Intelectual Idiots

Alright I need to vent a little here because of Twitter’s Hypocrisy and Double fucking Standards.

Have You ever been at a Party where there inevitably is some Friend of a Friend (or some Asshole’s Acquaintance) who thinks They’re the Smartest Person at the Party, and feel the need to somehow prove it to Everyone else there?!

Now if a Person is just plain Dumb thats fine because its fixable. All the Person has to do is Educate Themselves More. If a Person is in fact Stupid then They are just Screwed because You can’t do dick with Stupid.


The Intellectual Idiot is the Asshole at home who googles Medical Conditions and Treatments on Web MD or some shit like it, and then thinks They’re now some how smarter than an actual fucking Doctor.

I fucking hate those type of People.

Now Couple People I follow on Twitter unfortunately follow a few Prime Examples of the “I’m a Intellectual and That Makes Me Smarter than Everyone I know or Meet” Mentality. This is fine if They want to follow these 2 Jackbags that’s Their right, BUT They also Retweet some of The Wannabe Intellectual’s Tweets.

I won’t use EITHER ASSHOLE’S Twitter Handle because I don’t want to give them any added attention, and I don’t need any bullshit from Them if Our Paths Cross, and They continue to dislike what I write about Them in Particular.

I can still in spite of the above simply address Them as Mr. or Mrs. Asshole since luckily for Me because I have a Intellectual Asshole of Each Sex (and Yes Women can be Assholes its 2019 catch up Asshole)

Anyway back to the point.

Mr. Asshole was in his own right was a pioneer, Leader, Successful Business Owner,and Political Activist. Thats why is a damn shame He’s become nothing but a bitter, and shitty second rate version of His former self apparently. In all honesty I think He just burned Himself the fuck out, ran Too Hard for Too Long until it all fell apart so to speak.

Nowadays Mr. Asshole spends a great deal of time Tweeting about His Country’s Government, its Laws, and Policies. He bitches constantly and whines about things not being fair/not good enough, BUT IF THE GOVERNMENT HAD CONSULTED HIM everything would be hunky fucking dory.


See This Intellectual Idiot ( AKA Mr. Asshole) looks down on the His Government, and assumes He knows better than any of Them how to run the entire fucking country. He has never Run for Office, Held a Public  Office, or has any Educational back round what so fucking ever in Politics.

Mr. Asshole in REALITY knows as much as any average person who’s versed Themselves on the Current Events, and the Daily Situations(s) going on in the News/Media/Social Media .

Mr. Asshole picks a relevant topic BUT, the Feeble Fodder in Mr. Asshole’s Tweets are in NO WAY FACT. Its all  JUST HIS OPINION.


This is a Classic Trick Wannabe Intellectuals use to confuse People into thinking They’re actually smarter than They really are.

As for Mrs. Asshole She is FAR, FAR WORSE than Mr. Asshole.

Mr. Asshole thinks He’s vastly more Educated than He actually is while Mrs. Asshole fancies Herself more of a Philosophical and Sociological Intellectual.

Mrs. Asshole wants the World to know  She’s a (self proclaimed)  Deep Thinker of Profound Thoughts a Intellectual that makes Regular People think if you will.

She waxes endlessly about Social Issues like Race and Sex for example, and adds Her irrelevant Opinion. She recently Tweeted some bullshit like

“Humanity should abolish Heterosexuality.”

You want to know how She came up with that Gem of Wisdom? The Asshole was smoking fucking Weed, got High as Hell, and Thought to Herself  Whoooooa…. What if like EVERYONE ON EARTH WAS GAY?!? Then She Elevated the Wording, and BAM now She considers Herself a Modern Day fucking Philosopher like the fucking Plato of Millennials.

Mrs. Asshole has to get Her shit together and get over Herself. You see 75-80 % of the inane babble She posts is just regurgitated cliches sometimes with a Twist or Spin thrown in.

The point is if you try and DEBAT the subject of one of Her nitwit Tweets She can’t back up Her Point/View/Opinion/Argument.

This is due to the fact SHE DOESN’T ACTUALLY KNOW A DAMN THING, She just says shit She THINKS makes Her sound oh so very smart, but has NO REAL understanding or knowledge of the subject matter at hand.

My point is Remember Kiddies Socrates was Declared the Smartest Man on Earth by The Oracle of Delphi BECAUSE HE ADMITTED HE KNEW NOTHING.

Thanks for Reading,

   By Les Sober

Sigmund Frued & The Oedipus Complex: An Exercise in Clarification

Now it safe to assume that if your reading this you know 1) Who Sigmund Freud is, 2) Who Oedipus was and his whole back story. See that the point of my post right fucking there, yet I will explain.

Everyone knows basically that Sigmund Freud was one of the world’s most brilliant Phycologist and is considered the Father of Phycology. That is very much true, but as time as tough us once Historians dig into the past of the World’s Most Important People they find that Person’s Skeletons hidden away in the closet. Once those Skeletons are discovered We are quickly reminded that these Exceptional People were in fact still very much Human, and so we find out what assholes they really were.

Now as we take a tad bit more in-depth look at Siggy most people also know he was rather obsessed with Sex and Human Sexuality which makes him sound like a Dirty Old Man or Basic Pervert. What few people know is Siggy not only prescribed Cocaine to his Patients he also indulged frequently. I believe once Siggy was on/doing Cocaine it obviously affected him personally as well as professionally. One then could ask at what point did Siggy go from Brilliant Psychiatrist to your run of the mill Cokehead?! Anyway when Siggy was extremely interested in Sex/Human Sexuality he came up with a Theory that he called “The Oedipus Complex”based on Ancient Greek Mythology. Simply stated the “Oedipus Complex” says EVER MALE on the Planet secretly desired to KILL HIS FATHER & BANG HIS MOM. Not very pleasant I grant you.

MY 1st POINT: When someone hears this they get these grimy, scummy and sleazy thought of Men they know sitting at the dinner table with his parents eating in silence while secretly thinking about how he can Murder is Dad and Hook Up with his Mom. Its a Incest Horror Show that would make Shakespeare Jealous.


The General Public DON’T KNOW OEDIPUS’S BACKSTORY and IF they did they wouldn’t think twice about it because the Historical Truth dispels one’s 3rd hand thoughts on the subject. Since I find this the crux of the matter here is the Story of Oedipus the  Cliff Note Version.

It was Ancient Grease and the current King of Thebes Laius was freaked the fuck out because an Oracle (a mystic with a direct like to the knowledge of the God’s) had just informed him his unborn Son would Kill Him. So when his wife Jocasta gave birth to a boy Laius ordered it be taken out into the Wild and left there to Die of Exposure.

That plan was foiled when a local shepherd took pity on the baby when he came across it and raised Oedipus as his own Son. Oedipus grew up to be a fine young Ancient Greek Man. Now this is where the story becomes Twist City.

One day while traveling to Thebes Oedipus came head to head with a Wagon traveling in the opposite direction. The issue was the road was very narrow so one wagon would have to yield, and pull over to the side of the road to allow the other wagon to pass. Neither Oedipus nor the Other Man would yield to the other. After arguing and being well provoked by the Other Man’s Insults Oedipus got violent and ended up Murdering the Other Man. The Other Man unbeknownst to Oedipus (Who was exiled to die in the woods as an infant had no idea who his actual birth parents were or that he was a prince and the Air To The Throne of Thebes.) was in fact Laius his birth Father.

Oedipus continued on his journey to the Kingdom of Thebes. Once Oedipus arrived at Thebes he found it plagued by a Sphinx who asked every passerby a riddle. If the person could not answer the Sphinx’s riddle they were gruesomely killed upon the spot.

Oedipus was smarter than your average Bear and was able to answer the Sphinx’s riddle and ironically the Sphinx killed Herself. For killing the damnable Sphinx Oedipus was rewarded by the Citizens of Thebes with the Throne of Thebes and with it the hand of their recently Widowed Queen Jocasta (Oedipus’s birth Mother) Here it is important to remember once again Oedipus never knew his parents since his Father attempted to murder him as an infant, and thus Oedipus’s parents had no idea who he was either)  Oedipus and Jocasta had a total of 4 children together.

