Shits And Giggles: CLOWNS

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring CLOWNS by Cool 3D World. And Who Exactly is Cool 3D World You may be Wondering to Yourself? Well when Brian and popcorn10 ( Their Youtube Handles) were introduced via Mutual Friends, They realized They shared an Interest in Exploring “Visual Art Inspired by Electronic Music” and so Cool 3D World was Born- as a Place where the Duo can Create “Art, Music, and More! All in 3D.”

Synopsis: Most People find Clowns somewhat Unnerving because lets fucking Face it even on Their Best fucking Day They give off a SERIOUS Pedophile Child Murderer. Then there are People who get legitimately find Clowns Utterly fucking Terrifying, and as Far as They are Concerned here’s a Little More Nightmare Fuel for You.

Disclaimer: If You’re Actually a Clownaphobe DO NOT Watch because Honestly We Don’t  want to Hear about Any Bullshit if You Do.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Wiggle When You Feel Down

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring WIGGLE WHEN YOU FEEL DOWN by  well that’s a Good Question. Unfortunately there is NOTHING about it Online accept for some Half Assed Redditt Post. But We were able to Scrape up Some Pertinent Information of Sorts so Here it is.

  • This Video is EXTREMELY Obscure.
  • It was Uploaded on May 29, 2019 By a YouTube Channel called AlvinYahaye Tv.
  • The Channel Joined YouTube on August 17, 2018.
  • The Channel has Only 53 Subscribers Total.
  • The Channel has a Total of 22,788 Views.
  • There 12 Videos is Total Posted to the Channel and the Content is Random as Fuck.
  • No New Videos have been Uploaded for the Past 2 Years.

What I Can Say About This Video:

It’s Utterly Absurd and Completely fucking Insane. One of the Deciding Factors to its Creepy as fuck Undertones is the Video is Devoid of any and all Context. To Me it feels like a Video made by some fucking Pedophile or Child Murderer to Help Lure in Victims. The Man in the Video is Sporting the Shittiest Make Up, a Bizarrely Disturbing Homemade Body Suit of Some fucking Sort, His Voice is Unsettling, His Dancing is Eerie as all get out, and His Odd “Dancing”. It really feels like You’re Either Viewing a Video by a Pedophile/Child Murderer (as I stated Previously), Someone with a SERIOUS Drug Problem, or a Legitimate Insane Person Off Their fucking Meds or Suffered a Psychotic Break. Whatever the fuck it is and for Whatever Reason it was made is a Mystery but the Fact that its one of the Strangest and Oddly Unsettling Videos I have come across. Enjoy.

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober

Conversing With a Cannibal

It’s Definitely NO SECRET that We are Big Fans of Vice, and have Posted Several of Their Exceptionally Well Reported Pieces. The First Vice piece We Shared here was “CANNIBAL GENERALS OF LIBERIA”, and just They Other Day We were made Aware of the Following Vice Report “Interview with a Cannibal”. Needless to Say We Loved it (and In Case You haven’t Noticed Cannibalism is a Reoccurring Theme here at FYB) We had To Share it with Our Readers/Audience/Fans. Vice’s “Interview with a Cannibal” is the Story of Issei Sagwa (aka The Celebrity Cannibal) a Real Life MURDERER AND CANNIBAL who Murdered and Cannibalized a Dutch Woman Named Renee Hartevelt in Paris, France in 1981.


Not Only did Sagwa Commit MURDER and the Taboo of CANNIBALISM the Story DOESN’T END with Sagwa’s Apprehension by the French Authorities. Sagwa was found to be LEGALLY INSANE by a French Judge and thus Unfit to Stand Trial. The French Judge remanded Sagwa to the Custody of a French Mental Hospital Indefinitely. After approximately Two Years Sagwa was Extradited to His Home Country of Japan where He was found to be Sane, BUT None the Less “EVIL” and placed into a Mental Institution for an Undetermined Amount of Time. On August 12, 1986 Sagwa signed Himself Out of the Mental Institution, and has been A FREE MAN EVER SINCE. After signing Himself Out of the Mental Institution Sagwa Believe It or Not became a MINOR CELEBRITY in Japan, and made Quite a Nice Living (Selling Original Artwork and Being a Published Author of Multiple Titles) through the Public’s Morbid Curiosity pertaining to His Crimes. Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed This Tasty Little Morsel of Cannibalistic Knowledge Straight from the Chef as Much as We did.

 Presented By Les Sober