What With All The Warning/ What Are All These Warnings About?!

In the Fledgeling Days of FYB I specifically Stated FYB Would NOT use Warnings of Any Kind as We Deemed it a Form of Censorship. I mean How the fuck do We have Free Speech under the First Amendment, BUT the same Government Who gave Us Freedom of Speech creates the Federal Communication Commission?! The FCC’s ONly Job is to Censor What People Can and Can’t Say or Show so again how the Fuck does that constitute Freedom of Speech for Fuck’s Sake?

What We discovered was Not placing any type of Warning on the Kind of Content We Traffic in (the Unconventional, the Unorthodox, Strange, Controversial, and Disturbing/Dark) Opened Us up to Shit Storm of Complaints, Objections, and Pissed off People.


Since We hate dealing with Bitchy People We Knew We had to go back to the Drawing Board. I ended up writing a Subsequent Post that We would Provide a “Head’s Up” to Our Fans if there was Objectionable Content contained within a Post. I simply and Lazily Adopted the TV/Movie Rating System only to Abandon it a Day Later. Why I thought would I want to Emulate What I Objected To?

So We were back at Square fucking One Again needing Some Sort of Acceptable Solution for Us and Our Fans. Utilizing the Premise of the “Viewer Discretion Advised” Model We collected a Small Variety of Different Warning Labels. This of Course raised Questions unto itself as to Why and What was the Reasoning behind the Selected Warnings. Well We have grown Weary of Repeatedly Explaining it to People on a Individual Basis thus We concluded a Proper Post was Needed pertaining to Said Warnings.

This is the Warning We use When We Personally DO NOT Think there is Anything Really all that Objectionable, BUT We use this Warning to Over Our Asses just incase.

This is Our General Warning which again is Not that Serious in Our Eyes, But the Colors seem to Garner a Stronger Sense that One SHOULD HEED THIS/THE WARNING.

This One is about a Simple and Straight Forward as Warnings Come. We use this Warning when We Know There is Content within the Post that a Great Number of People would find OFFENSIVE. We also use this Warning once in a while as a Second Additional Warning incase We think We should still Cover Our Asses a Bit More. Think of it Ironically as an Exclamation Point backing Up THE ORIGINAL WARNING again Just in Case.

This Warning is the One We Use when We are Serious about the Fact that said Post Contains OFFENSIVE, OBJECTIONABLE, OBSCENE, or Otherwise DISTURBING CONTENT contained within it.

This is the First of Our Top 3 Warnings which Should Not be taken at Face Value. If You see This Warning You Should Expect the Content in the Post is BEYOND A DOUBT OFFENSIVE/OFFENDING, SHOCKING, DARK, OBSCENE, DISTURBING, AND WILL ILLICIT A STRONG REACTION From Most People!!!

This Warning is Almost Identical to the One Above it with One Serious Exception. The Exception is the Second Line of the Warning that States”VIEWER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED. If You see this Warning DO NOT take it Lightly. This Warning Guarantees there is More than Enough OBJECTIONABLE, OFFENSIVE, DISTURBING, SICKENING, SHOCKING, SEXUAL, GRAPHIC, VIOLENT, Or in Any Other Way Troubling. THIS WARNING IS NO JOKE so if You are Easily Offended, Angered, Sickened, or have a Weak Stomach DO NOT VIEW ANY POST WITH THIS WARNING!!!!!

This Warning is The End All Be All of Our Warnings. This is such a Serious Warning We have actually Only Used it Once or Twice over the Years. This essentially means what You are About to See is THE MOST ABSOLUTELY EXTREMEST, GRAPHIC, OFFENSIVE, OBSCENE, DISTURBING, SICK, TWISTED, DARK, VIOLENT, SEXUAL, DEMENTED, TRAUMATIC, AND DEEPLY TROUBLING Content Ever Created. If You See this Warning unless You’re HONESTLY a HARDCORE FAN of Some Seriously FUCKED UP SHIT then Please Do US both a Favor and SKIP IT. Again the Content in said Post is ONLY For the Most DIEHARD FANS OF THE EXTREME!!!!!!!

To be Truthful No One should Really View ANY Post with this Warning Period.

Thanks For Reading,

By    Les Sober & FYB 

FYB Saturday Splatter Movie: BLOOD FEAST!

FYB is Ecstatic to bring You what is Considered to be the First Ever Splatter Film EVER MADE! This Video Nasty is the Cult Classic BLOOD FEAST composed, Shot, and Directed by “The Godfather of Gore” Herschell Gordon Lewis Himself. BLOOD FEAST immediately became Notorious for its EXPLICIT VIOLENCE AND GORE. Also the Main Character/Killer Fuad Ramses has been described as “The Original Machete-Wielding Madman”open the Door for Future Characters such as Micheal Myers (Halloween Franchise) and Jason Vorhees (Friday The 13th Franchise).


