The Class Action Lawsuit Conundrum

By now its NO secret I have great contempt for Doctors, and an intense hatred of Hospitals. Why One may ask?! Well I’ll recap for those of Our Reader’s who aren’t aware. Thats because those are by fucking far the two WORSET of the Healthcare Crisis Creators. So the following should really not be a surprise to anyone at this point in the Game.

In my ongoing relatively new”hobby” of harassing the complete shit out of the Doctors, and other assorted Medical Staff I brought up the subject of Class Action Lawsuits. And what a fucking reaction I got.

The Doctor (who just happened to be a Specialist, the worst kind of fucking Doctors if you ask me which you didn’t, but I don’t give a flying fuck so) Anyway He smiled anxiously, and started to laugh nervously. He then stopped looking at me and swung his head to the left and pointed it directly at the fucking floor like a fucking Child who just got in trouble.

He then babbled, Hemmed and Hawed about “Lets not think about that…Lets not concern Ourselves with that” and changed the subject as fast a hiccup. Unfortunately for Him I was far from finished.

So I then launched into My Argument as I steamrolled the shit out of the poor fucker. Heres My Point People:

Now a Medical Class Action suit is when some Medical shit goes sideways be it a Medication or Medical Surgical Product like say an Artificial fucking Hip Joint.

When this unfortunate shit happens a large to massive group of People get together with the same Lawyer or Law Firm, and sue the ever loving shit out of the Product Manufacturer, but it can also target Doctors who were involved in any way with the faulty product as well as Hospitals.

What We all have to fucking ask Ourselves at this point is simply this, WHY Are These People Lawyering up, and going after The Manufacturer or whoever They believe to a be a guilty party???

HERES FUCKING WAY KIDS: When a Surgical mishap occurs the Patient is utterly and absolutely proper fucked. Not only did They have to go through the Emotional, Mental, and Physical Pain/hardships of going through the said Surgery once before. Not to mention They had to Battle an onslaught of Crippling Medical Bills the first time around as fucking well.

On top of that bullshit when a Surgical Product Fails THE DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS will Replace the defective part with a new and better one, BUT YOU HAVE TO PAY THEM FOR THE SECOND SURGERY.

If Doctor’s grabbed Their fucking balls, manned the fuck up, and took some fucking responsibility things would be vastly different. They are the fucking ones who opted to use the goddamn product (not like the patient picks from a fucking catalog or some shit.)

If Doctors/Hospitals did the fucking right thing They would replace the failed part FOR FUCKING FREE.

And why should They do it for fucking free some of you might still be asking still at this point?!

Thats an EASY ANSWER. If Doctors/Hospitals just ACCEPTEd as Their poor Patients had too (who’s health is now in danger, pain or discomfort, and went through and paid for the fucking said Surgery already) that it sucks, but sometimes shit just goes sideways. And considering the cunts took a Hippocratic Oath it seems the ball falls solely in Their Court.

The Hippocratic Oath is when Doctors are SWORN In and states They will do EVERYTHING (My Ass) to use/apply Their Medical training, and knowledge to Help Mend the Injured, and Heal the Sick.

I believe if you SWEAR AN OATH You damn well should fucking abide by it. Its the same thing to Me as breaking a fucking promise. You don’t fucking do it.

Also beside being the Morally and Ethically right thing to do MCLs are bad for fucking everyone involved.

The Patient has to wait and suffer or possibly even fucking DIE. The Lawyers have to Wage War in Court like serious sons of bitches as The Prosecution needs to win to get paid, and the Defendant doesn’t want to pay a single red fucking cent.

Its bad for Hospital’s that are successful in a large part to Word of Mouth/Social Media recommendations and accolades, MCL’s are VERY DETRIMENTAL PUBLIC RELATIONS. No Patients No Hospital.

Its sucks BIG TIME for Doctors as Their Employers whoever They may be don’t appreciate Negative Press. I say Employer as in Hospital since thats were Surgeons conduct Their Surgeries.

Not to mention the Doctors already hefty Malpractice Insurance Company will jack up the Doctors rate exponentially. Its also harmful for the Doctor’s reputation  just like with Hospitals, no one wants to be a Patient of a Doctor who got seriously sued. No Patients, No Doctors.

Lastly as far as the Doctors are concerned MCLs get the attention of the American Medical Society (AMA) that is the Medical World’s Governing Authority. The AMA can heavily fine Doctors for infractions, They can also suspend a Doctors License to Practice Medicine for 6months to 10 years to PERMANENTLY.

That means without a License (or a suspended one) the Doctor has to find a new job as without a Medical License IT IS ILLEGAL FOR THEM TO PRACTICE MEDICINE, and You can be Arrested, Tried, and sent to Prison for many years.

My Bottomline here is:



Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

The Tale of The Hellacious Hospital

I was 13 years old and it was the beginning of Summer Vacation. The first 2 weeks went splendidly as all I did was fuck off with friends all day, and cause minor trouble as our Town was boring as shit. Then one random morning I woke up with what felt like the worst cramp of my life in my lower left side. In addition I was nauseous as all get out as the pain increased to the point I walked virtually bent over at the waist. After a couple of days of this my Parents took me to our family Doctor. It took him less than 30 seconds to double check his almost instant diagnosis, and then informed us it was Appendicitis that would require immediate treatment. So instead of heading off to camp the next day I headed off the the local Hospital.

Now Appendicitis (along with Tonsillitis) are the two easiest fucking things not only for a Doctor to Diagnose its equally as easy for a Surgeon to remedy through simple Surgery. As one might imagine it plays out as your sick, you go to doctor, doctor makes his/her diagnosis, go strait to the nearest Hospital, get Admitted, and then immediate Surgery. This is specially important for Appendicitis as the longer it goes untreated the higher the risk it could rupture causing Secondary Infection(s) a real bitch.

Well thats not quite how it went with me thats for fucking sure. The first part went normally until I arrived at the Hospital as shit went down hill from there rather quickly. Now once I was admitted in stead of preforming the needed immediate (not quite an emergency but pretty damn close) Surgery they did the exact opposite they waited. They waited for the sole fucking reason of using me as a case example for the small Army of Interns. The next 36 or so hours Doctors came in and poked and prodded the shit out of me in-between marching in groups of 6-10 Medical Students/Interns?Residents.

Nothing like lying in the Hospital as your Summer Vacation rots away, but to be treated like a fucking Lab Animal was the worst of it all. Doctor’s are such disconnected Cunts, they really are. Doctor’s have no what they call Bedside Manner, and Bedside Manner translates to Talking/Treating the Patient like a human not a project. So all these Medical Motherfucker’s keep parading in apparently whenever the fuck they felt like it.

Finally they preformed the Surgery or Appendectomy, and shit went back to normal as far as protocol was concerned. I hung out post Opp for a day or so and the Hospital Released Me. Once again I settled into a regular Summer Routine until one day I woke up sick as a dog. I a fever, Cold Sweats, Nausa, Diarrhea, No Appetite, and all that Super fucking Flu symptomatic shit. Again after several days it became apparent this wasn’t a cold, flu or food poisoning and I went back to the Doctor. He couldn’t tell us the root cause, but he did strongly advise taking me back to the Hospital and my parents did.

Long story Shorter I was readmitted, examined, and tested. The Doctor’s came to the conclusion that (and this is the only fucking way we found out this even happened as in They never said shit about it) because my Appendix had in fact Burst that there were 2 pockets of Infectious Puss lingering around the Surgical site like two Sepsis Clouds. The Doctor’s next task was to locate the pockets of infection, and then administer proper treatment due on location alone.

Long story shorter I had to go through 2 additional Surgical Procedures to actually drain the infections. Now of these 2 Procedures I’m only going to take the time to address is the first of the two. This is how it all went down. One of the Diagnostic Tests was an MRI which located the pockets of infection in the first place. Now based on the MRI Results the Doctor’s opted to preform this fucked up little maneuver. This one must remember was in the days LONG before Twilight Anesthesia was even considered. In spite of lacking the current anesthetic options of today came over to me (I’m shirtless and still laying prone on the MRI Machine arms stretched above head) and inform me their going to attempt to drain one of the pockets of infection right then and there. Their reasoning was that it was very close to “the skin” if by that you mean under all 5 layers of skin and then the subsequent muscle. They then I shit you not hit me with 17-21 shots of Novocaine in my abdomen as Anesthetic.

Then this little feeble wobble of a man came out of the control room and over to me. This guy looking like a goddamn 5th grade Science teacher mustache, Bowtie, and all. This douche informs me that he is going to take a  very thin needle (about 2 feet long I shit you not) and then jam it into my abdomen. From there he is going to manual suck out the puss and shit with a large syringe attached to the other end of the motherfucking needle.

Things didn’t start well as the Fat Fuck stabbed me and fucking missed the Soft Ball sized pocket of infection in spite of being able to see exactly where the fuck it was. Once we withdrew the needle he had to insure there was no internal bleeding by pushing down with all his might (not to mention body weight) on the injection site. He then manages to finally after over a fucking hour of this horse shit torture got the job essentially done. To this day if I ever see this Guy on the street I’m going to stab him repeatedly in his fucking fat little face with a rusty Screw Driver, Just Saying.

With the pockets of infection drained I spent a few more days on intravenous Antibiotics, and then sent on my way once again. Summer was back on track for the next 3 weeks anyway. See this is where shit gets really weird. I woke up one day exhibiting the exact same symptoms of Appendicitis though my Appendix for all incentive purposes had been Surgically removed over a month ago at this point. Needless to say I was off to and readmitted to the Hospital. I honestly have no fucking clue why my parents would take me back to that Shithole Hospital for a 3rd time, but I digress under protest.

Long story shorter the Doctor’s spent days subjecting me to what turned out to be every test in the fucking book to No Avail. The Doctor’s were perplexed as they to couldn’t figure out how a surgically removed Appendix could affect someone with a classic example of Appendicitis. After toiling away with machines and men in the Lab they were no closer to finding the reason. Exasperated and exhausted the Doctor’s came to talk to us about what the fuck to do. The Doctor’s started by stating the now obvious that regardless of all the fucking tests, everything for all intensive purposes looked absolutely normal.

This left the Doctors with only one last option and that was to do an Exploratory. See Exploratory Surgery sounds all nice and fucking official with a hint of NASA to it, but here is what Exploratory Surgery is in Laymen’s terms. Exploratory Surgery means going more Medieval in Medical Methods. That is the Doctor’s can’t figure out why your sick so they actually cut you open, and literally poke around like a car mechanic under the hood of a car. Thats it, they slice you open to actually see if they can find shit out first hand since the million dollar machines produced shit as far as results.

What they found was truly intriguing. Since the Scumbags waited so long before operations that my Appendix had ruptured, and ruptured spectacularly (meaning huge amount of infectious collateral damage) that we all knew already. The Doctors went on to explain that the middle of my Appendix blew the fuck up when the Appendix ruptured, and when the Surgeon went in initially  he removed the base or bottom part of the affected Appendix. Now what no one could have foreseen the Tip of the Infected Appendix broke off with a independent blood supply (not sure to this day exactly what the hell that means), and then slid down by my right Kidney. Once it reached my right Kidney it proceeded to hug up against it so tightly that on tests it just appeared to be part of the Kidney’s natural exterior.

The odd thing (at the time it didn’t compute with my parents) was my Parents were approached several times by various Doctors not associated with my case reassuring them the Hospital handled my case fine, and all this other shit was unavoidable. What that says to me is “We fucked up bad, but we don’t want to get the shit sued out of us so we’re backpedaling to save our asses with False Reassurances.

Any who for all the bullshit, time, and consequent suffering I did achieve one thing note worthy. On the Medical History for said Hospital I’m on the Books as the only Patient to have His Appendix out Twice.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober 

The Tale of Two Hospitals

Where We moved in the Southern Country there is a choice if need be of 2 different near by Hospitals. On one hand there’s the local Applesburg County’s Lemon Hospital, and on the other you have Poseidon Hospital in the neighboring County of East Chuck Town.

As far as Poseidon is concerned They are excellent, great staff, kick ass nurses, and damn good doctors. I can testify to this first hand as I spent several days there last month for a little heart issue. Poseidon was as wonderful as We were told by everyone We met a true 5 star facility. Once I was released from Poseidon when I talked to someone the FIRST thing they would say (even before asking “How are You”/”How are You doing?”) was that I was Lucky (or that it was “Wonderful/Great/Good” etc.) that I ended up going to Poseidon Hospital instead of Lemon.


The Locals actually have a saying about Lemon Hospital that goes like this “Go to Lemon Hospital if You want to DIE.” (The emphasis on die)

In fact Lemon’s reputation has been so shitty for so long people will do pretty much anything in their power to avoid being taken there. The most popular way to assure that the Ambulance takes you too Poseidon is to drive yourself (or have someone drive you if your not capable) just over the boarder between Applesburg and East Chuck Town, and THEN call 911.

This method has become so preferable that a Local Gentlemen started his own “County Line Shuttle Service”. So if your sick or injured, can’t drive yourself, and don’t have anyone else who can drive you then you can call this Gentleman. He will then pick you up at your current location, and drive you over the County line where he will even call 911 on your behalf.

Now this insanely honest and unanimous view of Lemon Hospital is curiously compelling. Its gotten to the point where one of these days I’m going to drive the 50 minutes from my house to Lemon Hospital just to see this Horror Show of a Hospital. I can only imagine based on what I have been told what this Hell Hole Hospital must actually look like.

For example I imagine there is blood splattered everywhere on damn near everything, and severed body parts strewn all across the floor. There dead bodies on gurneys  lining the halls under flickering florescent lights. I imagine the Doctor’s all who barely graduated Medical School with a “D” or attended one of the finest Medical Schools in the Tropics. I imagine a skeleton staff comprised of workers who look more like corpses than living human beings working with outdated and flawed Medical Equipment. I imagine there is a Mortuary in the lobby as apposed to a Gift Store. I imagine mold on the walls of the Cafeteria with rather large Rats scurrying about amongst the Roaches. I imagine leaking pipes, rampant rust, pungent stench of sickness and death,over crowded rooms packed with the dying, moans and cries of doomed patients filling the musty, stagnant air, and filth encrusted walls, BUT I can only imagine for the time being.

Perhaps this will help explain my current morbid fascination with the Dreaded Lemon Hospital of Death or perhaps not.

Thanks for READING,

Les Sober