Vage Games

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring VAGE GAMES by Content Creator Federico. The Haunting and Somewhat Cliche Song in the Video is “Metaphysic” and is by Composer Kevin Macleod. Macleod is Most Widely Known for His Licensing Options that Allow Anyone to Use His Music for Free as Long as He Receives Attribution (Credit) and that has Led to His Music being Used in THOUSANDS OF FILMS, Commercial Video Games (Example: Kerbal Space Program), and a Vast Number of YouTube Videos/Films.

Ebenezer McBurney Byers (1880) was a Wealthy American Socialite, Athlete, and Industrialist. He won the 1906 U.S. Amateur in Golf. He earned Notoriety in the early 1930s when He Died from Multiple Radiation-induced Cancers after consuming Radithor, a popular Patent Medicine made from Radium which is HIGHLY RADIOACTIVE Dissolved in Water.
Byers was Very Wealthy,  Considered to be Handsome, and His Life was just going well until He Experienced Back Pain and Visited to His Doctor.  Now remember that Back in the Day when the Medical Field was FAR, FAR MORE PRIMITIVE there were 2 Significant Problems when it came to Medication. One was the Doctor’s simply Not Knowing Enough at the Time and Thus Prescribing Dangerous Medications and Medical Procedures. The Second was what They referred to back then as Snake Oil Salesmen who Traveled from Place to Place Selling “Miracle Tonics and Health Inducing Elixirs that Aside from being a COMPLETE FUCKING SCAM could be Toxic.

Byer’s Doctor Prescribed Radithor, which Worked so Well for Him Eliminating His Back Pain and Any Other Ailment BUT, little did Byers know the Radithor was EATING HIS FLESH from the Inside Over the Years. Then Towards the End of His Life Byers was Consuming  3 Bottles of Radithor a Day until His jaw just became so Necrotic that Surgeons had to Amputate Byer’s Lower Jaw along with a Significant Portion of His Upper Jaw. From that Point On more Body Parts of Byer’s Deteriorated and were Removed until He inevitably Ended Up Dying Plagued by Various Forms of Cancer that Riddled His Decrepit Body Due to Radithor.

Synopsis: A Forlorn Central Character Ekes Out a Sorrowful Existence in a Bleak and Barron Apocalyptic Wasteland Lamenting Mortality.

It is What It is,

Presented By Les Sober

An FYB Quickie: Lies, Deception, and Doctors

This is simply a Question that has been Eating at Me for the last couple of Months, and I’m not honestly know exactly Why. So in Situations like this the Failsafe Remedy is to Express the Though to Exorcise the Damnable Thoughts from the Inside of My Insanity.

The the Question at Hand that Torments My Mind is this:

Why the hell would Someone LIE to their Doctor?!

Don’t get Me wrong I have, Do, and Will Lie thats just a fucking fact of Life, and being fucking Human Being unfortunately. I fully understand that there are times One Lie’s such as Dealing with Cops (fucking Nazi Pig Fuckers), To a Boss about Why You Need Off or Were Late, Your Family when You Don’t want to hear Their Opinion, and Other sticky situations.


I am also Aware of use of White Lies which are Lies that Benefit the Greater Good, and used to for such things as Protecting Another’s feelings.

Now with that all said WHY of All the Assholes and Reasons that People Lie would Someone Lie to Their Doctor?!

I mean I get it NO ONE wants to be Bitched At, Scolded, or Lectured about all the shit People are instructed to do, BUT DON’T such as Adhering to a Healthier Diet, Exercise More, and Follow Doctor’s Orders pertaining to Your Wealth and Well Being.


Thats sort of where My point lies in that Doctor’s cn be a huge fucking Pain in the Ass, They can be Condescending/Cold/Egotistical/Unrealistic and so On. And again No One likes being Called Out on Their Shit and I don’t Either for that matter. I also know Doctor’s and What They Say or Recommend can be down right Scary as fuck When it comes To Shit like to MAJOR Diagnostic Testing, Hospitalization, and Surgery.

I Myself have had 3 Surgeries, Several Hospitalizations, and Tons of Tests that could bear Horrific Result like Cancer or Aides or Some Other Life Altering Shit, and had 4-5 Surgical Procedures AKA Same Day Surgeries (the Ones that Don’t Require a Stay in s Hospital. It Sucked Each and Every fucking Time I assure You. They weren’t fucking fun thats For Sure, BUT I’m still Alive and Kicking so thats the Reality of it.


What’s true Purpose of Someone LYING to Their Doctor exactly thats what I Wonder. You may avoid getting Lectured or Reprimanded by Your Doctor, BUT thats so insignificantly Childish when it comes to Your Health which without You inevitably Die. A Doctor is a Highly Trained Medical Professional (Hopefully that is) who People Hire, and Pay a small fucking Fortune for Their Services to Heal Us when We are Injured and Cure Us when We are Sick. This all goes to serve one and only purpose which is STAYING ALIVE AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. Who would choose to be Sick or in Pain or to Die Prematurely?!

Well That’s EXACTLY what You do By Lying to Your Doctor. Lying to Your Doctor just makes His/Her Job Significantly Harder and that Job is keeping You ALIVE, HEALTHY, and PAIN FREE. And by Lying to Your Doctor Your CHOOSING to Jeopardize Your Own Health and Well Being which is about as COUNTER PRODUCTIVE as You can fucking get in this Particular Situation.


Not to mention You’re spending a Substantial Shit Ton of Money to Keep You Healthy and Alive so by Lying all Your doing is Pissing Your Money Away. If You want to Waste Money do it Gambling or Something Entertaining, well at least more than a Doctor/Doctor’s Office at Least?!

Bottomline: Ironically Lying to Your Doctor serves NO ACTUAL PURPOSE (Other than to Spare Your Feelings) it Wastes Everyone’s Time, Money and Effort which I can’t Stress enough is TO KEEP YOU ALIVE, HEALTHY, AND PAIN FREE.

Think of it in a Nutshell: When it comes to Your Doctor: You Lie and You Die.

Thank for Reading,

  Les Sober