The Grifter (Original Raw Footage)

Welcome to Today’s FYB Video featuring the Insane and Original THE GRIFTER. This is one of those Videos that some People would Label  “Nightmare Fuel”, and with is Unnerving Audio, Bizarre Imagery, and Ominous Feel it’s Easy to See Why Some People would say that. THE GRIFTER is one of those Almost Mythical pseudo Creepypasta that has Garnered a Great Deal of Attention, Speculation, and Tons of Wannabe Explanation Videos over the Years.


As the Story goes Perspective Viewers are Severely Warned NOT to watch THE GRIFTER because the Images in the Video will Linger in Their Minds for the Rest of Their fucking Lives. Some Alleged Side Effects can include Loss of Appetite, Insomnia, Alienate Yourself from Friends/Family, Vivid Nightmares that Boarded on Full Blown Night Terrors, Hallucinations, and Psychological Trauma among Other Things. That’s Not all as One Person claimed that Their Friend watched THE GRIFTER and Ultimately Committed Suicide by Slitting His Wrists. While Another Person claimed that All Previous Viewers of THE GRIFTER have been Murdered in Their Homes.


It’s Alleged that THE GRIFTER video Depicts a Horrendous Murder, Brutal Torture, Demonology, Cryptic Cult, and Human Sacrifices consisting of Babies. Well all We can say on this is We Watched THE GRIFTER Numerous Times and that’s one Hell of a List of Sick Shit in a Video with a Total Run Time of 68 Seconds. Now While all these Twisted Topics provide the Viewers with a Morbid Curiosity are They Actually Real?! We think it is Far Beyond Safe to assume these Ideas are/were Derived from People’s Imagination After Watching and Nothing Else.

It is What it IS,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Why The Hell Would A Serial Killer WANT To Be Caught?!

There are people who are not interested in learning about serial killers, but that doesn’t stop them fro asking fucking questions. Now the most asked question I come across hands fucking down is “Why would a serial killer want to be caught???” It’s a valid question since getting caught would be counter fucking productive as one could get if they were in the serial killing business. Who the fuck would OPT to get arrested, prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison or face the fucking death penalty?! Also wouldn’t a serial killer prefer to remain free to keep on killing since that’s their main fucking function of their lives being PREDATORS and predators main preoccupation is fucking HUNTING.

Ultimately getting caught is a serial killer’s the end game due to their EGO. I mean there’s no fucking point in going around murdering the shit out of people, and perhaps other fucked up shit (like cannibalism) if  no one knows it was you. It doesn’t matter if it’s directing a block buster movie, writing a best selling book, a hit song, viral video, or any other fucking thing no matter what people want credit for their accomplishments. That includes serial killers especially if the serial killer is one that has a specific M.O., agenda, cause/mission, or manifesto serving as a fucked up rational for their heinous acts of murder.


The serial killer timeline is pretty fucking basic part 1 is torturing and killing animals then finally they kill a person. After their first murder their killing starts to accelerates increasing in frequency building to a crescendo of carnage and then the killer is caught at last. Part 2 is the serial killer is the defendant in a high profile and more than well publicized court cases while their picture and speculation as to why they did what they did are plastered all over the internet, social media, television, and on the front cover of magazines.

Lets fucking face it we make these sick fuckers famous to the point Oliver fucking Stone did a whole fucking movie on the subject in Natural Born Killers. The public being the third party find serial killers like any fucking thrill ride or adrenaline inducing activity that is terrifying but none the less exhilarating at the same fucking time. The public recoils at the details of the killers horrible acts of brutality and bloodshed, but morbid curiosity wins out in the end. Curiosity wins because as sickeningly nauseating the murderer’s malicious madness may be people have an insatiable thirst to know, find out, or discover why no the less. The public simply will not fucking be ignored like the Enquire’s motto “Enquiring minds want to know.”


While serial killers are fucked up as they come there something even more terrifying and that’s the exceptions to the rule. Two honorable mentions (BUT NOT EXCEPTIONS) are the BTK killer and The Ice Man, and I am purposefully not using their actual fucking names to if you want to know more go hit up google.

The Ice Man is an honorable mention because he used his psychopathic tendencies to find employment as a profile mafia hitman. This is different in The Ice Man didn’t have an M.O. and he didn’t prey on the public instead he made murder his profession. Also the Ice Man was a true comilion who by day was a loving father and husband, upstanding member of the community, respected in his neighborhood, and even a member of the local church. At night though The Ice Man induced his dark and deadly desires on behalf of the mob.

The BTK killer diverted from the traditional serial killer in the fact he could when he felt he needed to he curb his desire to kill (which meant it took decades before he was caught). This is unusual since like any fucking addiction it starts off slow and then they build up speed until you can’t stop even if you want to. You have become consumed by whatever addiction it is you’re battling to the point that ever fiber of your being wants the insanity to stop, BUT you also want to keep getting high NO MATTER WHAT. The same can be said for serial killers/serial killing.


The 2 most infamously notorious and yes famous traditional serial killer exceptions are Jack The Ripper and The Zodiac Killer. Jack The Ripper actually sent a single letter to the police along with a kidney from one of his alleged victims as proof confessing his crimes. He even included a 2 word return address which was: FROM HELL, and Yes that’s were the Hughes brothers got the title for their 2001 Jack The Ripper film staring Johny Depp. Now when it came to the issue of ego The Zodiac Killer set the bar and set it high as fuck. The Zodiac Killer sent a rather prolific amount of letters to both the police and the media even inventing his own cryptic code and symbols.

The Zodiac relished the fact he was able to taught and antagonize the authorities as well as the public, and he got a really enjoyed mocking the police. In summation the Zodiac’s letters stated that he was far more fucking intelligent than the police, the police wouldn’t or couldn’t ever catch him, and even with all his letters and clues contained within the police still weren’t able to arrest him. The scariest thing about the Zodiac is in the end he was right he like Jack The Ripper was NEVER caught he quit killing and walked off into the fucking sunset never to be heard from again.

Well on that happy note I’m going to end this post here.

See you when I see you,

 by Justin Sane

What Are You Thinking?

The Backstory is Simple a Man named Issac posted the Following Video Years Ago. Issac claimed that while Working at the Local Trash Dump one Day He came across an Old Discarded IBM Computer Tower, and Issac decided to take Home just for Shits and Giggles. Once He got the Tower Home He was Not only Surprised to See it Still worked, BUT that it also contained a Great Number of Files on It. Isaac opened the First Video Listed which was Titled “What Are You Thinking?”, and after watching it Posted it to Youtube. Before Issac had a chance to Post Any Additional Videos Allegedly the Computer Tower was Stolen. And Since Issac Didn’t have Any of the Tower’s Content Backed Up it will have to Remain a Mystery.

When I happened to hear about this Video I obviously Hit Up Youtube to See the Video for Myself since I was quite Curious. A Bit to My Surprise I found a Disclaimer from Youtube that said and I Quote “This Video has been Removed for Violating Youtube’s Policy on Violent or Graphic Content.” Needless to Say after a Little Hunting I found the Video, Watched it, and Then My Mind was Spinning at a Million Miles Per Hour from There.


Some of the Speculations as to What in fact “What Are You Thinking” is are as Follows in No Particular Order: Proof that Red Rooms DO Exist, and This is a Pre Execution Torment and Torture Session to Increase Profits as it Amps up The Gore Factor Considerably. There is the Usual assumption that the Video was made by a Mentally Unbalanced Person in Need of Professional Treatment who may be experiencing Mania or a Psychotic Break. Yet Other’s believe it’s some sort Cult Recruiting Tool or Promotional Video designed to Find Possible New Members.

Others seem to think it’s Supernatural and is partial Footage of an Exorcism Ritual of Some Sort. More than just a Few People Thought it might be a Bizarre, But Real life Suicide or Perhaps it is Some Serious Side Effects from Human Experimentation  (More than Likely Hallucinogens). There is Also the Tried and True School of Thought that Thinks its related to the American Military, Governmental Agency, or New World Order Shadow Government Conspiracy type Shit. It also very well may be Some Drug Addict fucking around while They’re Intoxicated (more than likely Hallucinogens in this Case or Perhaps Bath Salts/Flakka), Yet NO ONE ACTUALLY KNOWS.


Then Again isn’t that the Thrill of the Dark Web?! Its the Embodiment of a World without Laws, Rules, Judgment or Order the Dark Web is a Treacherous Place Fraught with Danger, Devils, and The Damned Alike. It’s an Entire World Existing in a Digital Void where it Hides the Depravity of Society and Humanity from the Unsuspecting Masses. The Morbid Curiosity   of The Dark Web Promising You’ll see things You never thought Existed, Things You Can Not Forget, Things You Can’t Unsee, and that along with the Sickest, Most Twisted, Violent, Revolting, Evil, and all Manner of Horrible Atrocities committed by The Human Race.

Though You may Never Visit the Dark Web Yourself because It’s too Dangerous, Scary, or too Fucked Up. Perhaps You tell People You have No Interest in Exploring the Dark Web, or That the Dark Web is Only for Illegal/Illicit Transactions. None the Less there will Always be a Small Part of You that Longs to Dive into the Pitch Black of the Dark Web to See What You can Find. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Les Sober (1:07am)