Why The Hell Would A Serial Killer WANT To Be Caught?!

There are people who are not interested in learning about serial killers, but that doesn’t stop them fro asking fucking questions. Now the most asked question I come across hands fucking down is “Why would a serial killer want to be caught???” It’s a valid question since getting caught would be counter fucking productive as one could get if they were in the serial killing business. Who the fuck would OPT to get arrested, prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison or face the fucking death penalty?! Also wouldn’t a serial killer prefer to remain free to keep on killing since that’s their main fucking function of their lives being PREDATORS and predators main preoccupation is fucking HUNTING.

Ultimately getting caught is a serial killer’s the end game due to their EGO. I mean there’s no fucking point in going around murdering the shit out of people, and perhaps other fucked up shit (like cannibalism) if  no one knows it was you. It doesn’t matter if it’s directing a block buster movie, writing a best selling book, a hit song, viral video, or any other fucking thing no matter what people want credit for their accomplishments. That includes serial killers especially if the serial killer is one that has a specific M.O., agenda, cause/mission, or manifesto serving as a fucked up rational for their heinous acts of murder.


The serial killer timeline is pretty fucking basic part 1 is torturing and killing animals then finally they kill a person. After their first murder their killing starts to accelerates increasing in frequency building to a crescendo of carnage and then the killer is caught at last. Part 2 is the serial killer is the defendant in a high profile and more than well publicized court cases while their picture and speculation as to why they did what they did are plastered all over the internet, social media, television, and on the front cover of magazines.

Lets fucking face it we make these sick fuckers famous to the point Oliver fucking Stone did a whole fucking movie on the subject in Natural Born Killers. The public being the third party find serial killers like any fucking thrill ride or adrenaline inducing activity that is terrifying but none the less exhilarating at the same fucking time. The public recoils at the details of the killers horrible acts of brutality and bloodshed, but morbid curiosity wins out in the end. Curiosity wins because as sickeningly nauseating the murderer’s malicious madness may be people have an insatiable thirst to know, find out, or discover why no the less. The public simply will not fucking be ignored like the Enquire’s motto “Enquiring minds want to know.”


While serial killers are fucked up as they come there something even more terrifying and that’s the exceptions to the rule. Two honorable mentions (BUT NOT EXCEPTIONS) are the BTK killer and The Ice Man, and I am purposefully not using their actual fucking names to if you want to know more go hit up google.

The Ice Man is an honorable mention because he used his psychopathic tendencies to find employment as a profile mafia hitman. This is different in The Ice Man didn’t have an M.O. and he didn’t prey on the public instead he made murder his profession. Also the Ice Man was a true comilion who by day was a loving father and husband, upstanding member of the community, respected in his neighborhood, and even a member of the local church. At night though The Ice Man induced his dark and deadly desires on behalf of the mob.

The BTK killer diverted from the traditional serial killer in the fact he could when he felt he needed to he curb his desire to kill (which meant it took decades before he was caught). This is unusual since like any fucking addiction it starts off slow and then they build up speed until you can’t stop even if you want to. You have become consumed by whatever addiction it is you’re battling to the point that ever fiber of your being wants the insanity to stop, BUT you also want to keep getting high NO MATTER WHAT. The same can be said for serial killers/serial killing.


The 2 most infamously notorious and yes famous traditional serial killer exceptions are Jack The Ripper and The Zodiac Killer. Jack The Ripper actually sent a single letter to the police along with a kidney from one of his alleged victims as proof confessing his crimes. He even included a 2 word return address which was: FROM HELL, and Yes that’s were the Hughes brothers got the title for their 2001 Jack The Ripper film staring Johny Depp. Now when it came to the issue of ego The Zodiac Killer set the bar and set it high as fuck. The Zodiac Killer sent a rather prolific amount of letters to both the police and the media even inventing his own cryptic code and symbols.

The Zodiac relished the fact he was able to taught and antagonize the authorities as well as the public, and he got a really enjoyed mocking the police. In summation the Zodiac’s letters stated that he was far more fucking intelligent than the police, the police wouldn’t or couldn’t ever catch him, and even with all his letters and clues contained within the police still weren’t able to arrest him. The scariest thing about the Zodiac is in the end he was right he like Jack The Ripper was NEVER caught he quit killing and walked off into the fucking sunset never to be heard from again.

Well on that happy note I’m going to end this post here.

See you when I see you,

 by Justin Sane

HOA’s The Legal Mafia

For those who are lucky enough not to know what the hell an HOA is allow me to explain.

What does HOA stand for?

It stands for Homeowners Association.

The History of HOA’s: HOA’s started very simply. Everyone who has or hasn’t owned a house is aware there is always a neighbor who’s a complete shit, and their house/yard reflects this shitty attitude. You know the house with the over grown lawn, mattress on the porch, car or some major household appliance rusting away in the yard etc. point being their house looks like a true dump. HOA’s used to be a basic agreement amongst the residents of a neighborhood that everyone should maintain their houses and lawns in a proper and respectable manner. If a neighbor’s house started to look shabby then the other residents would address it with the owner to resolve the said situation.

What Happened then to make HOA’s so detestable?

Thats an easy answer what happened was basic human behavior. People have a great knack for taking something simple and good and bastardizing it to death until its complicated and a MASSIVE pain in the ass. Homeowners self policing evolved under the force of human behavior into having HOA boards with Presidents (and vice presidents, treasurers and the like), childish elections, moronic monthly HOA meetings (imagine a town hall meeting where everyone is clinically insane and hopped up on Bath Salts.), idiotic infighting, and bullshit newsletters. Again we learn peoples desire for power makes them act like bastards and if they get a modicum of power it goes straight to their fucking heads, and thats not all by a long shot. The HOA has given themselves the right to dictate such things as what color you can paint your house, the type of front door you can have, if you can fly a flag, when you can water your lawn, demand you replace your roof at their discretion, demand that you paint your house again at their discretion regardless of peoples personal finances (example a new roof cost between $15,000 to $17,000 so most people plan to reroof years ahead of time so they can save up the money needed. Its a real fucker to have some asshole tell you out of the blue that you have to reroof your house immediately or else.)

Can I avoid buying a house without an HOA?

In most cases no unless you want to live in the shitty ghetto at the corner of Crack and Heroin because the neighborhoods are such utter shit no one living there gives a damn about petty shit they just want to stay alive. The other place you can buy a house without an HOA is the middle of the fucking boonies where there so few fucking people no one cares because out in the sticks there houses not neighborhoods.

HOA’s gave themselves the power to demand quarterly payments under the pretense that all the dues collected will go to the betterment of the neighborhood like repaving parking lots, roof repair, and landscaping to name a few. Not only that but if you are in violation of the set rules the HOA can fine you (usually $100) every day until you fix the issue at hand. HOA’s also have the self appointed authority to put a lean on your house if things get batshit crazy outta control as it were.

HOA is Legal Extortion. If I buy a house in a certain neighborhood why should I have to pay them quarterly? Thats a play right out of organized crime’s handbook. You see if a new store opens in a particular Mob family’s territory then the shop owner has to pay “Protection Money”. If a shop owner refuses to pay  the Mob will destroy their business, make their (along with friends and family) lives miserable, beat up/ torture the owner, and possibly murder them. All this because of the geographical location alone.

There 2 types of HOA’s The HOA Nazis and The HOA Do Nothings.

The HOA Nazi’s patrol the neighborhood daily looking for infractions of the mandated rules of the HOA. They are brutal and extremely judgmental. They believe they are superior to their neighbors and enforce the rules as forcefully as they can over the smallest infraction. They write nasty fucking letters, set high daily fines for offenders, lecture about “Those Neighbors” (those who didn’t comply) at HOA meetings reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s speeches in tone and intensity. They are hated and disposed by the rest of their neighborhoods.

The HOA DO Nothings collect they dues BUT don’t use them to improve a damn thing. They do the absolute base minimum and they do that begrudgingly. They are lax on the rules (so you can get away with shit like having 2 dogs when the HOA rules say only one dog not to mention the HOA decides what breed and size of said dog) but theirs a lot more childish drama. At one point my HOA meetings got so emotionally intense the local Police were present to keep order. The bitch about Do Nothing HOA’s is they change their minds more than parents change their new born baby’s diapers. The only fucking thing my current HOA is responsible for is maintaining/ replacing the roofs. Well they just sent me a bullshit letter stating that for the next 7 years they are instituting an ADDITIONAL $500 payment because they are going to replace the roofs. My point is this why the fuck should I pay them an additional $500 when I already pay them quarterly AND THAT MONEY (from the quarterly payment) IS FOR PAYING FOR NEW ROOFS, thus I’m being double billed if you will. There is a SHIT LOAD more infighting amongst the board members resulting in raucous HOA meetings and TONS of bullshit letters because they have much more free time than the HOA Nazi’s.

In Summation HOA’s are fucking unAmerican and operate on the principles of extortion. HOA’s only have power because they gave it to themselves and everyone else instead of calling bullshit bitched about it and then complied. I have no fucking idea why neighborhoods don’t unite and dismantle their HOA’s. HOA’s are comprised off cranky, over opinionated, better than you, mean, depressed, vengeful, nosy, moronic, idiotic assholes who get their rocks off with the power they get being on the HOA board. FUCK EVERY HOA AND EVERY BOARD MEMBER. It’s the fucking American dream to buy your own home, but now with unnecessary HOA policies and institutional horse shit can crap all over your dream, extort money from you, harass you constantly, spy on you, and fine you or even putting a fucking lean on your dream home. The entire HOA system is as corrupt as any government on the fucking planet.

Good News I’m moving in a couple of months to a different state and managed to buy a house WITHOUT AN HOA and I can’t be fucking happier.

HOA should stand for Huge Outrageous Assholes because thats who runs them.