MOM.avi / SON.avi

Welcome To Today’s FYB Post MOM by YouTube Content Creator(s) Creepyshed. Now this is an Extremely Small Channel with 5.18k Subs. Also the Channel has a just 27 Videos with a Total of 564,162 Views since the Channel was Created on February 2, 1012.

Now Almost All the fucking Videos are Comprised of Unnerving Visuals accompanied by a Loud, Abrasive, and Glitchy Audio that could make Your Ears Bleed. All this fucking Chaotic Insanity comes with the Territory when Dealing with Unexplained Video Genre or fucking Fringe Videos as We refer to Them as. The Videos also have fucking Vague/Rather Nondescript Titles with Descriptions that are just plain fucking Nonsensical Gibberish at Best.

Another Detail that stood out to Us was the Fact that Every Video is Followed by .avi which is Quite Interesting. For those Who may Not know AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave and What does that mean? Well AVI Files can contain Both Audio and Video Data in a File Container that allows for synchronous Audio-with-Video Playback. Like the DVD Format, AVI Files support Multiple Streaming Audio and Video, although these Features are Virtually never Used. BUT at the Same Time AVI also Internet Slang for an Avatar displayed by a User’s Profile on a Social Networking/Media Site. So which Definition Applies well We for one have No fucking Idea as of Yet.

The Other Unique Detail We Observed is the Fact the Video Titles Actually form a Cryptic Sentence when Read from Top to Bottom. In its Entirety the Sentence reads: Directed Advertising Soulless NO NO Trapped We Know I Was Alone Sister Take The We Are All In The Come In Dad Can See You There Here Stop Son Mom. Again We to Date still have No fucking Idea what the Significance is if Any for that matter.

Video Break Down:

MOM.avi: At the begging of the Video a Light Switch is moved into the Off Position. Then there is Footage of Someone is a Ghoulish and Hairless Mask sitting in a Dark Room, and Judging by Their Body Language seems to be in Distress of some kind. The Audio in the Video is of Someone (more then likely a Man) Talking But it’s so fucking Low and Distorted that it fucking Impossible to Decipher. The Footage of the Person win a Strange Mask is Cut with Two Color Clips of What appears to be Someone. This Other Person is wearing what looks like to Us like an Orange Jump Suit like the One Murderers Wear in Prison. Also the Other Person is Either Wearing Black and White Face Paint/Make Up or Wearing a Weird Mask Too. This Other Person’s Hair is Also an Issue because it Looks Straight up like a Cheap as fuck Halloween Wig. Finally at the End there is the Sound of an Old School Film Projector Running, So is the Person Sitting in the Room was Filmed and is Now being Watched by The Person in the Cheap Wig? What is the Connection between these Two People in the Video if there is One is Open to Interpretation at this Point in the Series.

SON.avi: This Time there is the Sound of an Old School Film Projector being turned on and Running, and There are a Couple More People wearing Bizarre looking Masks (Coincidence? Perhaps). Could the Projector Noise mean the Video is Previously Recorded Footage being watched by an Unknown Party Possibly a Serial Killer, but more on that Later. This time around though the People in Masks seem to be Talking as Their Mouths Open and Close yet there is No Dialogue Distorted or Otherwise. Around half way through the Video there is a Close Up of a Cringe Looking Clown Picture circa the 1970s. While the Clown Picture is Cringe by itself as the Shot Continues the Clowns face Morphs into a Hellish Face like Visual. The Most interesting Part of the Video is when a Human Arm Holding a rather nasty looking Circular Saw Appears on Screen. Right before We see the Saw there is a Shadow Cast on the Wall that to Us looks like the Long Haired Cheap Costume Wig from MOM.avi.

The Circular Saw Scene appears to US to be in a Bedroom with a Bed pushed up against the Wall under a Window with Ugly Plaid Curtains. Now what the fuck was Sawed on the Bed? Someone said it was a Boy Doll being Cut in Half, and to that We ask Where the fuck do You see a Doll Period?! Considering the Ominous Feel of the Circular Saw Segment the Scene Ends when the Saw is Turned on and then Comes Down on the Bed, and then the Scene is Abruptly Cut. We think that Most likely this Scene was implying a Murder. The Whole Video has a real Serial Killer Vibe to it.

Where We’re At: The Main Questions of Who Made the Series, Why They made it, and What is it all About? Granted the Chance of Solving the So Called Mystery is Improbable at Best. This unknown factor is what Continues to Fuel the Unexplained Genre (or Fringe as We Refer to it as). The 3 Questions that We can ask in these Situation which are: Is it an ARG, Art/Horror Project, or Perhaps some sort of Gorilla Advertising Campaign for say an Upcoming Movie/Video Game? Maybe We will find and Expose the Answer But Probably Not We shall See.


It Is What It Is,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS – DAMAGE CONTROL by Kane Pixels the Creator of the Original Backroom Series. BACKROOMS – DAMAGE CONTROL is the Latest Installment from the Originator of the Psychological Horror Web Series Inspired by the Backrooms Kane Pixels. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

As it Turns Out there is a Secondary Channel called  A-Sync Research which We thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line, But We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit, and fucking TRUST US there is No fucking Shortage of Backroom Videos being Pumped Out Currently. Everyone and their fucking Grandmother are jumping on the Backrooms Popularity  in a Classic Overkill Scenario of the “I wanna get in on that and be YouTube Famous Too!” Mentality.


The Person/People behind the Async Research Channel We Honestly Believe are Collaborating Virtually Side by Side with Kane Pixels. We Believe so since the Video Theme, Quality, Production Value, Scenery/Sets, Costumes, and Feel of the Perspective Content Creator’s Videos Coincide with One Another. In All the Other Backrooms Videos We have seen There are Small Harder to See to Glaringly Obvious Differences from Kane and Async’s Videos. The Backrooms Installment from Kane Titled “Presentation” and the Subsequent A-Syncs Video “Exit” have a Good bit in Common.  A Prime Example is the Miniature Models of the Backrooms Layout in “Presentation” is also Part of the “Exit” Video as well. Again that Doesn’t Negate the Fact there are Seriously SHIT TON of Videos About/Based on The Backrooms which Really Fucking Muddies the Waters. SO to Keep shit Somewhat fucking Organized We will Note Which Channel Kane’s or A-Sync’s the Latest Installment is or was Posted On. BACKOOMS – DAMAGE CONTROL was Uploaded to Kane Pixels Channel.

Our Take On THE BACKROOMS Series:

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We Seriously fucking Enjoy that this Incredible Series’s Vibe/Feeling of Utter and Total Isolation (that Essentially Drives the Series) that is Picking Up Its Pace and Picking It Up Fast.


Episode Synopsis: 

The Reel to Reel Recording of a Man Talking as Well as the Initial Footage at the Beginning of the Video Serves as Foreshadowing the Events in this Episode. We Don’t want to Spoil shit because this is theMost Insanely In-depth and Detailed in the Series, But We can Say the Following. An Unknown “Incident” has Occurred at Async Research that has Thrown the Entire Operation into Turmoil. What We think is fucking Cool is this DAMAGE CONTROL is that it provides the Audience a Peak behind the Curtin, and Gives Them a Deeper look into Async’s Backrooms Operation. What We are wondering is if DAMAGE CONTROL is (or serves as ) the Unofficial Final Episode Signaling the End of the BACKROOMS Series because Unfortunately it Sort of fucking Feels that way.



It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

What The Fuck Is Going On With hmrSilence?!

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH hmrSilence?! So First and Foremost Who or What the fuck is hmrSilence ?Well it’s some Unknown Obscure and Cryptic Youtube Chanel the We came across Peering Down Rabbit Holes to see if Anyone is Home. hmrSilence Proved to be Something Rather Interesting So We decided to take a Closer Look into the Channel.

Now Obviously the Starting Point (and as it Turned Out Virtual Ending Point) by Surveying the Channel Basic Info Shit. When You Deal with These fucking Fringe Videos Long Enough You Notice Certain Patterns. So it wasn’t at All Surprising when the hmrSilence’s About, Channels, Playlists, and Community Sections are Completely Blank. We did Notice a Significant Difference Though which was Intriguing and that was that hmrSilence’s Home Page is Black with the Message “This Channel Doesn’t have Any Content” which isbn’t Exactly fucking True. If You Precede to Click on Videos then You Discover there are in fact 5 Videos in Total Posted/Uploaded (All 5 are Included in this Post). Whatever the fuck is Going on at hmrSilence it’s Moving at an Insanely Slow fucking Pace. The First Video titled 6996 was Posted 6 Years ago Sometime in 2016 and the Last Video Uploaded 66996 was Posted 3 Years Ago Sometime in 2019.

Before We get into the Videos We also became Initially Aware that Whoever is Behind the Channel is Doing one of the fucking Following. This Channel Could be an ARG or Gorilla Advertising Campaign (this is Common Place Dealing with this Kind of Weird fucking Shit), and this is NOT the Case with hmrSilence. Now Plenty of fuckng People do Believe the Channel is an ARG/Gorilla Marketing because it is True there are a Fuck Ton of Hidden Messages that Are Cryptic (6996 6996 is an Angelic Number signifying Good Luck Coming Your Way), or Random as Fuck for the Most Part. Anyways that Doesn’t Confirm Fuck All in the End since it Doesn’t Explain Shit Nor Provide Any Pertinent Information.We believe that Considering the Channel’s the Tiny Number of Uploads Spanning 6 fucking Years pretty much Rules Out Both of those Possibilities. So the Only thing on the “Fucked Up Shit List” as a Viable Option is this is Some sort of Art Type Project or just Some Weirdo/Lunatics Hobby.

6996: As We Mentioned Earlier 6996 is the Angelic Number for Good Luck headed Your Way, But that Doesn’t Explain shit about this Strange Shit. Virtually No One is Talking about or Seems Interested in hmrSilence when as You may have Guess There are Entire Groups (can You say Reddit) Dedicated to Most of this Far Out Shit. We did See a Single Post that Suggested that the Video could be a Representation of Human Consciousness Transformed into Sound. If that is/was the Case then the Soundtrack if You will could be Interpreted as Audio Thought Patterns. Anyway at the Very End of the Video the Screen goes Black and 6996 Flashes on Screen.

6996: Posted August 4, 2016

Inception: This is in Our Opinion the Strangest of all 5 Videos and Here’s Why. The Screen is Utterly Black for the Entire Video with One Acceptation Occurring between 2:37 – 2:39 where a Visual Pops Up Momentarily. We have No fucking Clue what the fuck the Picture is and won’t Waste Time Speculating like Pretentious Assholes. The Intro Build Slowly and the Audio sounds like some sort of Beeping Over Static which We were Wondering Might be Morse Code.

Inception: Posted February 24, 2017

6996 (Repeat Title, Different Video) This is Our Favorite by Far for Several Reasons. The Audio is ACTUAL fucking Music as Opposed to the Abrasive Weird Electrical Distortion, Manipulation, or High Pitched Squealing common with this kind of Fare. This is though One of those Quick Flashing Visuals so if You have Epilepsy DO NOT WATCH SEIZURE WARNING! As far as the Over All Imagery it’s Satan, Satan, Satan, and MORE fucking Satan Cars (though there is Some Occult Shit like Tarot cards). This Definitely Feels More like the Your Typical Fringe Horror Themed Type Shit. Now there is a SHIT TON of Text included in this Video an Actual Shit Tone. So that being Said We did Our Best to Catch All of It, But We admit We’re Not Perfect.

TEXT in Chronological Order of Appearance:

  • You Will Die (this One is Spread Out During the Beginning of the Video and is Written in What Appears to be Greek or Latin but That’s Our Best Guess anyway).
  • DIE
  • Love Is A Suicide
  • No Sleep
  • Something in What We Think is Greek or Latin Judging again on the Lettering.
  • 6996
  • The Word “Dead” in  We Suspect is Greek/Latin (Repeat).
  • 9669 (This is Another Angelic Number/Sign that means New Opportunities for You in the Future)
  • “Do I Look Like Satan?”
  • The Word “Dead” Again Written in Our best Guess Greek or Latin.
  • YOU
  • Destroy
  • Satan Within
  • No Sleep (Repeat)
  • I’m 666
  • EVD
  • OH M3PTB
  • More Weird Shit in Likely Greek or Latin.
  • 9669 (Repeat)
  • It Could All Be Over In A Matter Of Seconds
  • Stupid Human Race
  • 9669 (Repeat)
  • They’re Erasing You
  • Nobody Would Care When I’m gone
  • Night Time, My Time
  • No One Hates Me More Than Myself
  • 9669 (Repeat)
  • TBI C4ACTJINB (Only thing that Stuck Out here is TBI is an Abbreviation for Traumatic Brain Injury)
  • Some Other Language We have NO fucking Clue Pops Up in Red. There are 2 Short Paragraphs that are 5 lines Each.
  • Chinese or Japanese Text

6996 (Repeat Title): Posted on Ma 7, 2017

of the 69: This is Pretty Easy to sum the Fuck Up since the Video is a Brief Run Tim of 6 Whole Seconds. There is a Morphing Head then right at the End 9669 and Another Several Lines of the Red Text.

Of The 69: Posted on April 12, 2018

66996 (If this is Yet Another Angelic Number We couldn’t find Shit Saying So): If You thought it Couldn’t get ANY Shorter then a 6 Second Runtime You’re Wrong 66996 is a MICRO 4 Total fucking Seconds. The Visual is of a Shadowy Face and the Audi Remind Us of an Old Nintendo Video Game.

66996: Posted on July, 30 2019


It is What it Is,

 Presented B y Les Sober

Linguistic Lunacy

Abominable Atrocities Arise And Abound Abundantly Against Agony Abysmal Anguish Across Apocalyptic Annihilation As Armageddon Awaits. Awfully Aggressive Assholes Amble Around Aimlessly Angrily Announcing Accusations And Allegations Angering Anyone Around.  Ambivalent Arrogances Again Aren’t Absolute Another Atonement Amended All Alone.

Formidable Fiends Fuck Fathering Fear From Fragile Felonious Faith From Frail Fickle Feeble Fools. Fundamental Foolhardy Fucking Feces Faltering Forgoing Fatal Farreaching Fanaticism Fathomless Fetishistic Folly Forbidden Few Follow Flamboyant Falsehoods. Filthy Fleshless Flawed Fucked Fodder Further Fathom Fornicating Freely Fortitude For Futile Frenzied Fuckery.


Blasphemous Bastard’s Brutal  Bitter Bitches Bountiful Bullshit Beyond Broadening Boundaries Before Banishing Belligerent Barbarians Behind Bloody Boarders. Badlands Bandits Beheading Biblical Brutes Before Battling Boldly Brandishing Brazen Banners Before Blackened Battalions Becoming Bonafide Bloodshed. Bountiful Beheadings Butchering Befuddled Blind Blasphemers Bloodshed Before Burning Beastly Brigades.


Sickly Sinister Savages Silently Slay Subservient Sinners Spreading Septic Slaughter Soaring. Sycophantic Simpletons Smile Slyly Surveying Sadistic Soldier’s Silicious Screams Shattering Surrounding Serenity. Servants Shit Sustenance Sustaining Shadowy Sultans Salacious Sexual Sadomasochistic Sodomy Shows. Soulless Symbolism Sadly Succumbs Suddenly Suffering Silicious Sabotage Suggestions.

Malevolent Monstrous Madmen Marauding Malicious Murderers Making Melancholy Mourner’s Mundane Misgivings More Memorable. Mysteriously Morbid Malfeasance Masters Manufacture More Maniacal Mayhem  Magnifying Mortality Minimizing Morals. Moody Menacing Maniacal Misfits Manning Mortuaries Monopolize Maggots Moreover Mangling, Maiming, Mutilating Mankind.


Crippled Cretinous Creatures Creating Cataclysmic Chaotic Chaos Crumbling Churches Civilians Cringe Cowering Cataclysmic Carnage Comes. Creepy Cephalic Copulating Cretans Cackling Crazily Cum Ceaseless Corruption Confounding Confused Craniums. Cemeteries Cantankerously Coveting Corpses Confining Carcasses Claiming Cumbersome Cognitive Capabilities.

So what the fuck was the point of all this You Ask? Simply there is None as the Whole fucking Point of this Exercise was to Write something that Sounded Kickass, But in Reality it’s Upon Second Inspection that You can See it means Jack Diddly Shit.

It is What it Is,

 By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring DAY OF WRATH by Content Creator My Happiest Days. Now it has been a While Since We Dived Head First down a Dark and Ominous Rabbit Hole to Find Some Serious Weird fucking Shit. Well the Wait is Over as We went Hunting into the Ether for Truly Bizarre WTF Type Content. Then We stumbled Across the VERY SMALL Channel called My Happiest Days and Were Quite Intrigued by Content on the Channel Though there isn’t Much.


  • Subs: 3.2k
  • Joined: July 16, 2021
  • Total Views: 54,102
  • Total Number of Videos: 14
  • About Section: Blank


SHIT WE FIGURED OUT (Or At Least We Think We fucking Did):

  • The Theme of the Channel According to One of the Posted Videos is the Following: “In Late 2017 I found a Huge Cardboard Box filled with VHS Tapes My Dad made During the Late 70s and Early 80s.”
  • The Binary Code in the Video Translates  “ONE WITH THE MACHINE”
  •  The Date August 12, 1981 was the Day that the IBM Personal Computer was Released.
  • At 0:08 the White Text is a Quote from Zephaniah 1:8-18 which We Believe has something to do with the DAY OF WRATH’s Theme.
  • We Believe the Sound in the Background is in fact a Slowed and Distorted Version of Dies Irae which means “Day of Wrath”. And We also Believe that Dies Irae was a Hymn that was Sung at Funerals back in Olden Times.
  • 0:25 It Says  “You will always have the Poor among You, but You will Not Always have Me.”




It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS – HOLES which is the Latest Installment from the Psychological Horror Web Series by Kane Pixels. The Backrooms  is a Creepypasta that originated from a Thread on the /X/ Board of 4Chan on May 12, 2019, where an Anonymous User asked Others to “Post Disquieting Images that just Feel ‘Off’.” There the First Photo Depicting the Backrooms was Uploaded, Presenting a Slightly Titled Image of a Sickly Yellow-Colored Hallway. Another Anonymous User Commented on the Photo with the First Story about the Backrooms, Claiming that One enters the Backrooms when They “No Clip Out of Reality in the Wrong Areas.”, which is a Video Game- Related Term Originating from the Popular Video Game DOOM for when a Player Passes Through a Physical Boundary that would Otherwise Block Their Way.

The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic (and of Course a Video Game). The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We would like to Acknowledge that this Incredible Series’s Sense of Desperation, Dread, and Isolation that Drives this Horror/Sci Fi Horror Series is Building and it’s Building Quickly. The Latest Installment BACKROOMS – HOLES really Ramps Up the Storyline from being Alienated, Alone and Trapped to HUNTED, Alone, and Trapped.

Along the Way Something Interesting Happened a Secondary Channel on BACKROOMS with IDENTICAL fucking Content as Kane Pixels Joined Youtube on November 24, 2016 where as Kane Joined Youtube on April 13, 2015. AND the Channels Name is Async Research which is the EXACT same Name of the Fictitious Organization/Company in Kane’s Backroom Series. As You may Imagine this has Raised Several Questions. You see one of the BIGGEST fucking Bitch in the BACKROOM is While Kane and Whoever the fuck Async Research is are KILLING it there is a fucking Blitzkrieg of Other Backroom Bullshit that Only Adds to the fucking Overall Chaos.

As it Turns Out the A-Sync Research Channel which we thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance the Plot Line and We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. This Person/People are OBVIOUSLY Collaborators working Side by Side with Kane Pixels since the Video Theme, Quality, and Feel of Each others Videos Coincide with One Another. The Other thing worth Noting is the Series was Originally Titled “THE BACKROOMS” and Now has been Simplified to Just “BACKROOMS” have No Idea Why but like We said We felt it was Worth Noting.

The Channel’s Self Description is as Follows:
“The A-Sync Research Development Team (ARDT) is an organization that is dedicated to bringing the world more affordable living space and solve overpopulation around the globe. The ARDT was formed in September 1983.” and that “This channel is heavily inspired by Kane Pixels:”

With that Said this Post is a Bit Different as We will be Featuring BACKROOMS – HOLES that was Posted 11 Days Ago on the Async Research Channel. What’s Different this Time is We are Also Including I REMEMBER that was Posted on Kane Pixels Channel a Month Ago and is the ONL:Y Title in the Series so Far to NOT have Backrooms in the fucking Title. This is Our Attempt to keep the this shit Straight especially with all the Aforementioned Other Backroom Bitches Pumping Out Generic, Talentless, Boring Backroom(s) Click Bait Bullshit. So Let’s Get Started Shall We, Yes Lets. First Off Here is BACKROOMS – HOLES followed by I REMEMBER.


As We said this Series has Steadily Building Tension with Each New Installment. In this Installment there 2 Key Points that need Addressing. First Off We now Definitively Know Chris (The Camera Man) is Absolutely NOT ALONE as the Blasphemies living in the Backrooms make Their Presence Well Known. Second is Where Does Chris End Up by the End of the Video? Is it a New Level of the Backrooms or just a Continuation of the Level Chris is Currently on? Either Way You look at it Chris Life  is in Now in Serious fucking Peril that’s for fucking Sure.

BACKROOMS – HOLES Description: This is a …. continuation of the tape that -..-. was recorded by civilian Christopher E. ***** This footage was .— recorded on February 2nd, 1984.


Now Something rather fucking unusual happened when We watched I REMEMBER and that was the Comment at the Top of the List by Someone going by Kattowo Caught Our Eye. This is fucking weird because We specifically Avoid the Comment Section due to the Fact it’s usually just useless babbling bullshit. You know the shit We’re talking about its the mindless fluff like “Great Video Keep Up The Good Job.”, “What a Shitty Video” or Perhaps Something utterly Asinine like “Totally Creeped me Out” or some other Nonsense. Lets fucking Face it the Comments Section is as fucking Useless as Any and All Social Media Platforms where Every Asshole thinks They’re a fucking Genius and the World cares about Their Opinion. TO BE CLEAR as a General Rule of Thumb We DO NOT give a Shit, Flying Fuck, or a Rat’s Ass about anything anyone has written in any Comment Section. With that Said there are ALWAYS Exceptions to the Rule and Kattowo would be that Very Exception. We were Surprised by the Detailed Analysis and How Actually fucking Though Provoking it is. We decided to give Kattowo the Credit They Deserve for a Job well Done and so Here is the  Comment made by Kattowo.



“Immediate interpretation: the “sea/ocean” is meant to represent the Backrooms; Talking about a house and other things “cast down to the seabed with all the other forgotten things.” As in objects or places that were forgotten becoming a part of the Backrooms. And the person talking, the person who “remembers” could represent Async, who rediscovered that which was once forgotten. An example being the Picture seen in “Found Footage #2” and the home video. This could explain why the Backrooms is the way it is in the first place: it’s the physical manifestation of being forgotten. “Folding downwards, into themselves” “Forever tearing along the seams of the sky” Describing how the Backrooms molds these memories into something; only to tear itself and all reality apart– creating a labyrinth of twisted halls that look like they were made by humans… but could never have been due to how unreal they are.”


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring PHR – 2/771 EDUCATIONAL VIDEO by Aspico Omnian which Translates to the Following. Aspico means “A Savory Jelly made with Meat Stock, set in a Mold and Used to Contain Pieces of Meat, Seafood, or Eggs.”, and Omnian which seems to be an Unrecognized Variation the Word Omni which means “All; of All Things”. We were Psyched to come Across this Video because it’s a bit of a Rarity in the World of What We like to refer to as Fringe Videos. You know what We’re talking about when We say Fringe, but if You Don’t here is an Explanation. What is a Fringe Topic? We use the Term Fringe Theory in a VERY BROAD Sense to Describe an Idea that Departs Significantly from the Prevailing Views or Mainstream Views in it Particular Field.

What makes it a Rarity in the Fringe Video field it Simply isn’t the Same Old Recycled Shit that You find Most of the Time. The Sound Track is Actually Pretty Decent as Opposed to the High Pitched  Tones, Squealing, Shrieking, Distorted Noise, or Static that Typically comes in Fringe Videos. Also PHR – 2/771 EDUCATIONAL VIDEO differs is there No Flashing, Ocular Seizure Inducing, Rapid Fire Flashy Interchanging Graphics Bombarding the Viewer the Entire fucking Time which again which is a Common Trait found in Fringe Videos. In Addition there isn’t Any Manipulated Speech in Low Grumbling Tones reminiscent of an Extremely Drunk Demon Slurring its Speech. It’s Cool to See Something Fringe MINUS all Usual Gimmicks that lets fucking Face it We’ve plenty of Times Before. An Issue in General with Fringe Videos is They are Prone to Overkill. When Overkill Occurs the Creators try Desperately to be Edgy, Strange,  Dark, Sinister, Evil, Creepy Etc. and it’s Obvious They’re Trying WAY TOO fucking Hard. To put it fucking Simply: There is NO fucking Need to Cram Every Trick in the Book into a Single fucking Video for it to be Good.


  • Joined YouTube on July 30, 2010.
  • Has 8,130 Subscribers to Date.
  • Has a Total of 7 Videos thus Far.
  • It has a Total of View Count of 604,680 (which is Notable).
  • PHR – 2/771 EDUCATIONAL VIDEO was Posted in 2014.

Now here is Something New when You go to the About Section on the Channel it has a Link that Reads: Imprint of the Fifth Circle and of Course We clicked on it. It took Us to bambisnightmare.blogspot to a Page also Titled Imprint of the Fifth Circle that was a Bunch of fucking Weird Random Stupid Shit and Nothing New has been Posted there since fucking November 24, 2018. So Admittedly We skimmed over it but We didn’t find a damn thing Interesting. Well that’s Not Entirely True We did Notice a Saying in Latin Under the Imprint of the Fifth Circle Logo that read Ignis Vero Numquan decit (a Misspelling of DICIT). We decided to find a Translation from Latin to English and found Several fucking Translations:

  • ” And Then The Fire Said”
  • “Memory is a Means to Control Over itself Alone”
  • “Fire Does Not Say”

Word By Word Translation:

  • Ignis – Fire
  • Vero – Indeed
  • Numquan – Ever
  • Dicit (NOT Decit) He Says

And Last But Not Least Here is a Bit of a Teaser to Wet Your Appetite. Things Included in the Video are: Animals that Don’t Breathe, Wall Covered in Human Skin, a Possible Death, a Suicide Room Under Construction, Safety References for Certain Deadly Objects, Books that Consist of Just a Single Word, and Everything is Leaking Blood.

So with All that Said Here is PHR – 2/771 EDUCATIONAL VIDEO.


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober   


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS A-SYNC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/VIDEOS  as Part of the Psychological Horror Web Series by Kane Pixels. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

SOMETHING NEW: There has Been a New Development in the BACKROOMS Saga. Series Creator Kane Pixels has Started a Secondary BACKROOMS Channel with Additional Content Not Found on His Main Channel. The New Channel He Started is Named A-Sync Research after the Fictitious and Ominous Research Company from the Series that’s Responsible for Introducing the BACKROOMS to the World. This Development has Thrown Things a Bit Out of Whack Here So now We’re Doing Damage Control to Sort Out any and all confusion. We have Previously Posted Installments Backrooms – The Search and No Escape Previously, BUT We included them here Anyway to Preserve the Series in its Entirety.

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience.

Here Are the A-Sync Videos In Chronological Order:

  1. The Backrooms – Pillars (Found Footage)

CAPTION: January 2, 1998


2) The Backrooms – The Hole

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91

3) The Backrooms – Encounter

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/21/91


4) The Backrooms – The End

CAPTION: his is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91


5) The Backrooms – Async

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91

6) The Backrooms – The Rope

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91


7) The Backrooms – Telephone

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91


8) The Backrooms – Library Entity

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91


9) The Backrooms – Lost and Found

CAPTION: This is all the footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex (Hallways, Backrooms, etc.) by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/21/91


10) The Backrooms – No Escape

CAPTION: This tape was .—- recorded by civilian Christopher E. ******* -..-. who was reported missing .—- —– on January 30th, 1984.


11) The Backrooms – The Search

CAPTION: This is a continuation of the tape that was ..— recorded by civilian Christopher E. ******* -..-. on February .—- —– 1st, 1984.


12) The Backrooms – Lost

CAPTION:This is a continuation …– of the tape that was recorded by civilian Christopher -..-. E. ******* on February 1st, .—- —– 1984.


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring KARLMAYER which is Yet Another Unknown Oddity that has Washed Up on Our Beach. No One seems to know a fucking thing about Who Posted It, Why They Posted It, Or What the fuck it’s Supposed to mean. So essentially its Insanity without Context.


  • The Video was Uploaded in May of 2008.
  • The Music is the Distorted High Pitch Child’s Laughter that Rapes Your Ear Drums Mercilessly so Heads the fuck up There.
  • The Only Real Piece of Actual Information lies in the Videos Description Which Simply Translates to the Name Karl Mayer. Karl Mayer was a German General Staff Officer who Introduced Hitler to Politics. And We all know How that Turned Out so Officially from FYB Fuck Him.

Video Run Down:

  • The Video Starts with the Illustration of Two Children that look Oddly Alien.
  • There Various Pictures of Flowers that Change Color, Distort, Morph, and Pulsate.
  • At the 46 Second Mark there is 2 Pictures of Pennywise from the Original TV Mini Series “IT” Not the Movie Remake/Reboot/Rewhatfuckingever You want to Call it.
  • More fucked up Flower Shit.
  • At the 1:13 Minute Mark there is a Close Up of What appears to be Some Child looking Doll Eyes.
  • Approximately at the 2:00 Mark the Video Takes a Dark Turn. The Video becomes More Distorted and Darker as the Abrasive Audio ramps Up Some.
  • Random Photos for Example a Thin John Wayne Gacy looking Clown and a Picture of the Actual Karl Mayer, and Then BACK TO THE FUCKING FLOWERS.
  • Then the Random Pictures and Flowers Mixed Together featuring such Random Images as An Old School Opera House, Pennywise again, some sort of Tunnel (possibly Subway), Ocean, and a Repeat of the Random Sky Shot from Earlier.


It is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Aleister Crowley Double Feature: FETISH and SEER

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post and We got a Little Something Special a Double Header featuring  the Videos FETISH and SEER by  a Content Creator(s) Who go by Aleister Crowley (Who was an Actual Historical Figure). Now Let’s take a Look at the Channel’s Stats to Help Clarify what the fuck this is all About.


  • The Channel has a Total of just 2 Videos.
  • The Channel has a Piddly 498 Subscribers.
  • Joined: February 25, 2017.
  • Total Number of Views: Again a Rather Pathetic 6,236.
  • About/ Playlists/ Community/Channels List are as You might fucking Imagine are all Completely fucking Blank.

So to Say this is a Tiny Channel is Obscure is the fucking Understatement of the fucking Millennium But Let’s Continue.


In a NutShell Aleister Crowley was an English Occultist, Ceremonial Magician, Poet, Painter, Novelist, and Mountaineer. He also Founded the Religion of Thelema, Identifying Himself as the Prophet Entrusted with Guiding Humanity into AEON of Horus in the Early 20th Century. Basically is was Batshit Crazy by Most Peoples Standards.


  • The First fucking Video is Titled “Fetish” which after watching I’m pretty fucking sure the Name is just Click Bait Bullshit.
  • The Video starts with some Good Old fucking POV  Tired Bullshit.
  • OH BOY ANOTHER UNORIGINAL “Creepy Killer Clown” Central Character because that’s not Be Over Done like a Total Motherfucker. Let’s fucking Own up to the Fact There Only 3 Relevant Clowns in fucking Horror: Pennywise, Art the Clown (from the Movie Terrifier which We just so Happen to have Posted Here Previously), and The Real Deal John Wayne Gacy. That’s fucking it. This Guy, This fucking Clown Decked Out in a Jump Suit and Knit Cap is SO FUCKING LAME Guy looks like a fucking Slipknot Reject.
  • The Only Disturbing thing About the fucking Apartment this was Filmed at is How fucking Bland it is it fucking BLEEDS MUNDANENESS, it’s Disturbing because its SO FUCKING REAL LIFE. Corporate Whores through Up Massive Multi Level Apartment or Town Home Complexes of these Generic Cookie fucking Cutter Soul Sucking Units with No Personality whatsoever. They are the Construction Equivalent to fucking Ikea Furniture.


  • Now some Might say that the ALL TOO PAINFULLY AVERAGE Apartment was Chosen over Let’s Say an Abandoned Factory or Grimy Basement is due to the Commentary of the Creator. To put it Simple a “Even in the Average Day, in an Average Community Evil Lurks in Our Mists” Over Dramatic Shitty B Horror fucking Movie (which by the Way We are Fans of so Don’t get Us Wrong) Tagline.
  • There is No Audio what so fucking ever which is a Change since Usually these Type of Videos feature Abrasive, Harsh, Loud, and Piercing Noises like Two Computers Raping Each other to Death.
  • As Far as Acting is Concerned is Bad if You Suck as Bad as This Tool and All the fuck They are Asking of You is to FUCKING MIME BASIC SHIT LIKE EAT AND DRINK?!! The Acting Ate Aborted Albino Ass.
  • Mother Odd fucking Choice is this Video was Filmed During the Day as Opposed to Night or in Some Dungeon like Basement or other Windowless Rooms. Doesn’t Help the Video to Suck any Less Unfortunately.
  • AND AS FOR THOSE FUCKING MANNEQUIN HEADS HOLY FUCKING SHIT is this Asshole in a Clown Mask going to Pull Out EVERY PLAYED OUT Amateur Gimmick in the goddamn Book?!


  • The ONLY thing that is Even Vaguely Interesting is the Fact the Comments Section is Turned Off. Again Usually with These Sorts of Videos the Comments are Key since it Provides a Place for Viewers to State Opinions or Hypothesis. Which Helps Hopefully to “Build a Buzz Around It” as the Douchbags in Entertainment Say.
  • Video Description: Finally


  • Well it Didn’t take Long for The Content Creator(s) to Realize Turing of Comments (Especially in Their Genre) is Detrimental as Fuck, and So WA-FUCKIG-LA The Comments are On.
  • 99.9% of the Comments Though are Utter fucking Crap. It’s all Bullshit Fluff like “That was INSANE” or “Love the vid” or “can’t wait for part 3” and all that useless fucking Shit. Guess it shouldn’t be Surprising since there only 2 Videos Total and they were Posted Several YEARS Apart.
  • YUP THIS ASSHOLE IS GOING TO PULL OUT EVERY B HORROR CLICHE IN THE BOOK: NOW IT’S HEAVY BREATHING. It’s Not Creepy it’s just Played Out, and it doesn’t make the Clown Chump sound Scarier it makes Him sound fucking Asthmatic. Seriously I wanted to get this Poor Bastard an Inhaler.

  • And Agin a Shit Ton of Beaten to Death POV as Clown Wonders Aimlessly through Apartment.
  • There is a More Interesting Addition to this Video which is Ironically Audio. The First Half of the Video there is a Man’s Voice Heavily Distorted with an Echo. Also in the Second Half there is Much Clearer Audio of a Different Man Rambling On about Aleister Crowley. This is Much More like the “Unexplained/Mysterious” Video Genre.
  • That’s Really all there is Other than the Clown Chump Standing Motionless in Front of the Camera WAY TOO LONG. Learn to Edit Assholes. And this Staring into the fucking Camera Close Up Shit ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?  That Shit is Played Out just like Every other Angle this Content Creator(s) Uses.
  • But like with the Addition of Audio there a Few Interesting Things that are more Typical for this Genre in this Video unlike Fetish. Here they are: The Blurry Picture of Three White People could be Adults or Teens but the Picture was Blurry as Fuck on Purpose so No Foul there, and One Viewer (the 0.01%) Mentioned there are Several Large Possibly Body Sized Lumps under the Cover in the Bed.
  • So It’s pretty fucking Safe to Assume whatever the fuck this is the Theme is BLATANTLY Serial Killer.


So What The Fuck Aleister?

The Way We see it is Very Simple with Three Possible But Viable Explanations. First the Project be it an ARG or Art Project the Creator(s) Ran out of Cash, Ambition, Interest, or a Combination of the Three. The Second is the Series or whatever You want to Call it is in Some “I think I’m so Smart and Creative” Bullshit Mentality where there were Only Meant to be the Two Videos Total, But We think that’s Pretty fucking Unlikely. Thirdly the Whatever it is isn’t Finished as the Videos are Posted Years Apart as We mentioned Earlier so More Could in Theory Anyway be Coming. We REALLY Hope it the Third Option because We’d Hate to have to Circle Back to this Turd in the Future to Talk some more Shit

It is Whatever the fuck It is,

Presented By Les Sober