FOR SHITS & GIGGLES: Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv

Welcome to Today’s Second FYB Post MEREANA MORDEGARD GLESGORV which is a Truly Unique Piece of Fuckery. You see this Video is Apparently a Online Urban Legend referred to as a Creepypasta. Allegedly if You Search this Video, Most of the Time You’ll find Jack Shit, BUT We were Lucky Enough that This Video just Fell into Our Laps Unexpectedly. If You did Mange to Find it You’d find a 34 Second Video of a Odd Looking Man Staring at You until He Says Something which We have No fucking Idea What the Language He is Speaking or if it’s Possibly English that has been Manipulated/Distorted.

However the 34 Second Video is Not in Fact the Entire Video which is 2 Minutes Long in its Entirety. As the Story Goes Youtube Took Down the Video after Allegedly 153 People Who Viewed the Video Not Only Gouged Out Their Own Eyes, BUT Then then Somehow Mailed Them to Youtube’s Main Office in San Bruno. There were also Reports of Alleged Viewers of the Video Committing Suicide in a Variety of Brutal and Gruesome Ways, and They Allegedly Carved a Cryptic Inscription on/into Their Forearms that has Not Yet been Deciphered.


Also Youtube will Periodically Post the First 20 Seconds of a Controversial Video to Hamper the Suspicion of Viewers, so this Way Hopefully No One Actually look for the Real Deal or Upload it Either. This Video was watched by a Single YouTube Employee who 45 Seconds( into the Original 2 Minute Video) Started Screaming Psychotically in a Intense Panic. Said Employee has been on a Heavy Course of Sedatives Ever Since Viewing the Video, and Claims He Doesn’t Actually Remember What the fuck it is He saw.

And Lastly the Person Who Originally Uploaded the Video was Never Found, The IP Address is Non-Existent, and the Man in the Video has Never Been Identified.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober