Welcome to today’s post FYB post featuring the video by content creator know as Nana825763 COOKING IDOL. We featured another one of Nana825763’s videos titled USER NAME 666 which you can find located in the Strange and Disturbing Videos or in the Dark Web Videos (honestly it’s been so long since We did said post which category it’s in, but it’s in one of the two I assure you). It’s morbid masterpiece in the macabre the equivalent of Alice in Wonderland meets the Food network in the 9th circle of Hell.


Now here is where it gets interesting there was some cryptic text (located later on in this post) accompanying the video that I couldn’t get out of my head. On a whim I decided to watch the video, but this time I switched on the closed caption. Once turned on the closed caption the ghostly audio translated into the following:

  • Ah. Yes. Static.
  • Hi.
  • Welcome to my cooking show
  • It’s good Food
  • Heals every losers plate
  • But keep in mind
  • I cook the tomatoes
  • Prepare them nice like this.
  • Do It.
  • Now.
  • Next step
  • Cook with Soy sauce
  • This is not optional
  • Enjoy

Now this reminds me of the band Tool’s song “Die Eier von Satan” off their album Enema. The song title actually means “the balls of satan” or “the eggs of Satan” in German, as “eier” can mean eggs or testicles. The song sounds like a Hitler Nazi rally speech circa World War two, the songs lyrics translate to a receipt for Marijuana cookies. A classic example things that aren’t what they appear to be at first sight or listen in this case.


I then went back and watched the video for the umpteenth time, and compiled a list of the words displayed at the top of the screen during the video. This list is a good bit stranger and tad more grim than the audio translation. Here’s said list in chronological order:

  • Good food
  • Happy Happy Happy
  • I like red food
  • I cook the tomatoes
  • Lets
  • Cookingggggggggg
  • Please prepare the tomato
  • tomatoes is red
  • I cut the tomatoes into pieces with a knife
  • Please don’t cut your neck
  • Please burn bacon and rice cakes
  • Please listen to my song
  • Music
  • Start
  • I like rotten food!
  • Please put the tomatoes on rice cakes
  • Please rice cakes wrapped in bacon
  • Please insert a toothpick
  • Well did you?
  • Again please burn the sides
  • Please take the soy sauce at the end.

Now as Promised Text Accompanying Video:

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See you on the other side,

  Presented by Otto Control  

Once Trump Is Shit Canned WTF DO We DO With All The #MAGAssholes?!!

When Trump gets His Fat Orange Ass Booted from the Whitehouse What will Happen to all His Shitbag Supporters? This is a  Question I have been Mulling Over in My head for Quite some time Now. It’s like Germany at the End of World War II Once The War was Over, The Nazis Lost, and Hitler was Dead the German Public had to deal with the Left Over Nazi Soilders. The Nazis were such Pieces of fucking Shit that it didn’t seem right to just let them Reintegrate back into Society and call it a Day. People that are that fucked in the Head, and are the Scum of the Earth need Consequences for Their fucked up Actions. The World Dictates some sort of Retribution is Required in Extreme Cases such as These.

Let’s fucking face it MAGAs are Worse than fucking Nazi Scumbags. Nazi’s wanted to Use Genocide to Illuminate Jewish People from the Planet, and to Take over the Entire fucking Earth. MAGAs are Racist Ratfucks but They are also Sexist, Antisemitic, Homophobic, Ignorant, Hate filled, Mindless, Uneducated, Moronic, Inbred, Gullible, Child Molesting, Rapist White Trash Sheep the Absolute Worst Humanity has to Offer. These People bring Nothing Positive or Productive to the Table their Not Leaders Their Mindless Lemmings Born to Blindly Follow without Question. So when The Treasonous Orange Asshole and His Crooked Administration of Utter Assholes time in the Whitehouse is Inevitably Up They will be Subject to Arrest, Prosecution, Conviction, and Imprisonment for Their Crimes the Cowardly Traitors. The Fact Remains though We can’t lock up all the MAGAssholes (though We all want To) there simply too many of the Dumbfucks to Deal with.


So What do We do with all the Left Over MAGAssholes Then? Well I just so Happens to have the Perfect Solution for Handling these Pro Trump Dipshits. True We can’t Imprison Them all, and it’s Less than Likely that We would be Granted Permission to Kill the Sons Of Inbred Bitches on Sight which is a Shame as I think a MAGA Hunting Season would be Splendid. Now that We have established We can’t Lock them Up or Hunt Them for Sport what Option(s) do We have Left on the Table? The Answer My friends is DEPORTATION! That’s right Deporting MAGAs would be Hilarious as Hell since the Racist RatBastard Rejects want to Deport all the Immigrants so Deporting Them is Poetic Justice Personified.

