perceive to be an Unkindly Manner. There is No Official Strike by the Turkey Vultures as of Yet and There are Rumors of Turkey Vultures succumbing to Anorexia. Whatever the Reason the Turkey Vultures of Podunkville need to return to Their Regularly Scheduled Scavenging as Soon as Possible before The Road become Littered with Carcasses, and Dominated by the Pungent Stench of Death and Decay.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober

The Morbidly Bizarre Story of leathersmokemi

There are many types of strange and disturbing things lurking from here to the four corners of the Earth. While I am a fan of Horror I am especially fond of Asian Horror in particular, and while the gory Asian movies with all the over the top geysers  of spurting blood, decapitations, mutilations , and severed limbs are good for a laugh I prefer the creepier fair. I perter the more psychological of the Asian horror genre. I like the movies that really   lingers inside your head like a dense fog that refuses to dissipate.

This is why one of the less popular pieces we did called Permanent Trip is a personal favorite of mine because it has that underlying uneasiness to it. The other day while I was wondering like a lost soul around the digital void of the internet.I was hunting for a intriguing rabbit hole to jump into with reckless abandon when something dark and extremely morbid. What I found was a gentleman named Dave who went by the user name Leathersmokemi.

The first thing that caught my immediate attention was the Dave’s manner of dress which reminded me of the heavy metal band of yesteryear Judas Priest. The second thing I noticed was Dave prolifically posted a total of 229 videos in a five year time span without taking any time off. The theme of  of Dave’s Videos showcase Dave smoking cigarettes/cigars/Both at the same. Dave also demonstrates his new and inventive ways to smoke tobacco products (for example he concocted and created a modified gas mask so that he could smoke half a pack of cigarettes all at once).

As I waded through Leathersmokemi’s library of videos it started to go from strange too disturbing. Though he is amply aware of the toxic and deadly effects of smoking tobacco he chooses to gladly and defiantly disregard the health consequences know full well what grim fate lays in store for him. As you can imagine watching Dave’s health steady decline over the course of the videos is like watching a prolonged five year suicide. Its brutally unforgiving as Dave’s body is ravaged by his extreme smoking obsession. You follow a man who in the beginning looks like a big burly biker and ends as  a withered, sickly, and skeletal looking slouched down in a wheel chair.


I selected five of Leathersmokemi’s videos for comparison purposes. Two of the videos are from the beginning of the series when Dave is at his healthiest considering he’s a avid smoking enthusiast of epic proportions. The Third video is from the around the midway point approximately two and a half years in. The fourth video is from the final leg of Dave’s imitate demise. The fifth video is the last video Leathersmoki ever posted before his death due to the cancer caused by his obsessive and chronic love of tobacco.

The painfully obvious question is why would someone chronicle last five years of their life as a smoker? What could be the possible motivation? Is this just an eccentric man in love with the art of self destruction?


Video 189.wmv Description: My return after cancer surgery.

Video title- still here still smoking (Last Video Posted before Death).

The Answer can be found in the comment sections of Leathersmokemi’s videos. Leathersmokemi’s Videos are a  extremely hardcore version of a more traditional smoking fetish. While a smoking fetish is far from anything new this version is takes it to a very dark and unspeakable place. The usual smoking fetish fair is a person dressed provocatively slowly smoking a single cigarette while flirting with the camera, and is quite innocent in nature (much like burlesque shows for example).

When I started perusing deeper into the comments section of Lethersmokemi’s videos something sinister suddenly became horribly clear. All of the comments from his fans were hyper sexualizing the detrimental effects of smoking. Their fetish wasn’t focused on a person smoking a cigarette it was solely based on the detrimental health effects from the person smoking cigarettes/cigars. They seemed to enjoy and request to hear Leathersmokemi Cough, wheeze, and his progressively strained raspy breathing. Leathersmokemi to his credit did indulge his fans and recored certain videos dedicated to certain fans.

Leathersmokemi’s small but fanatical followers were getting sexual aroused by the sound(s) of Leathersmokmi’s progressing respiratory distress. His Fans enjoyed Leathersmokimi’s physical deterioration as it was being consumed by Cancer with increasing dire delight as Leathersmokemi’s health declined. The closer he  progressed  towards his inevitable death the more frenzied his fans became. The sickly sounds appeared to Heighten their level of arousal. Their unofficial motto it seemed to be “The sicker the sexier”. Leathersmokemi’s fans dedicated to his deadly and prolonged process got heightened sexual simulation from hyper sexualizing the illnesses associated with smoking tobacco. They reveled without remorse in the detromental health effects upon a the human body. As far as I am concerned this is vast collection of Fetishized snuff videos.


