Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: Henry Eats

Have You ever found something Wildly Entertaining without Actually being about to Explain Why? For Example I have Mentioned one of My Favorite “Jokes” as it were is as Follows:

Why Do Ducks Have Webbed Feet? To Put Out Forrest Fires.

Why Do Elephants have Flat Feet? For Stomping Out Flaming Ducks.

Granted this isn’t what one would refer to as a Joke by Traditional Standards as its Completely Absurd, Makes Absolutely No Logical Sense, and is Completely Void of Any and All Context. Whoever is Responsible for this Joke had a Very Eccentric Sense of Humor, Was Mentally Unwell, or Was Quite Intoxicated at the Time (Our Money is On Intoxicated be it Insanely Drunk, Higher Than Fuck, or Tripping Balls). No Matter the Reason the  Joke always makes Me Smile without Fail.

Henry Eats by Ben Wheele has some Similar Features as it Lacks any kind of Context, is rather Absurd, Kind of Oddly Creepy, and God Only Knows what the Point is or Even if there is One to Begin with. It’s Simply a Quirky Little Piece of Animation that’s Best to be Taken at Face Value. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober