Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Belial’s Dream (2017) Directed By Robert Morgan who also Wrote the Screen Play. Belial’s Dream was Originally a Short Film Commissioned for Arrow Films’ Blu Ray Release of Frank Henenlotter’s  Movie Basket Case.


For Those Who May be Unaware Basket Case is the 1982 Cult Slasher Horror Classic Directed by Frank Henenlotter and Produced by Edgar Levins. To Sum Up Basket Case in a Nutshell Duane and His Extremely Deformed and Psychotic Conjoined Twin Be are Surgically Separated as Kids. Duane carries  Belial around NYC in a Locked Wicker Picnic Basket as the Twins seek Revenge on the Doctor’s that Separated Them. I HIGHLY Recommend You definitely should check out the movie Basket Case as it is in at Least My Humble Opinion a True Horror Classic.


So When I heard of this Video I was instantly interested because I love Fan Fiction Projects. It’s Insanely Entertaining seeing People’s Interpretations come to Life and become an Extenuation of the Movie Itself. Thusly when I saw the Title of the Video the first thing I thought to myself was that’s a Kickass Concept, and I wonder what a Creature as Demented and Deadly as Belial actually Dreams About? Could Belial dreaming of  Rainbows and Bunny Rabbits during His Psychotic Slumber? Yeah I don’t fucking Think So.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE 2

Considering this is the Second Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema We thought it Only Appropriate to Feature the 1987 Black Comedy Slasher Film Slumber Party Massacre II (Written and Directed By Deborah Brock, and Produced by Roger Corman). SPM II Doesn’t Bring anything Insightful to the Slasher Genre, it’s Far More Interested in B-movie Fun and Special Effects. That’s Not a Bad Thing by Any Means. One of the Best Moments in the Movie is the Gag-Inducing Vision Courtney has of Her Friend Sally’s Massive Zit growing to a Grotesque and Monstrous Size unit it Burts Splattering Her with Fluid. Yeah, that’s the Type of Insanity SPM II Delivers.


Brief Plot Summary: “The Driller Killer is Back- and He Parties for Keeps!”

Set Years after the Slumber Party Massacre, now Teen Courtney is a Senior in High School and Plays in a Band with Her Three Close Friends. Courtney is also Experiencing Horrific Nightmares about the DRILL-WIELDING MANIAC KILLER from the First Film Returning. She can’t Shake the Terrifying Feeling that She and Her Friends will be VICIOUSLY TORMENTED AND BRUTALLY BUTCHERED. Again and Again the Nightmare Returns as a Dazed Courtney starts to Lose Control of Her Waking Life that’s Turning into a Surreal Horror Show. And Then Her Nightmare Crosses Over into Reality. No One Believes Her, Until it’s Too Late. The Driller Killer Returns Reincarnated as an Evil Rock’n Roll Greaser with a Massive Drill Bit Guitar Combo of Carnage. He Methodically Stalks Them; then VIOLENTLY GORES THEM TO DEATH….ONE BY ONE. Mixing Elements of A Nightmare On Elm Street with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Only the Fittest can Survive in SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE II!!!


We Hope You Enjoyed this Sequel of Slumber Party Slaughter as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  

Sick Saturday Cinema: BLACK PAST

FYB is Super Psyched to Present the 1989 Splatter Classic BLACK PAST Written and Directed By Legendary German Gore Master Olaf Ittenbach, and is His First Film Made.


Plot Summary: After Moving into a New House with His Family Thommy finds a Mysterious Mirror and Diary in the Attic. Soon After the Young Man is Plagued by Increasingly GRUESOME VISIONS AND BLOODY NIGHTMARES as His Crush keeps Rising from the Dead. As Thommy begins to Lose His grip on Reality He begins to Transform into a BLOODTHIRSTY DEMONIC KILLING MACHINE!!!



We Hope You Enjoyed This Tales of Transformation and Terror as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  

Batten Down The Hatches

I’ve been having ominous dreams lately. They are shattered, they are broken. I’m not so sure the reasons why.

I have not been sleeping very well but that is just because I am too happy and distracted by the little things in life that sleep no longer is pleasant.

It is a burden.

The days seemingly grow shorter by the second, not the light in them or the increasing darkness, just the time from Point A to Point B is pulsing rapidly.

Feeling like a heart attack ready to explode, a vein ready to burst, a monopoly ready to hide its assets.

There is a storm approaching fast from the western skies. I am ready for it this time.

I’m not sure how much sun will be left after the fall but I will be tucked away. Safe. Nestled in your arms.

But who are you? Why should I care?

Destiny is calling me but sometimes it just feels like my old friend’s daughter Destiny (who I never met) beckoning me into the forces of much trouble.

And all should live this.

 By SpaceDog

I Never Titled It. I Hate Titles. They Should Die. By SpaceDog


I decided on the old spring cleaning today. More like my portable DVD player is gathering dust and I need to find its extension cord. So even though the ideas of what I want to write are running through my head at a blistering pace, like sperm pelting the floor at a bathhouse, I’ve taken the lazy way out and decided to throw up a few brooding poems from about five years ago. I think I wrote them in rehab, hence the plastic bed references casually strewn in there.


Why do I work to escape this very moment
When all I should do is tuck it away
How come my darkest world shines so bright
When it only brings me the fear of my plight

The hate in my soul drips forth with blood
While the bluebirds may chirp
I sit here in your mud
It’s like one thousand flavors rattle my cage
Dairy Queen and Lucifer, One and the same

My chest collapses slowly
While I wriggle in pain
Two candy canes half eaten
Melting in the rain

..I feel for my pulse but it’s not to be found
I’ve been riding in your carriage too long
But my soul is nowhere around

You still plague my soul
Even from far, far away
The wax from your candle
It melts my nightmares
Covers up all this dismay

And I used to run, I used to fly
There once was a time I never cried
Your heart it stayed open
Your veins never closed
The moths gracing your light bulbs
They practically glowed

And one day I’ll wake up
Maybe I’ll even truely care
But for this moment in time
This moment I own
Alone in my thoughts
Even though my brain isn’t home

I plot and I ponder.
I sit and I stare.
The tadpole didn’t come home for supper
But I still feel him there

And I know this isn’t reality
Yet it’s certainly not a dream
Just a slice of delusion
In a cherry pie choking on whi9pped cream.


and then there is this one.  i never titled it. i hate titles. they should die.


All my Johnnys have gone away
While I sat staring out the window
Trying to breathe in the world
When all I saw was the lamp post
And your reflection in a puddle

Then I sailed across the ocean
Looking for you
Looking for him
I wondered where your trail of bread crumbs led
But they only formed some lost circle
Empty of my heart
Crashing up my car

I ate a sundae with marshmellows
It tasted like you
Or wait maybe like him
And I put on some Jimmies
But they were too sweet
You tasted so bitter
Yet it was my dream
I swallowed my dreams

The boat then crashed ashore
My holy father whipped me
I just wanted your chains
To cramp my style
You squeezed my soul so fine

But I’ve lost your scent
The moon doesn’t rise
And your face isn’t on my quarter anymore
Just another dead president

And one day I do know
That something will rise out of the sky
I’d just take the sun
But you are my God
I don’t know if I should try

Yet maybe it’s my destiny
Just smelling you out
I’m not sure though
Because it may not be you
Might have been him
Singing through the birds
Nestling in my head

The queen of hearts left my deck long ago
Suffering without anything to hold onto
My kingdom has lost its peaceful rest.