Short Horror Film Friday: CARNIVORE!

Welcome to FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring CARNIVORE Written and Directed by Ashton Herrild.

Plot Summery::

After being Finally Exonerated for the Wrongful Conviction of the Cannibalistic Murder of His Own Mother, Levi is Released from Prison. Now a Free Man Levi Returns to His Small Hometown, where His Belligerent Older half-brother, Wade, Drags Him to the Local Restaurant for a Hamburger. While Wade, Who’s Obviously Unconvinced of His Brother’s Innocence, Rabidly Devours a Burger, the Now Vegetarian Levi notices Something Off about the rest of the Restaurant’s Patrons. Unfortunately for Levi the Community Appears to Share Bo’s are Far from Convinced of Levi’s Innocence. Levi finds Solace in Reuniting with His Best Friend from High School Bo the Restaurant’s  Current Hamburger Flipper. The Happy Reunion is Cut Short when Bo Confesses to Levi that He has been Busy Exacting His Own Dementedly Twisted Revenge upon Unwitting Towns People.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Monday Make Up For Last Week’s Short Horror Film Friday: HOME EDUCATION

Welcome to FYB’s Make Up Monday Post Featuring the British Short Horror Film HOME EDUCATION Written and Directed by Andrea Niada. One thing I Noticed in this Film are the Following Three Reoccurring Topics: An Unhealthy obsession with Dust, Rot/Rotting, and Taxidermy. Well I don’t know about You, but that Definitely Peeks My Curiosity.

Plot: An Inquisitive Girl is Indoctrinated by Her Controlling Fanatic of a Mother that Her Recently Deceased Father will Resurrect Himself if They are able to Show how much They Love, Cherish, and Miss Him. The Daughter Dutifully follows Her Mother’s Lead that is, until Her Father Begins to Rot.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Gateway of the Mind, Transfiguration, and Gateway to the Mind (RARE FOOTAGE)

In this Post Features a Total of Three Videos First Gateway to the Mind followed by Transfiguration, and Lastly Gateway to the Mind (RARE FOOTAGE). All Three of the Following Videos Shares a Distinct Part in One of the Internet’s Most Talked About, Notorious, Controversial, and Absolutely fucking Insane Mysteries to Date.

And Now Gateway to the Mind Please Enjoy.

The Backstory of Gateway to the Mind:

“In 1983, a Team of Deeply Pious Scientists conducted a Radical Experiment in an Undisclosed Facility. The Scientists had Theorized that a Human without Access to Any Senses or Ways to Perceive Stimuli would be able to Perceive the Presence of God. They believed that the Five Senses clouded our Awareness of Eternity, and without them, a Human could actually Establish contact with God by Thought. An Elderly Man who claimed to have “Nothing left to Live for” was the Only Test Subject to Volunteer. To Purge Him of all His Senses, the Scientists performed a complex Operation in which every Sensory Nerve Connection to the Brain was Surgically Severed.* Although the Test Subject retained full Muscular Function, He could Not See, Hear, Taste, Smell, or Feel. With No Possible way to Communicate with or even Sense the Outside World, He was alone with His Thoughts. Scientists monitored Him as He spoke aloud about His State of Mind in Jumbled, Slurred Sentences that He couldn’t even Hear. After Four days, the Man claimed to be hearing hushed, Unintelligible Voices in His Head. Assuming it was an onset of Psychosis, the Scientists paid little Attention to the Man’s Concerns.

Two days later, the Man Cried that He could Hear His Dead Wife speaking with hHm, and even more, He could Communicate back. The Scientists were Intrigued, but were Not Convinced until the Subject started Naming Dead Relatives of the Scientists. He repeated Personal Information to the Scientists that only Their Dead Spouses and Parents would have known. At this point, a Sizable Portion of Scientists left the Study. After a Week of Conversing with the Deceased through His Thoughts, the Subject became Distressed, saying the Voices were Overwhelming. In Every Waking Moment, His consciousness was Bombarded by Hundreds of Voices that refused to leave Him alone. He frequently threw Himself against the Wall, trying to Elicit a Pain Response. He begged the Scientists for Sedatives, so He could Escape the Voices by Sleeping. This Tactic worked for Three Days, until He started having Severe Night Terrors. The Subject repeatedly said that He could See and Hear the Deceased in His Dreams.

Only a Day Later, the Subject began to Scream and Claw at His Non-functional eyes, hoping to Sense Something in the Physical World. The Hysterical Subject now said the Voices of the Dead were Deafening and Hostile, Speaking of Hell and The End of the World. At One Point, He yelled “No Heaven, No Forgiveness” for Five Hours Straight. He continually begged to be Killed, but the Scientists were Convinced that He was close to Establishing contact with God. After Another Day, the Subject could No longer form Coherent Sentences. Seemingly Insane, He Started to Bite Off Chunks of Flesh from His Arm. The Scientists rushed into the Test Chamber and Restrained Him to a Table so He could Not Kill Himself. After a few hours of being Tied Down, the Subject halted His Struggling and Screaming. He stared Blankly at the Ceiling as Teardrops silently streaked across His Face. For Two Weeks, the Subject had to be Manually Rehydrated due to the constant Crying. Eventually, He turned His head and, Despite His Blindness, made Focused Eye Contact with a Scientist for the first time in the Study.

He whispered “I have Spoken with God, and He has Abandoned Us” and His Vital Signs Stopped. There was No Apparent Cause of Death.”

Well this Wickedly Wild Tale of Top Secret Human Experimentation Fueled People’s Obsession (and Curiosity) it is in fact 100% FAKE. So What the fuck is Actually Going On Here?! Well You’ll have to Watch the Transfiguration Video and Check Out the Explanation that Follows for the Facts.

Without Further Adu Transfiguration Please Enjoy.

The Truth:

The Man Pictured in the Gateway to the Mind Footage and the Accompanying Still Images is Actually Sculpture, Painter, and Performance Artist by the Name of Olivier De Sagazan, Who is Shown Transforming Himself into a Living Sculpture of Flesh, Clay, and Paint.

The Question at Hand Now is What the Hell is the Connection between the Disturbing Gateway to the Mind and Transfiguration???

The Original Video Installation, Entitled Transfiguration Shows De Sagazan sitting and Undressing in Front of a Crude Frame, Applying Copious Layers of Liquid Clay (Regular Clay that’s Been Diluted by Using Water) to His Head and Body until His Face is Completely Obscured, the Twisting and Tearing at the Material to Contort His “Flesh” into Horrific Shapes. Throughout this Process, the Artist can be Heard Uttering Animalistic Shouts and Haunting Moans.  Transfiguration was Later Re-Edited, Digitally Distressed, and Darkened to Resemble Archival Film, the Uploaded as Allegedly “Leaked” Footage from the Fictional 1983 Experiment.

LAIDIES AND GENTALMEN here is an Extra Bonus which is the Gateway to the Mind (Full and Color Version) Please Enjoy.

Gateway to the Mind Rare Footage is  Screen Test Footage of De Sagazan Rehearing and Experimenting with His Bizarre Performance Art Concept.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented by Les Sober  

FYB’s Personal Pandora’s Box is About to Bust Wide Open.

Well Hello Dear Reader,

This is just another quick Peak Behind the FYB Curtin to Let You Know what We are Up To.

SpaceDog has returned from a Cerebral Sabbatical of sorts and We couldn’t be Happier about that.

Now that I have gone 166 Rounds with the Issue of Time Management  I have Managed to Free Up some Time to give FYB the Attention that it Truly Deserves.

What that means essentially is FYB is about to go through some rather Serious Growing Pains in the Next few Months.


I have a Virtually Insurmountable amount of Catch Up to Accomplish to say the fucking least. There are so MANY Unorthodox and Unconventional Oddities, Mysteries, Curiosities, and Discoveries Roaming This Reality of Ours I barely know where the fuck to Begin.

SO I will be Using the so called “Monkey Method” We Throw a Bunch of Shit at the Wall and See what Sticks as Content comes at a Much Quicker Pace. If You LIKE something by all means Let Us Know. If You HATE something by all means Let Us Know. We aren’t at all Afraid of Criticism.


FYB’s Amended Mission Statement Update Below.

We are Our Own Alternative Dimension as to Adhere to Our Uniquely Unusual Agenda with Absolute and Utter Abandon. We will continue to Feed the Creative Hedonism with an Epileptic Intelligence, and Unapologetic President.

We are the 7th Dimension to Your 6th, a Niche within a Niche within a Niche Once More running on a Transcendental Time Line Searching out the Secrets of The Soul. Thriving on an Undying Curiosity to fill Our Emporium of Abominations with Abnormal Creations of Kinds and Creeds.


We SHUN the Inane and Mundane Mainstream full of Floating Bloated Corporate Corpses clogging up the Rivers of Creativity. The Mainstream is NOT CREATIVE it is DESTRUCTIVE. It Chokes the Life Out of Ideas and Slaughters Original Thought.

We are the Reuniting of Split Personalities Standing Victoriously in The Infinitely Unyielding Vastness of the Virtual Void. We are Higher than the Hight Road, and Lower than the Low Road a Lost Circus Sideshow Attraction abandoned by The Wayside only to Defy Death with Insanity to Achieve Immortality.


We are the Ideas that Lurk in the Confines of Your Cranium, We are the Thoughts that Linger while Sitting inside Your Skull. Our Strength comes from Those who Try and Kill Us.

Remember to Question Everything and Everyone. Reality is a Construct.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

1,001 Words of Insanity

The Maggots dance in the Rancid, Rotting Flesh of a Damned Nation showered in Shit. Fuck Monkeys run amok fucking each other to STD ridden DEATH! Anger blazing into rage as I fuck the world silly with a rubber spoon, FUCK YOU BUDDY, FUUUUUUUUCK YOU BUDDY!

Eating hot shit sandwiches in Hell as Satan sucks Donnie’s tiny dick in a lake of fucking fire, towering fucking flames engulfing THE CITY OF FECES! Look up for no god shall be looking back just your own fucking demise. PLUNGED IN THE PIT ETERNAL ABYSS OF FILTH AND LIES!

The animals devour each other in fine dining restaurants, pleasantly popping pill after pill until their are Pharmaceutically FUCKED, BIG PHARMA IS NOW YOUR PIMP YOU PAIN KILLING PILL POPPERS!!

Commanding all Rapists to Rape their fellow Rapists to DEATH AND BEYOND! There is no power of man, of woman, of Human ITS A BULLSHIT COATED LIE! Pay me or Die, Pay Me or Suffer, Pay Me OR FUCK YOU.


Decapitate Hate watch the ruling Elite assholes dragged through the dirty streets being beaten mercilessly by the Enraged Citizens until they reach the GLORIOUS GORE of the GUILLOTINE. Hail the Queen of Hearts for OFF WITH THEIR SHIT FILLED HEADS! Lets the kids kick them for fun.

Frolicing in the BLOOD of Traitors, kicking the Corpses of the Corrupt King and his crooked court of conniving criminal cunts.

Fuck all the ignorance, fuck the unjust laws, your rules are broken as your fucking souls, the leaders failed to lead and thus shall decay in the shit filled swamp. FUCK AUTHORITY, FUCK THEM ALL!

Dirty Bastards battling Sons of Bitches for the vile victory over the brow beaten patriots, TREASON EQUALS DEATH its the ONLY JUSTICE for TRAITORS! Eat the Elite, Cannibalize their Capitalism, DEVOUR THE RICH ALIVE! Burn the mansions, sink the Yatchs, Reclaim their lands, remove them from their blood money, and watch them die before you begging for forgiveness while they gave NONE.

