Micro Horror Movie (Sequel Edition) : SMILING WOMAN 6

Welcome to this Weeks Short Horror Film Friday featuring SMILING WOMAN 6 Written and Directed by Alex Magaña, and Co-Produced by Dawn Church. You can Find All Five Previous SMILING WOMAN Films here at FYB in the Movies Category. Each Installment of the SMILING WOMAN Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.


I as Far as I am Aware I coined the Term “Micro Horror Movie” when I posted the One Minute Long “Tuck Me In” by Ignacio Rodo on 1/29/21 (as Part of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday). The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth, and Nuclear Assault for example) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British Grindcore/Death Metal Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer”. So I figure the Micro Horror Movie would Translate to a Short Horror Film that’s Five Minutes (Flat) or Under.

PLOT: One Late Night at an Empty Laundromat, a Young Woman is Tormented by a Menacing Smiling Woman.


  • Smiling Woman – Teru Hara
  • Young Lady – Michelle Twarowska
  • Coroner – Alex Crawford
  • Detective – Raymond Ko
  • Young Lady Voice – Mandy O’shaughnessy & Lindsey Caldwell

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

A Maniac Monday Micro Horror Movie: THE ANIMOJI KILLER!!

In 1986 the pop music group The Bangles wrote a song as a tribute to the madness of Mondays called “Manic Monday”, and today FYB brings you MANIC MONDAY! Today’s post features the MICRO SLASHER horror movie THE ANIMOJI KILLER by the one, the only, the wild Ryan Godoy!

Plot: What would you do if late one night you received a random emoji telling you repeatedly over and over that YOU’RE GOING TO DIE? I mean how fucked up is that, and it only gets worse when the sender of the ominous anonymous sender shows up in the flesh? Well you’ll to have  watch and see this 1 minute 30 second long MICRO SLASHER HORROR  MOVIE  known as THE ANIMOJI KILLER!

See you sooner or later,

   Justine Sane