FYB’s Friday Midnight Movie By Troma Entertainment : The Toxic Avenger!

FYB could be any More Thrilled than We are to Present Troma Entertainment’s Cult Classic Superhero Black Comedy Splatter Horror Film THE TOXIC AVENGER!!!

The Toxic Avenger was Directed by Troma Founders Micheal Herz and Lloyd Kaufman and Released by Troma Entertainment in 1984. Troma has since  Built it’s Legendary Reputation as The Kings of Independent Cinema, and Cult Following of Fans Producing LOW BUDGET B-MOVIES with CAMPY CONCEPTS, JUVENILE HUMOR, and OUTRAGEOUSLY GRUESOME VIOLENCE!


Plot Summery:

Melvin Ferd is a Stereotypical 98 pound Nerd weakling who works as a Janitor at a Local Gym in the Fictional Town of Tromaville, New Jersey, where the Gym Rat Jocks-particular Bozo, Slug, Wanda, and Julie- Harass Him Relentlessly.  Melvin’s Tormentors get increasingly More and More Violent, even DELIBERATELY KILLING a YOUNG BOY on a Bike as Part of a Game while Driving around Town Getting Wasted. After The Gang hits the Young Boy They Stop to take Pictures of The CARNAGE as They Laugh at The DEAD BOY’S MANGLED AND LIFELESS CORPSE!

One Day Melvin is tricked during a Prank into wearing a Pink Tutu and Kissing a Sheep before being chased around by a Crowd of Laughing Gym Goers. Melvin Ends up Jumping through a Second Story Window and Landing Head First into a Drum of TOXIC WASTE! Melvin covered in Toxic Waste Residue BURSTS INTO FLAMES sending Him Screaming Down the Street IN HORROR. Melvin runs Home and seeks Refuge and Relief in His Bathtub, BUT the Toxic Chemicals TRANSFORM Melvin into s HIDEOUSLY DEFORMED MONSTER OF HUMAN SIZE AND STRENGTH!


A Gang of Drug Dealers, led by the Criminal Cigar Face, are harassing a Police Officer by the Name of O’Clancy, Trying to Buy Him Off, But O’Clancy Refuses Their Bride. Suddenly The Toxic Avenger appears Out of Nowhere and VIOLENTLY KILLS THE CRIMINALS! Only Cigar Face manages to Escape with His Life and Swears Revenge on The Toxic Avenger No Matter What.

Melvin returns Home, but His Mother is Terrified by His Appearance, and Refuses to let Melvin in the House. So Melvin- Publicly Dubbed “THE MONSTER HERO”(also know as Toxic Avenger or Toxie for Short.) and is Hailed as a Hero. Toxie retreats to the Tromaville Junkyard and Builds a Makeshift Home to Live In.

Elsewhere in Tromaville, a Street Gang are Holding Up a Mexican Restaurant and ATTACK a Blind Woman Named Sarah. They Gang KILLS SARAH’S GUIDE DOG, But Before Things get Worse for Sarah The Toxic Avenger Arrives. The Toxic Avenger precedes to WREAK BLOODY VENGEANCE on the Gang of Street Thugs. The Toxic Avenger continues to Fight Crime, including DRUG DEALERS, PEDOPHILE PIMPS, and He Also Takes His REVENGE on the Four Tormentors who caused His Transformation.


As The Toxic Avenger Gives Aid Helping the People of Tromaville, Mayor Belgoody, the Leader of Tromaville’s Extensive Crime Ring, Fearing being Caught Belgoody sends a Goon Squad lead by Cigar Face to Kill Toxie, But They Fail Miserably, and End Up Accidentally Killing Each other.

When The Toxic Avenger is Accused of MURDERING a Seemingly Innocent Old Lady in a Dry Cleaning Store (Who just so happens to be the Leader of an UNDERGROUND HUMAN TRAFFICKING RING), Belgoody uses the Opportunity to Call in The National Guard. The Toxic Avenger goes into Hiding afraid of what He has Become that is Until The Mayor and National Guard Hunt Toxie Down Trapping Him. As The National Guard prepares to Open Fire On Toxie the Citizens of Tromaville unite to Defend Their Beloved Monster. The MAyor’s Evil ways are Revealed, and The Toxic Avenger RIPS OUT BELGOODY’S ORGANS to see if He has “Any Guts”. The Toxic Avenger Then reassures the Citizens that He will Continue to Fight Crime, and Protect Tromaville from Evil.

Hope You Enjoyed Troma’s Toxic Tale of Terror as  Much as We Did/Do.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

FYB Friday Mutant Monster Movie Night: Class of Nuke’em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown

FYB is Especially Excited to Bring You Tonight’s Movie from The Legendary, and Iconic Independent Film Maker Troma Picture’s  Cult Classic CLASS OF NUKE’EM HIGH 2: SUBHUMANOID MELTDOWN!!!

Class Of Nuke’em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown is a Action Horror Comedy (1991), and the FIRST SEQUAL to the 1986 Movie Class Of Nuke’em High.


Welcome to the Tromaville Institute of Technology where a Melt-Down Prone Nuclear Power Plant breeds Hideously DRONE SLAVES, DEFORMED GIANT MUTANT SQUIRRELS, and Obnoxious TALKING BELLY BUTTONS with Bad Ass Attitudes. This Incredibly Insane Adventure in Gene Splicing, Anarchy, and Sheer Terror Run Rampant on the Campus of Tromaville Tech as the Students join Forces with the SUBHUMANOIDS to do away with the Insidious and Hedonistic Corperate Scum responsible for a Wave of MALICIOUS MUTANT MELTDOWNS and MASSACRES! Can Peace and Environmental Hygiene  ever be Restored to the Once Peaceful Town of Tromaville?!

WARNING: The Following Movie Contains Content That May be DISTURBING, OFFENSIVE OR TRAUMATIC and is Intended for Mature Audiences ONLY! Viewer Discretion is Advised. Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed Troma’s Murderous Mutant Monster Movie CLASS OF NUKE’EM HIGH 2  as Much as We Did, Do, and Always Will.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober