Mistress Marijuana : Pot Porno 2


The Gallery of Ganja By Les Sober 


The Hepatitis C Hypothesis

 I have had a hypothesis lingering in the back of my brain for over a year, and my hypothesis is can Marijuana slow the progression of Hepatitis C. Now lets establish a few things before I begin presenting my Hep C Hypothesis .

  1. I’m not a Medical School student.
  2. I have no formal medical training/education.
  3. I am not a Doctor.
  4. I contracted Hep C
  5. I was treated for Hep C and now am considered cured (Hep C level is undetectable)
  6. I am curious and intelligent
  7. I keep up with the advancements of Marijuana in Medicine as I am 100% Pro Pot and the governments propaganda has been disproven as now real medical research has begun

 So heres the story, hypothesis, and Explanation there of. When I was 72  I had danced with the Hellion Heroin for brief periods through out my younger years, but this time it finally found me and proceeded to do exact its revenge the only way Heroin knows how by destroying your life. But that is a story for a different occasion and this is not a tutorial or case study on or about Heroin. 

The only reason I mentioned Heroin at all is there are only 2 ways to contract Hep-C  one being through a Blood Transfusion (Which I’ve never had and RELAX THEY CHECK FOR IT NOW.) and the second being through intravenous drug use which is how I became infected. Now Hep C can hideout in your liver for 10,15,20 years before any symptoms are present so I personally diagnosed with Hep C a decade (10 years) later after I had cleaned myself up along with my life. 

Its one of those stories you hear about I went in for routine blood work as part of a well overdue physical. After a while I realized that the Doctor’s office had failed to call me with my blood work results which is par of the course so I called them since I find people not preforming their basic job duties irritating as fuck. I got a receptionist that answered the phone as if she hated her job and her life along with it who transferred me to a nurse. The nurse got on the line and read my results like she had never seen (more or less read) blood work results before in her life, and seemed to be desperately struggling to figure out what she was looking at.  In the end she informed me that due to slightly elevated liver enzymes the Doctor was recommending a more extensive blood work panel. I am not one of those smart asses that go on Med MD or some shit, and then go to my Doctor and try to 1 up him when he presents his findings/recommendations.  I followed the Doctors orders and promptly went to have my blood drawn and sent off to some laboratory god knows where to be analyzed.  Once the results were in I was contacted in a timely matter this time around, and wanted me to set up a consultation (which I interpreted as VERY BAD fucking thing because consultations of this sort always lend themselves to the worst of the worst scenario) When I got to the consultation the Doctor told me the diagnosis was Hepatitis C and that being out of his skill set was referring me to a specialist (known as Infectious Disease Doctors which I believe to be the worst fucking title for a Doctor as they already make people nervous to begin with).  

NOW LETS PAUSE A MINUTE. This is also NOT a tutorial on Hep C so I’m mentioning only the bare basics as I they related to me personally through my Hepatitis situation. If your curious about Hep C then fucking Google it.

When I met with the Specialist who informed me that for someone with Hep C I was in rather good position. This was due to the fact my viral load (or amount of Hep C found in one’s blood) was 100,000 which granted sounds like a lot, BUT on average when someone comes to him their numbers are 5 million usually more. Also he informed me that due to excessive amounts of liver transplants the FDA had made Hep C its number 1 priority which meant they were pumping millions of dollars into research. I was lucky I didn’t have to suffer through the traditional interferon which is used to treat cancer as well as Aids/HIV and was the main reason people quit treatment. All I had to do in the end was take 2 pills once a day for 3 months, have blood work immediately after finishing treatment and then again a year later to see if I was indeed cured which I was and am to this day.

Now even though I was in a good position along with new medications to be cured before I suffered a single symptom and was subsequently was cured still had to wonder how it all came to be.  I say that because when I was using Heroin I also drank excessively and we all know that will kill your liver if you let it so my liver was getting the holy Hell kicked out of it in a 2 on 1 fight for preservation. I would like to say when I got clean I also got sober yet that was not to be the case. I continued to drink heavily with occasional benders. I still enjoy beer (I have quit Booze) BUT I have learned in older age moderation is the key to all things this world has to offer. 

