The Unexplained Mystery of the Crying Man Radio Transmission

On June 11th 2020 a Tok Tok User Named Aiden (aka cidlid) was parked near a Church in Elka Park near Hunter Mountain located in New York State. Aiden was sitting in Their Car doing a Livestream when Suddenly something Sinister started to Happen. A Strange and Disturbing Transmission started to Playing on Their Car Radio for No Apparent Reason.  The Transmission starts with some assorted Noises that Aiden states sounds like Footsteps (possibly Running) and “Tape” Noise like when You start to Peel off a Length of Duct Tape. Aiden also comments that the Acoustics of the Transmission made it sound as if the Man was in a Bathroom due to the Specific Type of Echo heard in the Transmission. The Odd Noises was followed by Four Minutes of a Man Sobbing, Crying, Moaning, Groaning, Sniffling, Whimpering, Panting, and Breathing Heavily before Transitioning into a Creepy Distorted Audio of some Surreal Song Starts to Play. The Song Ends and the Transmission Ends as Mysteriously as it Started.


Aiden didn’t have a Clue what the fuck was Going on and was Visibly Shaken by the Unknown Occurrence. Aiden wonders aloud if the Man is in Actual Distress and Needs Emergency/Professional Help, but Who would They Call for Assistance in a  Situation as Bizarre as this?  Several Days Later Aiden Posts the Second Additional Part of the Original Video of the Crying Man recored on the Same Day. The Audio Quality in the Second part of the Video is Far Superior to that of the First Video being Louder and Much Clearer so You can Hear Every Nuance of the Transmission. The Unexplained Transmission was Broadcast on the Radio Station 89.9 WKCR FM in New York. This begs the Question was this a simple case of Someone Hijacking WKCR’s Radio frequency?


Lets fucking Face it thanks to New Technology for Listening to Music such as Spotify, Pandora, Satellite Radio, Internet Based Radio, iTunes, and all the Other Music Listening Alternatives equates to Radio being a Dying Medium, and as such is Widely Disregarded by the Public. The Reality is Radio Relies on Advertising Dollars for its Revenue, and thus the Exodus of Advertisers to Alternative Music Listening Platforms is the Last Nail in Radio’s Coffin. Also with the Advancement of Technology Anyone Nowadays can Sit on Down and Watch a Tutorial on How to Hijack a Radio Station. Not Only That but an Average Joe can also Purchase the Exact Equipment for Cheap You’d Need as well. Thus All anyone has to do is Buy the Equipment, Watch a Tutorial or Two, and Wallah You’re ready to Hijack a Radio Station. It is Important to note that HIJACKING A RADIO STATION IS EXTREMELY ILLEGAL and if Caught You Will Be Charged with a FEDERAL CRIME BY THE FCC (Federal Communication Commission) SO DO NOT HIJACK RADIO STATIONS!!

A Little While Later Aiden Posts another Video to Tik Tok explaining How They actually contacted WKCR pertaining to the Seriously Weird Broadcast. WKCR 89.9 FM belongs to Colombia University Located in New York City Several Hours Away from where Aiden heard the Ominous Broadcast. WKCR replied that They had Nothing being Broadcast in/around the Area Aiden was at the Time of the Incident, and that They were in No Way Responsible for the Eerie Crying Man Transmission. In a Nut Shell Aiden at the Time of the Occurrence was Out of WKCR’s Broadcast Range. A Staff Member at WKCR named Jeremiah Wrote Aiden Stating: “Elka Park is Not NYC. Our Signal is Most Likely Intermittent up there. Those Recordings are Not being Broadcast from Our Radio Station- This is Someone in the Vicinity of the Elka Park Area.” What this Means is the Crying Man Broadcast was being Transmitted by Someone Running a Pirate Radio Station (a Pirate Radio Station is a Radio Station that Broadcasts without a Valid License which makes it Subsequently Illegal according to the FCC Guidelines) somewhere in the Elka Park Vicinity.


It didn’t take Long for People on the Internet to Start Hypothesizing about Who or What the Mysterious Crying Man Broadcast was all About. The First Hypothesis was the Broadcast was an Audio Recording from a Dark Web Red Room Broadcast, and is of a Real Person being Tortured for the Amusement of the Viewing Audience. The Second was it was just Some fucked up Person’s Sick and Twisted Prank. Both of these Hypothesis can Not be Confirmed because of a Almost Total Lack of Clues as well as Any Pertinent Information.

Then Speculations Began that the Crying Man Broadcast was the Audio from the Notorious Alleged Dark Web Video Titled “Blank Room Soup”. Blank Room Soup Video has been around 15 years and is Still Complete Mystery to this Day that Features a Man Sobbing while Eating what is Assumed to be Soup. He is sitting in a Blank White Room being Comforted by Two Individuals Dressed in Ray Ray Costumes. If You’re confused or want to know more about Blank Room Soup check Out Our Piece on it in the Dark Wb Video Category (We Promise You won’t be Sorry). Now Outside of some Minor Vocal Inflections it becomes apparent Quite Quickly that the Two Audio Recordings in Question Are Not the Same.

