The Obscene Extreme Festival

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post on The Obscene Extreme Festival or Commonly referred to as OEF. OEF is a Yearly Extreme Music Festival Held in the Czech Republic Held at Trutnov Battlefield. OEF was the Brain Child of founder Miloslav “Curby” Urbanec’s who Started OEF in 1999. Curby considers Obscene Extreme to be Primarily a Grindcore Festival at Heart, BUT there’re Other Extreme Music Genres/Subgenres such as Death Metal, Hardcore Punk, Gringcore, Extreme Metal, and Goregrind.

OEF has become such Success Over the Years that OEF started Holding International OEF Festivals in Asia, Europe, South America, Mexico, Australia, America, and Indonesia. Since the First OEF in 1999 over 1,081 Bands have Played Obscene Extreme Festival(s) including Napalm Death, Obituary, Exhumed, EyeHateGod, SCAT, Cripple Bastards, Gutalax, SCAT, Putrid Pile, Terrorizer, Municipal Waste, Brujeria, and Cannibal Corpse. The Most interesting Factor of OEF is that Since the Beginning the Festival has Exclusively Offered Vegetarian/Vegan Food and All Other Types of Food are Strictly Prohibited on the Premises. In Addition to the Bands and Vegetarian/Vegan Food OEF also Offers Body Piercing, Photo Gallery, OEF Merchandise, Tons of Press doing Interviews, Vendors at the Obscene Market, a Show of Studio Hell, Beer, and a Stage Diver’s Manual. The Last Aspect of OEF that Most People would find Surprising is In Spite of it’s Name OEF is Known for being a Positive Environment. Believe it or Not Czech Radio said that OEF is “Exceptionally Tolerant and Friendly Atmosphere.”

Now that We have Covered the Usual Basic Information Pertaining to OEF We thought it be Interesting to Hear about OEF from its Founder Curby in His Own Words. So We Assembled a Series of Quotes from Curby on the Subject of OEF. Hey if You want fucking Answers then it’s Best to go Directly to the fucking Source. It is Worth Mentioning English is Curby’s Second Language so Sometimes the Wording is rather fucked up. And Without Further Ado here are the Quotes We Compiled from Various Places.

Curby: “OE was Born like answer to such a great German event FUCK THE COMMERCE…I visited this fest back in 98 for first time..I wanted to do some bigger festival in Czech for extreme music because a festival of this type was missing in Czech and whole of Europe I guess…”

Curby: “But to be honest I wanted to do just one festival and stop it, but reactions of fans, bands, and all were simply amazing and that’s why I continued with this work till today…”

Curby: “People are still going crazy for grind core and I can see many, many satisfied die-hard grind freaks that really love this event and it just power to continue and do it better next year. ”

Curby: “Anyway it’s still the same as the first fest, fest made by fans for fans, nothing else.”

Curby: “So every year I’m doing a list of bands I want to see live personally, then I’m adding some new kick ass bands and of course some bands are asking me to play. But every year I’m trying to give some chances to newcomers in the scene as they have no more support from other and mainly bigger festivals as they don’t care that much about them.”

Curby: “OEF always will be a grind core event for the most most extreme musical styles of the planet trying to destroy your ears thru one weekend.”

Below You will find just a Tiny, No Micro Sampling of the Acts and Types of Music that are or Have Been Showcased at OEF. The Playlist of Bands featured below is as Follows:

  • 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses
  • Cartlilaged
  • Putrid Pile
  • Enema Shower
  • Self Deconstruction
  • Hate
  • Puruten Spermcanal
  • Napalm Death
  • Urtikaria Anal
  • Doom
  • Abortion
  • Suffocation
  • Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition
  • S.C.A.T
  • Repulsion
  • Nunslaughter

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Micro Horror Movie (Sequel Edition) : SMILING WOMAN 6

Welcome to this Weeks Short Horror Film Friday featuring SMILING WOMAN 6 Written and Directed by Alex Magaña, and Co-Produced by Dawn Church. You can Find All Five Previous SMILING WOMAN Films here at FYB in the Movies Category. Each Installment of the SMILING WOMAN Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.


I as Far as I am Aware I coined the Term “Micro Horror Movie” when I posted the One Minute Long “Tuck Me In” by Ignacio Rodo on 1/29/21 (as Part of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday). The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth, and Nuclear Assault for example) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British Grindcore/Death Metal Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer”. So I figure the Micro Horror Movie would Translate to a Short Horror Film that’s Five Minutes (Flat) or Under.

PLOT: One Late Night at an Empty Laundromat, a Young Woman is Tormented by a Menacing Smiling Woman.


  • Smiling Woman – Teru Hara
  • Young Lady – Michelle Twarowska
  • Coroner – Alex Crawford
  • Detective – Raymond Ko
  • Young Lady Voice – Mandy O’shaughnessy & Lindsey Caldwell

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Micro Horror Movie (Sequel Edition) :SMILING WOMAN 5

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SMILING WOMAN 5 Written, Directed, Edited, and Executively Produced by Alex Magna and Starring Felissa Rose as the Smiling Woman. All Installments Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.


I as Far as I am Aware I coined the Term “Micro Horror Movie” when I posted the One Minute Long “Tuck Me In” by Ignacio Rodo on 1/29/21 (as Part of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday). The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, and Pig Destroyer) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British  Deathcore (Grindcore+Death Metal) Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer. So I figure the Micro Horror Movie would Translate to a Short Horror Film that’s Under Five Minutes.

For those Who May Not Be Aware Felissa Rose Esposito, better Known as Felissa Rose, is an American Actress and Producer. She made Her Film Debut as Angela Baker in Robert Hilzik’s Infamous Cult Horror Movie Sleepaway Camp, a Role Reprised in the 2008 sequel Retuen to Sleepaway Camp. 

NOTE: We Highly Suggest You Watch the First 4 SMILING WOMEN Movies before Watching Number 5. You can Find the First Four Installments in the SMILING WOMAN Series in Our Movie Section.

Plot: While in Her Hospital Bed, a Patient is terrified  by a Eerie  Smiling Woman.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented BY Les Sober  

Micro Horror Movie Marathon: SMILING WOMAN 1,2,3, and 4!!!

I as Far as I am Aware I coined the Term “Micro Horror Movie” when I posted the One Minute Long “Tuck Me In” by Ignacio Rodo on 1/29/21 (as Part of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday). The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth, and Nuclear Assault for example) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British Grindcore/Death Metal Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer”. So I figure the Micro Horror Movie would Translate to a Short Horror Film that’s Five Minutes (Flat) or Under.

Brief Synopsis: All Installments Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor – Alex Magaña
  • Smiling Woman – Merlynda Sol
  • Runtime 2:15
  • On a late night at an empty train station, a Lone Traveler is Accosted by a Demented Smiling Woman.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor – Alex Magaña Co-Writer – Jed Brian
  • Smiling Woman – Ariel Fullinwider
  • Smiling Woman ‘Body Double’ – Allison Marie Reyes
  • Runtime 2:13
  • After a Late Night at Work, a Lone Woman is Stalked by a Sinister Smiling Woman.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor – Alex Magaña
  • Smiling Woman – Prathyusha
  • Runtime 2:09
  • While Home Alone, a Woman is Tormented by a Ominous Smiling Woman.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor. Executive Producer – Alex Magaña Executive Producer. Grip – Oszkar Romé Co-Writer – Jed Brian
  • Mortician/Smiling Woman – Anna Dahl
  • Smiling Woman (Morgue) – Michelle Twarowska
  • Runtime 3:28
  • While Working the Graveyard Shift, a Nurse is Terrorized by a Creepy Smiling Woman.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday Double Header: TUCK ME IN

Welcome to the Official Return of Short Horror Film Friday featuring Tuck Me In Double Feature. First We have the Original 2014 Version of Tuck Me In Directed by Ignacio Rodo followed by the Remake Tribute Tuck Me In By Homemade Horror. Now there is a Reason for This Double Billing if You Will which is Both Versions have a Minuscule Running time of just 60 Seconds. With such an Extremely Exceptional One Minute running Time Tuck Me In may very well be the First Micro Horror Movie ever made.

The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth, and Nuclear Assault for example) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British Grindcore/Death Metal Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer”.

Tuck Me In reminds Me of the The World’s Shortest Horror Story ever written by Fredric Brown Titled Knock that consists of only Two Sentences:

“The Shortest Horror Story:

The Last an On Earth sat Alone in a Room. There was a Knock o the Door.”