Now thats just the beginning because once We have Decided to Outsource These MAGAssholes where do We Deport Them to Exactly? It is a Very Tricky and Rather Difficult Situation because Who in Their right fucking Mind would Allow Us to Deport MAGAs to Their Country. Absolutely No One I can fucking think of Thats for Sure and You Can’t Blame Them. The Rest of the World has Watched America Slide Down the Shitter (thanks to Fucktard Trump and the GOPieces of Shit) for the Past 4 Years. They have also witnessed How Shitty MAGAs are  so Why would They want/allow the MAGAssholes coming to take up Residence in Their Beloved Homeland? MAGAs are Human Parasites that do Nothing but Take Up Space, Waste Air, and Shit All Over Everything while Providing Nothing Beneficial to Society or the World Around Them. They are Human TapeWorms and Should be Dealt with as Such in that Parasites should be Eradicated No Matter What.


So Thus We are stuck with the Geographical Dilemma facing the Deportation of Any and All MAGAssholes. Fear Not Friends for I have Figured out the Solution to the Geography Conundrum and its Quite Simply and Extremely Easy to Execute. We Deport the MAGAssholes to the Continent of ANTARCTICA! Yes thats goddamn right I said ANT-fucking-ARCTICA. I’m pretty positive that You’re wonder Why Antarctica which is a Valid Question so Allow Me to Answer. First of Size Wise it got more than Enough Room (5,500,000 Square Miles Antarctica is the 5th Largest Continent and Twice the Size of Australia) for the Millions of MAGAssholes to live with Plenty of Elbow room. Second Antartica is One of if Not the Whitest Places on the Entire Planet so the Racist Nazi White Nationalist MAGAs would fucking love that shit.

Also there is No actual Population already Living in Antarctica to Deny the Entrance of the MAGAsshole Mother Load. There Approximately 1,000 Scientific Researchers Stations in the Winter, and about 5,ooo in Summer, giving it a Population Density of between 70 and 350 inhabitants per Million Square Kilometers (180 and 900 per Million Square Miles). Point being there’s Plenty of Room where the MAGAsshole can hangout that wouldn’t be a Bother or Imposition to the Various Countries Scientific Researchers.


Also there is No Established Government, Infrastructure, Military, or Government Agencies to Contend with. It is True though that Several Countries (such as France, Russia, United Kingdom, Australia, Norway, Chile,Argentina, and New Zealand for Example) claim Sovereignty in Certain Regions. While Very Few of these Countries have Mutually Recognized Each Other’s Claims, the Validity of these Claims in Not Recognized Universally. Antartica’s Status is Regulated by the 1959 Antarctic Treaty and Other Related Agreements, collectively called the Antarctic Treaty System.

Many People at this Point would Ask about all the Insane and Expensive Resources that would be needed for People to Survive in the Brutal Antarctic Frozen Wasteland (I mean Antarctica is the Coldest Continent on Earth with Temperatures going as lows between negative  112 degrees Farenhight and Negative 128 degrees Farenhieght). Also there are Virtually No Resources for Shelter or Food be it Hunting, Gathering, or Farming) which makes it one of the Most Inhospitable Places on the Planet. The Largest fucking Animal in Antarctica is a Wingless Midge (Belgica Antarctica) which is Less than 1.3 cm Long for Fucks Sake, it’s a Minuscule Insect. All Other Larger Animals are Considered Marine Animals, meaning that They Feed and Lively Mainly in the Ocean and includes Seals and Penguins. There are No Trees or Shrubs in Antarctica, and only Two Species of Flowering Plants Antarctic Hair Grass and Antarctic Pearlwort. The Bottomline is Antarctica Doesn’t have a Permanent Population for a fucking Reasons.


As Far as Resources or Monetary Budget I Again have an Answer for that which is WHO FUCKING CARES?!!

These MAGAssholes Don’t Deserve Any Outside Help to Possible manage to Survive in the Desolate and Frigid Antarctic Climate. Remember I said Deport Them Not Support Them. We let Them Pack whatever the fuck They want and Then We deport Them without any Assistance Programs in Place whatsoever. I mean Why waste Money on Such fucking Shitty People when You can Deport Them and Let Antarctica Resolve the Problem so to Speak. Let Them Freeze, Let Them Starve, and Let Them Die of Sickness its what MAGAssholes Deserve. If We can’t Kill Them Off Let Mother Nature handle it For Us. Point Being the Only Good MAGAsshole is a DEAD MAGAsshole.

Thanks For Reading,

  By Les Sober


Racists are Revolting

Warning: The Following Post Contains a Great Deal of Foul Language, and Violent Imagery that Some People May find Offensive or Disturbing. There are Pictures of ACTUAL DEAD NAZI WAR CRIMINALS with The Noose Still Around Their Next From Being EXECUTED FOR SAID WAR CRIMES AND OTHER WAR TIME ATROCITIES. During the NUREMBERG TRIAL (1945-1948) Enjoy.

I’m Sick and fucking Tired of all this Racist fucking Bullshit going on Currently in America. These Hateful Pieces of Shit running around Beating People, Shooting People, and Generally being complete fucking Assholes to Anyone who ISN’T a Racist.

ITS TIME TO MAKE RACISTS AFRAID AGAIN. Its time to Drive these White Trash, Inbred, Uneducated, and Ignorant Assholes back under the fucking Rock They Slithered Out from Under. Theres No Room in America for fucking Racists.

We should Round Up all the Racist Fuckers and DEPORT THEM TO ANTARCTICA the fucking Whitest Place on Earth since Their such Fans of the Color.  Let Them take Their Own fucking Advice which They are TOO FUCKING STUPID to Understand.


All this Violent Racist shit is Being Propagated by The Obese Orange Rapist Traitor in The White House because Only Scumfuck Racist Ratfucks support His egotistical Crimes against AMERICA and AMERICANS.

So Here’s What I Think, Brace Yourself its Going to Get FUGLY AS FUCK.

White Nationalists: White Collar Political Elitists, The Wealthy Old White Man Racists from Way Back. White Nationalists are just as fucking Pathetically Fucked as every other Racist Hate Group, the only Different is They are far better dressed in Expensive Suits. They are the “Serial Killer Racist” named so for Their ability (just like a Sociopath) to hide in Plain Sight without Anyone Knowing Their Secret.

They like Lynching so Much than HANG YOUR FUCKING SELVES YOU SCUMFUCKERS Make America Great, KILL YOURSELVES. These are the Old School Racist Fucktards that have Paved the Way for Every Other Racist Son of a Bitch.

KKK: Klu Klux Kunis is more like it. These Historical Throwback Redneck Racist Backwood Sister Fuckers run around in Sheets like Assholes Burning Crosses which to ME makes No fucking Sense Whatsoever since the KKK only Allows Christian Racists to become Members.

The KKK is a fucking Joke even in Todays Racist Climate. These are the Dumbfucks that run around spouting Stupid Racist Shit like ‘The South with RISE AGAIN.” Umm No its fucking Won’t. GET THE FUCK OVER IT ASSHOLES YOU GOT YOUR RACIST SLAVERY LOVING ASS HANDED TO YOU BY THE NORTH, YOU LOST THE CIVIL FUCKING WAR NOW GET THE FUCK OVER IT ALREADY PUNK ASS BITCHES. They shouldn’t be Pro Racist They should be PRO DENTIST the Toothless Hillbilly Bastards.

The Proud Boys: Proof You can take the Date Raping, Homophobic, Binge Drinking College Fuck Up  Out of the Frat House, But You can’t take it the Date Raping, Binge Drinking, Homophobic, College Fuck Up Out of the Frat Boy. These Stupid Cowards are such fucking PUSSIES that Like Nazis They travel in Groups to Avoid getting Their Teeth Kicked in. Thats  because 1 on 1 They’re SCARED LITTLE PUNK ASS SACKS OF SHIT. Their Leader whatever that Hispter fucks Name is is even a BIGGER PUSSY.

He got all Butt Hurt and called the fucking Local News because His Neighbor put up a Yard Sign Condemning his Racism and the little big talking bitch CRIED ABOUT IT LIKE A FUCKING BABY. The Ground Boys are Cowardly Pussies who can Talk Mad SHit, But Can’t take it without running to the Media to Whine and Bitch  like the Spineless, Sniviling, Scummy Bitch Boys.

Neo Nazis: How fucking Stupid are These Self Righteous Assholes? I mean They Stole Their groups Ideology and Token Symbol the Swastika from THE MOTHERFUCKING  RACIST GERMAN NAZIS OF WW2. So how the fuck can these Bald Headed Bitches talk about “America this, America That” when Their whole Schtick is GERMAN.

Again Nazis are True Cowards who fight in Gangs and Pick on the Most Helpless because They are afraid off getting seriously fucked Up on the Street by NAZI HATING AMERICAN PATRIOTS. If a Nazi wants to prove How tough He is (which is a fucking Joke to begin with since Nazis are SPINELESS Yellow Bellied COWARDS) then He or She should take Their Steel Toed Combat Boots, and KICK IN THEIR OWN SHIT FILLED SKULLS.

