Short Horror Film Friday: GUEST

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring the British Film GUEST  Written and Directed by Finn Callan and Produced by Ivan Veselov. What Stands Out is the Film’s Ability to be Truly Terrifying without the Use of Cliche (and Grossly Over Used) Jump Scare Tactics. Also be Sure to Check Out the Message from The GUEST Team after the Credits.

GUEST has been Described by Viewers as Dark and Disturbing, Eerily Haunting, Beautifully Horrific, A Surreal Nightmare, and that (in Their Personal Opinion) it Captures the Horrible Sorrow of Having Suicidal Thoughts.


My Favorite Explanation of the Film is the One I find closest to What I Believe to be True. The Hypothesis states GUEST can be Interpreted as a Woman with Schizophrenia Who tried to Escape the Eerie Visions through Self Mutilation. All She wants is for the Visual and Auditory Hallucinations that Torment Her to Stop, but Ultimately You Can’t Escape Your Own Mind. Your Mind can be Plagued by Unwanted Guests in the Form of Mental Disorders.

It’s Sad to Say it’s not Uncommon for Those Suffering from Schizophrenia to Go Through Moments such as This.


A Home Owner Returns Home to Find an Unknown and  Seriously Injured Woman Lying on Their Bathroom Floor. What the Home Owner is Unaware of is Their Mysterious Guest isn’t Alone… She Brought a Guest of Her Own.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober  

FYB Presents a Psychotic Friday Film: GLESS

FYB is proud to Present the Short Obscure Independent Film Gless Written, Directed, and Edited by Rick Gawel (Run Time 54 Minutes 16 Seconds)


Brief Plot Summery:

Gless tells the Story of a Young Woman who Suffers from Debilitating Mental Illness (more than likely Schizophrenia)  which causes Her to have Frequent Hallucinations and Distorts her Memories.

One of these Hallucinatory Characters is Bless, a Ghost Like Girl who Manipulates Gless into Committing Violent Acts.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Homicidal Insanity as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

Mental Disorders: A Schizophrenia Simulation

The Clinical Definition of Schizophrenia is as Follows:

Schizophrenia is a SERIOUS Mental Disorder in which People interpret Reality Abnormally. Schizophrenia may Result in some Combination of Hallucinations (Auditory as well as Visual), Delusions, and Extremely Disordered Thinking and Behavior that Impairs Daily functioning, and can be Disabling. People with Schizophrenia Require Life Long Treatment.


Thank You for Experiencing,

  Presented By Les Sober