You See Fredric Brown’s Knock, Grindcore’s Micro Songs, and Micro Horror Films (and Traditional Short Films) are Proof beyond All that You Don’t need to Write a 300 Page Book, Record an Album of 12 Minute Songs, or Film a 6 Hour Movie to produce Viable Product. Artists have the Newer found Freedom to Essentially tell the Audience “Here is My Art and I’m going to keep it Short, Simple, Focused, and to the Point.”

Now On with the Show. Enjoy.

The 2014 Original Version of Tuck Me in Directed By Ignacio Rodo.

The Remake Tribute to Tuck Me In By Homemade Horror 

Homemade Horror had this to Say about Their take on Tuck Me In:

“Bedtime doesn’t go as planned in this short horror film with a twist. This is a remake and tribute to Tuck Me In, one of the best short horror films I’ve ever seen. We put a little twist in the end to make it our own. It was done in a day with an iPhone, iMovie, and simple original score using a keyboard. Lots of fun. Cheers!”


We Hope You Enjoyed This One Minute of Madness as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (5/365)

Lee looked over to catch a quick First Glimpse of the in coming Customer. As it turned out it was in fact was Two Young Gentlemen that looked to be in Their late 20’s, and who were locked in a heated debate over something They both seemed very animate about. Lee sat back and began His observations. Lee had a good feeling about these Two Guys, and anticipated  some quality Entertainment to get the Day off to a running start.

The Two Young Men headed strait to the Dildo Isle where Their argument became much more amplified as Each became more and more Frustrated with the Other. Lee opened a Copy of Some trashy Adult Novel and pretended to read it feigning an aloof ambivalence. This was a common Tactic Lee used to hide the fact He was now Ease Dropping on Shoppers just like He was with these Two Young Men.


“Well We can fucking Narrow it Down by Illuminating all the ones that look as Fake, We need to stick to Realism because not even a Psychotic Cannibalistic Necrophiliac would have a Giant Purple Double Headed Cock So there You have it.” Said the Young Guy wearing a pair of Beat Up Sneakers, Old Worn Out Jeans, and a Faded well worn Misfits T-shirt as He relentlessly scanned the Dildo Display (back and forth from End to End) with an intense 1,000 Yard Stare.

“I know BUT look at the fucking prices They’re charging for Fake Rubber Dicks its fucking Really Ridiculous. All I’m saying is I hope these fucking things last just short of Forever for the Price People are Paying.” replied the Second Young Guy in the Camouflage Cargo Shorts, Napalm Death Concert T-shirt, and a pair of Knock Off Crocs.


“Look Shane I know money is always an issue with Lester, BUT He goddamn is well aware this will be an unforeseen additional cost. I mean He’s the fucking Director, and this isn’t His first Rodeo not by Far. Lester has been Making B-Horror and Low Budget Sci Fi Films for a Decade at least.” snapped The Guy in The Misfits T-shirt to His Associate who was apparently named Shane.

“I’m aware of the issue at hand Glen,” Shane stated calmly before continuing “Lester wants a Real looking though be it Fake Dick for the Film, and that He also is insanely anal about the Films Budget getting out of Hand. It’s a huge pain in the ass I agree, Yet Lester has a point in the fact that if We go too far over budget the Project gets shut down and shelved  in a  Filmography Warehouse or some other Bizarre shit.”


“Well anyway You look at it if Lester wants realism He’ll have to just bite the fucking bullet and kick out the Cash. I mean once again Lester has to be aware that this is a 1 possibly 2 scene prop and thats it. After one or two scenes it’ll be ruined I mean thoroughly thrashed.,” Glen Barked gruffly before launching into a full blow tirade, “The Point is there is the Scene where Eddie is Jacking Off with the aid of a fucking Cheese Grater so one side of the Prop is shot. Not to mention all the Fake Blood is going to be a serious Staining issue, and if We can’t find a way around said staining issue the Prop is totally fucked as soon as We cut. Then even if We pull off the scene avoiding further damaging the Prop that’s only until Linda’s Character Castrates Eddie’s Character. The Prop will literally be Cut in Half so its Not like this is a one time Purchase. This isn’t going to be Lester’s Go To Fake Dick for the rest of His Films because the facts are it’s a one Film 2 Scene Prop at Best.”


Tune in Tomorrow for the Next Installment of Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (6/365)

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober