A Sick Saturday Cinema One Movie Double Feature: TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD

FYB is Deviously Delighted to Bring You the 1972 Spanish- Portuguese Zombie Horror Film TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD Written and Directed by Amando de Ossorio. The Original Spanish Title is La note del terror ciego which Translates to The Night of the Blind Terror in English. The Film was the First in Ossorio’s “Blind Dead” Series that Spawned Three Sequels, and Who’s Success Helped Kickstart the Spanish Horror Movie Boom in the 1970’s.


This Movie Presentation is a Little Different than the Normal FYB Format Granted, But Aside from that Please Allow Us to Explain Ourselves. This Particular Double Feature is the Same Movie and there is a Reason for that. The First Version is the English Version then Following it is the Original Spanish-Portuguese Version. Aside from the Fairly Obvious Difference of Subtitles there are In Fact Several Major Differences Between the Two Versions of The Tombs of the Blind Dead..

In the English Version a Flashback of the Living Nights Templar Torturing and Drinking the Blood of a Female Victim was Removed from the Beginning of the Movie. Most of the SEX AND GORE was Removed from the English Version as Well which was Heavily Edited By American Film Distributers. For Example The Scene Depicting the Lesbian Relationship between Betty and Virginia, a Scene in which Pedro Rapes Betty, and a Sequence on a Train in Which the Knights Kill a Woman in Front of Her Child were All Removed.


Brief Plot Summary: In the 13th Century there Existed a LEGION OF EVIL Renegade Knights known as the Templars, Who Quested for Eternal Life by DRINKING HUMAN BLOOD and Committing HUMAN SACRIFICES FOR SATAN! Executed for Their Unholy Black Magic and Inhuman Savagery, the Templar’s Bodies were left Out for The Crows to Peck Out Their Eyes. Now in Modern Dat Portugal, a Group of Unsuspecting People stumble Upon the Templar’s Abandoned Monastery, Thus Reviving Their ROTTING ZOMBIFIED CORPSES to Terrorize the Land Feasting on the Blood of the Living!!


We Hope You Enjoyed This Tale of The Undead Monk Madness and Murder as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober &  FYB  


A Monday Night of Sickening Cinema: The City Of The Living Dead!!!

THE CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD is a 1980 Italian Zombie Splatter Horror Movie Directed by Lucio Fulci who also Wrote the the Screenplay, and plays Pathologist Dr. Joe Thompson in the Film. Although Fulci worked in a Wide Array of Genres as a Director, Screen Writer, Producer, and Actor over His nearly 50 Career in the Film Industry. Fulci garnered an International Cult Following for His Giallo (in the Movie Context, for Italian Audiences Giallo has come to refer to Any Kind of Murder Mystery or Horror Thriller) and Horror Movies. Due to the High Level of Visceral and Graphic Violence that present in Many of Fulci’s Films that He is Frequently Referred to as “The Godfather of Gore”, A Title Given to American Splatter Movie Gore Master Herschell Gordon Lewis.


The Movie was released in Italy in 1980 under the Title Paura fella cotta dei Mortifications Vivrnti  in Italy which translates to ‘Fear in the City of the Living Dead’, and was Released in the United State in 1983 the Title Twilight of the Dead, which Resulted in a Cease and Desist Order from United Film Distribution Company due to the Title’s similarity to Their Own Film, George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead. Thus the Distributer, Motion Picture Marketing, withdrew the Film and Re-Released it under the New Title The Gates of Hell.

Brief Plot Summery:

The Movie is set in the Shunned Village of Dunwich (a Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror), where the Priest Father Thomas commits SUICIDE by Hanging Himself which Results in a GATEWAY TO HELL Opening, and Turning loose a Ravenous Pack of ZOMBIES OF THE DAMNED! Meanwhile during a Seance in New York, Mary Woodhouse sees Morbid and Horrific Visions of the Priest’s Suicide, and its Dire Consequences leading up to a ZOMBIE ONSLAUGHT on All Saints Day. Mary then suddenly Collapses to the Floor and Convulses then She appears to Die, Only to be Rescued from Premature Burial by the Journalist Peter Bell. The Two Travel to Dunwich to DESTROY THE GRAVE of Father Thomas in order to Stop the MASS ZOMBIE INVASION!


  • An Italian Newspaper La Stampa’s review of the Film “Not recommended for easily impressionable viewers.”, with a Story that grew Progressively into a “Expressive Nightmarish Atmosphere”
  • Jay Carr of the Boston Globe said “A Film Only a Diehard Necrophile could Love”
  • Dick Fleming of The Daily Times “Scenes Purely for the Sake of Shock Value”
  • Ringle wrote”Idiotic Sleaze Fest with Nothing to Offer but an Abundance of Filmed Animal Innards.”
  • AllMovie “City of the Living Dead benefits from Fulci’s ability to Create and Sustain an Intensely Creepy Atmosphere…. the Blending of Graphic Shocks and Surrealistic Atmosphere .”

Movie Quote: Mary Woodhouse “The City of the Dead. The Living Dead. A Cursed City where the Gates of Hell have been Opened.” Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Italian Supernatural Splatter Film’s  Flesh Eating Zombie Fiasco as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober