My House Walk-Through

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH by the Talented and Allusive nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling.

Synopsis: The Narrator (Subtitle Warning, but Not to Worry they’ve been Translated into English) Wonders around Disoriented While Giving a Tour of His Home where He Lives with His Grandparents. The House is a Hellhole everything is Rotting or Decaying such as the Ceiling for Example, and Every Surface/Wall/Floor/Ceiling is Coated in Filth and Grime. The House is Decaying and Dilapidated there’s an Abundant amount of Mouse Shit on the Floor as well as Rat Nests in the Attic among Other Things.

The Sequences are Repetitive to a Degree during the Tour, BUT if You’re Paying Attention You’ll see Subtle Changes in the Dialogue, Additional Information is Added in, and the Creepy Factor Slowly Builds More and More Through Out the 12 Minutes of Madness that are MY HOUSE WALK-THROUGH.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

MeatCanyon’s Nightmare Compilation 2021

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring NIGHTMARE COMPILATION 2021 by One of Our Favorite Content Creators MeatCanyon. We were Dementedly Delighted to See MeatCanyon had put together a Compilation of His Favorite Animations He did in 2021. And MeatCanyon once again did Not Disappoint His Selections are Dead On.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

The MeatCanyon in His Own Words: 

“Thank you all for another amazing year! heres to another! This is a compilation of some of my favorite toons from last year! hope you enjoy!

Nightmare Compilation Playlist:

00:00 – Let’s go Dababy
01:47 – The passion of the craft
04:28 – The last pringle
07:35 – Gumballs in the park
10:54 – I can count to three
13:20 – Yokai Bob the Builder
17:40 – Meaty talk

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: THE DOLLMAKER

Welcome to this Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring THE DOLLMAKER” Directed by Al Lougher which is a Cautionary Tale Pertaining to Death, Mourning, and Grief. Let’s Face it People have been trying/Longing to Cheat Death Indefinitely Clinging onto Life with every Fiber of Their Being.


From Juan Ponce de Leon searching Endlessly for the Mythical Fountain of Youth to The Infamous Countess Elizabeth Bathory (Who served as the ACTUAL inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and Not Vlad the Impaler. Legend has it Bathory bathed in the Blood of 650 Servant Girls She had Tortured and Killed because She believed the Blood of Young Girls had Age Defying Powers). Death is the Fact of Life We all Know to be True, but Still Never Rightfully Accept.

Plot Summery: A Grieving Mother latches on to a Mystical Surrogate for Her Deceased Little Boy, but Small Miracles come with Big Consequences. “The Dollmaker Serves as a Warning  Be careful What You Wish For because You might Just Get It.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Hauntingly Ominous Lost Japanese Public Service Announcements (PSA)

To Whom it may concern,

It is I Otto here as Les and Justin took off on a impromptu road trip which I opted out of. I enjoy my own company to that of any other so being stuck in a hellishly small RV with Les and Justin is something I sincerely want nothing to do with. My idea of a vacation is alienation in isolation removed far from the confining shackles of a sick society. Last time Les called he wasn’t pleased that I had in all due favor neglected my FYB Responsibilities in their absence so here we are.

As what to post I was left up to my own dark devices having carte blanche to choose the topic and content of said post. Needless to say I was intrigued with this newly found freedom. You see my main function since I started assisting Les here in the haunted hallowed halls of FYB is research which I am quite fond of. I like being on my own to plunge  head first down any and every rabbit hole I wish with reckless abandon. Being that this was all unplanned and very last minute I didn’t have anything in particular in mind initially as it were. I pulled out a volume of notes I had compiled a few months ago and started parozing it to see if anything caught my eye. I then just so happened locate notes I had collected on Isamu Saburo Tadashi.


Isamu Saburo Tadashi had dedicated his life and his career to Japan’s Ministry of land, infrastructure, transportation, and tourism (MLIT). Tadashi married young at the age of 16 to his beloved wife Emiko, and just a year later Emiko gave birth to the couple’s first child a boy they named Masao. At a 18 Tadashi started his life long career at the MLIT, and as luck would have it the couple welcomed their second child a girl named Hiroko that same year. Time marched on and Tadashi’s career at the MLIT was taking off. Early on in his career Tadashi had received promotion after promotion along with a slew of various awards, and received the highest of Accolades from his superiors. Then one sunny summer day tragedy struck when Tadashi’s wife Emiko was struck an killed by an absent minded motorist. Tadashi lapsed into a alcohol fueled depression, but thanks to his loving and devoted children managed to fight through his inner demons.

Life rolled on and the family recovered from the loss until tragedy struck once again. One day on the way home from school Tadashi’s Son Masao then 14 years old and his 12 year old sister Hiroko decided to take a short cut home. Unfortunately for the siblings the short cut required them to cross several sets of train tracks which proved to be a fatal flaw. While crossing the tracks Masao one of his feet stuck in-between a set of rail road tracks, and it wasn’t long before Masao had a Tokyo commuter train barring down the tracks right at him. The panic boy fought furiously to free his foot before meeting a gruesome and untimely death. Hiroko refused her brothers pleas for her to escape to safety, and remained by his side trying in vane to save her brother until the very and deadly end. The commuter train wasn’t scheduled to stop at this particular station and was speeding along the rails at a top speed and hit the children dead on killing them both and obliterating their small fragile bodies.


Tadashi who was now battling PTSD as well as clinical depression started to experiment with unconventional hallucinogens developing a profound fondness for smoking the venom of the poisonous Bufo Alvarious Toad (a rare species of toad native to the Sonoran Desert). The Bufo toad’s is known as 5-MeO-DMT: an extremely potent natural psychedelic. 5-MeO-DMT is about 4 to 6 times more powerful than its better-known cousin DMT (dimethytrptamine). As one can imagine Tadashi’s unorthodox drug use quickly began to affect his work at MLIT where he was finally demoted to developing MLIT public service announcements (PSA). Right before his death at 81 from a massive stroke Tadashi set about creating his most dementedly disturbing series of PSA’s majority of which focus on train/train tracks safety.

The Gritty and some what distorted series not only was hyper focused on train safety but also feature 2 eerie characters both of which appear to be young children, and one if obviously male and his counterpart female. Due to the horrific deaths  of Tadashi’s son and daughter on the train tracks people became to speculate that Tadashi had gone mad with grief (and died of a broken heart) having lost his cherished children and adoring wife. The story began to take on a life of its own as it evolved into urban legend status particularly in the paranormal communities. The current version of the story is Tadashi consumed with sorrow at the loss of his family that he began to practice necromancy (the supernatural concept of actually raising/channeling the dead). At some point Tadashi employed the use of an Ouija board in his desperate attempts to reunite with his deceased loved ones, and it resulted in Tadashi accidentally trapping the ghosts of his dead children in the PSA’s where they remain to this very day. Due to Tadashi’s mental deterioration his final series of PSA was locked away and was never intended to see the light of day ever again. Then in 2013 while the MLIT was undergoing a massive revamping the lost Tadashi PSA where discovered stashed in a rusty old filing cabinet that was jammed into a dark corner of the basement.


So are Tadashi’s final PSAs in fact haunted by the ghosts of his deceased children? Are they cursed in some way? Will watching them induce insanity in the viewer? Probably not but that doesn’t make them any less creepy as fuck.

Sweet dreams & Bitter nightmares,

   Otto Rageous  

Yokai Bob The Builder

Welcome to Yet Another FYB Monday Post featuring Yokai Bob The Builder by MeatCanyon. It occurred to Me that We have Used Several of MeatCanyon’s Works Particularly on Mondays for the Last Few Weeks Creating an Unofficial MeatCanyon Monday Situation. Mondays fucking Suck so MeatCanyon’s Odd Ball Alternative Comedy just seems to be Great at Combating Monday Melodrama. With that Said this Week We are Showcasing some of MeatCanyon’s Darker Work this Time Around. Whats Uniquely Different About this Certain MeatCanyon Animation is its in Japanese with English Subtitles. Yokai has the definite Presents Itself as a Cautionary Tale Crossed with a Moral Fable with a Very Folklore Feel.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His Online User Name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some Viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have Described Them in just one Single Word “Horrifying”. A Common on going gag in Hancock’s Video’s is that something Normal or Mundane gets You killed or Possible Worse.


Young Asian Couple is eating dinner at home when a Hideous Troll like Gnome Appears out of the blue asking “Can we fix it?” The Sight of this Ghoulish Gnome Terrifies the Young Couple, but Alas the Ghastly Gnome Kidnaps Wife. Man Obviously Panics and Demands that the Gruesome Gnome return His Wife to Him. Unfortunately the Ungodly Gnome Tells the Husband matter of Factly that “You can’t fix this.” before Disappearing into the Night. Will The Poor Man ever Cross Paths with the Godless Gnome Again, and be Provided the Opportunity to have His Beloved Wife Returned to Him? Watch and See.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Monday Make Up For Last Week’s Short Horror Film Friday: HOME EDUCATION

Welcome to FYB’s Make Up Monday Post Featuring the British Short Horror Film HOME EDUCATION Written and Directed by Andrea Niada. One thing I Noticed in this Film are the Following Three Reoccurring Topics: An Unhealthy obsession with Dust, Rot/Rotting, and Taxidermy. Well I don’t know about You, but that Definitely Peeks My Curiosity.

Plot: An Inquisitive Girl is Indoctrinated by Her Controlling Fanatic of a Mother that Her Recently Deceased Father will Resurrect Himself if They are able to Show how much They Love, Cherish, and Miss Him. The Daughter Dutifully follows Her Mother’s Lead that is, until Her Father Begins to Rot.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Today’s Post the 2003 Animated Stop Motion Short Film SEPARATION Directed, Written, and Animated by Robert Morgan. Robert Morgan has spent the Last Two Decades creating a Body of Work Characterized by Nightmarish Stop Motion, and Described as a Disorienting Trip into the Subconscious. Morgan has sited Francis Bacon, Edgar Allen Poe, and The Brothers Quay as some of His Biggest Influences.

Robert Morgan in His Own Words:

 As a kid, I always found stop-motion creepy. I love horror and making nightmarish films, and stop-motion animation is perfect for that. The way everything moves has an unnatural, uncanny feeling, a weird jerkiness. Everything is somehow alive and dead at the same time.” -Robert Morgan-

Plot Summery:  A Pair of Conjoined Twins are Separated when They are Adolescents with Dire Life Long Consequences for Them Both.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober   

Pentagram -Last Days Here

I’m a massive fan of the early Ozzy led Black Sabbath, but when I heard the Heavy/ Doom Metal band Pentagram I was awe struck. In my honest and vastly unpopular opinion that Pentagram exceeds Black Sabbath not in lyrical content but in Advanced Musical Techniques/Style of the Doom Metal. Pentagram’s music was more evolved than Black Sabbath even if both bands got their start around the same time. Based on my opinion I fully believe Pentagram and not Black Sabbath should receive the dubious honor of being the first pioneers of Heavy Metal (because without the precursor of Doom Metal then the Heavy Metal genre wouldn’t have come to be).

Last Days Here is the 2011 Documentary film featuring Bobby Liebling, lead singer of the American heavy metal band Pentagram Directed by Don Argott and Demian Fenton.


Pentagram- Last Days Here Synopsis:

Co-Director Fenton first became familiar with Liebling after listening to Pentagram’s 1970s recordings on cassette tape and the 2001 compilation First Daze Here, and enjoying the early Pentagram material. He had heard the rumors surrounding Liebling, including him living in the basement of his parent’s house and spending all day and night heavily ingesting illegal drugs.

Last Days Here follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of Pentagram, an Alexandria, Virgina-based heavy metal group founded in 1971 and active sporadically throughout the following four decades. At the film’s beginning , Liebling is in his 50s, living in Squalor in his parents’ basement, and addicted to various drugs (Pills, Heroin, and Crack). After Pentagram’s music is rediscovered by the heavy metal underground scene, Liebling begins to recover from his lifestyle. His friend and manager Sean “Pellet” Pelletier attempts to help Liebling overcome his drug addiction and escape his old life. The film ends in 2010 with Liebling and Pentagram returning to the stage and Liebling sober, married and his new wife expecting their first child.



Heavy Metal NEVER Dies!

Presented BY Otto Rageous   

Excerpts From “The Black Riders and Other Lines” By Stephen Crane

The Poems Below are by American Author Stephen Crane Published in 1895 (by Copeland & Day) as a Part of His Collection, The Black Riders and Other Lines. The Following Excerpts are from Fifty-Six Short Poems (all of Which Simply go by Number without actual Titles) that comprise ‘The Black Riders’. Crane is Most Recognized as the Author of the Famous American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.

When Crane’s Poems were Published, He was Harshly Criticized for the Unusual Form of His Poems, and that He had  Some Nerve in Presenting these “Disjointed Effusions” and Daring to call them Poetry. The First Brutal Reviews Denounced Crane’s The Black Riders as Nothing Short of “Artless and Barbaric.”

In His Correspondence with a Particular Editor of Leslie’s Weekly in 1895, Crane professed that He Preferred The Black Riders to His Iconic American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.  Crane Wrote “I, suppose I ought to be Thankful to ‘The Red Badge,’ but I am much Fonder of My little book of poems, ‘The Black Riders’. My Aim was to Comprehend in it the thoughts I have had about Life in General, while ‘The Red Badge’ is a mere Episode in Life, an Amplification.”




Yes, I have a thousand tongues,
And nine and ninety-nine lie.
Though I strive to use the one,
It will make no melody at my will,
But is dead in my mouth.



Once there came a man
Who said,
“Range me all men of the world in rows.”
And instantly
There was terrific clamour among the people
Against being ranged in rows.
There was a loud quarrel, world-wide.
It endured for ages;
And blood was shed
By those who would not stand in rows,
And by those who pined to stand in rows.
Eventually, the man went to death, weeping.
And those who staid in bloody scuffle
Knew not the great simplicity.

I stood upon a high place,
And saw, below, many devils
Running, leaping,
and carousing in sin.
One looked up, grinning,
And said, “Comrade! Brother!”


If there is a witness to my little life,
To my tiny throes and struggles,
He sees a fool;
And it is not fine for gods to menace fools.

There were many who went in huddled procession,
They knew not whither;
But, at any rate, success or calamity
Would attend all in equality.
There was one who sought a new road.
He went into direful thickets,
And ultimately he died thus, alone;
But they said he had courage.

A god in wrath
Was beating a man;
He cuffed him loudly
With thunderous blows
That rang and rolled over the earth.
All people came running.
The man screamed and struggled,
And bit madly at the feet of the god.
The people cried,
“Ah, what a wicked man!”
And “Ah, what a redoubtable god!”

Behold, the grave of a wicked man,
And near it, a stern spirit.
There came a drooping maid with violets,
But the spirit grasped her arm.
“No flowers for him,” he said.
The maid wept:
“Ah, I loved him.”
But the spirit, grim and frowning:
“No flowers for him.”
Now, this is it-
If the spirit was just,
Why did the maid weep?


Behold, from the land of the farther suns I returned.
And I was in a reptile-swarming place,
Peopled, otherwise, with grimaces,
Shrouded above in black impenetrableness.
I shrank, loathing,
Sick with it.
And I said to him,
“What is this?”
He made answer slowly,
“Spirit, this is a world;
This was your home.”

Two or three angels
Came near to the earth.
They saw a fat church.
Little black streams of people
Came and went in continually.
And the angels were puzzled
To know why the people went thus,
And why they stayed so long within.


God lay dead in heaven;
Angels sang the hymn of the end;
Purple winds went moaning,
Their wings drip-dripping
With blood
That fell upon the earth.
It, groaning thing,
Turned black and sank.
Then from the far caverns
Of dead sins
Came monsters, livid with desire.
They fought,
Wrangled over the world,
A morsel.
But of all sadness this was sad-
A woman’s arms tried to shield
The head of a sleeping man
From the jaws of the final beast.


Thanks For Reading,

Presented By Les Sober    (Pt222AM)

Another Good Man Is Dead

It’s a Truly Sad Day here at FYB as I found out Earlier Today that My Oldest and Dearest Friends Mike BlueJetSki Dies to Soon Last Night of Congestive Heart Failure. Ever Since I found Out the World Seems to Be Somewhat Off as if Reality has Suddenly gone Askew. Another Fallen Friend to Bid Farewell   to Another Death, Another Celebration of Deceased’s Life, Another Grave Needs Filling.

I’m not what You would call a Sentimental sort of Person so This is Far, Far, Far from any Biographical Memoire, but Alas I still have Shit to Say. I met Mike when I switched Schools right Before 9th Grade. It’s needless to say High School fucking Sucks, and Teenagers are Assholes so being an Interloper in a Group of fellow Students who have been fucking Classmates since fucking Elementary School. Mike was the First Person to approach Me and extend His Hand in Friendship.

Mike was an extremely Talented Self Taught Guitarist who I had the distinct Pleasure of Playing with in Several High School Bands with such as Burnt Toast, The Severed Heads, Rules of a Riot, The Satanic MC Collective, Shit Out of Luck, Far From Sober, and most Notably Stank Breath. Mike and I were part of the Motley Crew of Heavy Metal Loving, Pot Smoking, Underage Drinking Head Banger Slackers who’s only real accomplishment was Not Dropping Out or Flunking out of High School. For some in Our Circle of Friends that was a Tall Order I assure You.


Mike was also an Amazing Mechanic who was Born with a Natural Talent for Working with His Hands. I stopped by Mike’s Grandmothers House where Mike was Helping Her Clean Out Her Cluttered Attic. While Rummaging Through the Contents of the Attic Mike had come across His Grandfather’s Korean War Rifle. Now Mike had Obviously never seen a Korean War Rifle since He was Born After the Korean War Itself. It took Mike Meer Minutes to Completely Disassemble the Rifle, Clean it, and Reassemble it Flawlessly in Perfect Working Order .