Horny Hypocrites consuming scandalous sex molesting each others children while drunk on shitty champagne and burn crosses on the lawn, THEY ALL DESERVE DEATH and its all they should be GIVEN.

6 feet under for their sin, let them suffer, let them squirm in anguish, their misery delights me, I smile wider the more of the corrupt get killed. Place their severed heads on Pikes and HOLD THEM HIGH!

Money molests the minds of man and excites their malicious malevolence, Capitalism is a death sentence FUCK LIFE WE ALL DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! I can’t witness this monstrosity of monstrous madmen, I GAUGE OUT MY EYES ITS PROVIDES RELIEF I can no longer see the Tragedy of Terror, the shit show of hanious horror, the demise of mankind is in itself BLIND!

Ignorant asholes wax poetic about shit they know nothing about the pompous pricks, the wannabe intellectuals hails the  PRETENTIOUS HIPSTER HOLOCAUSTS!! Trendy twats coveting their tech addiction and bullshit beards. Your Mustache ISN’T ART ITS JUST HAIR THAT GROWS ON YOUR UPPER LIP ASSFUCK.

Computers are pieces of overpriced, over used SHIT, ISO is the endless Anti-Christ, Amazon Ate America, Fuck Zuckerberg the millennial Motherfucker, Vacant minded Silicon Vally Vixens whoring Apps inlet of ass, Computers are flawed as the people who use or create the fucking vile stack of hot fucking shitcakes.

Your diploma is a SCAM, a piece of paper that is ultimately just that A LOWLY PEICE OF PAPER. Your no better or smarter than anyone you just paid for the info and that doesn’t make you smarter than others it makes YOU A FUCKING MORON who spent 4 years doling out fistfuls of cash for a diploma and NO FUCKING JOBS when you graduate.



Save the World by Killing Yourself, Mankind are glorified fucking parasites, eating, fucking and shitting our way through existence. Humans are MORONS masquerading as Educated assclowns.  WE DON’T ACTUALLY KNOW A GODDAMN THING DO WE, DO WE?!!!

Its all a “educated” guess, calculated risk, smoke and mirrors in a piece of shit Pony Show. There is no Fate, fate fucked us all. Destiny is a Dumbass. The Universe is a giant cosmic Vagina that birthed the bastard Mankind to destroy it all.

Power is nothing, control is an outdated concept, DO YOUR FUCKING JOB, is that too much too ask for fucking fuck’s sake. Your just another sack of fucking flesh filled with various organs and a nervous system SO FUCKING WHAT, WHATS SO FUCK SPLENDID ABOUT THAT EXACTLY?

Oh what fucking fun it is no to be a goddamn Jelly -fucking -Fish theres an scientific biological accomplishment WHAT A LOAD OF HORSESHIT. FUCK THE END, I EMBRACE THE NEW OF BEGINNING!

Time is a TOOL used to deprive Humans of their fucking LIVES, make money to pay bullshit bills and tyrannical taxes, they monetize your life to CONTROL YOU, MONEY YA CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT, and they designed it that fucking way, FOR THEIR LUXURIOUS LEISURE dancing on the broken backs of a Society of SHIT, FUCK RESISTANCE! CHAMPION REVOLUTION!

Its broken so BURN IT and BUILD ANEW! The unknown is NOT to be FEARED for change can save this sinking shit ship. OUT WITH THE OLD ASSHOLE WAYS! Welcome in THE NEW WAY.

Scrape the Shit System, Destruction of all Institutions, Kill the Courts, Punish the piece of shit Politicians, CRUCIFY THEM ON HE FRONT LAWN watch their putrid carcasses picked clean by Blasphemous Buzzards and Vulgar Vultures circling above.


The Old Way leads only to damnation no salvation in DEATH. Evolution will elevate humanity up from the steaming pile of scummy shit that We ARE FUCKING DROWNING IN as the uneducated cocksuckers wallow in their own filth satisfied to stay fucked because if its not affecting them then FUCK IT THEY SAY and FUCK THEM I SAY.

Thanks for Enduring,

 By Les  Sober