My lingering question simply was how in spite of the Shooting Heroin and the boarder line alcoholism how could my Hep C viral load was extremely low when I was diagnosed? Then I noticed new studies in Marijuana and its affect on Cancer Tumors. What was being reported was while Marijuana can’t cure Cancer or destroy tumors it could buy the patient a good deal of well needed/wanted time by slowing the Tumor’s ability to replicate Cancer Cells. Basically Caner sets up shop (the way Hep C sets up shop in the liver) and then replicates Caner cells like a fucking Cancer Factory Assembly Line. Hep C specifically sets up its shop in the liver it works in the same way as Cancer does using replication. So the initial Hypothesis is Can Marijuana Slow The Replication of the Hepatitis C Virus in infected patients they way it can in Cancer Patients?!

Its not just the Marijuana itself that I believe could slow Hep C’s replication process alone theres more to it than that. While it has for a rather long time been proven as fact that every single human being (for unknown reasons) has THC receptors in wired into their brains. But not only that further research on THC receptors has shown its not just the brain that comes equipped with THC receptors but they can be found through out the body. Not only that but there are dense clusters of THC receptors located through out the human body INCLUDING THE LIVER.

  In summation my hypothesis is this: Can Marijuana in combination with the cluster of THC receptors in the liver account for my extremely low viral load (and the ability to be 100% cured) being due to the combined ability of Marijuana and the THC receptors located in the liver slow Hep C cell replication? 




Vape On This!

Here is a run down on my views on Vaping:

First and foremost lets give credit where credit is due. The group of people who not only introduced America to Vaping ,and led to the first time Big Tobacco took a HUGE HIT in the American market was the Marijuana Smokers. While antismoking groups got larger they embraced Vaporizers (and it was the smartest move) as the new anti-smoking device and they were right. THE POINT IS THOUGH the group of people who introduced Vaping were Pot Smokers. Pot smokers learned that Vaping is much cleaner, smoother and insanely better for your lungs (Combustion out, Convection in as the heat source). So respect to the pot smoking community for bringing the biggest and best of the world of Vaping to the American people.

1. Vaping Marijuana: As stated above its cleaner, smoother and way healthier (because of Convection versus Combustion it removes impurities making it far less stressful on the lungs)

2. Vaping to Quit Smoking Tobacco: Highly effective as well as cost effective, and readily available. It truly is the greatest blessing upon the anti-smoker groups such as Truth.com as the number of tobacco smokers (present and future) plummeted to historical lows.

Side note: I quite smoking using and E-Cigerette which are quite amazing. Not only due they switch Convection for Combustion as the heat source, BUT they also replaced burning solid material (such as weed) for a oil based solution that emits water vapor in place of any smoke.

ITS IMPORTANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE E-Ciggerettes oil’s contain NICOTINE which is highly addictive and is not healthy!!! E-Cigerettes are meant to replace tobacco cigarettes AND THEN like the Patch or Nicotine Gum the user is meant to reduce the dosage of Nicotine until they are completely are weaned off entirely.

3. Vaping For Fun: (No Nicotine, just a wide variety of increasing flavors) Thats just fine, its healthy and harms no one. Go For It.

4. Vaping as a Trend: IF your one of those trendy hipster douche bags who spends ridiculous amount on of cash on those giant 1950’s sci-fi movie looking “Professional Vaporizers” that makes it looks like your holding a fucking DVD player or your entering Cloud Contests (assholes assemble at a Vape Shop and compete by seeing who can exhale the largest cloud of mist or some shit like that) PLEASE KILL YOURSELF NOW AND DO THE WORLD A FAVOR! STUPID PEOPLE WASTE OUR OXEGEN AND TAKE UP LIMITED SPACE!

Right To Unrestricted Research

S.683-114th Congress


To extend the principle of federalism to State drug policy, provide access to medical marijuana, AND ENABLE RESEARCH into the MEDICINAL PROPERTIES of Marijuana.

Section 708 (21 U.S.C.903) (b) amended

“(b) COMPLIANCE WITH STATE LAW.-Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the provisions of this title relating to marijuana shall not apply to any person  acting in compliance with State law relating to the production, possession, distribution, dispensation, administration, LABORATORY TESTING, or delivery of medical marijuana.”