Short Horror Film Friday: NO THROUGH ROAD 4

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring NO THROUGH ROAD 4 the Final Short in the British Psychological Horror Series. This Installment is a Bit Different because Below the Film We have Our Series Synopsis where We examine the Four Films in an Attempt to Deduce What it was all About/What was Going On. If You haven’t seen the Three Previous NO THROUGH ROAD Short Films We Highly Suggest You Do before watching NO THROUGH ROAD 4 (You can Find all Three Previous Shorts Here in the Movie Category in case Some aren’t Aware).

Outstanding Questions Entering NO THROUGH ROAD 4:

  • Will the Boys Manage to Escape from the Man in the Mask Alive?
  • Who is The Man in the Mask
  • What is the Endless Loop All About?
  • What Happened to Steven during the 3 Years He was Missing and Presumed Dead?
  • What is Steven’s Connection to The Man in a Mask?
  • What does Steven Know that HE’s Not telling the Others About?
  • How did the Boys come to Find Themselves in this Sinister Situation to Begin With?
  • Whats the Significance of the Tunnel?
  • What’s the Significance of the NO THROUGH ROAD Signs?
  • Can the Man in the Mask Be Killed and if So How?
  • Why is the Man in the Mask Terrorizing Travelers (What’s His Motive)?


So What was it all About: Final Summation

Basically, the Boys Found the House and Figured Out that the Mysterious Man in a Mask that Terrorizes the Boys Lives There. Essentially,  The Man in a Mask  has been Living Out in the Middle of Nowhere, Tormenting and Quite Possibly Killing People Who Unknowingly Dare Trespass on His Property. Now, the Interesting thing Here is that You have to stop thinking Steven and The Man in the Mask are Two Different People.
The Signs that said “No Through Road” were a Dire Warning to Travelers. How things go for Steven is as follows:
Present: They Found Steven (When He shows Up Out of Nowhere in No Through Road 2)
Past: He was “Murdered” along with His Friends.
Future: The Man in the Mask/Steven Knows what the Tunnel is and Tries to Warn People Off from it.
Instead, People/Travelers go through without thinking, so He Tries to Scare Them Away. The Tunnel itself is like the Movie Groundhog Day; an Infinitely-Looping Series of Events that Only the One(s) Who are Aware and/or Experiencing them can Prevent. Steven believed that if He Prevented The Man in the Mask (Himself) from Attacking the Past Him, it would Somehow Alter the Outcome of the Events that Followed. Unfortunately, He Ended up Attacking Himself and Repeating the Events that lead to Him being Discovered.  Horrified by what He had Done, Steven Runs Away and Hides where Nobody can find Him, Unless They go Searching. He stays there for Years, scavenging together Food and shit for However long and doing His Best to Prevent a Repeat of Events. Except each day, He Repeats the Same Thing in an Eternal Loop.
The Reason Why the Boys  can’t Hurt The Man in the Mask is because He Does Not Exist at the Same Point in Time. Steven in the Future has Learned that Not Only did the Tunnel Trap Him in an Infinite Loop, but with some Practice, He can Jump to Specific Points in Time. Steven is No-face. He wants to Prevent Other People/Travelers from Experiencing His Hell. He knows No Matter what, Regardless of what Point in Time He jumps to, the Events that are Keeping Him there are a Fixed Point in Time. Anything that Happens following Someone’s Discovery of the Tunnel Automatically becomes a Fixed Point in Time that keeps You Trapped Unable to Escape. 


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Permanent Trip (Found Footage)

Welcome to Another Installment of Strange and Disturbing Videos Featuring PERMANENT TRIP. Now Granted this Video is a Significantly Different then the Usual Fare You’ll find in the Strange and Disturbing Video Category of Posts. There is No Overtly Ominous or Violent Overtones, No Bizarre Industrial Sound Track, No Hidden Messages/Code/Clues, No Crazy Flashing Visuals, No Morbid Imagery of Death/Doom/Destruction, and No Chaotic Content. With that Said it Simply was Too Good to Pass Up and We had to do a Post on it.

The Video’s Backstory: Allegedly in 2008 a Digital Camera was found sitting on a Park Bench in Philadelphia. It contained Only One Short Video Clip on it. No One has Any Actual Details or Information Pertaining to This Video and We can Only take the Video at Face Value. The Clip is of a Distraught Man who is Obviously Under the Influence of a Hallucinogen or a Psychedelic Drug, and He claims it’s been Two Months since He injected the Unknown Drug and it Hasn’t Worn Off as of the Time of the Recording. For those of You with an Eye for Detail You’ll notice a Handgun sitting on the Corner of the Dresser Directly Behind the Man. This could be an indicator that the Situation had pushed the Unknown Man to His Limits, and He may be Approaching His Breaking Point.


The Questions Facing the Viewer are:

  • Is this Video Real or a Hoax?
  • Who is this Unknown Man in Reality?
  • What Drug did He take/ is He Under The Influence Of?
  • What Happened to the Unknown Man After the Video was Recorded)?

The Video Below is the Earliest and Only Copy of the Video Available Anywhere, and is a Re-Upload of the Original. The Description has Also Been Posted Below the Video itself. After the Video We Discuss the Relevant Information We can Deduce from the Video pertaining to the Questions Listed Above.


Video Description:

“This video was uploaded to YouTube several years ago and I haven’t been able to find it recently. As I recall, the uploader claimed it was “found footage” – he said he found the tape on a park bench or something, and was concerned about the person depicted therein. It appears he may have been having rather a bad time with some sort of psychoactive substance, possibly Datura or some similar long-lasting deliriant. I apologize to the creator of the video if this is something he would rather not have publicized and will remove it immediately if requested by the creator. If anyone has any information regarding the welfare of this person and would like to share any details, please do so. It is a rather fascinating and perplexing recording.”


The First thing You’ll Notice is the addition of the Word Datura attached to the Title which was NOT part of the Original Upload. It seems to be Speculation on behalf of the Person who Re Uploaded the Video as to the Unknown Drug the Man could possibly be on. So what is Datura? Well Datura is a Powerful Plant Hallucinogenic Classified as a Deliriant. Unlike Traditional Psychedelics Datura causes Users Experience Full Blown Hallucinations that are Indistinguishable from Reality. Due to Its Intense Toxicity, Potential to Cause Long Term Psychological Harm, and its Propensity for Horrifically Traumatizing Hallucinations Datura is sometimes referred to as “The Devil’s Trumpet”.

Datura while Suspect it’s Extremely Unlikely that it is the Intoxicant that the Unknown Man has Ingested since His Behavior is Very Uncharacteristic of a Person on a Deliriant. Most People under the Influence of a Deliriant become so Disassociated that They can Hardly even Speak or Stand Up, and Often seem to be Lost in a World of Their Own. The Point Being the Man in the Video is Far Too Coherent and Articulate to be on a Deliriant. Additionally at one Point in the Video the Man states “I think I boiled the Roots Right”, and since the ay Datura is Taken it is Ingested as a Tea that’s made with the Plants Seeds, and the Roots are Not Used again Ruling Out Datura.


There Only Two Hallucinogens/Psychedelics that are made into a Tea by Specifically Boiling the Roots, and They are Sassafras and Ayahuasca. Sassafras’s Effects are Rather Subtle and consists of a Mild Euphoria, but Nothing as Dire as the Man in the Video is Experiencing by a Long Shot. Thus Sassafras is Not the Suspected Intoxicant.

As For Ayahuasca is an Ancient Amazonian Tea Ayahuasca has been used by Indigenous People of the Amazon as a Medicine to Endure Spiritual Experiences. Ayahuasca Tea consists of Two Ingredients Psychotria Viridis Leaves (that Contain DMT) and The Ayahuasca Vine. DMT is one of the Most Powerful Psychedelics known to Man which is Usually Smoked and Lasts about 15 minutes. During that Time it Incapacitates the User and Sends Them to an Entirely Different Reality.  Many Users Claim to have Profound Spiritual Experiences while Under the Influence of DMT. Now when DMT is ingested Via a Tea its Effects can Last Hours, but  Just Drinking the DMT Alone won’t do a Goddamn Thing. People have Enzymes in Our Stomachs that Break Up the DMT Molecules before it can Enter the User’s Bloodstream. This is where the Ayahuasca Vine comes into Play. The Ayahuasca Vine Contains Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) that Temporarily Prevents the Enzymes from Working thus Allowing the DMT to pass into the User’s Bloodstream.  This makes Ayahuasca the Most Likely Culprit when it comes to the Possible Intoxicant the Man in the Video Took. Especially since He Mentioned “Boiling Roots” which He may have confused  the Ayahuasca Vine for Actual Roots.

The Most Unsettling part of the Video was the Man claiming that He has been Tripping for Two Moths without any Sign of Coming Down. There have always been Rumors/Urban Legends of People who took a Certain Hallucinogen/Psychedelic and Suffering the Effects for the Rest of Their Lives. There though has Never been a Single Documented Case of Anyone experiencing a “Permanent Trip” as Once the Substance passes through the User’s Body the Trip is Over.

This Doesn’t mean Hallucinogens/Psychedelics aren’t Dangerous and High Risk by any Means. An Estimated 4% of Users Develop Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD). With HPPD a Person experiences Perception Distortion long after the Substance has Worn Off. Examples of HPPD are Flashes of Color, After Images, Trails on Objects, and Sometimes Disassociation, and in Rare Cases can be Life Long After Effects. It’s Important to Note THIS IS NOT TRIPPING as the User is Completely Functional so Due to the Distress of the Man in the Video it is Safe to Assume We can Rule Out HPPD.

Another Danger/Risk of Hallucinations is a Concern if a User’s Family has a History of Schizophrenia or Psychosis. Someone with Latent Schizophrenia and Using Hallucinogens can Trigger the Disease into becoming Active Effectively Inducing Schizophrenia. Is this in Fact what Happened to the Man in the Video? Did the Substance He took wear off and He can’t Distinguish the Difference between the Hallucinogen’s Effects, and the Symptoms of Schizophrenia (Which Include Visual and Auditory Hallucinations). If You Ask Our Opinion this is the Most Likely Scenario.


Finally Some People have Speculated that The Man in the Video in fact has only been Tripping only a matter of a Few Hours or Even Minutes. A Common Affect of Hallucinogens/Psychedelics is Time Distortion which makes Hours Seem like Days or in an Extreme Case Months thus causing the Man in the Video to Believe He’s been Tripping for Two Months Straight.

Now for the Question of wether or Not this Video is Real or a Odd Idea for a Hoax. If the Video is Real and the Man claims He’s been by Himself Alone in His Home the Entire Time How does He acquire Food for Himself or Pay His Bills such as Rent? Also the Man doesn’t appear to be Malnourished Nor Sleep Deprived, BUT if Time Distortion is to Blame then in that Case it Explains it.

What is just as Strange as the Video is the Description that Accompanies which is the Testimonial of the User who Re-Uploaded the Video. The User claims the Video was Originally Uploaded by Someone Else, but for Some Reason it was Removed so This Person Decided to Re-Upload it. So How is this Person Re-Uploading the Video if the Original is Gone Unless perhaps They Downloaded it Before it was Removed. This Doesn’t seem all that likely and just Leads to More Questions. This Video got a Lot of Views so it’s Safe to say So Did the Original, YET Not a Single Person Remembers the Uploaded Original Version. To put it Simply Everyone who Knows of this Video knows about it from the Alleged Re-Uploader. This Raises the Question of is the Re-Uploader and the Original Uploader actually THE SAME PERSON, and the Man concocted the Bogus Found Camera Story. I mean the Found Camera Footage on a Digital Camera that just so happened to be in a Public Park of a Major City seems Far Fetched.


In The End We will Never Know if the Video is Real or Fake, What the Substance was, What Happened to the Man, and What the fuck it was all about Until/Unless the Man in the Video is Positively Identified.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

The Internet’s Darkest Interactive Web Series: THE HUMAN PET

“My name is unimportant. I am an artist. I never will be caught, but what I have done here will live forever.

For several months now I have been uploading videos of my human pet. His name is Eric. He is being held against his will. That is all you need to know about him for now.

Eric would very much like to leave his prison cell and go home to his family, but that is not up to me. It is up to you. You will decide whether Eric gets to see his family again. You will decide whether Eric lives or dies.

This is MY masterpiece, and you will play by MY rules.


p.s. Art is a mystery to be unraveled.”


The Human Pet is/was an Interactive Psychological Horror Project that’s far from the Bland, Mundane, and Asinine Fair One Finds littering the Internet Nowadays. It is a Series of Disturbing Videos, Blog Posts, Vlogs, and Websites many of which contained Encoded Messages (One such Hidden Message from a Innocuous Blog Post States”Dig Too Deep and You might Not like What You Find….”)


Now its important to mention that while The Human Pet Webseries came to be in the Early Wild West Days of YouTube before Youtube had come into its own. While there were No Rules, Regulations, Terms of Service, or Community Guidelines People still could and Would Report Videos They found Troubling, and They reported these Videos A LOT. This created several ongoing Problems for the Still Unknown Creator(s) of the Series. This meant Youtube Took the Some of the Series Videos Down, and They Even Shut Down the Original Human Pet Channel. The Human Pet essentially became the Blair Witch Project because the Webseries as it was Shot so Realistically People Actually Thought it was in fact Real. Before You roll Your Eyes You have to Remember the Series started in 2006. At that Point this kind of Artistic Project hadn’t been done before. It was a Brand New Artistic Medium provided by the Inception of Youtube.


The Series Showcased a Young Man named Eric Taylor being Held Hostage against Hs Will in a Room with Nothing but a Mattress. His Captor, The Codemaster (aka The Man in the Mask, aka Sam Deercot an Anagram formed from Codemaster), gave the Audience the Ability to Help Eric Survive through picking which Food He will Eat to How to Filter Contaminated Pond Water He is Given to Drink. Later Videos were Uploads of Eric’s own Personal Vlogs, Detailing some of His Actions that lead to His Capture. In Addition to the Creepy Codemaster’s Channel Eric’s Father and Sister started a Channel Dedicated to Finding Eric. They Uploaded Several Videos with Info pertaining to Eric and Pleas for Help from the Public.


The Film Making is Often Stark- a Locked off Shot-but the Threat of Violence from The Codemaster (Also Referred to as The Man in the Mask) makes the Series Truly Riveting. In Other Videos The Codemaster makes Strange Animations-Offering a Glimpse into the Mind of the Deranged Villain. In other Videos He is Cruelly Playful seeming Utterly Delighted by the Suffering He is Causing All involved. In the Final Video “THIS VIDEO TAKES YOU TO HELL” the Viewers learn some of The Code Master’s Backstory, and How He became a Deranged Maniac.


Themes Found Within The Human Pet:

  • Abusive Parents: In “This Video Will Take You To Hell”, We learn about a Child Whose Parents kept them Locked in a Room with a Mattress, a Broken TV, a Litter Box, and Pet Food Bowls. This Child was The Codemaster and more than Likely Shaped His Psychotic Hobbies.
  • Alcoholic Parent: Eric’s Sister describes Their Mother as having Succumbed to Drinking due to Her Husbands Abusive Behavior.
  • Alternate Reality Game: Viewers actively Participated by Attempting to Help Eric (or as “My Pet” as the Codemaster Refers to Eric As), getting to Ask Him Questions, Cracking Codes, Looking for Hidden Messages/Clues/Hints, and by Searching for a Secret Tape that Revealed the Final Video.
  • The Cat Food Diet: Viewers were Allowed to Determine what Single Solitary Solid Food Eric could Eat that would contain Enough Nutrients for Him to Survive; The Food turned out to be Cat Food.
  • Domestic Abuse: Eric’s Father Not Just Abused His Wife Driving Her to Drink, but He also Abused Eric and His Sister as well. The Codemaster’s Pervious Victim before Eric was a Prostitute Named Emily who made the Fatal Mistake of Approaching The Codemaster’s Car Late on Night.When Emily tried to Leave the Game Her Boyfriend (Who got Her into Hooking) Literally Threw Her and Her Belongings Out of the House.
  • NO ENDING: The Last Video Uploaded is Less of an Ending and More a Peek into The Codmaster’s Backstory, and has Not Uploaded any other Videos Since 2008 (More than likely it was Abandoned by Its Creator.)



We Hope You Enjoyed this Twisted Tale of Human Horror as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

The Dark Side of Disney: Suicide Mouse

A Slew of Micky Animations from the 1930’s that were set to be Released on DVD a few Years Ago, BUT One Cartoon Wasn’t Shown to even the Most Die Hard Disney Fan. The Withheld Animation is just a Continuum of Micky Walking down the Street and continues for 2 or 3 Minutes before Cutting too Black. The Micky featured in the Cartoon was Not the Jolly, Happy-Go-Lucky Mickey We’ve all come to Love, He doesn’t Dance, Laugh, or Even Smile. Mickey simply Walks Down the Street with His Head Tilted from Side to Side keeping His Eyes on the Ground. The Cartoon’s Soundtrack isn’t an Actual Song as Per Usual, but it’s a Constant Banging on the Keys of a Piano for approximately a Minute and a Half before transitioning into White Noise for the Rest of the Film.

Up until 1 Year or So Ago, People believed that the Video Ended when the Screen Went Black, but as it Turned Out that wasn’t the Case. When Leonard Maltin was Reviewing the Video to put in the Compilation Series He decided it was Too Morbid for The Release on DVD, But He wanted a Digital Copy as it was a Creation of Walt Disney. When Maltin had the Digitized Version on His Computer He Noticed Something Odd and Interesting. The Cartoon’s Actual Running Time was Minutes and 4 Seconds Long making it Approximately 6 Minutes and 4 Seconds Longer than Anyone Even Knew.


Upon Further Examination Maltin Discovered that the Screen went Black and Stayed Black until the 6 Minute Mark when it Returned to Micky Walking Down the Street, But the Soundtrack was Vastly Different this Time. The Bizarre New Version of the Soundtrack was what seems to be a Ragged Scream that Became Stronger and more Indistinguishable over the Course of the Next Minute. The Picture begins to Thin as the Road Starts to go in Directions that Seem Impossible Based on the Physics of Micky’s Walking. At the 7 Minute Mark there is a Blood Curdling Scream that Lasts an Entire Minute in Duration as The Film Becomes Darker.

The Cartoon then exhibits a Sickening Color Palit (that seems Impossible for the Time Period) appears as Micky Starts to Twist and Contort with His Eyes Ending Up on His Chin, and His Smile Pointing to the Left Side of HIs Face. The Buildings begin to become Irregular in Appearance, Turn to Rubble, and Float in Mid Air while the Road Twists and Turns even More. At the 8 Minute Mark the Blood Curdling Scream Suddenly Stops and the Cartoon Cuts to the Face of Mickey Mouse that traditionally appears at the Credits of Every Micky cartoon. There was Another Soundtrack Switch which Sounds a lot like a Broken Music Box Playing for 30 Seconds. Unperturbed Maltin exited the Studio and sent an Underling Employee in to Finish Watching the Cartoon as Well as Note Taking chronicling the Events of the Rest of the Cartoon.


Due to a Mysterious Circumstances No One Knows What the Last 30 Seconds of the Cartoon actually Contain. You see The Employee Maltin Assigned to Finish the Viewing Staggered Out of the Studio (once the Cartoon was Over) Muttering “Real Suffering is Not Known.” precisely 7 Times before Grabbing a Security Guard’s Gun and Killing Himself Right then and There. The Deceased Employee left a bunch of Scribbled Notes with a Russian Phrase that Roughly Translates into “The Sights of Hell Bring its Viewer Back In.


Thanks For Reading Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

Pick Up Artists Are Fucking Frauds

I’ve been meaning to write something on this subject for quite awhile but basically forgot about it. The other Day however I was rifling through countless Notebooks and Shit reviewing My Numerous Notes, and Low and Behold I saw a Note about doing a Pick Up Artist Piece. Since there is No Time like the Present as They say so Here We Go.


So what the fuck is a Pick Up Artist? Well Their a Bunch of Over Zealous Frat Boy Date Rapist Douchebags who run around like They Bleed Red Bull with this Fake Bravado claiming to have Fail Safe Techniques to get Guys Laid. They go as far as to create bullshit Persona’s for Themselves (based on the Alpha Male Mythology) like Their fucking Rappers or Comic Book Superheroes which is Pretty fucking Lame. They basically try Their damnedest to Emulate the Stereotypical Macho Assholes They think Woman want to Be with a Great Deal of Overkill (A Perfect Example is Tom Cruise’s Fictional Character in the Movie Magnolia). Point being They’re Fake as Fuck from the Get Go.

What do Pick Up Artists (Who I will now refer to as Pick Up Assholes since that’s a far more accurate description) Do? Well essentially They prey on Shy, Insecure, Introverted, and Socially Anxious Gullible Guys Who have legit issues when it comes to Relating to Women. They Promise if the Guys follow (aka Pay For) Their “Techniques” that They are guaranteed to be transformed into a Slick, Suave Ladies Man that Woman will Line Up to have Sex With. These  Techniques to Trick Women into Sleeping with You are so fucking convoluted (Not to Mention Overly Complicated as well) they come off like so sort of Hybrid of Military Code crossed with Advanced Calculous.


The Pick Up Asshole recruits New Clients the same fucking way a Drug Dealer Does it’s the same fucking Method. The Process starts off Free via Youtube Video Suggestions that Lead the User down a Youtube Rabbit Hole of this Pick Up Asshole indoctrination. Next the Client is coherst into taking the Next Step which is Purchasing Several Hundreds of Dollars worth of Pick Up Asshole Books and so called Study Materials. Then once the Guy is Hooked their directed to take it up to the Next Level by attending a Paid Seminar which lets face it are Glorified Ted Talks. And These Scam Seminars aren’t cheap not by a fucking long shot as They Run $1,000 to $3000 depending on Who’s Charging. Scam Seminars can be Half a day up to 3 Days and Again the Longer the Seminar the Higher the Ticket Price.

NOW FOR MY REAL POINT. These Pick Up Assholes operate like a wannabe Secret Society with Heavily Guarded and Allegedly Flawless Techniques that also Assumes Women Don’t know Anything About Them. Thus like a Magician or Illusionist for the Techniques to Work You Don’t tell a Single Soul how the Trick(s) are Done. I mean it’s Far Easier to Win a Game if the Other Opponent doesn’t Know They’re Playing. Point Being that the Whole Pick Up Asshole Sub Culture is based on and Thrives on these Alleged Techniques to Manipulate  Woman into Sleeping with You.


Here is the the Argument My Point is Based on which is How the fuck is a Secret Society Effective if Everyone Knows about it. You Don’t see the fucking Free Masons running around Explaining Themselves to the Outside World. You See in 2007 one of The Pick Up Asshole’s Major Players who goes by Nickname Mystery had a Reality TV Show Literally called “The Pick Up Artist”. The show was a moderate success and Lasted for Two Season from August 6, 2017 through November 30, 2008 that was Broadcast on National fucking Television. The entire Premise of the Shitty Show was Nine Male Contestants who are Unlucky in Love/With the Ladies get Pointers in the “Fine Art” of picking up Woman from Self Proclaimed Seduction Artist Mystery and His two Wingmen, Tara and Matador. The Show presented all the Tricks of the Trade again to a National Audience for Two fucking Years in a Row, and These Pick Up Assholes never realized WOMEN WATCH TV TOO WOMEN LIKE REALITY TV SHOWS/COMPETITIONS TOO. The Ultimate Result was instead of Boosting Cliental and Their Bank Accounts the Pick Up Artists taught Women that this Bullshit Exists, AND How it’s Done.

The Show had Exposed and Explained all of the Pick Up Bullshit to an Audience that included MILLIONS of Women thus rendering the Systems Useless. The Jig Was Up. Luckily for the Scumfuck Pick Up Artists Time Passes and People’s Memories Fade Away so the Industry went back Underground and regrouped from Pick Up Artist Show clusterfuck.


Fast Forward to 2020 and as I mentioned Earlier the Pick Up Artists have Gravitated to Youtube to Promote Their Ridiculous Horseshoe. Now it makes sense that in the Age of Social Media that Anyone with a Business would Use it as a Major PR Tool. How do You keep Your Techniques a Secret from Women when Your Posting Video after Video Advertising, Demonstrating, and Showcasing Your Brand of Techniques?! And Not to Beat a Dead Horse here, BUT WOMEN WATCH YOUTUBE TOO so again these Pick Up Assholes are Shooting Themselves in the fucking Foot. Secret Techniques DON’T WORK if Everyone Especially the Target Group KNOWS ALL ABOUT THEM for Fuck’s Sake. These Assholes need to Buy a fucking Dictionary and Look Up the Definition of Detrimental.

Thats the Equivalent of say During World War 2 America called up the Japanese Military and said “Oh Hey America here We just wanted to inform You wWe have invented the Biggest and Deadliest Bomb Known to Man. It’s called an Atom Bomb and We’re going to Drop one on Hiroshima on August 6th, and one on Nagasaki on August 9th. It will cause Mass Destruction and Death so Stay Tuned.” It’s also like America calling Osama Bin Ladin and saying “Hey There Bunny Old Boy we have a Elite Navy Seal Team in Route to Your Locations so Please Stay Put.” And the Simplest Metaphor would be a Bank Robber standing in front of a Bank in a Ski Mask waving His Gun Around and Screaming at the top of his Lungs “HEY EVERYBODY I’M ABOUT TO ROB THIS FUCKING BANK RIGHT HERE!!!! Its Utterly fucking Moronic Seriously Who does shit like that? No One Thats fucking Who.


You may be wondering at this point Why then would these Outrageous Assholes still be Doing what They’re Doing in spite of the Aforementioned Reasons that due to Over Exposure the Pick Up Artists Fieldi s an  Increasingly Futile Venture? The Answer is Simple They do it for the Attention and the Money the two things these Over Rated Con Artists are Really Interested in. I Mean really Who cares if Everyone Knows Your full of fucking shit if there Still Poor Suckers out there Buying all Your Bullshit Merchandise and Tickets to Your Shitty Seminars.

The Saddest part of the Whole Pick Up Asshole Scams are when al is said and done the Client is Out Hundreds to Thousands of Dollars, have a bunch of Utterly Useless Materials and Techniques. The Worst part is on Top of all that They Still Can’t Score with the Ladies. Even if You Play Devil’s Advocate and let’s say all the bullshit Techniques actually worked it still Ends Badly. Hooking Up is Fun when You’re Young, but there comes that time when on Day You wake up and go “I’m tired of all this bullshit.” ,and then realize You want more out of Life than just Meaningless Sex. The Problem is if all You know is How to Hook Up with Women You’re left out in the Cold in the End. That’s because You don’t have a fucking Clue about having or maintaining an Actual Relationship be it Long Term or Otherwise. Essential it doesn’t matter which Path You choose to take They both end up in an Isolated and Alienated Existence Absolutely Alone.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober


FYB’s Sinister Friday Sci-Fi Horror Movie: CUBE

FYB is Psyched to Present the 1997 Canadian Indie Science-Fiction Horror Film CUBE Directed and Co-Written by Vincenzo Natali. Cube has gained Notoriety and a Rabid Cut Following, for its Surreal Atmosphere and Kafkaesque setting and Concept of Industrial, Cube-Shaped Rooms.


Brief Plot Summery:

Six Total Strangers Awaken One Day to find Themselves Trapped and Alone in a Cubical Maze. Once the Characters meet up, The Group Works Together (Each Using a Specific Skill They Posses) to Navigate Through The Complex Collection of Cubed Rooms.

There is Rennes Who is a Renowned Prison Escape Artist, Student Leaven Who is a Math Prodigy, Doctor Holloway (Who beside Being a Doctor is an Avid Conspiracy Theorist), Kazan is a Servant Who, Quentin is a Police Officer can Out Calculate Leaven, and Worth Who was Unknowingly part of the Design Team who Assembled the Cube.


Each Room is a Cube within the Cube, with Six Hatch Doors opening into Other Rooms, But a Percentage of those Rooms are Equipped with DEADLY BOOBY TRAPS! Not Only That But the Total of 17,576 Rooms ROTATE Their Position within a Set Time Limit causing Disorientation, Confusion, Frustration, and Down Right Insanity.

Using Math Prodigy Leaven’s Math Skill (and Eventually Servant Kazan penchant for Mathematics), The Group Press Forward, Upward, and Downward through a Series of Hatches to Try and Locate the Cube’s Outer Shell and Escape the Cerebral Nightmare. Will The Group Get Away or are They Doomed to Die in the Confines of the Menacing Cube? Will They be able to Unravel the Mystery of the Cube’s Creator(s) and it’s Intended Function? You’ll have to Watch and See for Yourself!



We Hope You Enjoyed This Tale of a Killer Cubes as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober & FYB

The Deviant Detective #8 Hunting Shadows In The Dark

“Alright No harm in Seeing what Your Made Of,” retorted Rock defiantly, “Now let’s get the fuck out of Here Before I’m Too Drunk to Drive.”

Rock got off His Bar Stool which let out a Loud and Prolonged Creak as the Old Wood breathed a Sigh of Relief and Rock’s Departure. Rock stood at the Bar for a minute or Two before Finally Paying His rather Large Tab before heading out to the Parking Lot at a quick Clip. The Young Girl who alleged She was a Infamous Hacker who went by Von Dire happily hopped off of Her Bar Stood and Took Off Following Rock Outside. Rock marched straight over to His Car and Started fumbling with His Keys unable to find the Actual Car Key to Unlock the Door.

“I’m not getting in a Car with You if Your Driving in This State,” announced the Young Woman indignantly, “Give ME Your Keys and I’ll Drive since there No Point Showing Up wherever We are Going if We’re Dead.”

“Your just Lucky it’s a Shitty Rental from My Mechanic because there is NO WAY in Hell You’d EVER Drive My Car.” snapped Rock Defensively before realizing He was being a Bit of a Drunkenly Belligerent Dick.


The Young Woman unlocked the Doors, got in, and Adjusted the Seat and Mirror to Her liking much to the Chagrin of Rock. Once She was comfortable She unlocked the Passenger Door and Let Rock In. Rock Flopped Down into the Passengers side Seat with a Low Groan of an Aging Body. He first struggled to Locate which pocket His cigarettes were in followed by a Subsequent Search for His Lighter. At Last Rock had located the Items He was hunting for and Lit a Cigarette much to the Chagrin of The Young Woman.

“Smoking is Foul and Fatal.” She stated with the Reserve of a Top Scientist.

“So am I so What Of It?!” snarled Rock through Clenched Teeth.

“Nothing I suppose it makes sense You Smoke since You obviously have a Death Wish and Are Also Insanely Lazy. That’s why You won’t even consider committing Suicide so You let The Cigarettes and Booze Kill You on Your behalf,”answered the Young Woman, “Face it Rock Your a fucking Old School Dinosaur on the Verge of Extinction.”

“Then Let Me Die as I wish and Keep Your Unwanted Opinions to Your fucking Self then,” said Rock almost Yelling, “Lets get down to Brass Tax if We do End Up Partners on this Job What The Fuck Do You Need, and What the fuck do You Know.”


“Well first Off You’re Hunting a Big Time Scumbag Criminal who is Hiding Out and Conducting some serious sick shit on the Dark Web. If You think it’s fucking Hard to Find someone in Physical Reality it’s going to be Exponentially Harder to Find Someone lurking in the Dark Web Abyss,” stated the Young Woman, “Think of it as Hunting for a Shadow in a Pitch Black Void.”

“Great way to Start Off a New Job.” Rock said Sarcastically before Lighting another Cigarette.

“Not to Mention that Red Rooms are the Stuff of Creepy Pastas which is what an Internet Based Urban Legend is referred To. No One knows if Red Rooms actually Exists outside of People’s Morbid Imaginations,” the Young Lady said in a Flat monotone Voice, “There was an instance of an Alleged Red Room consisting of a Captured Terrorist by Middle Eastern Authorities, BUT it was Complete Crap in it was Painfully Obvious the Whole Thing was Fake as Fuck.”

“Jesus Christ the More You Talk the Less I want to Hear,” announced Rock aloud, “I’m already reconsidering this Job, and I don’t usually do that Until I’m waist Deep in the Shit so to Speak.”

“Once in a Blue Moon there is a Red Room Announcement Posted, But again the Events Never come to Fruition since They are in Fact Fake as Fuck as Well,” continued the Young Woman Unfazed by Rock’s growing Negativity,”And then Theres the Availability Issue. Since Many Dark Web Sites Shut Down one Minute their Up and Running and the Next They’ve completely disappeared they’re hard to Track. If Red Rooms are real lets say for the sake of the Argument then They would be Much More Likely to Disappear without Notice due to The Authorities.”


“Hold the Hell Up I didn’t think the Authorities could do a Damn thing about all the Illegal shit on The Dark Web so what Gives?” asked Rock in all Honesty shifting His weight in His Seat as He talked.

“It’s not easy for Law Enforcement either, but They have far more Manpower, Resources, and Money than Just the Two of Us,” answered the Young Woman,”The Authorities tend to Focus on Soly on Certain subjects like Drugs, Guns, Human Trafficking, and Pedophilia. Now though if there is Someone Advertising a Red Room Event where allegedly a Victim is Kidnapped, Held Hostage, and Then Tortured to Death On The Dark Web I think that would be something the Authorities would be Interested in perusing.”

“Valid Point.” said Rock Grimly as He mulled over the Information He was just Given.

Stay Tuned For The Next Unforgiving Installment of………


Thank for Reading,

  By Les Sober

One of the Strangest Things I’ve Ever Been Part Of

I was on the Phone the Other Day catching up the Other Day with None Other than the Infamously Infamous SpaceDog who I hadn’t Talked with in Quite Awhile. SpaceDog and I were doing what We always do Talk Shit, Mock Shit We Dislike, Swapping Stories, Sharing Ideas, Collaborating on Projects, Laughing Our Asses Off, Scouring the World with Sarcasm, Catching Up on Current Events, and General Venting.

All of a Sudden Someone using the Name John Drummond called Me which is already odd because I don’t know any asshole by the name of John Drummond. I mentioned the Name to Spacedog who cracked on the Guy’s Name using a Different Strokes TV Show Reference and that was the End of that. Not a minute Later I get a Text from John Drummond who apparently got My Voice Mail, Hung the hell up, and then Texted Me in lieu of Leaving a simple fucking Voicemail. Now it’s important to note I don’t use My Name on My Outgoing Voicemail, but We’ll circle around back to this a little later on. I Scanned the Text and updated Spacedog on the New Text Twist. The Text was pretty straightforward it said:

“I’m looking for The Owner of the Apartment Building in Camden SC” (SC the Abbreviation for South Carolina)

Now at a second glance this Mundane Message appears to be a Bit Bizarre starting with the Fact He Never Used His Name as in “Hi I’m John Drummond….” which You would definitely expect from a Business Call. Second He never used (or asked for that matter) what the fuck My Name was this was the Vaguest Communication I have come across. I informed Spacedog that this was just to fucking weird to Let Go, and that I was going to Set up a Conference Call with Spacedog and then Call this Mr. John Drummond.


Unfortunately I fucked the Conference Call deal up, but I didn’t want to hang up on the John Drummond Number just Yet. As the phone is ringing John septs Me a Second Text stating: “Sorry I can’t Talk Right Now.” which was Weird because He had just tried to reach Me twice via the Phone and then Immediately with the follow up Text moments after hanging up on My Voicemail. I decided to stay on the Phone a minute longer to see if John had an actual Voicemail of some sort or was it a Dummy Number that would Ring from here to Eternity with No Answer. I was surprised when I heard an Actual Message from Someone claiming He is John Drummond and I stopped listening and hung the fuck up.

So after conferring with Spacedog for a few Minutes We started to Brain Storm what could/would be the Creepiest and Unnerving Response to Text back (since I wasn’t done with this John Guy not as of Yet anyway). We came up with a Myriad of Ideas involving the Dark Web, Fraudulent Government Type Messages from places like Area 51, Fake Sales Calls for Pudd Puller Ince, and More. I was worried We were wasting too much time fucking around so I wrote back the most Basic Text as Humanly Possible “Can You Text?”. Again I never gave My Name nor did I usedHis I just texted back just those Three Words. Spacedog and I continued Our previous conversation before being interrupted by this John Character.


According to the Time Linked with the Individual Text John returned/responded to My Text exactly One Minute Later with a Text that read “On the phone will call back in a Minute.” Spacedog and I were still trying to figure out what the fuck this was all about. You see My Phone has an Out of State Number I haven’t changed on Purpose. Like I’ve said before I’m a Very Private fucking Person so Anonymity is a Key Component of My Personal Privacy Plan. I had checked the Area Code from which John was attempting to reach Me and it was indeed a South Carolina Number, BUT it wasn’t a Camden SC Area Code.

This Meant apparently John was in South Carolina which is where He said He was looking for some Apartment Building Owner, BUT He was in calling from a Area Code just over 3 Hours away from Camden. That placed John in a Completely Different County in a Completely Different part of the State. This Too Seemed more than a little fucking Fishy to Me (as Well as Spacedog) though I couldn’t put My finger on it wasn’t sitting right with Me. And lets face it I was bringing to get a real fucking Kick out of this John-Apartment Owner Bullshit.


About 10-15 Minutes Pasted as Spacedog and I chatted Idly before low and behold John is back on the Line. I again try to Merge the two Phone Calls but being Hyper Focused on the Situation at Hand along with being Impatient (especially with Technology) I failed again to connect all Three of Us as it were. All I was concentrating on was being able to Talk to this Mysterious Fuckwit No Matter What happened along the fucking way. I answered the Phone without Formerly Introducing Myself as I didn’t say anything like “This is Les Sober..” or “Hello I’m Les Sober…” I just launched right into His inquiry .

Les: Hello.

John:  I’m looking for the Owner of the Apartments in Camden Sc

(First John never said Hello and Second What was the Name of these Apartments? They should at least Go by their Address, but John wasn’t obviously one for Names nor Addresses).

Les: Thats Not Me.

John Repeating Himself: Oh I’m looking for the Owner of the Apartments in Camden Sc.

Les: Thats Not Me. I not who you’re looking for.

(Since he asked the same Question Twice in a fucking Row as if He was looking for some kind of Verification that I was not in fact the Owner of said Apartments. I saw an opening to continue this Adventure in the Absurd and took it.)

Les: Why are You asking

John: I’m a Multi Family Reality Management Investor. I’m looking into  Future Investment Property Prospects and Possibilities in the Camden Area.

(I’m pretty damn certain He made up the fucking Job title as its insanely Pretentious, Long Winded, and when You stop to think about it a second You realize how fucking nonsensical the Title is. Not to mention John was trying WAY TOO FUCKING HARD to sound like an Educated and Authentic Businessman. Can You say Overkill?!)

Les: Well that doesn’t mean a Damn thing to Me.

John: Thanks for at least calling Back.

Les: *Hangs Up without saying Anything*


Now for the Life of Me even with Spacedog’s vital assistance We still haven’t been able to figure out the Facts be They Legit or Fraudulent. I fully believe that this was some sort of Shady fucking Scam call, and wasn’t real in Any way Whatsoever. Spcaedog is sticking with His Hypothesis that John is a Real Deal Realtor of some kind Who is interested in Buying these Apartments, and that the current Owner had Died. Now if this was the case then John was cold calling People with the name Last Name, BUT My phone is Registered in another State, and I sure as Hell don’t live anywhere Near this Camden South Carolina that’s for fucking Sure. So again Why would John have contacted Me? Again I’m certain it was a Scam and that the Scammer was New or just plain sucked at His fucking Shitty “Job”. I believe the Apartment and Fake Job Title were meant to Peak My Interest into asking questions about such Reality Investments because everyone is looking for a an Easy Money Scheme.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

The Mysterious Phenomenon of Station UVB-76

What the Hell is the Shortwave Radio Station UVB-76 is the Question thats spanned Decades and Still the Answer Alludes Everyone. Over the Years Plenty of People have Investigated the Mysterious UVB-76 Phenomenon, and Here is the Information that has been Collected Pertaining to UVB-76.

UVB-76 was Detected in the 1970’s/ Early 1980’s during America’s Cold War with Soviet Union (Now Russia), and was Originally located in Povarovo near Moscow. It’s current Location is Unverified, but it’s Known Through Radio Observation that at Least Two Transmitter Sites Exist. The First Site sends Radio Relay and Phone Lines Directly from Moscow via St. Petersburg’ Command Center Located on Palace Square. The Other Site’s Location is Allegedly (But Unconfirmed) to be at Naro-Fominsk in the Moscow District. The Moscow District is where the 69th Communication Center is Located, and Serves as the Main Staff Headquarters of the Western Military District in Moscow.

UVB-76 is also Know by its Nickname “The Buzzer”which is used by Radio Stations that Broadcasts in the Frequency 4625 kHZ . UVB-76 has been Broadcasting since at Least 1982 Broadcasting Tones Only Reminiscent of Morse Code. The Tones were Changed in 1992 to One Constant Buzz with Additional Beeps and a Variety of Unidentified Noises that Occurs 20-30 times Per Minute, and Audio Clips of Swan Lake. On January 16, 2003 the Station briefly changed to a Higher Tone for a Longer Duration (approximately 20 Tones Per Minute) and then Reverted back to its Previous Tone Pattern. UVB-76 Broadcasts Non Stop 24 Hours a Day 365 Days a Year with a rough approximation of 25 Tones a Minute


The Truly Strange Part is Sporadically on Rare Occasions the Buzzer Signal is Interrupted by a Voice Transmutation in Russian. The Messages are Predominately Random Names (Representing Characters/Letters of the Alphabet along with Seemingly Random Numbers.

Example: UVB-76 UVB-76 882 NAIMINA 74  14  35  74 93 7  8 8 2 NIKOLAI ANNA IVAN MICHAIL IVAN NIKOLAI 12 49 57…..

What does UVB-76 actually mean, well for Starters UVB-76 is an Incorrect Station Identification (Though the Station was Finally signed the Signifier S28, S28 is Not a Standard Number Station). The name UVB-76 cones from Early Unverified Reports pertaining to the First Voice Message that was Broadcast. A Unknown Male with a Russian Accent came on the Air and Said “Ulyana Vasilij Boris 76” the phrase then Repeated several times, and was initially thought to be the Station’s Call Sign. It was Later Verified using Recordings of the Message that the Unknown Russian Man Actually said UZB-76, and Zinanidia Not Vasilij. The Station which is Still Active in spite of Rumors that it had Shut Down uses Numerous Coded Phrases like the  WellKnown NAIMINA, but the then the  Station started to Use Other Code Words/Phrases such as Mihail, Dimitrj, Zheng, and Boris for Example.


The Purpose of UVB-76 and the Cryptically Coded Messages is still Unclear, and of Course there are Plenty of Theories floating around the Internet. There is a Theory The Dead Hand Nuclear Umbrella which states when the Buzzer goes Completely Silent once and for all it will trigger the Launching of Nuclear Missiles. Unfortunately the Dead Hand Nukes Theory is been Proven to be Incorrect as the Buzzer goes Off Many times a Month due to apparent Technical Difficulties. A much more Viable Theory is that the Buzzer Broadcast by UBV-76 is used for Propagation Measurements and Weather Research, and this Theory had been collaborated by Several Sources from Russian Research Magazines. Unfortunately for those who believe in this Theory No Further Confirmation has Been Found. The More than Likely Theories involve a Top Secret Government Conspiracy or For some Nefarious Military Plot.

HERE IS THE STRANGEST DETAIL OF THEM ALL: From It’s Discovery in the 70’s/Early 80’s the Official Statement from the Russian Government was and still is that Station UBV-76 Simply DOES NOT EXIST.

I included a Small Sampling of REAL UBV-76 Recordings Below. Enjoy.

Thanks for Reading/Listening,

  Presented By Les Sober

A Short Sunday Horror Movie: The Facts in the Case of Mister Hollow

THE FACTS IN THE CASE OF MISTER HOLLOW is a Multiple Award Winning Short Horror Film Written by Rodrigo Gudino who also Directed the Film along with Vincent Marcone.

The Movie Focuses on a Single Photograph from the 1930’s that Tells an Entire Tale of KIDNAPPING, MURDER, and SACRIFICE captured in a Single Haunting Moment!! As the Movie starts to Scratch the Surface of the Picture it Reveals a Tapestry of HIDDEN AND SINISTER SECRETS in the Details Proving Nothing is as it Appears.


At the Beginning of the Movie starts the Audience is Shown a News Clipping with the Head Line that a Child has Disappeared, and is Believed to be One of an Estimated 100 Victims. A by-line shown in the same Clipping mentions PAGANISM is Alive and Flourishing in Northern Ontario. Along with the News Clippings is a Note that says Enclosed with the Clippings is a Photograph, and that the Reader should Look More Closely at It.

From there the Movie is Off and Running challenging the View to find the Preverbal Pieces of the Puzzle and Ensemble them to Reveal the Conclusion. Some of the Details are More Obvious such as One of the Men beginning to Light a Fire made upon Several Crucifixes for example. Other Details are Points of Interest that can be Easily Overlooked for example the Markings on the Hands of All Three Adult Males, The Car Mirror Showing BLOOD SPLATTER, The Crosses Nailed to Trees, and The BODY in the Backseat of the Car.


Eventually the Photograph reveals Two Additional People in the Background who are Both PRIESTS, and Apparently Holding a Shotgun Menacingly on the Group in the Forefront. This raises the immediate Question of Why do Priest have a Shot Gun in the first fucking place, and Why do They have it Turned on the Group is such an Aggressively Hostile manner?! In the End the Audience is left with the Biggest Question of them all and that Question is as Follows.  WHO is the Cloaked and Menacing FINAL PERSON in the Photograph Reflected in the Sunglasses worn by One of the Men, and How does this Most Mysterious Figure Fit into the Story Trapped within the Photograph? Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Dark Tale of Mystery and Murder as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Brought To You By Les Sober