During Our Junior Year of High School Mike’s Mother Started Dating since Sad to Say Mike’s Father had Died at an Early Age as Well of Heart Related Issues (The Kicker was He was on Medication that would have kept Him alive Accept for a Short Period He couldn’t Afford it and Paying the Bills. Talk about putting Family First and True Sacrifice.) a few Years before I met Him. Mike’s Mom was a Unconventional Character who was Honestly Quite Lonely and wanted Someone, Anyone really to Live out the Rest of Her Days With. After a long line of fucking Loser’s She impulsively Married a Southern Religious Fanatic and Old School Racist Asshole Don without Ever meeting Him in Person Prior to the Wedding (this was Pre Internet so They had to write actual Letters and Use Landlines to Communicate.)

Mike’s Mom suddenly announced one Day soon after Marrying Don the Dick to Dothan Alabama of all fucking Shitholes because thats were Don and His Family Lived, and They (Mike and His Siblings) had just under 2 weeks to get Their Shit Together before the Actual Moving Day. Again back in those Days there Weren’t wasn’t the Internet or Social Media or Skype so as I said communication could be Slow and for that matter inconsistent. The Only other Option outside of Snail Mail was Land Lines that Charged a small fucking fortune for Long Distance Calls. Being Teenagers Niether Mike nor I had any Money or source of Income so I could Move with Mike, and Mike couldn’t Move Back.


I did manage to Sell Enough Pot to Visit Mike During Spring Break to Don’s Dismay in Fact Don Claimed that if I came to Visit I’d “Bring the Devil to Alabama.” which being a Heavy Metal Fan and Teenager I thought was pretty fucking bad ass. In the End Mike’s Mom Divorced Don who became Mentally Unstable increasingly more and more as Time Passed. One Day Mike found Don sitting in the Kitchen with a Loaded Shotgun ranting about Murdering Mike. Mike tackled Don who was out of Shape and Obese and Wrenched the Shotgun from Him which He then locked in the Trunk of His car for Safe Keeping.

Mike was seriously one of the Most Artistically creative People I have EVER had the Sincere Pleasure of Knowing. Mike could Improvise like a Motherfucker No Matter what was Going On Mike could whip up a Song, Fictional Character, Short Story, or Movie Plot just to name a Few of Mike’s Natural Born Talents. Mike was the Ultimate Creative Collaborator the Synergy was fucking Insane like Two People living as One. Mike was the kind of Friend that We didn’t even Need to Talk, No verbalization Necessary to Communicate through just a series of Looks You’d know exactly what either of Us was Thinking/Feeling. It was Uncanny it Really fucking was. I image that being Friends with Mike equated to the Unexplained Link between sets of Twins.

Mike was also one of the Friendliest, Most Open Minded, Loyal, Caring, and Zen like People to ever walk the fucking Planet. I appreciated that being an Introvert who Spends Far too much Time in My own Head (sometimes to My Detriment) being Motivated by My Emotions. One of if not the Best piece of fucking Advice that has served Me well Over a Vast number of Years I got From Mike. I forget the exact Details other than We were Hanging Out in some Public Place, and I started to get Paranoid as a Motherfucker for some reason I can’t Remember. Mike Stared Me Dead in the Eye and in all seriousness said “Maybe what You think is going on ISN’T Going on because its all in Your Head??!”


Sad to Say that for Several Years Mike and I lost Touch until Our fucking Cliche finding One Another on (and it Pains Me so to Admit) Facebook back before Zuckerberg and I got into Our Battle of Wills. I will say this One of the first fucking things I did when the Bullshit FB shit happened I almost immediately exchanged Phone Numbers to Keep FB communications to a minimum. Unfortunately I ended up Abandoning Facebook which inadvertently lead to another Period of Separation if You will. Time went by and We ironically reconnected again on FaceBook, but it was Through My Wife who acted as My FB Middle Woman. From then on We talked several times a Month, but the Coolest Part was no matter how long it had been once We were reunited it wasn’t awkward or Weird in Any way whatsoever. Mike and I would simply Pick Up exactly whereWe left Off like No Time had passed at all.

My One and Only Regret is Not Seeing Mike in Person Face to Face since the Trip I took Junior Year to Visit Him. Technology has the Power to Connect, But it has No Personality. Some things can Only be done in Person there is absolutely No Technical Equivalent and Never fucking will be.


In Closing : I will Never Forget or Stop Missing My Dearly Departed Friend who I am sure is Giving Them Hell in Heaven.

Thanks for Giving a Shit & Reading,

By Les Sober