The Faceless Lady And The Bleeding Picture

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post THE FACELESS LADY AND THE BLEEDING PICTURE by Italian Artist, Graphic Designer, Published Author, Sculpture, and Illustrator Paolo Ferrante. Finding Information on Ferrante was/is Tricky as there isn’t a Whole Hell on A lot.

Here are We Found:

  • Ferrante was Born in 1984.
  • Ferrante was Born and Lives in the Italian Province of Lecca.
  • In 2008 Ferrante had His First Book “Le Commedie del Buio”
  • Ferrante Graduated from The Academy of the Fine Arts in Lecca in 2010.
  • In 2021 Ferrante made the Finals of the International Poster For Tomorrow Competition with the Theme “Fake News”
  • Ferrante has His Own Wesite www.ever.trip it/
  • Ferrante is also can be Found on
  • Ferrante has both an Instagram and Telegraph Accounts Under the User Name EverTrip in Addition to His YouTube Channel.

NOTE: Now everything about this 20 something Second Slice of Absurd Inanity would be just Fine at Face fucking Value, But there are 2 Apects/Details in the Video that I can’t fucking Stop Thinking about I just keep Mulling it Over and Over in My Free fucking Time. First is Who the fuck is the fucking Weirdo in the Background, and I’m Not Sure if it’s Supposed to be an Actual Photo or some Pop Art Bullshit Painting. Anyway I’m Referring to it as the Photo and I wonder what the hell is it’s Significance?!  I mean Why bother including it at all unless there is some sort of Method to the Madness. Second Why Does the Photo Begin to (and Continues Throughout the Rest of the Video) Start Dripping fucking Blood like a fucking 1980’s B-Horror Slasher fucking Movie. Again I ask What the fuck is the Reason the Photo is Bleeding What the fuck is the Point? Perhaps Adding it was the Point and the Point being its just Simply a Way to fuck with People’s Heads.

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Strange Disturbing Videos: “TERROR”

Welcome to Today’s Post here at FYB featuring a Little Oddity called “Terror” since its the Last Word in the Title. If You’re Wondering what the fuck all the Gibberish is in the Title there is aReason for This. The Reason goes a something like this: Originally if you added a Period in front of a Video Search You’d be able to Access Videos that are Public AND because of the Period could allude the Dreaded Algorithm. This way People could see the Videos that Normally would be Flagged by Youtube for Objectionable Content. Youtube of course heard about this and Fixed that particular issue.

Then You could Type “.” to Achieve the exact same thing but alas Youtube also caught on to this and Fixed the Glitch. Still there is a way to Post a Video Publicly and Avoid the Content Restricting Algorithm and Yes You guessed it it’s by Using Gibberish (which appears to be simply Text in Different Languages). By using this Bilingual Gibberish Posters Videos can stay Stealth and Under Youtube’s Algorithm Detection.

There is No Info or Context Provided for this Video so it’s Up To You the Viewer to Decide What the Fuck this Video is or is About.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

WTF Am I Watching: My Sister

Well another Wednesday is upon us and today’s post MY SISTER is a true fucking internet oddity unto itself. There was NO INFORMATION provided so without a fucking crumb of context MY SISTER just kept getting fucking odder by the minute. To put it simply I was not even anywhere close to fucking prepared to research this shit.

I hit up the usual platforms like Youtube (including the fucking comment section) and Reddit but I found jack diddly shit. So I went a little farther and checked 4Chan which was big for me because I personally fucking think 4 Chan is a fucking cyber shithole. Anyway the 4Chan sacrifice I made turned up dick.


The first fact I found was basic as fuck and was MY SISTER was uploaded in May 2011 on an Old Youtube Channel called Raider Dawg. The fucked up thing is MY SISTER stuck out like a sore fucking thumb because all the other content on Raider Dawg was purely either gamer shit or straight up trolling shit. To sum it up outside of MY SISTER Raider Dawg’s content was just a bunch of fucking immature fucking punk ass bullshit.

Bottomline here is shit didn’t add up.


Well it turned out that Raider Dawg wasn’t the channel’s original name was DeeznutsFYC  until the name switch sometime in 2014. Since Raider Dawg apparently appeared to be a gaming enthusiast who wasn’t above fucking trolling someone told me to check something called LurkerFAQS. If you don’t know (and I didn’t either until this fucking post) is a ongoing continuous archive of posts from the GameFAQS message board.

So I started doing my own math and since the MY SISTER was originally posted in 2011 it made sense to me to search around using Raider Dawg’s old name DeeznutsFYC. What I found was that DeeznutsFYC posted 3 separate posts over the course of a year (2011-2012) about MY SISTER. I also noticed that he bumped the MY SISTER video several times which essentially means the old shit gets reposted at the top on the list. As you can imagine DeeznutsFYC was ask REPEATEDLY NUMEROUS TIMES about the Video and responded like a real fucking douchbag about it divulging nothing at all about the video.


The trail ended there so it was time to ask the usual questions like:

  • Is this a prank?
  • Is it a performance art piece?
  • Is it the work of a mentally disturbed individual?
  • Is this a gorilla promotion for a video game or movie?
  • Is this a promotional video since there is a fetish where people like to dress up like dolls and use high end silicone masks (since this fetish mainly applies to men who assume female form when “all dolled up”)?

Honestly this time around I don’t think any of those apply. The one hypothesis that I think honestly the most logical I have heard is that DeeznutsFYC/Raider Dawg created it, but it didn’t get the attention he wanted. So he resorted to posting the video several times while periodically bumping it to gain exposure by keeping it relevant to some fucking degree. Just like with his Youtube gaming channel the video MY SISTER posted on a gaming message board seems completely fucking out of place.


Now considering Deeznuts/Raider Dawg is obviously a gamer it sort of makes sense in the oddest fucking way that a gamer who created a video to freak people out (and failed to do so) on Youtube would post his creation on gaming message boards. This would not only serve to generate attention for MY SISTER, but it served as a way to get people from the gaming message boards to check out his gaming channel.

Anyway you fucking slice it this unsettlingly unnatural video is a fucking classic insane oddity, and who’s origins/creator/purpose will remain a fucking mystery from now until the fucking end of time.

See you when I see you,

  Justine Sane

Spiders From Hell

It’s been a long time since we showcased something that’s just fucking seriously strange that walks the borderline between genius and madness. That is why I am would like to Present SPIDERS FROM HELL By David Firth.

For those of you who do not know or may not be aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“I decided to make the most of the fact that my room was crawling with insects last summer and filmed them all close up.” – David Firth –

Until our paths cross again,

 Otto Rageous