Brief Synopsis: Fuad Ramses and His Family have relocated from America to France, where They Own and Operate an American Style Diner. Unfortunately for the Ramses Business is less than Stealer so Fuad takes a Night Job working in the Museum of Ancient Egyptian Culture. There He is compulsively drawn to a Seductive Statue of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Ishtar. Before long the Statue of Ishtar starts speaking to Fuad through Visions, and Finally succumbs to Her DEADLY DESIRES!

After Surrendering to The Statue of Ishtar’s Malevolent Charms Fuad begins a New Life in which MURDER AND CANNIBALISM become His Daily Routine. He starts to Prepare a Ritual Feast to Honor Ishtar with a Lavish Affair SOAKED IN BLOOD, ORGANS, AND INTESTINES OF HIS VICTIMS! As The Butchered Bodies are stacked upon the Alter of Ishtar, Fuad slowly Descends Deeper Into Utter Insanity until He serves Only as Ishtar’s Human Puppet. The Only Issue is Ishtar Thirsts Not Just For HUMAN BLOOD, but She wants the Blood of Fuad’s Wife and Daughter as well!


What Have People Said about BLOOD FEAST? Find Out Below.

“I’ve often referred to BLOOD FEAST as a Walt Whitman Poem. It’s No Good, but it was the first of its Type” -Herschell Gordon Lewis

“It was the first Gore Movie….Now, it looks kind of funny, but it’s still REALLY SICK.” -Lux Interior (Horror Aficionado)

“Offensive, Nasty, Shabby, and Revolting, but also Great Fun, if You can Stand the Sight of BLOOD AND GUTS.” -Jerry Renshaw  (Austin Chronicle)

“This is One of the Most Important Releases in Film History, Ushering in a New Acceptance of EXPLICIT VIOLENCE that was Obviously just waiting to be Exploited.” -Dennis Schwartz (Ozus’ World Movie Reviews)


BLOOD FEAST Tag Lines Include:

  • Nothing so Appalling in the Annals of Horror!
  • Weird, Grisly Ancient Rite Horrendously Brought to Life in BLOOD COLOR!
  • You’ll Recoil and Shudder as You witness the SLAUGHTER AND MUTILATION of Nubile Young Girls-in a Weird and Horrendous Ancient Rite!



(NOTE TO READER: If You don’t want to Read all the Shit I wrote above OR are Not Totally Sure if Based on what You read if this Movie is For You RELAX. We have included the Official BLOOD FEAST Trailer for You to check Out First if Need Be.)

We Hope You Enjoyed this Splatterday Special as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (15/365)

Lee instinctively flipped over onto His Belly (still using the Inflatable Sex Doll as a Shield) figured His best course of action was too literally keep His head down, and army crawl His way to the Door. Luckily for Lee at His lower Level managed to blend into the insuring chaos as He suffered a serious series of pokes and jabs from the Merchandise that coated the floor like a freshly fallen snow.

After a very slow going Lee made it to the Door at last, and stood up before barging His way out to the perceived safety of the Parking Lot. Unfortunately for Lee the Porn Shop was under full blow fucking siege by the incensed Seniors. They were everywhere as far as Lee could see it was just one continuous Sea of Senior Citizens.


There was a large and boisterous Picket Line, as well as several People Preaching through Bullhorns from Milk Crate Pulpits. Lee could help but think that the Self Proclaimed Preacher present were all talking over one another so none of Their messages could actually be heard by anyone there.

Also the Senior’s inside had decided it was best to Purge the Porn Shop by not just plundering the Stores Merchandise, But where now actively throwing it into the Parking Lot as the Little Old Ladies outside cheered Them on with chants of “Salvation Over Sin!”, and “Pornography  is Blasphemy!”


This Lee thought was the biggest Irony of them all as Vandalizing and trashing the Porn Shop made perfect sense to Lee considering the situation. The thing Lee found so amusing was the Shop while being set back from the Highly Trafficked Route 22 the Parking Lot was completely visible to all the Motorists as well as Bicyclists, Joggers, Dog Walkers, and walking Locals.

So if the Senior Citizens Brigade of God Fearing Soldiers (here to restore Society’s Moral Compass from the Vile Scourges of Sexploitation) were here  to  Truthfully Protect Humanity then why the fuck would They subject the World to the Twisted Perversions They were so Heartily Fighting Against?


The point was The Sinful Sex Toys were now littering the ground for not just the Public to see, but since it was 3:00pm School was out. And with the combination of The Local Middle School being in the immediate area, and that the end of Route 22 (where the Shop was Located) turned from Commercial to Residential so there were also School Bus Stops near by. It was by far the Worst Strategy at the Wrong time and Place as an Anti-Porno Pro Christian Righteous Rally could have possibly occurred.

Lee got to His feet as fast as He could while bobbing and weaving through the enraged Mob to find some place anyplace where He could have a second to regroup. By the time Lee found shelter from the Porn Shop Shit Storm behind a tree (that was on the property line of the Porn Shop and the next Door Gas Station) He could hear the Police Sirens Screaming like Banshees in the back round.


Stay Tuned Kiddies for Tomorrow’s Insane Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober