Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (60/365)

The Bus Load of Passengers Panicked, Anxious, Traumatized, and some what Bloody were running amok in the Parking Lot as The Police and EMTS tried to make sense of the Increasingly Chaotic Situation. The Cops were running around trying to find out what the fuck happened and if They had due cause to Arrest Anyone. For Their part the EMTs were also running around in a Blind Frenzy Assessing Injuries and Dealing with the General Pandemonium created by the Freaked Out Cast of Characters from the Bus.

It was the Preverbal Three Ring Shit Show as Drama Reigned Supreme as all sense of Order had been Abandoned as the Strip Mall. Lee and Dizzy agreed that They didn’t feel the need to be around Cops since They both shared an Equal amount of Distain and Contempt for The Boys in Blue. Also Dizzy had stated that They had far better things to do with Their Time than Spending the Remainder of the Afternoon Sobering Up in the Police Station’s Drunk Tank. So in Onslaught of Insanity that Ensued from the Bus Fiasco Lee and Dizzy made an Easy Exit (as Fast as They Possibly Could without calling Attention to Themselves). They turned the first Corner They came to and then the Next before taking a short cut through the Park to avoid being seen on the Street. Once They exited the Park on the Opposite side They figured at that Point They had successfully  made Their Getaway Unnoticed.


“Well Thank God We managed to avoided getting trapped in all that Craziness with the Cops there and all,” said Lee being Honestly Relieved at Not Being Detained, “What the fuck are We going to do Now?!”

“I’ll tell you this We need to Hit up a Liquor Store ASAP since all that Bullshit with the Bus seriously Killed My Buzz.Nothing Sobers You Up like when the Police Show the fuck Up” replied Dizzy rather Irritated.

“If We keep walking We’ll come across a Corner Liquor Store in No Time especially when We are headed into a Poorer Neighborhood. Not a Slum or Ghetto Mind You, but a Economically Depressed Neighborhood.” said Lee as He figured remaining Practical was the Best Strategy as Dizzy was Obviously Agitated.

“Yeah You got that Right,” signed Dizzy growing Weary of the Day’s Ordeals, “I don’t know about YouI need a Sincerely Strong Drink and a Big one at That. I can’t stand People and All the Stupid shit They do and the Cops fuck Cops.”


It occurred to Lee just then at that Moment that He was growing Tired of Dizzy’s company more by the Minute. First Off Dizzy was extremely emotionally volatile Who Feelings could change Drastically on a Dime. One Minute He was Witty, Sarcastic, and Easy Going without a single care in the World. Then Suddenly and without warning in the Middle of a Laugh He could become Pissed and Aggressive or Down right Deeply Depressed. There didn’t seem to be any Rhyme or Reason behind the Sudden Trading off of Emotions. It wasn’t all Bad mind You as Dizzy’s Unpredictability and Unorthodoxly Outlandish Behavior is what made Him Appealing as You never knew what to expect Next. Dizzy definitely kept Other People on Their Toes, and it was the Emotional Intensity provided the Sitting on the edge of Your Seat Feeling You got every time You were with Him. Although at the Same Time the Unpredictability Factor was too Draining even if He was in a Good Mood the Whole Time You hung out You still felt Exhausted just being around someone who’s Intensity can be Overwhelming to the Senses.

Lee thought to Himself as They Duo lazy strolled down the Sparsely Littered Street. Lee mulled over His relationship with Dizzy, and after a good bit of Deliberation He came a Conclusion. Lee Concluded that He had to Distance Himself from Dizzy for a Long While if They were to remain Friends. The Trick was Dizzy in Small Doses that way You could circumvent the Unpleasant Side Effects of Dizzy’s Intensity. Lee wasn’t upset with Dizzy it just seemed that aside from His Overpowering Personality Dizzy seemed to be a Magnet for Madness. Eccentrics of all Sorts The Mentally Unbalanced, The Damaged, The Defective Misfits and Outcast Naturally gravitated to Dizzy a Perfect Example being the Bus Scenario. Lee wanted a Break and Needed to Rid Himself of Dizzy even if again only temporarily.


Lee decided to to Temporarily Tune Out the World and Observe the Various types of Graffiti Plastered across Store Fronts, Lining the Walls of the Allies, and in less Traditional and more Random Places (such a Mailboxes or Public Garbage Cans for Example). The Contrast between the Eclectic Mix of Street Art as Lee liked to Refer to it as since Graffiti had a Negative Stigma attached to it. There were Basic Artist Tags scrawled Hastily in Passing to Full Sized Murals that Encompassed an Entire Side of a Building. Lee chalked up the Variations to the Artists Time (How Much Time Did They Have to Paint Their Piece), and of Course the Raw Talent of the Particular Artist. Graffiti Artists tended to be Self Taught since the Academics Don’t Teach Graffiti in Art School. Lee’s Train of Thought was quickly Derailed by Dizzy’s Shitty Demeanor.

“Can I borrow a couple buck for a Bottle?” Asked Dizzy Demandingly

“Wha Yeah Sure thing.” Lee answered a little caught off guard since he had been Day dreaming at the time.

Dizzy snatched the wadded up Bills from Lee’s hand like a Wild animal snatching Food from a Person’s Hand. This irritated the living shit out of Lee as He felt Dizzy was being a major dick since Lee was the one doing Him the Favor. Dizzy Barged into the Liquor Store like a Bull in a fucking China Shop Flinging the Door Open to the Point to Strained on it Hinges emitting a Sickly Squeaking Sound. Dizzy sorted up and down the Small Row of Isles whipping His he’d Back in Forth which reminded Lee of a Shark in a Feeding Frenzy. At Last Dizzy grabbed a Bottle of Winkler’s Whisky off the Shelf aggressively as if He was taking back some Stolen Property of His.


Dizzy proceeded to then March determinately up to the Store Counter and plained the Bottle down with a thud indicating His currently Abominable Attitude. The Lanky Store Clerk grimaced at Dizzy with a look of Disgust, and made a snide comment about how Dizzy didn’t need to be banging Bottles on His Counter. Dizzy totally disregarded the Clerk and Threw down the Handful of Crinkled Cash Unceremoniously onto the Counter as if making a point to the Clerk that He could be as Disagreeable as He fucking damn well Pleased. The Clerk picked up the Money and Started to unfold it as He counted it out, and after seeing the Money was Sufficient grumbled something about Dizzy Not Hurrying Back anytime soon. Dizzy Exited the Liquor Store in the Same Fashion as HE had Entered in another subtle fuck you to the Clerk.

Stay Tuned for the Next Life Confirming Installment of………


Thanks For Reading,

  By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (55/365)

The Bus Pulled up and came to an Abrupt Stop the Breaks Screeching like a Robotic Banshee, and the Smell of Exhaust was Overwhelming. Slowly and Uniformly Lee, Dizzy, and the Few Others at the Bus Stop got to They’re feet and shuffled Their Feet as They made They’re was towards Front Door of the Bus. As They approached everyone awkwardly funneled Themselves into a Single File line in order to Board the Bus. Dizzy went ahead of Lee and pumped a hefty handful of Change into Bus’s Ticket Toll Machine before making His way into the Belly of The Beast. Lee followed closely as He still had no Earthly Idea what the fuck to Expect.

Dizzy was Shuffling Heal-Toe down the Center Isle of the Bus like an Decrepit Old Man. Dizzy was doing so to Help insure His Stability as the Alcohol was beinging to Overwhelm His Motor Functions a Alcohol apt to do. Finally to Lee’s relief Dizzy Stumbled and Lurched Forward half falling into a Seat Somewhere around the Middle of the Bus. Dizzy dropped into the Seat only to Pop back up immediately like a Cracked Out Jack-In-The-Box bullshit staring at Lee His eyes Glassy and Bloodshot.

“Hold Up a Second I should take the Isle seat just to be Safe,” said Dizzy Pausing Briefly to collect his Muddled Thoughts, “You never can tell with this kind of shit so best We be prepared for anything and fucking Everything.”


“Safety First.” replied Lee having not a clue what the fuck Dizzy was going on About and Wrote it off to Dizzy’s State of Drunkenness. All Lee wanted at this point was for this fucking Bus ride to be Over as fast as fucking possible, and to be relaxing in the Corner of the Crystal Diner with a Beer and a Burger. Lee didn’t think that was to much to ask considering how this Day had Started. Lee squeezed past Dizzy who did nothing to get out of Lee’s way and Plopped Down in the Window Seat.

The Bus motor Groaned and Growled as the Bus pulled away from the Curb and started down the Street. Lee sat for a while Sipping His Beer and Staring out the Bus Window at the Epidemic of Urban Sprawl that was constantly spreading outward devouring everything in its Path. Soon Lee though the Entire Land will be Swallowed by The Sprawl until all would be were Strip Malls, Massive Apartment (or Worse Condo) Complexes, Big Box Stores, Expansive Parking Lots, 6 Lane Roads, Trendy Grocery Stores,  and Generic Family Restaurants and the Like. The Quiet Small Towns would be Destroyed by Asphalt Avalanches, Cascades of Concrete, and Saturated with Cement. Buildings Begetting Building Begetting Buildings in an Endless Capitalist Assembly Line from Horizon to Horizon as Far as the Eye can see in All Directions. It was fucking Revolting to Lee who felt seriously sickened by The Non Stop Demands of Humanity that were Laying waste to a Far Simpler and More Pleasant Time. It was Simply Society Recycling Itself.

Lee found looking out the Window was starting to fuck up the Solid Beer Buzz He had going on. Lee screwed the Cap back onto His 40 oz. and desperately began to peer around the Bus gaiting a Lay of the Land as it were. The Bus wasn’t packed but there was a Fare Number of People riding the Bus none the Less. Lee first spotted a Young Generic Looking Business Man sitting a few rows in front of Him on the opposite side of the Bus. The Young Businessman Sat Rigidly the Perfect Picture of Posture which gave of an Anxious Vibe.


The Businessman Looked to be in His Late Twenties to Early Thirties and was wearing a nondescript Slate Gray Suit, White Dress Shirt, Plain Dark Red Tie, and a Decent Pair of Dress Shoes. Everything about the Businessman was Immaculate, His suit was an exact fit without a Wrinkle or stray piece of Lint or Animal Hair on it. His Shoes were in Excellent condition and were so Polished They could have passed for New, But Lee had seen the Soles of the Man’s Shoes which were Worn from a good bit of Walking. The Man Sat with a Brown Leather Looking Brief Case laying across His lap with His Hands Folded politely on Top of it. The Man had Short Black Hair that He had Slicked straight Back using a fare amount Product which mad Him look like a Wall Street Stock Broker from the 1980’s. Lee couldn’t Help but Notice that though the Businessman Sat a still as a fucking statue His eyes were Frantically Dart around the Bus as if We was keeping Tabs on Every Other Passenger, and He was beginning to Sweat Slightly while He sat Utterly Still in Silance.

Lee turned to face Dizzy who was staring to the point of Glaring at Something or Someone while taking long drawls off of His 40 like a Psychopath which was fitting considering they were on the Bus. Lee followed suit, uncapped His Beer, took several Prolonged Sips, and as He went to put the cap back on His Beer He Dropped it by Accident. Lee sat Forward as He went to Retrieve His lost Cap from where it Fell Dizzy grabbed His arm forcefully.


“DO NOT PICK THAT UP. The Cap touched the Bus Floor and there’s NO fucking 5 second anything on a Bus so That Cap is Contaminated as a $2 Crackwhore on Payday,” Snarled Dizzy not taking His Eyes off of whatever He was looking at, “Besides there’s no Antibiotics or anything else that could combat the Toxic Crap found on Bus floors, I mean Really their Pissed on, Puked On, Bled On, Spit On, Jizzed, and Shellacked in Shit for starters.  Not to mention all the fucking Filth and Goddamn Grime that People track the fuck on the Bus via Their shitty Shoes. You want to Die, pick up that cap and Use it if Not leave the fucking thing were it lies.”

“Alright I’ll leave it obviously.” replied Lee annoyed at Dizzy’s perceived Over reaction to the Situation. Lee Sat back in His Seat and Signed before deciding to see what if anything the Young Businessman was up too. Lee Looked up just in time to See the Young Businessman slyly slip His right hand under his Briefcase, pull out a Syringe filled with a Very Dark Drown Fluid, Tilt His head to One Side, Vigorously rub His Neck, and Inject the Contents of the Syringe Via His Jugular Vein. Shocked as Shit Lee smacked Dizzy to get His Attention since Lee couldn’t fathom what the fuck He had just witnessed.


STAY TUNED for the Next Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober (12:26am)

Intoxication or Insanity a Text Conversation with SpaceDog & Les Sober


LS: Ever feel the urge to ask a woman if her husband “wants to fuck her in the ass as the norm or REALLY into Pegging because he’s obviously gay and isn’t fooling anyone but you.

SD: What like a random ass woman? Like the cashier at ShopWrong I should just go up to and ask that? IDK I convinced some straight guy to finger himself once while rolling, but didn’t think he was all that gay. Sadly for me he did it in the bathroom and was not into exhibitionism.Idk don’t some straight guys prefer the ass? Isn’t that the preferred hole for all those evangelicals you got down there? Gotta save myself for jesus.

LS: Random or not. Lmfao Thats what Molly gets you fingering your own ass. The anti drug whores should put that in their Ads. Then what was the point? All bathroom, no exhibition?!Straight guy ass play is based on basic on a biological fact meets homophobia. The fact remains stimulating the prostate will make you cum hard.

SD: Idk I’m no Zac Efron I can’t get the whole world to get naked for me.

LS: Zac Efron can do that?

SD: Idk I’m just randomly throwing out a random guy on my top 10 list. I’m in a caffeine induced rage right now. The point of which to get so restless with everything I’m currently doing to be blown to smithereens.

LS: TOP 10 Casey Kasem. Oh shit that’s the top 40 Lmao. RIP HUGH HEFNER, RIP TOM PETTY, RIP CHUCK WOOLERY.

SD: Whose the last one the game show host?

LS: Yep game show guy way old school shit 70’s.

SD: I forget who was doing the top 40 now it was someone I thought you would find amusing. It wasn’t Ryan Seacrest it was a former celeb more along the lines of Screech. Bob Barker is the last of the game show glory days era and I guess you can count Betty White too, I remember seeing her a lot of reruns of shit.

LS: I heard Ryan Seacrest is producing high end fetish porno. Screech does gay porn he’s  the power bottom geek chic. God Bless Betty Fucking White!!

SD: He seems the type that would have a super hairy asshole riddled with dingleberries.  Also on a completely unrelated note if you don’t hear from me in a timely manner I’m likely dead. I just had a pork roll sandwich stuffed with bacon and mayo.

LS: 1970’s hairy buttcrack bush. Lmfao that sounds absolutely delicious. I think female ejaculation is a bullshit reason to piss on someone. Squirt in the dirt really.

SD: Is that what Wifey tells ya?

LS: Own observations, people watching is a hobby of mine. Sociology always interested me and shitty shit shit.

SD: Is it me or is there seriously like another 100 emojis more overtime my phone updates?!

LS: Its not you its true. Emojis are trending harder than a priests cock during Sunday  School, no emoji for that yet.

SD: I love people watching. But only wild people in their natural habitat like bars. In the wild I more enjoy watching wild animals.

LS: WTF is up with ball bag bleaching??! Bars are prime people watching spots for sure.

SD: I never heard of that. I’m surprised they don’t have carbon dioxide shots in your dick if you want it more pink and aryan. Kinda like how they inject beef with that whizz.

LS: 3rd Reich Erection. Ground Beef Injections?!

SD: I would get my anal bleaching, but no one has ever ate my ass and said you have a pitch black asshole or nothing.

LS: I heard saline solution administered to the scrotum for fetish purposes.

SD: That sounds like dick torture.

LS: Actual asshole racist! LMFAO! I heard of using snake poison extraction suction cups to enlarge nipples.

SD: Some guys have multi colored dicks. I heard of mayo for that, nipple enlargement.

LS: Great name! Knock Knock. Who’s there? DETECTIVE DICK TORTURE SUCKER.


SD: It was on love phones though and it was like dr. Ruth it was some bitch calling in.

LS: I seen multi colored dicks in porn over the years and what the fuck is up with that shit?!

SD: My sister and I used to listen to that to learn about sex cuz its not like we were taught much in school.

LS: Alopecia of the Penis???

SD: Idk this Italian kid was friends with it was like half brown and half albino LOL.

LS: School was “Don’t touch each others crotches or you’ll get pregnant and contract every STD known to man.” How does that combo work exactly? Brown Vs. Albino in the War of the Weiner?!

Sd: Idk I didn’t sample the products just seen at nude beach. I was very proud of my body and blood of CHrist with a penis and xmas tree earlier.

LS: LMFAO! Brilliant!

SD: I think I’m gonna make a Twitter that uses only emojis if I get so bored after my game time runs out.

LS: I’m going to save this shit and consider posting it tomorrow. Not a shabby idea with time run out.

SD: No problem with me. As long as I don’t have to eat them mango hoagies I’m fresh.

LS: WAWA of the Damned, Hell’s Hoagies, Satan’s Sandwich, Demonic Deli Delights, Night of the Living Dead WAWA, Texas Chainsaw WAWA!!!!

SD: I’m gonna make a hoagie with prune spread for my enemies. Accept I’m gonna forget to buy the prunes and just spread my baker chocolate shit on them.

LS: Shit Sandwich! Enemies EAT SHIT! Rectal Revenge! Anal Apocalypse! Sphincter Slaughterama! Reconstructed Asshole 8?! It is what it is.

SD: The All Anal shopping network specializing in dildoes, laxatives, and small rodents.

LS: So if your a cannibal being told to eat a dick isn’t a bad thing? ASN Channel 976.


This post is indicative of f-yourblog switching its format. We are going to be ourselves without pulling punches, biting tongues, beating around the bush or sugar coating shit.

We are by nature Obscene, Insane, offensive, insulting, Brutally Honest, In your face and up your ass, but most of all We don’t care about rules, limitations, regulations or codes of conduct, We embrace Anarchy not Assholes.

Thanks for The Read and Hope You Have the Balls To Come back.

Les Sober

Befuddled By The Bartender

Last night I went to my favorite dive bar which is a dark, smoke filled,tiny hole in the wall filled with all kinds of characters. This makes it my favorite place not only to drink with friends but to people watch as well. The bartender working last night is far from my favorite because she is too fucking odd to live (so you never know wtf your walking into) so best to stay off the radar as they say. Last night she was aggravated because for once it was almost a busy night. The first bizarre interaction was when I went up to the bar to get another beer at which point the bartender said and I quote “You drink too fast.” First off I wasn’t drinking any sort of cocktail as I said I was drinking bottled beer so all the bartender had to do was reach in a cooler, grab a beer, open it and serve it (how fucking easy is that?!) Also I couldn’t help thinking well if I drink fast then I drink a good bit before I leave and I tip putting money in the bartenders pocket. Let me take a second to explain the tip deal. This dive bar is also a private club were the patrons pay annul dues of a whole whopping $20 (sarcasm abounds) thusly they believe that they’re absolved from tipping ever. I’ve frequented this bar for 7 plus years and only saw 2 other people in all that time actually tip and they were newbies.

Fast forward a few hours during which time the people who had to work the next day leave followed by the elderly patrons and then by the heavy drinkers/alcoholics leaving only a handful of lingering local barflies. Now at this point in the evening I had switched from beer to Rum&Coke of which I drank 3 before ordering my final drink of the evening (which is a double Rum&Coke) and this led to an even more absurd interaction between the bartender and myself. I went ahead and ordered my double Rum&Coke. What happen next I don’t understand at all as not only do I tip but I wasn’t bitching about her drinks being weak nor in anyway talking shit to the bartender (i.e. giving her a hard time) With that said the bartender walks over to the bar, grabs a 8oz glass and proceeded to leisurely pour 7oz of rum into the glass and then stopped. She then turns her head to look at me and asked angrily “Is this OK?!” as if we were having some sort of altercation and now I’m stuck with a pissed off belligerent bartender. The bartender then tops of the glass with a slash of coke, walks it over to where I was sitting at the bar and again gets in my face like we’re involved in a non existent disagreement. This time she places the drink in front of me then leans over the bar and asks me snidely “Does THAT make you happy?” and I simply said “Yes” and that was that.