You don’t have to believe us because directly below are two separate testimonial videos where Dave addresses what kind of person he is, what he like, sexual preference, His various Jobs, and his extremely obsessive smoking fetish.


Thats It.

 By Otto Rageous

Short Horror Film Friday: NO THROUGH ROAD 2

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring  the Found Footage Short Horror Film NO THROUGH ROAD 2! We have already Posted the Original NO THROUGH ROAD in a Previous Installment of Short Horror Film Friday, and were Thrilled to Learn that a Sequel had in fact been Made. We Highly recommend You Go watch NO THROUGH ROAD  First before Watching the Sequel so that You’re Not Confused as to what the Hell is Happening in NO THROUGH ROAD 2.


James and the New Cameraman Dave go to put Flowers on Steven’s “Grave” which is Actually a Spot on the Side of the Road where Steven was Murdered.  While at the Gravesite Dave and James reference the First Movie with James Stating that He has No Recollection of that Night’s Events, and hasn’t Spoken about that Night Since.  While Driving Back from Steven’s Grave the Duo gets Completely Turned Around, and find Themselves Lost in the Middle of Nowhere without Cell Service.

That is Until James Notices a Road Sign for Bennington as They Drive, and Realizes that They’ve been Driving in Circles. As things go from Bad to Worse James and Dave Realize They’re Trapped in an Endless Loop from which They can’t Escape No Matter how Hard They Try. Growing more Frantic James and Dave pull over to try and gather Their Thoughts and Devise a Game Plan. Then all of a Sudden Steven appears Outside the Car Window His face Covered in Blood, but Very Much Still Alive.

Steven is in a Severely Disoriented State, and Rambling a Mile a Minute Incoherently as the Three of Them try to Get a Grip on the Reality of the Situation. James explains to Steven that He’s been Missing for Three Years, and that He has been Presumed Dead at this Point and Time.  James Comforts Steven as He is sitting in the Middle of a Dirt Road having a Minor Mental Breakdown before the Film Cuts to Black.

A Moment after the Movie goes Black the Following Words appear on the Screen:

“The Tape Ends Here. It was found in a camera case along with a camera. The Camera was Broken, but Another Tape was found Inside it. While severely damaged efforts are currently being made to retrieve the Data on the tape.”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE 2

Considering this is the Second Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema We thought it Only Appropriate to Feature the 1987 Black Comedy Slasher Film Slumber Party Massacre II (Written and Directed By Deborah Brock, and Produced by Roger Corman). SPM II Doesn’t Bring anything Insightful to the Slasher Genre, it’s Far More Interested in B-movie Fun and Special Effects. That’s Not a Bad Thing by Any Means. One of the Best Moments in the Movie is the Gag-Inducing Vision Courtney has of Her Friend Sally’s Massive Zit growing to a Grotesque and Monstrous Size unit it Burts Splattering Her with Fluid. Yeah, that’s the Type of Insanity SPM II Delivers.


Brief Plot Summary: “The Driller Killer is Back- and He Parties for Keeps!”

Set Years after the Slumber Party Massacre, now Teen Courtney is a Senior in High School and Plays in a Band with Her Three Close Friends. Courtney is also Experiencing Horrific Nightmares about the DRILL-WIELDING MANIAC KILLER from the First Film Returning. She can’t Shake the Terrifying Feeling that She and Her Friends will be VICIOUSLY TORMENTED AND BRUTALLY BUTCHERED. Again and Again the Nightmare Returns as a Dazed Courtney starts to Lose Control of Her Waking Life that’s Turning into a Surreal Horror Show. And Then Her Nightmare Crosses Over into Reality. No One Believes Her, Until it’s Too Late. The Driller Killer Returns Reincarnated as an Evil Rock’n Roll Greaser with a Massive Drill Bit Guitar Combo of Carnage. He Methodically Stalks Them; then VIOLENTLY GORES THEM TO DEATH….ONE BY ONE. Mixing Elements of A Nightmare On Elm Street with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Only the Fittest can Survive in SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE II!!!


We Hope You Enjoyed this Sequel of Slumber Party Slaughter as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  

A Sick Saturday Cinema One Movie Double Feature: TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD

FYB is Deviously Delighted to Bring You the 1972 Spanish- Portuguese Zombie Horror Film TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD Written and Directed by Amando de Ossorio. The Original Spanish Title is La note del terror ciego which Translates to The Night of the Blind Terror in English. The Film was the First in Ossorio’s “Blind Dead” Series that Spawned Three Sequels, and Who’s Success Helped Kickstart the Spanish Horror Movie Boom in the 1970’s.


This Movie Presentation is a Little Different than the Normal FYB Format Granted, But Aside from that Please Allow Us to Explain Ourselves. This Particular Double Feature is the Same Movie and there is a Reason for that. The First Version is the English Version then Following it is the Original Spanish-Portuguese Version. Aside from the Fairly Obvious Difference of Subtitles there are In Fact Several Major Differences Between the Two Versions of The Tombs of the Blind Dead..

In the English Version a Flashback of the Living Nights Templar Torturing and Drinking the Blood of a Female Victim was Removed from the Beginning of the Movie. Most of the SEX AND GORE was Removed from the English Version as Well which was Heavily Edited By American Film Distributers. For Example The Scene Depicting the Lesbian Relationship between Betty and Virginia, a Scene in which Pedro Rapes Betty, and a Sequence on a Train in Which the Knights Kill a Woman in Front of Her Child were All Removed.


Brief Plot Summary: In the 13th Century there Existed a LEGION OF EVIL Renegade Knights known as the Templars, Who Quested for Eternal Life by DRINKING HUMAN BLOOD and Committing HUMAN SACRIFICES FOR SATAN! Executed for Their Unholy Black Magic and Inhuman Savagery, the Templar’s Bodies were left Out for The Crows to Peck Out Their Eyes. Now in Modern Dat Portugal, a Group of Unsuspecting People stumble Upon the Templar’s Abandoned Monastery, Thus Reviving Their ROTTING ZOMBIFIED CORPSES to Terrorize the Land Feasting on the Blood of the Living!!


We Hope You Enjoyed This Tale of The Undead Monk Madness and Murder as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober &  FYB  


A Fubar Friday Film: BRUTAL

FYB is Deviously Delighted to Present A Fubar (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition)  Featuring the 2018 Extreme Japanese Horror Film BRUTAL Written and Directed by Takashi Hirose. Brutal has been Described as being “An Hour and Seven Minutes of UNRELENTING BARBARITY!!!”


Plot Summary: Following a Rampage of Extreme Prejudice, a SAVAGE KILLER targets Women as He Tries to find a Compatible One to Engage in His Fantasies of TORTURE AND MURDER! With the Body Count Mounting and No One being able to Stop Him, He Grows Bolder and Goes to More Extreme Measures to Carry Out His Dark Desires, Eventually Catching the Eye of a FEMALE SERIAL KILLER who’s just as Sadistic as He is. The Two Psychotic Serial Killers Discover upon Meeting that They have more than just Their Love of Killing: Both have had Their Genitals Severely Mutilated. Unfortunately there Simply isn’t Enough Bloodshed and Dead Bodies to go around Forcing the Two Twisted Sadistic Serial Killers into a Inevitable DEADLY SHOWDOWN!

Forcing The Two of The into a DEADLY SHOWDOWN!


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  


We all damn well know Mondays Well Mondays just Plain Fucking Suck. After Two Days of Freedom You’re Back on Monday a Slave to The Grind, Endless Bullshit, and Son of a Bitch Bosses. So based on the Universal Hate for all things Monday We decided to Post a Movie as Brutal as Mondays can Be.


Tonight We are Proud to Present the Infamous 1985 Japanese Short Gore Film GUINEA PIG: DEVIL’S EXPERIMENT Directed by Satoru Ogura. In Spite of the Movie’s Minuscule Run Time of 43 Minutes total most Viewers are Unable to Watch the Entire Movie (That Goes Even for Hardcore Gore/Splatter/Torture Porn Fans).


Plot Summary:

A Video Tape and a Letter are given to the Tokyo Police in a Small Discreet Envelope with No Return Address or Postal Mark. The Accompanying Letter Tells of an Experiment on Human Endurance and How Much Punishment the Human Body and Mind can Endure before Succumbing to Death. To Explore the Unknown Boundaries of Suffering and to Push the Threshold of Pain, Three Sociopathic Explorers of Anguish Abduct a Helpless Young Woman. Intent on putting Their Youthful Subject through the Seemingly Endless Ordeal of Their Sadistic Research, The Explorers use Increasingly Brutal Techniques to Test the Theoretical Limits of Human Endurance.

So Pour a Stiff Drink, Pop a Xanax, and Enjoy.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Little Slice of Seriously fucking Sick Cinema as Much as We Did.

Presented By  Les Sober  & FYB

Dark Web Video Debunked: MAMA

This Video Referred to as MaMa was Allegedly a Video from the Dark Web. Now Sometimes Various Dark Web Videos borrow Clips from Non Dark Web Videos (Example: The Dark Web Video “Obey The Walrus” used Bootlegged Footage from a Performer who goes by the Name The Goddess Bunny) and This Video is One of Those. Granted without Context the Video is Seriously More Creepy and Unnerving.


The Truth Behind the Video is it’s a Movement/Motion Test for Actor Javier Botet who Plays the Ghost dubbed “MaMa” in Award Winning Mexican Filmmaker Guillermo del Toro’s  Supernatural Thriller of the Same Name. Actor Javier Botet has Marfan Syndrome which Allows Him to Move in Ridiculously Creepy Ways. Marfan Syndrome is an Inherited Disorder that Affects Connective Tissue- the Fibers that Support and Anchor Your Organs and Other Structures in Your Body. The Wires in the Video are used to Manipulate Javier like a Human Marionette on Top of His already Disturbing Performance. It’s worth Noting that CGI Effects were Added to the MAMA Character though Many People Objected stating Javier Botet’s Original Performance was FAR Creepier than with the Additional CGI.


The Movie MaMa is a Haunting Tale of Two Girls  (Victoria and Lilly) who Disappeared into the Woods the Day Their Parents were Killed. When the Girls are Rescued Years Later and begin a New Life, They find that Someone or Something still wants to come Tuck Them In at Night.

Below is First the MAMA Movement/Motion Test Footage Followed by a Clip  from the Movie in which the Character MAMA is Revealed, and Lastly is Guillermo del Toro’s  MAMA Movie Trailer #2.



Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 

FYB’s Sinister Friday Sci-Fi Horror Movie: CUBE

FYB is Psyched to Present the 1997 Canadian Indie Science-Fiction Horror Film CUBE Directed and Co-Written by Vincenzo Natali. Cube has gained Notoriety and a Rabid Cut Following, for its Surreal Atmosphere and Kafkaesque setting and Concept of Industrial, Cube-Shaped Rooms.


Brief Plot Summery:

Six Total Strangers Awaken One Day to find Themselves Trapped and Alone in a Cubical Maze. Once the Characters meet up, The Group Works Together (Each Using a Specific Skill They Posses) to Navigate Through The Complex Collection of Cubed Rooms.

There is Rennes Who is a Renowned Prison Escape Artist, Student Leaven Who is a Math Prodigy, Doctor Holloway (Who beside Being a Doctor is an Avid Conspiracy Theorist), Kazan is a Servant Who, Quentin is a Police Officer can Out Calculate Leaven, and Worth Who was Unknowingly part of the Design Team who Assembled the Cube.


Each Room is a Cube within the Cube, with Six Hatch Doors opening into Other Rooms, But a Percentage of those Rooms are Equipped with DEADLY BOOBY TRAPS! Not Only That But the Total of 17,576 Rooms ROTATE Their Position within a Set Time Limit causing Disorientation, Confusion, Frustration, and Down Right Insanity.

Using Math Prodigy Leaven’s Math Skill (and Eventually Servant Kazan penchant for Mathematics), The Group Press Forward, Upward, and Downward through a Series of Hatches to Try and Locate the Cube’s Outer Shell and Escape the Cerebral Nightmare. Will The Group Get Away or are They Doomed to Die in the Confines of the Menacing Cube? Will They be able to Unravel the Mystery of the Cube’s Creator(s) and it’s Intended Function? You’ll have to Watch and See for Yourself!



We Hope You Enjoyed This Tale of a Killer Cubes as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober & FYB