But Inevitably The Truth would come to light and when it did Jocasta immediately committed suicide. What happened to Oedipus is highly debated. One version of the story states that after his mother/wife committed suicide he remained as ruler of Thebes until his death. The second version states that after Jocasta committed suicide Oedipus gouged out his own eyes and Advocated the Throne to his brother-in-law Creon. Oedipus then Exiled himself accompanied by  two of his children, his son Antigone and Ismeme. In this version it says Oedipus died at Colonus near Athens where apparently was swallowed up by the Earth, and became a Guardian Hero of The Land.

BOTTOM LINE: Oedipus had no idea who his parents were (nor they him) so OEDIPUS’S ACTIONS WEREN’T INTENTIONAL, a key fact missing from good old Siggy’s “Oedipus Complex” Theory. Proof agin a small difference can greatly affect the story.

Thanks For The read,


Les Sober  



Socrates, The Oracle of Delphi and a Stranger Named Phil

One cool fall night in ancient Greece Socrates was sitting in the kitchen of his new luxury condo sipping wine. Socrates was thinking to himself how egotistical Pluto had become since they named a planet after him when a unknown peasant came barreling through his front door. The peasant was in the middle of a righteous panic attack without his Xanax so Socrates helped the peasant calm down using philosophical controlled breathing techniques. Once the man had regained his composure Socrates asked him what the hell barging into his home was all about.

Socrates: Whats your name bud and how can I help you this lovely evening in ancient Greece?

Peasant: My name is Phil and I implore you PLEASE HELP ME! I don’t know SHOULD I SHIT OR GO BLIND?!

Socrates: What seems to be the issue at hand Phil my man???

Peasant: I have a question, the most vitally important question, I can’t   afford to be wrong! I went to the Oracle of Delphi to find out who the smartest man in the WORLD is and she said it was you Socrates.

Socrates: I’m a bit confused as to why the Oracle told you it was me, but being a philosopher I’m pretty laid back. So heres whats gonna go down Phil. First I going to whip up a pot of chamomile Tea and then I’m going to go see what is the Oracle’s major malfunction . Phil my friend while I’m away you can just hangout and chill here at my condo. The WiFi is shit since it hasn’t been invented yet BUT my High Def television is insane so check out the olympics and shit.

Phil thanked Socrates for his time and attention in this matter as well as his kick ass hospitality. Socrates then put the ankle express in action and headed off to converse with the Oracle about what in the name of Zeus what was going on. It took Socrates quite a long while to reach the Oracle’s Studio apartment located at the top of a mountain, and the subway  was closed due to being flooded by the underlying river Styx. Finally Socrates made it and politely knocked on the Oracle’s door because unlike Phil the peasant he had manners.

Oracle: Come on in its open, just take a seat on the couch and I’ll be right with you as soon as I’m done this conference call with the Gods!

Socrates: Z’up Oracle its just me Socrates.

Oracle: Socrates good to see you as Leonardo da Vinci hasn’t invented social media yet. Tell me what can I do for you as I’m an Oracle with a direct line to the Gods.

Socrates: Well I was relaxing at home a few days ago when this crazed guy named Phil came crashing through  my door babbling incessantly about having a HUGE problem, and I’m the smartest man in the fucking world so I’m obligated to provide Phil with the answer. I mean I’m lost on this one.

Oracle: Oh hell yeah I remember Phil he was a anxious and fidgety fellow he was. Yeah he came to me to find out who the smartest man in the world was because Phil had an extremely important question. It was an easy answer to the question for me its you Socrates, your the smartest man in the world.

Socrates: WHAT THE FUCK! Oracle what the fuck is wrong with you man? Why you telling people I’m the smartest fucker in the world as we fucking know it here in ancient Greece?! Oracle no disrespect motherfucker but your WRONG, I’m NOT the smartest man in the world or any fucking where for that matter! I DON’T KNOW SHIT! I Socrates DON’T KNOW ANYTHING, ANYTHING AT ALL! I KNOW NADA! So why, why are you telling people that smartest man shit, I really don’t dig the idea of frantic people crashing through my front door! You know how much that shit would end up costing me? I don’t as I don’t have any idea how our ancient Greek monetary system works!

Oracle: Socrates take a deep breath and count to ten, and I’ll explain things for you. See Socrates the fact is by ADMITTING you KNOW NOTHING that makes you the smartest man in the entire world.

Theres a fucking twist for you. Think about it for a minute.