
I haven’t written a blog in such a long time. Well at least it feels like it.

I want to talk about the show that I went to last night. Wow, what an awesome show. Probably one of the top 3 shows I have ever been too if not the top show. Oh, what did I see???

Nine Inch Nails and Jane’s Addiction, baby!!!!!!!

I am still on this natural energy rush after seeing it. It was everything I expected and more. Even the opening band Street Sweeper Social Club (who I never heard before last night) was pretty rockin’. A bit more hip hop mixed in but it probably was the best opening act I have ever since. I have seen some real shitty opening acts in the past ranging from Jack Off Jill to Nate Mathesen to really horrible bands at local shows that are too countless to remember.

I really can’t quote the whole set list for NIN, I’m sure you could look it up somewhere on the web,  but was really excited when they played Physical and well Head Like a Hole they closed with that was kinda expected.

I really really wanted to go to more shows, I could have tonight in Holmdel, I’m sure they probably had a few more lawn seats, but I had to get up ass early in order to get MORE concert tickets. And I am completely and utterly wiped out at this moment.

I may have to get MORE tickets later this week but anyway back to the show.

Jane’s Addiction was everything I expected and more as well. I really never got into them as much as NIN, but after hearing them at the show, I’ll probably throw a few of their songs onto my MP3 player, since my player is a complete and utter disaster. I got really drunk one night and downloaded like 100-150 songs and well that explains a whole lot of the crap on there.

I knew more of their music then I thought actually. It was all coming back to me and well I haven’t had this much fun in a while. Going to see a whole bunch of Tori Amos shows doesn’t compare to music like this. This is my first love. She is just a mistress. I don’t always feel a rush with her. Only in the second row of the opening show last tour.

This show I was in the lawn and felt a rush. I would have given my left nut to be in the pit. Anyway I’m done rambling now…. May actually make a few CDs for my car now so I can drive somewheres with the gas I don’t actually have. Hmmmmmm maybe I can huff gas???? Didn’t they do that shit in the 70s? I was born in the 70s, does that mean it is an inate ability? I dunno.

By SpaceDog  

Life Imitates Art as Art Imitates Life Part 1: Tesla, Edison, and Electricity

I decided to write this post because it gave me a chance to address to issues I have issue with per say. While I truly love and respect original talent/material equally despise Trendy Band Wagon Jumpers,  those who have no talent of their own so they rip off those they want to emulate from the News/Social Media. Not only do they steal ideas/concepts they have the fucking balls to strut around patting themselves on the fucking back constantly. These talentless hacks parade around congratulating themselves for producing (and cashing in on because its money/fame these self proclaimed artists are really interested in, the art comes second with these ignorant idiots) shitty wannabe knock offs.

Now on this topic I have 2 separate ( but similar as you will see) issues I want to address so this will be a 2 Part Post.

The First one being Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla on the subject of Electricity (its not what you think nor would expect, but I digress).

The Second one being Mr. Brainwash/Thierry Guetta and Banksy/ Identity Unknown on the subject of Street Art Then and Now.

Starting with good old Tommy Edison and Nikola Tesla I must get a few things strait. This is NOT  Biographical or a History Lesson. I’m not going to play the good old pissing contest contending the accomplishments or criticisms of each man. I will most definitely not be using this post to indulge the Nerdpocalyptic argument that rages on through the ages in addition to today on who had the better electrical discovery Edison’s DC Current or Tesla’s AC Current. I am not an inventor, scientist nor expert so unlike most fucking people I’m not going to pretend that I know when in reality I don’t.

What I think is utter Horseshit is this. While Edison tooled around with DC Currents and Tesla with AC Currents they’re philosophies on how the benefits of harnessing electricity would affect the American Public. Tesla’s belief was quite simple by harnessing electricity he would create a network that would provide electricity to every home, business, and anywhere it would benefit his fellow man (Example Street Lights, Traffic Lights, Signs, recharging devices etc.) FOR ABSOLUTELY FREE.

The last point is this Tesla was a one man show. True while Tesla had a few assistants through out the years they were nothing more than helping hands in helping Tesla with experiments ALL of the ideas/concepts/beliefs where sold those of Tesla himself. The best comparison I can provide is to the much more recent musician Trent Reznor. Reznor writes all of his “Bands”(Nine Inch Nails or NIN for short) music and lyrics as well as playing all the instruments Himself. When Reznor heads out on tour he hires a back up band because obviously He can’t play live shows all by himself.

Meanwhile as for Thomas Edison….

Edison allegedly invented the light bulb (a fact refuted by the Historians of today who say Edison’s claim is nothing but bravado and bullshit). Now some of our Readers may be confused (or wondering what the point is) as Edison is documented in the Historical Records of Humanity as just that the inventor of the light bulb so? The answer is also my point. Edison HIRED nothing short of an Army of Young Inventors in what were referred to as “Invention Factories” which he had several of in America and in Europe. These Invention Factories where supposed to nurture the Young Inventors and allow them a place to work and thrive a true platform for knowledge.In reality if any of Edison’s EMPLOYEES (because lets face it thats what the were) had a brilliant Idea or Invention Edison would take the idea, and then CLAIM CREDIT FOR IT much like the Light Bulb. The whole fucking set up was a scam set up by Edison to con Young Inventors to benefit his own career. Thats a serious Dick Move.

Now back to the Light Bulb. After claiming to have created the Light Bulb quickly established Edison General Electric which was the first move to Monetize Electricity as a Consumer Commodity. Time passes and a few starter Electric companies throw their hats into the ring for the new and viable Electricity Market. In just 2 short years in 1892 Edison consolidated all of his assorted businesses, and then Merged his consolidated companies with his number one Competitor to form GENERAL ELECTRIC.

The Bottom Line is this 1. Edison was a Hack who stole inventions/Ideas from weak, vulnerable, and Nieve Young Inventors. 2. Overtime you open your Electric Bill and exclaim “Are you serious?!” or ‘What the FUCK?!!!” you can thank Thomas Edison for creating the ELECTRIC BILL when Tesla would have provided the same service(s) TOTALLY FREE.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober