Fast Human Industries

Welcome to a Tuesday post here at FYB featuring the cartoon FAST HUMAN INDUSTRIES By Obitus Creative Studios and Animated by Jack Dimaze.

It’s no secret that humans may be classified as omnivores, but humanity has a base primal desire to devour the flesh of dead animals to satisfy Humanity’s primordial blood lust. Humanity’s ravenous carnivorous desires has spawned the damnable practice of factory farming of the primary animals humans eat. The institutionalized animals are raised in endless rows of cramped cages in industrial sized warehouses with no fresh air or natural sunlight (they are subject to the same soul sucking florescent lights as say your average business office). The animals are then force fed a diet of artificial food, steroids, antibiotics, and god only knows what else.


Once the animals reach the size for human consumption they are liberated from their filthy over crowded  cages, and they are then transported to the dismal slaughterhouse to meet their untimely and unnatural demise. The abused animals that are shipped to the slaughterhouse are dispatched using barbaric techniques that  border on inhumane (and illegal).


Then their freshly killed carcasses are sent to the processing plant to be butchered, packaged, and shipped to your local grocery store. Apparently when Humanity evolved into the top predator in the fickle food chain is when Humans decided they could kill whatever they pleased with little to no justification on why or how (the only taboo being ironically is cannibalism).

PLOT: Humanity have become the fast food for a monstrous alien master race, and gone from predator to prey. Humans are raised and treated exactly the same as factory farmed animals we raise and slaughter on a massive daily basis for human consumption. What sets FAST HUMAN INDUSTRIES apart from other morality tales on the subject of industrial factory farming animals is the Ending which you think you will see coming only to have to hits you like a fucking ton of bricks.

Until We Meet Again,

   Otto Rageous