2012’s Hamster Hell is by the Talented Claymation Creator Lee Hardcastle and Features the Music of Shit The Bed. Hamster Hell follows a Young Kid who Secretly Hides His Pet Hamsters from His Parents Under His Bed. Along the Way the Naiver  Kid Learns some Grim Life Lessons the Hard Way While He tries to make Sense of it All.

  • Chapter 1 Arrival
  • Chapter 2 Wife
  • Chapter 3 Fun World
  • Chapter 4 Escape
  • Chapter 5 Disorder
  • Chapter 6 Mother
  • Chapter 7 Punishment
  • Chapter 8 Death


Hamster Hell 2 (Which Premiered on Sept 1st 2020) Follows a Young Hipster  who Attempts to get Rich Quick by Posting Pictures and Videos of His Pet Hamster on Social Media. The Young Man’s Girlfriend isn’t at all Happy about His the so called Business Venture Until She sees the Money Making Potential. This is a Tale of Exploitation Personified in the Age of the Internet where Social Media is King.

  • Chapter 1 Ms. Cupcake
  • Chapter 2 The Accident
  • Chapter 3 Deformed
  • Chapter 4 Play Dead
  • Chapter 5 Fortune
  • Chapter 6 Heaven



Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  


Cartoons That Aren’t For Children: TEETH

FYB is Delighted to Present the Short Horror Film TEETH By Daniel Gray and Tom Brown, and Presented by ALTER.

TEETH is the Tale of the Narrator’s Life Long Abnormal Obsession with His Teeth and How it Ultimately Affected His Entire Being. From His First Tooth at 2 1/2, and the Utter Disregard for His Teeth that He developed due to the Unpleasantness of the Teething Process.

As a Young Child He would intentionally abuse His Teeth in an Attempt to Literally Punish Them for Their Existence. At 6 1/2 the Narrator Laments that at this point though He managed to Lose His Primary Teeth They were Immediately Replaced by His Adult Teeth. The Narrator had No Interest in Dental Health Only with Sweet Sugary Foods instead.


At 11 He loses a Bicuspid in a Fight After School and finds Absolute Delight in the Gap where His Tooth Used to Be. By 48 the Narrator is continuously Losing His Teeth due the Neglect of Oral Hygiene, and at this Point He actually starts to Miss His Long Lost Teeth since it Complicates Eating (and like MOst of Us He thoroughly Enjoys Food).

Eventually The Narrator has Lost So Many of His Natural Teeth that He must get Dentures at which Time He has a Revelation. He realizes at Last the Necessary and Enjoyable Link between Eating, Teeth, Tongue and Stomach. This Moment of Clarity leads to the Narrator taking a Great Deal of Pride in His Artificial Teeth to the Point that He rearranges His Diet to Ensure They Remain Perfectly Intact and Looking Phenomenal.


The Narrator’s Fascination at the Age of 62 turns from His Teeth to Those of Various Animals who He comes to Admire for Their Dental Prowess. The Narrator decides to Build His Own set of Customized Dentures made from a Selection of Different Animals. The Animal Dentures are a Labor of Love and are finally Completed when the Narrator is 70.

Then at 71….Well You’ll have to Watch and See For Yourself.


Thanks For Watching,

Brought to You  By

  Les Sober & FYB 

(Ptd 12:53am)

Waiting by the phone

Everyone is happy. Happy awaiting the dawn of the new decade. And there I am half dead, half alive to the world. Mostly dead. The steady drum beat of hope has fallen by the wayside, taken somewhere by the wind or the incessant diner food calling my name when I just wanted to be left alone.

I slowly think of the joy and their faces, the new beginnings. Then i wake up on the train. I do not feel like I belong in this place, at this time, at this moment. Something feels off in the cosmic spectrum of things. Then flash forward……in the city. The city I love. The energy is more abundant then usual as the sleet ricochets off of my hoodie, down my face, into my core. I am right where I need to be.

As the streets become blurs and carbon copies of one another, I hear people talking but barely hear a sound. I see lights without cars and cars without drivers and people without souls. I feel all that is around me but then I…….nothing………nothing………..nothing


It’s just a long taxi ride. Blurring, dumbfounded, lax.

And off into the land of segmentation. Off into the great divide.

I find myself paying cover charges for drinks I will not have. Looking forth at the faces I will not be sucking. I wonder what exactly it is I am doing here. I am still wondering as I sit on this couch writing this blog. Everyone so horned up and me with my old yet new sense of decency.

It felt out of place. Like I should have been creating a stir or been getting escorted away or have been doing things in shower stalls. Shower stalls???? No mindflash backwards or is that forwards? Not sure. Nothing of want. Too drunk, too drunk, too drunk, too fat, too drunk, wow you’re a whore. All of these stretching for miles.


Time stood still. Exit stage right. Old grizzly bears. Exit stage left. Vast pools of dark chocolate surround me. Exit below ground, hoards of fake IDs. Exit stage me. Alone and cold and wondering where I was. Why am I here again???? Did I lose the memo?? Did they forget to carbon copy me on the last e-mail that was sent out????

I saw the ball drop on the TV. But when I saw you, the ball went up into my chest, up into the pits of my stomach. I would breathe and go back to normalcy. I wished I saw him, whoever it is that he might be.

And you stand off in your corner. You tell me to behave. You tell me to grow up. Then you breathe again and you tell me to stop being so old. To stop trying to race against time. I make a pit stop. You that tell me to change won’t even help me change my oil or wash my windows. I loathe. I mustn’t say too much. They are always watching.


I arrived home. If only I knew where I was at that time. If you only could have been sweeter, as sweet as the hottest apple pie that my grandmother would bake me on a warm spring day and heat even further on those cold spring nights.

It was all smiles. I wish they were real. But I captured their presence. I captured their meanings and their words and as if time stood still I was there again. With you. With the mercy that all can be well. And nothing is truly lost.

   By SpaceDog