After some time the Song at the End of the Crying Man Broadcast was Identified as the Song “Taxonomies” by Larry Gus of His Album Years Not Living. this Led Many People to wonder if the Album Title had was some sort of Clue to the Meaning or Purpose of the Crying Man Broadcast, Unfortunately No Connection between the Two has ever been Identified. Other People thought the Crying Man Broadcast might be Part of an ARG (Alternate Reality Game), But that Hypothesis is Unlikely since there is No Awkward Amateur Acting, Puzzles, Unusual Images, Insane Imagery, Cryptic Codes, or Any of the Usual Fare You find with ARGs. The Crying Man Incident appears to be a Freak One Time Occurrence that just so happened to be Caught on Camera by a Tok Tok User totally by Accident. To Date NO ONE other than Aiden has come Forward as an Actual Witness if You will to the Mysterious Broadcast.

So the Last Prominent Question is Did Aiden Stage the Whole fucking thing? The Septics would use this Explanation to Discredit and Dismiss the Entire Incident, Yet I really Don’t think that’s the Case. From watching Aiden’s Content on Tik Tok They come of as a Normal User, and by that I mean He isn’t a Social Media “Try Hard”.  Aiden comes off as Your Usual Casual Tok Tok User Who isn’t looking to Become the Next Social Media Star, Influencer, or to have the Next Viral Video. You can spot Try Hards by the almost Desperate Look on Their Faces and How Hard Their Trying to Force some kind of Social Media Success. Well That’s just My Opinion.


One of the Curious Things that Aiden mentions in One of Their Tik Tok Videos is a Cult that’s Active in the Elka Park Area. The Cult is an International Community known as Bruderhof and Started in Germany. Since its Inception Bruderhof has Established Small Communities around the Globe Such as New York State, Pennsylvania, New South Wales (Australia), Thuringia (Germany), Asuncion (Paraguay), and London (England). The Bruderhof Members live a Lifestyle Similar to The Amish where Everyone is Equal, No One Gets Paid for the Work They Do, There is No Acknowledgement for Hard Work or Job Well Done, Everyone works for the Benefit of the Community and its Members. Yeah it’s Basically Communism. Aside from Their Deviant Lifestyle the Members of Bruderhof seem for All Intents and Purposes to be Harmless and a Threat To No One.

It then came to Light that WKCR 89.9 FM had suffered an Incident that occurred approximately Twenty Five Years Ago. At the Time WKCR was in Fact Hijacked and the Culprits were Never Found. The Hijackers Played a Disturbing Transmission consisting of Unusual Fuzzy Music that turns into Ear Irritating High Pitch Electronic Sounding Screeching. Next the Screeching Ends a Robotic Voice comes on Reading a List of Names and Various Other information. When You examine What the Voice is Saying is it’s an Obituary List of People Who Have Died (and Surviving Relatives) or Supposedly Will Die. In Spite of the Existing Audio the Hijackers Broadcast there is No Actual Proof that this Hijacking Ever Took Place. There were Zero News Reports, Articles, or Documented Evidence of Any Kind. This hasn’t Stopped Some People from Investigating the Possible Connection between the Two Incidents. As of Now No Connection has been Made. On a Side Note I have a Vague Recollection that FYB did a Post on the Alleged Hijacking Incident but I’m not Positive. If You’re Curious Please Check Out Our Dark Web or Strange and Disturbing Video Section to Find Out for Yourself.

Then Eleven Months Ago there was what Most Consider to be a Big Break in the Crying Man Radio Broadcast Mystery. A Person that Goes by rayn3.schzo1d drew Peoples Attention to a Independent Greek Movie which at the End of Larry Gus’s song “Taxonomies” the Exact Song at the End of the Crying Man Broadcast. At the End of the Movie Suntan the Main Character Breaks down in Tears before “Taxonomies” Plays at the Start of the Credits. Unlike Black Room Soup this Audio is Undeniably Identical including the Footsteps/Running and Tape Sound Aiden Mentioned. Also Coincidentally the Last Scene of Suntan is Four Minutes Long the Exact Same Broadcast Time as The Crying Man Broadcast. Now it’s worth Mentioning that the Main Character in Suntan breaks Down into Tears After Failing to Sexually Assault Someone. Ironically at the End of the Movie the Main Character Drugs and Kidnaps a Woman, but Can’t Assault Her, and The Main Character Tends to Her Wounds while Nursing Her back to Health. While Suntan Doesn’t Fall into the Torture Porn Arena it is Still an Insanely Dark and Disturbing Movie. This Led Many to Speculate that Someone Used a Radio Transmitter that provided Them Access to Any FM Radio Station, and would Allow Them to Play Whatever the fuck They Wanted to.


In the End the Question of Who was Behind the Crying Man Broadcast, and Why would They Opt to Use the Ending Scene of a Hard to Find Independent Greek Film or They could have Broadcast it in its Entirety. If Whoever is Responsible for  Broadcasting the Entire Movie Suntan (which is only Available in Greek) I personally Wonder could it have Something to Do with the Bruderhof Cult? What I Saying is  They are Known to Operate in the Specific Area of Elka Park, and are an International Community with Members from Around the Globe. So Could have some Cult Member Decided to Broadcast the Movie Suntan in its Entirety as a Way to Entertain the Other Bruderhof Cult Members? Could this Simply be a Case of Someone Combating Boredom within Their Community? Alas in the End We more than likely will Never Know the Who or Why behind the Crying Man Broadcast. Anyone Nowadays can Learn How to (and Buy the Equipment Needed to)Hijack a Radio Station, and it’s Even Easier to Run a Pirate Radio Station. This means that Any fucking Local Elka Park Resident could have been Behind the Mysterious Crying Man Broadcast.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Belial’s Dream (2017) Directed By Robert Morgan who also Wrote the Screen Play. Belial’s Dream was Originally a Short Film Commissioned for Arrow Films’ Blu Ray Release of Frank Henenlotter’s  Movie Basket Case.


For Those Who May be Unaware Basket Case is the 1982 Cult Slasher Horror Classic Directed by Frank Henenlotter and Produced by Edgar Levins. To Sum Up Basket Case in a Nutshell Duane and His Extremely Deformed and Psychotic Conjoined Twin Be are Surgically Separated as Kids. Duane carries  Belial around NYC in a Locked Wicker Picnic Basket as the Twins seek Revenge on the Doctor’s that Separated Them. I HIGHLY Recommend You definitely should check out the movie Basket Case as it is in at Least My Humble Opinion a True Horror Classic.


So When I heard of this Video I was instantly interested because I love Fan Fiction Projects. It’s Insanely Entertaining seeing People’s Interpretations come to Life and become an Extenuation of the Movie Itself. Thusly when I saw the Title of the Video the first thing I thought to myself was that’s a Kickass Concept, and I wonder what a Creature as Demented and Deadly as Belial actually Dreams About? Could Belial dreaming of  Rainbows and Bunny Rabbits during His Psychotic Slumber? Yeah I don’t fucking Think So.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: THE DRILLER KILLER

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema featuring the 1979 Black Comedy Slasher Film Directed by Abel Ferrara and Starring Ferrara credited as Jimmy Laine. Ferrara  is an American Filmmaker , known for the PROVOCATIVE and often CONTROVERSIAL Content in His Movies, His use of Neo-Noir Imagery and Gritty Urban Settings.


The Plot concerns Reno Miller, a Struggling Artist in New York City, being Driven Insane from Stress and Killing Derelicts with a Power Drill. When the Movie was Released on Video Cassette in 1982, its Graphic Packaging drew Complaints which landed the Release on a List of “Video Nasties” that were BANNED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM under the Video Recording Act.

Video Nasty is a Colloquial Term in the United Kingdom to Refer to a Number of Movies, Typically Low Budget Horror and Exploitation Films, distributed on Video Cassette that were Criticized for Their Violent Content by the Press/Media, Social Commentators, and Various Religious Organizations.


Synopsis: Starving New York Artist Reno Miller is  Struggling to Pay His Bills, while Obsessed with Painting His Masterpiece (which He hopes to Sell to Art Dealer and Gallery Owner Dalton for Rent Money), and Caring for His two Roommates Carol the Divorced BiSexual and Her Drug Addicted Girlfriend Pamela. When the New Wave Punk Band Tony Coca-Cola and The Roosters move into Reno’s Building Playing Music Nonstop Day and Night, Reno can’t Sleep and is Slowly Driven Insane. As Reno Descends into Madness He takes to Stalking  the Streets of the City after Dark, and Gruesomely Killing Homeless Derelicts with a Power Drill.


We Hope You enjoyed this Tale of Insanity and Homicidal Tendencies  as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: MANIAC COP 2

Welcome to Another Edition of Saturday Slasher Cinema Featuring the 1990 Action Slasher Film MANIAC COP 2 Directed by William Lustig and Written by Larry Cohen. It Stars Robert Davi, Claudia Christian, Michael Lerner, and B Horror Icon Bruce Campbell, with Robert Z’Dar returning as MATHEW CORDELL, an Undead Police Officer Turned Serial Killer following His Murder.


Plot Summary:

Murderous Renegade Police Officer Matthew Cordell once Roamed the Streets of New York City Unleashing His Brutal Brand of Vigilante Justice upon Its Citizens. The Supernatural Cordell is Struck Down and Killed by Good Guy Hero Cop Jack Forrest (Bruce Campbell) Ending His Sadistic Killing Spree. Now, Forrest is Eager to Move On from those Heinous Events , but He is Stopped in His Tracks when an All Too Familiar Homicidal Rampage Begins. Thought to be Dead and Gone, Cordell Returns Once Again from Beyond the Grave, and Ready to Wreak His Merciless Havoc Once More. This Time However Cordell has Help from a Times Square Serial Killer named Steven Turkell Who has a Penchant for Strangling Strippers. Cordell has returned Targeting the Vicious Criminals (and Anyone that Gets in His Way) that Mutilated and Murdered Him after He was Framed by a Corrupt City Hall.


Will Cordell get His Revenge at Last and Rest in Peace once and For all, or will Cordell’s Psychotic Slaughterfest be Ended Once Again By Hero Cop Jack  thus Sending Cordell Straight Back to Hell?!

You’ll have to Watch and See for Yourself.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Sequel of Slaughter by a Killer Cop as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: MANIAC COP

Welcome to the Fourth Saturday Slasher Cinema where We are Happy (and We’re Guessing So Are You)  to Bring You Something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the Last Three Saturday Slashers Cinemas.

This Weeks Saturday Slasher Cinema Feature Film is the 1988 Action Slasher Movie MANIAC COP Written By Larry Cohen and Directed By William Lustig. The Movie is Centered around Officer Matthew Cordell (AKA the Maniac Cop) a Murderous Ex-Cop Who has Returned From the Dead, and Seeks Revenge on the People That Wronged Him. Cordell a Once Respected Policeman with a Penchant for Brutality and Excessive Force, He found Himself an Unwitting Target when He Stumbles upon Rampant Corruption at City Hall. Cordell is Tried, Convicted, and Sent to Prison, where He is Attacked by Fellow Prisoners and is Presumed Dead….


Plot Summary:

Innocent People are being Brutally Murdered on the Streets of New York City by who Witness All Agree is a Uniformed Police Officer. As the Death Toll Rises and City Hall attempts a Cover-up, Detective Lieutenant Frank McCrae Heads has been Assigned to Crack the Case of The Alleged Killer Cop. Soon the Investigation finds a Suspect in its Own Ranks: Young Cop Jack Forrest (Played by the Legendary B Horror Movie Actor Bruce Cambell) who was Set Up By the Actual Killer and a Mysterious Woman Phone Caller. Now Forrest, His Girlfriend and Fellow Police Officer Theresa, and McCrae Set Out to Solve the Puzzle to Clear Forrest Name Before The Maniac Cop Kills Again!


Movie Tagline: “You have the Right to Remain Silent…. Forever!”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By     Les Sober & FYB

Salute To Eccentrics Peter The Canine Trainer And His Pet Raven Sam

We here at FYB have a Devout Devotion, Eternal Curiosity, and True Admiration for Odd Balls, Weirdos, and Most of All Eccentric Personalities. So Saluting Some of Our Favorite Eccentrics Just made Sense, and We decided to Start with None Other Than Peter The Dog Trainer.

We FYB could dig up as For Information pertaining to Peter The Dog Trainer/Amateur Comedian/Ventriloquist/Military Veteran, and Owner of Peter Caine Dog Training is as Follows. Peter Canine  (for short or perhaps He had his Last Name changed at some Point)  is an Actual Real Life Dog Trainer and Animal Lover from Brooklynn NY who’s Family History was raising Hunting Dogs. All Though Peter is a Real Dog Trainer His methods remain Highly Controversial. Peter is known for His Regular Criticism of Fellow Dog Trainers going as Far as to Once Say “Fuck Ceaser Milan.”


Peter hit the Internet in 2017 and has Gradually become Know as One of The Internet’s Most Eccentric Personalities to Date.  Peter is a Adimate Believer in Bigfoot and Claims He has definitive Proof Bigfoot Exists in the Rotting Remains of a Head of a Decapitated Bigfoot His Dad supposedly Shot and Killed back in 1953.

Peter’s fascination with Bigfoot doesn’t End There NOT by a Long shot as He claims to have Several Personal Face To Face Encounters with Bigfoot, and has Even Trained a Dog in the Art of Tracking/Hunting Down an Actual Bigfoot. FYB will Most Definitely be Posting Next Week Pertaining to Peter’s Bigfoot Fetish, but for Now Let’s examine another aspect of Peter’s Life His Pet Raven Sam (Yes Edgar Allen Poe is Rolling in His Grave with Obvious Jealousy).


We definitely have a Deep Fondness for Peter Canine’s Video’s pertains to His Pet Raven Sam. The Oddest thing is Peter DOESN’T Recommend ANYONE Own a Raven or Have one as a Pet. Raven are well Documented as being HIGHLY INTELLIGENT and have a Shit Ton of Requirements if Your looking to have One as a Pet.

The Intrigue We have with these Videos is How Absolutely Defeated Peter Looks in Each of His Sam The Raven Videos. It appears that Sam The Raven has worn Poor Peter down to His breaking Point, and Totally Dominates Peter’s Life. It’s almost as if Sam has Broken Peter’s Spirit making Him Totally Subservient to Him. If there is an Actual Master in Their Relationship its  definitely Sam.

We Hope You Enjoyed Meeting Peter The Dog Trainer (and Sam) as Much as We Did, And Remember To Keep Your Mind Open For A Closed Mind Rots and Decays .

Thanks for Viewing,

 Presented By Les Sober

Swan Song

I’ve been sitting here for several hours now contemplating. What is it that you wish for the last blog of this decade to be???? And I thought to myself wow another decade gone by… I know I’ve been around for 5 as of midnight tomorrow, which makes me feel super old but I can’t help that I was born at the end of one decade and will into the infancy of the next.

But still…. really this really only feels like the 3rd decade, because well I sure don’t remember where I was for New Years in 1989, well my house I’m sure since at the age of 11 I was over protected by my parents like the pope in his golf cart bubble looking thing. Popemobile!!!! I’ve always wanted one of those.


Even in 2009, I really have absolutely no clue where I was for new years. I was old enough that I should remember as it was not all that long ago but I have no clue. I’m just sure that I screamed much louder, well at least until there came another year where I just happened to be that much drunken. Not that much more rowdy, I do rowdy with the best of them whether in an altered state of mind or not. That is not a particularly hard one for me to conjure.

And this year 2019 unless hell freezes over, I will be in the Big Apple, wet and soaked with way, way too many other people. I guess this is a good way of getting over my fear of crowds, I mean my central theme going on this year was do things you are afraid of and conquer them.


I mean so far there has been travelling dark Texas Chainsaw Massacre roads at night, driving 100 on the highway, going away with myself for a week (and being comfortable with it), and exercising my right to say fuck off to whoever needs to be told that. I am not afraid to let someone know that they are not right and this new and improved bluntness deluxe get me into more trouble then bluntness original but all things need to be upgraded. Even those that cause drama.

So anyway here is my swan song blog for the year and possibly for my sanity. I have a final 3 list as to where the hell I am going from here and am hoping to expand my readership beyond the 3.5 of you out there. But I love you guys, even the 0.5 dude. Big things do come in small packages!!!! Thank you!!!!!!


London was born in the kingdom of Ranchero, not so far away from the Wasteland of Frito, and the loins of his mother Queen May Belle Jo. He lived a truly charmer life from his first crib plated with gold to the baseball bat he used which had diamonds encrusted in the handles. The nouveau riche were told this would help also enhance their climbing fortunes but London liked things that sparkle. His mother obliged.

  By SpaceDog

Life Imitates Art as Art Imitates Life part 2: Mr. Brainwash, Banksy, and Authentic Art

For those of you just tuning in this is part two of a piece I’m writing expressing my feelings on the subject of Actual Artist with Original ideas/concepts versus Greedy Talentless Lame Copy Cat Hacks. It goes without saying that wherever their is a Successful Artist with Original Ideas and Creative Concepts there will be a small army of wannabe’s and knock off’s trying to make money from SOMEONE ELSES Intellectual Property.

I have nothing but respect for Original Artists, and Their work even if I personally don’t like it. I believe in giving credit whenever and wherever its due.

Now for the talentless twats that swarm around Original Artists leeching off Their Creativity by either riding on their coat tails, jumping on the TREND(Y) Bandwagon or most of all their trying to Capitalize in any way they can out/off of it. They’re either trying to emulate and imitate the original idea and Art. Either that or Their trying Steal it some how for personal profit in a Pompously Presumptuous Gallery (to a bunch of Wealthy Elite Art Collecting ASSHOLES) or hawk it Online like some sort of Digital Asshole.

My point/argument continues here after stating in the prior post that Tesla was a Lone Genius, and Edison was a Con artist who got famous of his employee’s ideas/inventions. That was the History Portion, And now for the repeating part.

(Just a reminder I am recounting/retelling a EXTREMELY CONDENSED VERSION to save time by sticking as close as I can to my point. I fully encourage Reader’s to watch the Documentary Film “Exist Through The Gift Shop” which provides an in-depth and detailed look at all of the information on the subject of the personal history between Mr. Brainwash and Banksy. I would also at this time like to also recommend the Documentary “Banksy Does New York” for a most informative look into His Work and Personal Philosophies) Bottomline I’m not a Biographer.

Its truly have to give an immense deal of credit to Banksy who got his start on the Street of London, who’s work now has appeared on the streets of various countries around the globe, who’s work has been hang shied by Wealthy Gallery Owners and the like, and the Unscrupulous acquisitions of pieces of Banksy’s Artwork stolen strait off of the streets themselves, has had his work Valued from Hundreds of Thousands to a Million Plus, and yet no one knows anything personal details about Him. Banksy has become notorious for vehemently protecting his true Identity and to His credit its worked amazingly, in fact its worked perfectly. This is all anyone knows of Banksy in the Public Forum that He is Male, White, From England, and is the biggest name in Street Art/ Graffiti the world has know at this point.

Yet the popular misconception is because Banksy’s art sells for such massive amounts of money that he is insanely rich and has tons of cash coming in on a daily basis. A few reason for this are He has to compensate  His Team comprised only of the most trusted inner circle, Pay out a exorbitant amount of money in the quest to stay Anonymous, Travel, Supplies, He donates a good bit of money from selling some of his work to Charities (such as House The Homeless in NYC for example), and the simple fact that His work that is stolen off the Streets, and sold in High End Art Galleries which Banksy has absolutely nothing to do with thus he doesn’t make a dime. Banksy has stated his Art is for Everyone to enjoy and harshly condemned those who seek to confiscate his work and sell it in a high end gallery for personal profit. In fact Banksy shuns the Classic Art world for being more about being pretentious than about the actual Art.

Now while like Tesla(who had several assistants through out his career) Banksy has come to rely on the help of a few other people to help achieve his Artistic Goals/Ideas/Artistic Concepts are Banksy’s and Banksy’s alone. Point being Banksy’s crew work WITH HIM, NOT FOR HIM.

Bansky is known for the Social/Politically driven Art Work that provokes deeper thought when it comes to social ills or political plight. His work can be ironic, mocking, Anti-Authoritarian, but its all meant to promote understanding and peace among all of Humanity. His unofficial mascot seems to be the Rat which reappears frequently in Banksy’s Art. Later on in his career Banksy started to produce Art Installations (such as a blissful paradise housed in a dirty beat up Box Truck that drives around stopping periodically, and Video Pieces. Banksy has embraced Social Media/ Internet where he has a very forward, direct, and honest website (Bnaksy also has a Instagram and Twitter accounts.  Banksy is not just Original he’s insanely intelligent, beyond talented, Humble, Secretive, and Though Provoking Artist.

Meanwhile as far as Mr. Brainwash is concerned…….

I guess for sake of argument I’ll start at the beginning. Before He became Mr. Brainwash He was a regular guy named Thierry (Pronounced Terry) Guetta who had a serious camera OBC. Simply Thierry’s Mother died when he was 7, and this dramatic tragedy created Thierry’s life long obsession of Video Taping every single waking moment.

Thierry’s cousin was an up and coming Graffiti Artist in the Blossoming new world of Street Art who goes by Space Invader. Thierry started to follow and film Space Invader everywhere documenting his work along the way. Thierry ended up utterly in love with the up and coming graffiti Artists, and started following, assisting, and Filming them constantly.

In a once in a life time chance ( I mean its like winning the Lottery and then being struck by lighting.) Thierry’s cousin was hosting non other than the infamous Banksy who had already made a name for Himself. Thierry was allowed into Banksy’s inner circle even visiting the Illusive Artists Studio (Banksy’s Team found it odd and were very weary of Theirry). Thierry started going out at night with Banksy acting as a look out or extra pair of hands as Banksy put up new work.

A little later on the various Graffiti Artist drew Thierry’s non stop filming of them and their activities into question. The question was why the fuck was Thierry filming Them in the first place? Thierry had had NO PLAN for the endless hours of footage he had shot, and currently was shooting. So being rather put on the spot Thierry announced He was filming because he was making a Documentary on The Various Artists, and the birth of the Street Art fascination that was inadvertently legitimizing Graffiti as in fact Art.

Now thats all good and fine its what ended up happening next that pisses me off.

Banksy finally called Thierry out, and told him now was the time to release His Documentay because it was the essential backstory to the newly dubbed Street Art World. Thierry went to work sifting through countless bins of material as he worked feverishly to complete his so called Documentary. The Documentary was anything but. It was 90 minutes of seizure inducing, eye bleeding bullshit. It was just random images thrown together in a Manic Manner so it appeared like a 90 minute music video that escaped from MTV in the 1980’s and went absolutely insane.

Seeing the Documentary was a complete and utter failure Banksy formulated a plan to salvage the project. As Theirry idolized Banksy to the umpteenth degree Banksy got Thierry to let him borrow all of his footage. Banksy then recommended that Thierry head home, create some Art, and perhaps have a little show. Thierry took this to heart as an official mission assigned Him personally by His Idol Banksy.

Now while wasting time, content, and miles of Video Tape is a real shitty thing, and fucking up a project happens so while I’m pissed at this point in the story, the following part is what truly Enrages Me to NO END.

Thierry went home and the first fucking thing he does is rent a MASSIVE 5 story fucking warehouse for his upcoming show. Then Thierry (who accept for a few sporadic pieces (a picture of Him holding a camera) had never been an actual Graffiti Artist. Thierry then hires a legion of Millennial Graphic Artists to crank out REALLY CLICHE CRAP thats BLATANTLY a LAME attempt to IMITATE Banksy. Thierry has NO ACTUAL ARTISTIC CREATIVITY, TALENT OR SKILL.

Then Thierry gave him self the Moniker of Mr. Brainwash, and started to promote Himself and His upcoming show as if He was a legitimate long time, well know, and respected Graffiti Artist who was friends with all the Other now Big Name Graffiti Artists, and that He had the distinct honor in personally knowing Banksy. He used Banksy and Other Big Artists  to shamelessly Self Promote Himself FALSELY.

At this point Graffiti had been rebranded as Street Art as it had become popular in the Allegedly Fine Art World. And because of its new found trendiness provided the key to Thierry’s unwarranted success. Every Hipster, Trend Chaser, Pretentious Assholes, Fine Art Dealer, and Exclusive Art Gallery Owner wanted a piece of the Street Art Pie because by now Banksy Works had sold for up to and over a million dollars (which only serves to encourage unscrupulous Thieves) BOTTOM LINE Every Sucker and Presumptuous Asshole bought Thierry’s bullshit credentials and so called Street Credit hook, line, and fucking sinker.

In the end Thierry filled the gigantic rented warehouse with tons of Pathetic Graffiti Knock Off Bullshit Pieces conceived and done by one of his HIRED underlings, and presented them all as His own. Thierry fit right into the fake ass kissing world of Fine Art, Thierry could bullshit his ass off as Elitist Idiots ate it up ravenously like rabid Lemmings.


THE POINT OF THIS 2 PART POST is as follows.

There Unintelligent and Untalented ASSHOLES like Thomas Edison and Thierry aka Mr. Brainwash in the World that like so many other Con Artists STEAL other’s Intellectual Property, and then have the balls to claim it as Their own. THAT IS HORSE SHIT. Those people are fucking bottom dwelling leeches that act like Brainless Parasites feeding off Other’s Originality for their own fame/fortune.

Fuck Trends, Fuck Hipsters, Fuck Art Thieves, Fuck High End Art Galleries, Fuck Fine Art Dealers, Fuck Fakes, Fuck Wannabes, Fuck Mr. Brainwash, Fuck Edison, Fuck Scam Artists, Fuck Con Men, Fuck Unoriginality, Fuck Cliches, and Fuck the Fine Art Assholes.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober 

The Tale of the Small Town MothMan Mural

When We moved from the Southern Swamp to the Southern Country one of the advantages of the move was there were several structures located out back behind our new home offices. There was a large one car garage which We unceremoniously designated for the usual trivial shit like  Lawn Mowers, Various garden tools, Paint cans, and for a few months 2 large puppies (who now have their own Dog House complete with Heater and Air Conditioning)

The second structure was a run of the mill silver, 10 foot high, 20 foot long, 8 foot wide, sheet metal shed supported by an internal  basic wooden frame. When We purchased the property the shithead previous owners failed to give us among many other things the keys to unlock said shed. We could see through the 4 small windows (2 per side) and do a very general assessment. From what we could see the only real issue other than getting a new lock was the plywood floor was rotten in 2 separate places and would need patching.

Once We got the shed lock changed and were able to enter the structure things looked as if the shed was worser for the wear than We had anticipated. Even if it needed more TLC than We thought it was still a viable option to be My Art Studio (Yes I paint and Draw in a variety of various mediums such as CharCoal or Oil Paints. I have recently decided that it is at this point in my life I will be pursuing Sculpting as creating a 3 dimensional project is going to be fucking awesome and intense.) The first thing I did was load it up with all my various art supplies (Canvases, Paints, Brushes, Assortment of Project Materials etc.), but the floor fix would take time, and I have NO PATIENCE, NON AT ALL. Its A Virtue I was born without and I’m totally fucking fine with that.

It took less than a day before I was wallowing in frustrated boredom and thought to myself that if I couldn’t currently use the shed I could still in the mean time decorate the outside. I drove to the local hardware store in the neighboring town and loaded up on Spray Paint big time. I had no idea what I was going to Paint on the side of the shed so first I selected which side I would do first. The rightsize of the shed made a small alleyway between it and the garage so space to work was limited. The same was true of the back of the shed even more so as our fence came in even closer proximity than the garaged and the sheds right wall. That left me with the choice of either the front or the left side of the shed to choose from. I chose the left side since it was bigger and had the best area in which to work.

I walked around the to the left side of the shed and stood there just looking at the shed without a thought in my mind waiting. It didn’t take long before an idea popped into my head MOTHMEN/MOTHMAN. Now before the first fool blurts out how much they loved the movie “The Mothman Prophecies” shut the fuck up. True it was a some what decent movie, but the Mothman is not solely limited to the Point Pleasant, West Virginia 1967 Silver Bridge Collapse that killed 46 people. The Mothman or Mothmen if you will have been seen in different areas before an impending disaster strikes such places as Chernobyl circling Reactor 4, before 9/11 in New York City, The I-35 Bridge Collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and The Swine Flue Outbreak in Mexico in 2009 for instance.

Now I don’t claim to believe or not believe in such things as UFO’s, Ghost’s, Monsters or Cryptozoology but it all fun food for thought because who actually knows, and all I’m saying is I don’t know. What I do know is I utterly LOVE UNDERDOGS and to me the Mothman is just that, The Underdog of Cryptozoology. The main debate surrounding the Mothman is simply this is the Mothman coming and bringing death/doom/disaster with it OR is the Mothman a supernatural being/creature that comes to WARN US of immediate impending danger?! I hold with the latter of the two believes myself. It all added up to a quick decision that the mural I’d Spray Paint on the side of the shed would be The Mothman. (Yet myths, legends and lore interest me to no end ever fueling the fires of my undying curiosity.)

I should take a moment to add that the left side of the shed faced the street in a small neighborhood in a tiny town located along the Bible Belt. For this reason and this reason alone I wrote “Mothman” across its chest because while the Mothman was enough to turn many a head I didn’t want (nor need for that matter) for the locals to think the new guy was painting Devils or Demons on the side of his shed.

In a few days the Mothman was finished and I decided the silver background was fucking up my visual of the Mothman. I thought about background colors to use (My wife suggested blue and I should have listened, but I was thinking Navy Blue not say Sky Blue) and some how I chose Orange. On top of using Orange for the background I used a VERY DEEP AND INTENSE shade only to realize when it was all said and done the Orange background made it look more demonic than I’d liked or intended. I didn’t want to change the mural so Mothman with Orange background and all remained vigilantly watching the passerby on the road for months.

Unfortunately upon a proper inspection of the shed, the shed was found to be structurally unsound. The floor was completely shot and would need total replacement. The supporting wood infrastructure was compromised beyond belief. This was apparently due to the fact the previous owner had tried to wire up the shed with electricity themselves and fucked it up causing a fucking fire. The fire had burned a majority of the roof supports right through so if you tapped on them with a hammer they disintegrated.

I called my contractor and informed him that the shed was shot and I’d need his help tearing it down so as We could replace it. 3 or4 days later my contractor showed up with a small handful of workers who set off demolishing the rickety old shed. It only took them a few mere hours to reduce the standing structure into piles of scrap.

That evening I was talking on the phone to my Brother in the Great Northern New Yonder and he asked what was new. I told him about the failing inspection of the doomed shed and that it had been torn down and hauled off. I also told him that for a split second I thought about asking my contractor if the Mothman Mural could be salvaged, but in the end I just let it go. My Brother started laughing, not in an at me type manner, but a “He hasn’t figured it out yet” kind of way. Once he paused to catch his breath I asked him what he found so fucking amusing about the whole ordeal?! I had spent all the time and effort to paint the Mothman mural just to have it crushed and carted away in the end.  He responded by saying that if I believed the Mothman was a Warning of impending danger, then painted one on the side of the shed, and then ultimately the shed met its demise then it followed my Mothman belief to a tee.

I couldn’t help laughing because he was dead right. A dilapidated shed, a Mothman Mural painted upon it, and 4 moths later the shed and the mural are gone having been destroyed in the dismantling process.


Thanks For Das Read,

Les Sober  

The Righteous Return of SpaceDog: She’s Having My Baby?!!

So I heard from her yesterday. I never expected the call in a million years. I’ve kept her a very well kept secret for a very long time.

Well yeah so…. this is what I have been hiding. I have been leading a double life of sorts. Only just this winter though. I mean I have a habit of enjoying living a double life, moreso it’s like isolation, then secret playtime.

So I tried to be different….

I tried it out with a girl. You know, it. I know I could use a nicer term for “it” but it was really my thing and i puked during is a bit too long.

So yeah she was pretty. I had been practicing vocal lessons….. To make my voice deeper to take out the gay or at least take out enough gay to be metrosexual in new york. Apparantly I suceeded.

So those of you who personally know me, you know my phone has been off for periods ranging from anywhere from 2 days to as long as 2 weeks at a time if I get too lazy to find the damn thing. Well I kinda have a errrrrrr other phone that y’all don’t know about.

Anyway so I go one time for a few days and am in New York City. I went up originally to go out with my sister and her husband but alas there is never a normal night out for me. The less I try for sparks to fly, sexually and otherwise, the more my big mouth gets me into trouble.

Sooooo….my sister and I get Chinese. Then I go out on my own to the closest bar. My sister thinks I’m a lush so she doesn’t like when I drink around her. I wanted green liquor. I wanted to be the Hulk and have pretty green eyes but preferrably not gangrene. I prefer yellow fever.

So yeah I picked the wrong fortune cookie. I never had bought a woman a drink in my life before. (sorry ladies…. :(………

So I thought why not buy a drink for this little China woman down the bar. I got her something girly with Malibu in it or an alien secretion (which is green of course 🙂 …. So not only does she take the drink, she comes over and starts talking to me. I must have been straight in my past life or something because my bullshit lines came very naturally to me. I told her, her name was Lisa (but really it was like Ming Wong or Xiana Zu or some shit….like I remember!!!), that she looked lonely and I wanted to take her out for the evening.

She actually agreed. I was like what the hell. I wasn’t expecting this. I could have just ran…. Well then she was like let’s drink something more manly. I’m not as innocent as I look.

So we do shots of jack.
And more jack.
And more.

Then I said lets do some southern comfort.

Everything proceeded to fade to black after that.

I woke up in a hotel. I had no clue where I was. I had to look outside to see okay I’m still in an urban area, which I assumed was New York. I went to go check the mail (best way to find out where you are) and there was no mail. I looked and looked. Oh wait a bible. I’m at a hotel.

So I was in the Bronx. How the fuck I got there I have no idea. I thought to call my sister but no I’ll just find a subway, take a subway, and get the hell home.

So I did.

So today I did something I normally never do. I actually answered one of those private numbers on my phone. My friends from the land of Glass Dickia have no phone anymore so I was mildly curious. It was her. I didn’t even know she had my number!!! So after going through the whole Hi Do You Know Who This Is? bullshit she drops the bomb.

I’m pregnant.

I drop my bomb.

I’m gay.

She drops the next bomb.

I know it’s yours.

Having no more bombs, I say well maybe it was a thing like you know Mary had. Maybe God came by in the night and stuck you with a turkey baster???

She was not amused.

Anyway the awkward convo went on for 5 minutes. I got off the phone. And after that I got piss drunk. And here I am……

Anyway…..I’m not even sure if I should believe this girl. I don’t know. She just seems like drama. I think I might be drama too. She mentioned if I don’t believe her to go with her on Maury. I felt like saying bitch maybe it’s his. He got that yellow fever way more then me.

So yeah I don’t know if I have been wrongly accused or not. I used to brag about getting out of sticky situations. So ummmm I suppose this is my birthday “gift”. I don’t know if I should just forget about my other phone or what the hell i should do……

I mean ladies….have you ever been wrong before about your baby daddy???? If only I smoked pot like I used to and had seed that would rather float around in the wind. My seed isn’t supposed to plant itself!!!! I’m gay!!!!!

I don’t know anymore. Life used to be so simple. I used to know who I was and what I was and what I wanted. All I know is I do not want this. OMFG!!!! I’m speechless.