Steven Miller: Sleazy Fuck should be Lowered SLOWLY feet First into a fucking Wood Chipper that has Dull and Rusty Blades. This Should be Done LIVE ON TV and STREAMED ALL OVER THE INTERNET/SOCIAL MEDIA.

Steve Bannon: This Fat, Alcoholic, Wife Beating Racist should be Force Fed Rot Gut Fortified Wine until His Belly is Swollen at Max Capacity. Then He should be Thrown to the Fucking Floor like the Maggot He is, and Kicked Repeatedly until His Stomach Explodes. And this too should be done in FULL VIEW OF THE PUBLIC/ LIVE AUDIENCE.

Moscow Mitch “The Bitch” McConnell: This Deformed looking Turtle Motherfucker should be Skinned Alive, Rolled in Salt, and Then have the Salt washed Off with Pure Lemon Juice Extract, and Repeat until the Vile Racist Traitor is fucking DEAD. Then His Corpse should be Hung Upside Down from the White House Flag Pole for all to See until it ROTS AWAY.

ICE: ICE Agents are nothing more than Government Paid Racist Gustapo Thugs. These Brain Dead Douchebags run around doing whatever the fuck They want because They’re the GOP’s Racist Lap Dogs. ICE should be fucking Abolished, ICE Agents Arrested, and Executed in a NON STOP PUBLIC TRIAL and EXECUTION.

I could spend Days watching an Endless Line of ICE asshole racist Agents getting Convicted and Immediately Killed with some MEDIEVAL TORTURE DEVICES (so It’s SLOW AND AS PAINFUL AS POSSIBLE). Perhaps Hanging Them Upside Down Naked with Their Legs Spread, and Then SAWN IN HALF by HAND No Chainsaws Here just Antique Lumberjack Saws for These VILE RACIST FUCKS.


The Boarder Patrol: These Racist Fuckwits ae essentially ICE’s little Inbred Racist Brother. They are Moronic, Uneducated Racist Wannabe Prison Guards. These Low Level Racist fucks are more than Likely too fucking Ignorant to even Realize what Racist Shitfucks They actually are. They Like ICE should be Arrested, Tried, Convicted, and EXECUTED for Hate Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Kirstjen Michele Nielsen: This Racist Fuck Bucket is the Filthy Fucker that Allowed Kids to be Caged like fucking Animals, and then DENIED BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS (Not to Mention MULTIPLE DEATHS AND SEVERAL DETENTION CAMPS.) She created CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR FUCKING CHILDREN.  Now here’s the kicker This Sleazy Whorebag is a Top Their Racist Asshole, Not only did She orchestrate Brutal and Inhumane Immigration Concentration Camps (For Adults to Not Just Children) THEN THIS FUCKING SHITFUCKER GOES OUT TO EAT AT A MOTHERFUCKING MEXICAN RESTURANT! WHAT A CUNT.

THE GOP: All I have to say is these Hypocritical Racist Scumfuckers is They Love Demonizing Immigrants, BUT THEY SURE LOVE HIRING THEM JUST ASK THE KING COCKSUCKER, THE SUPREME ASSHOLE IN THE OVAL OFFICE. GOP MOTTO IS “DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO.” bunch of Vile Racist, Serial Rapist, Child Molesting,  Sex Trafficking Elitist ASSFUCKS. ELIMINATE THE ELITE. BANKRUPT THE RICH.


Eliminate, Eradicate, and Erase Racism From America ONCE AND FOR FUCKING ALL. All White People are fucking IMMIGRANTS just ask the NATIVE AMERICANS.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Fuck the Hypocrisy of The 4th of July.

The 4th of July is America’s Independence Day. It’s the Day We finally rid Ourselves of the Oppressive Tyrants of England who Persecuted Our Ancestor’s Religious Practices. It’s also the BIGGEST CROCKS OF  HISTORICAL HORSESHIT AND HYPOCRISY, and here is why.

First lest We forget The Pilgrims came to America to Escape Religious Persecution for Their Beliefs. The Native American Indians helped the Pilgrims who without Their help would have all fucking STARVED AND FROZEN to Death.



So in The End Our Ancestors BECAME WORSE TYRANTS THAN THEIR ENGLISH COUNTERPARTS. Being picked on for One’s Religious Beliefs is far better than crossing a fucking Ocean to end up Killing and Cheating MILLIONS OF INNOCENT NATIVE AMERICANS out of Their Lives, Lands , and Culture. The White Man tried to FORCE Native American’s to Assimilate. That means fuck Your Identity/Culture/Heritage/Beliefs/Personal Religion  and Become a Clone just like Us.

We stole a Country and the Natives American’s that We didn’t Murder We exiled to Shitty, Isolated, Piece of Shit lands that No White Person Wanted. We then Neglected and Ignored basically ever since We invented Reservations to stick Native Americans out of the Way of the White Settlers.

The Horrible Irony is one of the CHIEF WEAPONS used in the JUSTIFICATION of Crimes Against Humanity demonized Native American’s by PROSECUTING THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. The exact same fucking reason Our Ancestor’s escaped from England in the first fucking Place.

FUTHERMORE I for one am SICK AS HELL of all these White Retarded Racist Assholes (By the Way I AM WHITE) running around Now a days yelling and hollering that America is ‘Their Country”(aka White Man’s), and Immigrants be Damned.


Again if You are NOT NATIVE AMERICAN Your Ancestors were ALL FUCKING IMMIGRANTS. Not only that They were Immigrants that TRASHED, STOLE, and EXPLOITED the ENTIRE FUCING COUNTRY They Immigrated to.

America wasn’t Discovered. It WASN’T Uninhabited by any account. We came, We Saw, We Wanted, and WE TOOK at all Costs what We felt was fucking Due US just because We floated across the fucking Ocean to get away from a shitty European fucking Island.

The worst and most fucking retarded Racists are Trump’s Cult of MAGA supporters. MAGAs are the fucking SCUM OF THE EARTH. Every MAGA should have Their Heads removed Immediately from Their fucking Shoulders. You want to make America Great Again?!

THEN GIVE IT BACK TO THE NATIVE AMERICANS since technically America is STOLEN Property. As far as I’m concerned MAGAs, NAzis, Klans Men, White Nationalist, and Other Hate groups can take Their Burning Crosses, Swastikas, and Hand Signs, and FUCK EACH OTHER IN THE ASS WITH THEM UNTIL THEY ALL FUCKING ARE DEAD.

Only good Racist is a fucking DEAD ONE. Its time to make Racists Afraid again to show Their shit filled Hate.

As for MAGA’s so called Leader “President” Trump that Fat Orange Fuck should BE ARRESTED, TRIED, AND CONVICTED OF TREASON.

Our FOUNDING FATHERS proclaimed the Crime of Treason shall be Punishable BY DEATH.

So lets Fire Up Old Sparky and have Dipshit Donny take a seat. Light that scumfucker up like a goddamn Christmas Tree.


America was Stolen or taken by Force by WHITE SETTLERS.

The Pilgrims wanted to escape Religious Persecution by the Tyranical English Government only TO BECOME THE TYRANTS PERSECUTING NATIVE AMERICAN’S FOR THER RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.

The White Settlers DEHUMANIZED THE NATIVE AMERICANS using Names/Terms such as “Savages” or “Heathens” to JUSTIFY KILLING THEM AND TAKING THEIR COUNTRY because They weren’t Christians.


Yet ANOTHER Atrocity pretreated by Man against His fellow Man in the Name of God.

Thanks for Reading as Always,

  By Les Sober

“Nazi Punks Fuck Off!” : No Room For Racists

Its fucking Tragic that I’m starting this post with the following Statement. The Statement is I’m glad as hell My Father Died before having to witness the resurgence of Racism in America (under The Obese Orange Fear Mongering Traitorous ASSHOLE like Fithly 45.

It has gotten to the point I throw My fucking Phone when I read about some Racist Fuckwit on Twitter or struggle like a motherfucker to not kick in My TV when I see that Racist Bullshit on the Fucking Nightly fucking News every other fucking day.

SO I’VE FUCKING HAD IT, In the immortal words of Popeye:

“I have had all I can Stands and I can Stands no more.”

Now is the Time for Me to do what I do Rant, Rave, Riot, Rebel, and Rail against these damnable Racist Twats. I’m so fucking Angry I’m on the fucking edge of giving Myself a fucking Aneurysm I swear to God.

I’m going to be making two points in this post (and possibly 2 separate parts. The First being a Commentary on the State of Affairs today pertaining to Racism, and the Second will be a brief and brutal History Lesson for all the ignorant Racist assholes.

Alright here We go Kiddies………

I would like to start by addressing the Basic Human Behavior that Spawns Racist Douche Bags. Now everyone agrees Racism stems from Hate, but thats not where the Psychology ends.

You see Dear Reader’s there as We all know 2 basic Human Emotions that ALL OTHERS are born from, and their not exactly what You think they are. I pretty fucking positive most People would simple roll Their fucking eyes, and say DUH everyone knows its LOVE AND HATE.

And They’d be WRONG. Close but NO CIGAR Guys.

You see Love is correct as it is one of the aforementioned basic Human Emotions, BUT the other isn’t Hate its FEAR. That is People Hate what They Fear hence the term “White Fear” which I will get back to later in this post.

With that said lets continue shall we.

The first point I’d like to make is the White Nationalists (or Nationalists as The Scumbags call Themselves now because White was obviously too blatantly Race Related) are the EQUIVALENT of the New Klux Klux Klan.

That’s to say They are Closet Racists who hide Their Racist Feelings/Ideology from Others, and only dare express Their Racist Beliefs behind closed doors.

Don’t get Me wrong now there are still a handful of The KKK Kunts (Yes I know I spelled cunt wrong for alliteration purposes) sprinkled around America still trying to rally the Organization back to its Heyday of the late 1800’s and Early 1900’s.

“Oh look at us dressed in fucking sheets! BOO I’M THE GHOST OF A CONFEDERATE SOLIDER.” Way to stay relevant Dipshits.

Thusly as Time Marched On The KKK for the most part has disintegrated into obscurity only to be found mostly in fucking History Books.

So like the Klan White Nationalists not only hide Their Racism They will flat out fucking deny it if Their confronted with the Question of are They Racist.

Their member demographic is similar in that the members tend to be Older Wealthy Prominent White Men who are Church going Christians who are considered “Pillars of Their Community”.

This is more than likely why these Racist Fucks hide Their despicable views from the rest of Society. They’re the Civilized Racists if you will.

On to the Proud Boys who are some of the biggest PUNK ASS BITCHES I have seen since the fucking Neo Nazi Skinheads.

For Their credit Neo Nazis had a distinct “Uniform” for one consisting of Black or Army Green Flack Jackets, Generic White T-Shirt, Jeans, and Combat Boots usually with Red or White Laces. AND MOST OF ALL the one and most important requirement to be a fuckass Neo Nazi was a SHAVED HEAD. Now its pertinent that I post out this was a time LONG before it became socially acceptable for balding Men to say fuck it and shave it. It was a time well before Shaving One’s head had become some sort of asshole trend.

Also Shitheads that They are also were decently organized having a Hierarchy, Club Houses, Compounds, and a nasty network connecting Each Neo Nazi Gang/Group with one another. This allows them to orchestrate and execute whatever fucked up shit it is They had in Their minuscular minds.

As for the fuckheads that are the Racist (and Homophobic) “Proud Boys” Group of Particular Scum. Well if You ever wondered what the fuck happens to Douchebag, Butt Chugging, Date Rapist Drunken Frat Boy Jocks after collage apparently They join The Proud Pussies.

These assholes are a very loosely run Gang that run around at random beating Minorities and Gays as They are running down the streets. They are generically dressed punk ass bitches sporting Ambercrombe and Finch T-Shirts, Kaki Cargo Shorts, and Sneakers/Birkenstocks.

The Proud Bitches have a founder/leader (who I won’t name because I don’t as to not acknowledge this prick) is a complete fucking tool if there ever was fucking one I assure You of that.

He’s looks like Your run of the Mill Lame Hipster Douche. I mean this motherfucker has the Short 1950’s type hairdo with one of those well manicured Lumber Jack meets ZZ Top fucking beards, and a pretentious Vintage Mustache thats a fucking throw back to The Wild West Days.

The thing I detest the most about both the Nazis AND Proud Bitches is this: They talk mad shit trying to shock the World into thinking Their some sort of Hardcore Hardasses who Everyone is terrified to fuck with.



My proof is this these two Groups fight in Gangs, YOU NEVER SEE ANY OF THEM SQUARE OFF ONE ON ONE.

And thats simply because They damn well fucking know one on one They’d get Their fucking faces split and asses kicked in mere Seconds. They have to fight in numbers because Their to WEAK and too much of a BUNCH OF PUNK ASS BITCHES to fight like a fucking MAN. 

Summation: Racist Cowards are Cunts.

Well Shit. Looks like as to not bore Our Readers I will if fact be posting this Post in 2 Parts.

Stay Tuned Kiddos For Part Two: Horrendous Horrors in American History

Thanks For Reading,

 By Les Sober

“Well Twitter Me This Batman…”

Its no secret my favorite one and only Social Media Platform I use is Twitter. I’ve been told I’m prolific and am lucky enough to have a cult following. That doesn’t mean I don’t have issues with Twitter mind you because I do.

Twitter like so many before it has to balance precariously on the thin line of Free Speech. Society can’t make a simple Yes or No answer. Free Speech is a Black and White issue, there is not Gray area of ambiguity here.

If We truly have Free Speech then its for EVERYONE, or let me put it this way if you can say whatever you want SO CAN EVERY ASSHOLE IN AMERICA.

So to deal with this delicate matter Twitter like every other fucking Social Media Platform established a set of Rules and Guidelines designed to allow Free Speech. Thats ONLY IF it does’t violate their User Guidelines which in effect is CENSORSHIP, thus negating True Free Speech.

But I digress as the issue of Free Speech warrants an Entire Post for itself.

Yet Twitter seems to violate its own Rules of Conduct by openly allowing batshit scumfucker’s like Alex “Asshole” Jones or The Obese Orange Fuckass Traitor 45 to continually use their service apparently free from all penalties for violating the established Guidelines for Rules of Conduct.

Now I respect Twitter and Other Social Media Platforms (Except Face Book which is complete Bullshit, and Zuckerberg is a Slimy Little Money Grubbing Millennial Shitfuck.) To try and prevent Nazi’s, Rapists, Religious Fanatics, Political Scumbags, Homophobes, Anti-Semites, Corrupt, Crooked, Criminal, or illegal elements from getting exposure of any kind. That just is common sense to Me.

Now here is my issue with Twiter. Twitter has a rather basic and Parental plan in place to help address any issues of possible violation of Their Rules with a preverbal “Time Out” Yes that is correct.

Your screen will go blank and then a Template Letter Statement from Twitter appears. I can’t quote the fucking thing but I get the fucking gist.

It basically says that Twitter embraces Free Speech AND wants a user friendly platform. Then it accuses you of possibley might have gotten close to breaking the rules so this serves as an Slap On The Wrist if you will.

It informs you that since there could possibly been an issue your account is Limited Access for 12 hours. That means ONLY your followers will be able to see you account/tweets for 12 hours at which point your account is returned to normal.

What pisses Me off to no fucking end is the fact that though the messages says your account has been flagged for possible misconduct IT NEVER GIVES YOU THE/AN EXACT ANSWER.  Its just this vague play nice or be punished reminder babble.

To date I have racked up a total of 19 “12 Hour Time Outs”.

I also had My Account put on a Stricter “24 Hour Time Out” Twice thus far.

I recently was given the harshest “Time Out” Yet with the “48 Hour Time Outs”

Now I don’t really understand at all why the fuck My Account is constantly being plagued with this Twitter bullshit. For the Records I do not engage in participate in, or support in any way of the following: Trolling, Threats of Violence to Anyone/their friends/their family/ personal property,  pictures of anything of a Pornographic nature, Gun/Weapon Worship (ex. The NRAssholes), Anti-LBGTQ bullshit, Anti-Semetic Bullshit, Nazi Sympathizer Racist shit, Promotion or Glorification of Drug/Alcohol Use, Big Tobacco Bullshit, or anything of an Illegal, Criminal or Corrupt Nature.

The funniest fucking thing is how at this time in my life I’m not just aware of the Rules, BUT I do everything in my power to BEND but NOT BREAK the rules in Life. I seriously TONE DOWN my opinions and Posts by 10 fucking fold, trust me the shit you see I Tweet is just the TINIEST TIP of the fucking IceBurg. And not only that but when I do get put on one of these asinine “Time Out” deals I continue to Tweet, but again I tried much more lightly which I feel is respectful as fuck.

What I do is I do RAIL AND RAGE against primarily the Scumsucking Scumfuck Politicians, Trump the Traitor, Motherfucking MAGA Morons, Rancid Racists, Rapists, Homophobes, Police Brutality and Corruption, Bullshit Big Business (Fuck Walmart, Eat Shit Amazon), The Pharmaceutical Industry, Health Care, and any injustice I perceive. I fully support Underdogs as well as Those wronged by a Shitciety.

My feeling is if your a fucking ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANT aka a Politician and you fuck up or turn out to be a piece of fucking shit than your open to ANY AND ALL RIDICULE from the People who ELECTED YOU and for whom you supposedly work (REMEMBER FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE YOU WASHINGTON DC DICKHEADS?!!)

So yes I admit I insult the hell out of those I deem to be utterly shitty fucking people, and I talk mad shit about them (I do not Troll them, I say what I have to say on my Feed not Theirs.

I also get a kick out of BLOCKING MAGAs because their so fucking stupid that they respond to a Tweet of mine like I give a flying fuck what those fucktards have to say FUCK THE LEMMINGS!)

BUT these aren’t the General Public these are Elected Officials and other People in Power who by the nature of their job deserve to reap what they sow. And if you Sow Shit Seeds you Deserve to Reap Shit Plants.

Thanks for Reading,

By Les Sober

Politics is Full of Assholes

People kept asking me why since I am quite passionate about politics (especially now a days) why I don’t write a post about it. I don’t for a few reasons.

The first I don’t want to waste my time or be annoyed by Political Fanatics who want to endlessly argue THEIR political points, its an exercise in utter and complete futility.

Second it take I image a few YEARS for me to write, and in the end it would be a fucking big book (I wouldn’t split it up over several posts because I’m first and foremost a writer NOT a Politician), and I don’t want to turn into a Political Blog either. That gets boring fast as fuck both for readers and myself.

Lastly beside being a writer I dabble a GREAT deal of Art (Painting, Sculpting, Drawing, all that shit.) SO based on the exactly the same concept of my GG ALLIN Pictorial Posts that a picture says a 1,000 words decided to use pictures. This time the Pictures will no be just a Photo, They will be mostly Mean Motherfucking, Brutally Truthful, and to the point Memes (which combines writing and Photographic Art).

I spent several hours showering the Idiotnet looking for direct to the point, I’m not a Politician NOR am I a fucking comedian.

If for ANY reason you as a Reader feel it necessary to voice your political opinion based on this post (or any fucking thing else) do me a fucking favor. Don’t bother posting the comment instead GO EAT SHIT SANDWICHES IN HELL ASSHOLE.

And So Here We Go…….


  Traitor Turned Wannabe Dictator FUCK 45.


(The GOPieces of Shit)


<Putin Buttplug. Enough Said.


The Uneducated Cult Followers


Habitual Liar Press Sec. Sarah SLANDERS


Fake Fox News AKA GOP Propaganda


Alex “Batshit”Jones   


NRA: Domestic Terrorist Org.


The Resistance.

Post By

Les Sober 

Catalog Of Humanity (The Vile Version)

The once grand city fell into the continuing chaos of decades of decay,

The businesses and those with money have abandoned this sickening city,

The whores loitering outside of the local liquor store looking for love,

The strung out narcotic zombie working the corner cleaning windshields to feed his abominable addiction,

The open festering sores that line the limbs of the homeless,

The panhandler suffering through withdraw from drink or drug fidgeting in the door way of a flea bag motel,

The flop house littered with junkies cooking up and shooting up nodding their nightmares away,

The constant flickering of lighters from the derelict row home windows reminiscent of fire flies as the crack pipes burn on,

The entire city is a cess pool engulfed in the putrid stench of a sewer,

The crooked cops riding around in the streets high on their own brutality like Nazis scumbag sons of bitches,

The dirty little convince stores selling single cigarettes and lottery scratchers to the soulless and the suffering,

The dim florescent glow from dive bars windows beckoning the bums inside for a glass of piss poor beer,

The screaming machinery bellowing like a banshee from the chop shops,

The junkyard dogs chained up in yards of dirt, clumps of weeds, and piles of its own shit,

The pimps perched like perverted gargoyles waiting to be paid by their beaten and broken bitches,

The asshole teenagers from the suburbs driving into the city to prey on the unfortunate,

The drug dealers posting up on the street corners peddling potent poisons,

The gangs who wage an endless war of horror over disputed territories,

The bouncer ejecting a greasy client from the shadows of a back room illegal casino,

The overlapping layers of spray paint so thick one can’t tell the walls original color,

The plagues of rats and roaches devouring the city turning it into shit,

The cold gray fermentable walls of the State Prison looming large casting its silhouette across the southern side of the city,

The now defunct factories slowly rotting away in the winds of time,

The dead Vietnam vet who overdosed in his cardboard condo decomposing as his body waits to be found,

The piles of foul garbage that choke up the entrances to allies,

The deep brown tap water thats murky like mud,

The squatters that inhabit the vast city cemetery emerge under the dark cloak of the encroaching night to forage for food,

The front stairs of the court house teems with lawyers and defendants debating their legal fates,

The Public assistance offices are over crowded and under staffed as the government gives up on the poor,

The sea of condoms that surround the dumpster out back of the check cashing store where hookers trade in dick for dollars,

The methhead on a 4 day bender thats furiously fucking a dead pigeon in the desolate park,

The the old deranged mentally ill man who wonders the streets arguing with himself and losing,

The inhabitants of tent city sit around their make shift fires roasting their catch of stray cats for diner,

The bankrupt arena the city built without proper parking at the corner of Rape and Heroin,

The drunken man beating his kids since he wore out his wife before his tv diner,

The dead and the dying wallowing in squalor and their lost faith,

The cries of an unwanted baby unceremoniously deposited in a garbage dumpster by a terrified teenage mother,

The distinct crunch of empty crack files mixed with broken beer bottles under ones feet as they walk down the street,

The nightly fist fights that break out in the city’s central soup kitchen,

The crumbling churches now just idle monuments to a bygone god,

And this city of shit could be any city, all cities dying from industrial death,

And forgotten by history and humanity alike.