Shaye Saint John – Happy Presidents Day

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring Shaye Saint John – HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY. Shaye Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, and the Official Shaye Saint John Channel Quit Uploading Content in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Who is Miss Shaye St. John? :

The Character Shaye St. John is Described as a “Model”, and is Shown in Videos Wearing a Plastic Mask, a Series of Wigs and Dresses, and Manipulating a Pair of Wooden Hands Attached to Sticks, and the Character’s Legs are in Fact Mannequin Legs as Well. Tragically Saint John was Hit By a Train which Resulted in the Loss of Her Arms and Legs (as Well as Horribly Disfiguring Her Face). Instead of Using the Traditional Prosthetics, She Added Mannequin Parts to Her Face and Added the Wooden Hands so No One could See Her Severely Damaged and Deformed Hands. Saint John Wears a Series of Different Masks throughout Her Videos, Supposedly because She Doesn’t want the World to See What She Actually looks Like.  Creator Eric Fournier Explained “It’s Really Bad, that’s Why She wears the Mask.”


It had been quite a long fucking Long Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel, and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans. In addition to This We have been made Aware that a Couple of Previous Shaye Saint John Video’s have been Blocked or Taken Down by Other People/Groups so YouTube is Not Alone Here. What the fuck is with All These Selfish Assholes  Shitting all Over an Incredibly Creative Artist Eric Fournier Content Legacy by Removing His Content/Art. What are They So Afraid Of What the fuck do They think will Happen if They just Leave shit be?!

The Bottomline here is SO FUCKING WHAT if the Shaye Saint John Creator Eric Fournier Died? We’re Not trying to be fucking Dicks about it, but Yeah We all end Up Worm Food or Ashes in an Urn so fucking What of It?! We fail to see ANY fucking Point/Reason for Youtube to Take Down Fournier’s Videos or for Youtube to  just Straight Up Delete the Entire fucking Channel! There was a Small fucking Library of Content with a Substantial Viewership, and Again so what if the Content Creator Died?! Why should that be a Reason for Youtube to Shit on and Delete Fournier’s Legacy?!!

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the One, The Only, The Really fucking Odd Miss Shaye Saint John in STARBOARD. Shaye Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, and the Official Shaye Saint John Channel Quit Uploading Content in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Who is Miss Shaye St. John? :

The Character Shaye St. John is Described as a “Model”, and is Shown in Videos Wearing a Plastic Mask, a Series of Wigs and Dresses, and Manipulating a Pair of Wooden Hands Attached to Sticks, and the Character’s Legs are in Fact Mannequin Legs as Well. Tragically Saint John was Hit By a Train which Resulted in the Loss of Her Arms and Legs (as Well as Horribly Disfiguring Her Face). Instead of Using the Traditional Prosthetics, She Added Mannequin Parts to Her Face and Added the Wooden Hands so No One could See Her Severely Damaged and Deformed Hands. Saint John Wears a Series of Different Masks throughout Her Videos, Supposedly because She Doesn’t want the World to See What She Actually looks Like.  Creator Eric Fournier Explained “It’s Really Bad, that’s Why She wears the Mask.”


It had been quite a long fucking Long Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans.

The Bottomline here is SO FUCKING WHAT if the Shaye Saint John Creator Eric Fournier Died? We’re Not trying to be fucking Dicks about it, but Yeah We all end Up Worm Food or Ashes in an Urn so fucking What of It?! We fail to see ANY fucking Point/Reason for Youtube to Take Down Fournier’s Videos or for Youtube to  just Straight Up Delete the Entire fucking Channel! There was a Small fucking Library of Content with a Substantial Viewership, and Again so what if the Content Creator Died?! Why should that be a Reason for Youtube to Shit on and Delete Fournier’s Legacy?!!


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Todays FYB Post featuring TRIP #1 HOLLYWOOD by Shaye Saint John. Shaye Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, But the Official Channel was Discontinued and Cancelled in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Relevant Note Pertaining to Shaye Saint John:

It had been quite a long fucking Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans.

We came Across Another Big Fan who was Able to Shed some Light on the Subject as it were. Apparently Youtube is doing Some fucking Weird ass Thing where instead of just Straight Up Deleting the Videos in Question.  They have Opted to Slowly Dismantle it Until in the End there is No Content Left on the Channel at which Point We assume Youtube will Delete it at Last. This Strategy as Far as We are Concerned makes No Sense What so fucking Ever because What the fuck Does Youtube think the Fans/Viewers Simply Won’t Notice the Slow but Steady Deletion of Content/Videos?! And what the fuck is the Point if All Youtube is Going to do Ultimately is Shut the Channel the fuck Down Anyways so Why Not just Pull the fucking Trigger and be Done with it?!

Then Again as Youtube as Evolved Over the Many Years it has Only become More and More difficult for Content Creators, but it has become Equally Frustrating for the Users of the Platform. There is No fucking Rhyme or Reason anymore since YouTube Doesn’t even Bother Bullshitting Users with Lame fucking Excuses. At this fucking Rate Youtube is going to fucking Implode in the Future Under the Weight of its Own Growing Nonsensical Fuckery.

The Bottomline here is SO FUCKING WHAT if the Shaye Saint John Creator Eric Fournier Died? Not trying to be fucking dicks about it, but Yeah We all end Up Worm Food or a Pile of Ashes in an Urn so fucking what of it?! We fail to see ANY fucking Point or Reason for Youtube to take down Fournier’s Videos or for Youtube to  just Straight Up Delete the Entire fucking Channel! There was a Small fucking Library of Content with a Substantial Viewership, and Again so what if the Content Creator Died?! Why should that be a Reason for Youtube to Shit on and Delete Fournier’s Legacy?!!

What fucking Harm is there in Keeping a Successful Channel Up for the Viewers New and Old to Watch and Enjoy the Content?! Not to Mention YouTube Gains Both Money and Users/Viewers BECAUSE of Kick Ass Content Creator’s with Kick ass Content in the First fucking Place. Remember if No One Uploaded Videos there Wouldn’t be a fucking YouTube Period. Thus We ask once Again Why is Youtube being Disrespectful and fucking Ungrateful for the FREE fucking Content that makes Them a Shit Load of Money and Boosts Popularity of the Platform. Simply FUCK YOUTUBE it’s No Longer a Viable Platform its a Bullshit Profit Driven Business that Doesn’t Support Content Creators at All Anymore Choosing Profit over People.

Shaye Saint John’s TRIP #1 HOLLYWOOD Video Deviation:

What We Particularly like about this Particular Shaye Saint John Video is it isn’t a Staged Skit in Some House or fucking Apartment. The Audience is Not what One would call a “Willing Audience” Opting to Watch a Shaye Saint John Video on Youtube. Instead in this Case They are Subjected to the Manic Absurdity of the Shaye Saint John Character as She Runs Rampant in the Real World. In this Video Shaye is Wheeled around the Streets of Hollywood by Some Random Guy Who would Blend into a Crowd (Point Being He’s a Generic Looking Average Joe Type).  There is Also  an Alternate Fellow Dressed as a Medical Doctor who also Ushers Shaye around in a Wheel Chair as Shaye has Frantic, Frenzied, and Hyper Reactions to the World Around Her. Needless to Say 95% of the Public were More Confused than Anything Else at the Sight and Behavior of Shaye though All in All the Situation was Well Received. Some of the things Shaye Poses for a Couple Pictures with People, Stops to Chat to a Spiderman Street Performer, Makes a Phone call on a fucking Pay Phone, Massages Her Legs while Sitting on the Sidewalk Singing a Song about fucking Tacos, Fawns Over the Assorted Photos of the Talent Posted in aTheater Window, Interacts with the Public, Almost Gets Sick (Vomit) on Hollywood Boulevard, and Narrowly Avoids being Murdered.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MISS SHAYE SAINT JOHN – TRIGGER 28 MY MOUSY Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, But the Official Channel was Discontinued and Cancelled in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Relevant Note Pertaining to Shaye Saint John:

It had been quite a long fucking Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans.

We came Across Another Big Fan who was Able to Shed some Light on the Subject as it were. Apparently Youtube is doing Some fucking Weird ass Thing where instead of just Straight Up Deleting it They have Opted to Slowly Dismantle it Until in the End there is No Content Left on the Channel (at which Point We assume Youtube will Delete it at Last. This Strategy as Far as We are Concerned makes No Sense What so fucking Ever because What the fuck Does Youtube think the Fans/Viewers Simply Won’t Notice the Slow but Steady Deletion of Content/Videos?! And what the fuck is the Point if All Youtube is Going to do Ultimately is Shut the Channel the fuck Down Anyways so Why Not just Pull the fucking Trigger and be Done with it?!

Then Again as Youtube as Evolved Over the Many Years it has Only become More and More Difficult for Content Creators, but it has become Equally Frustrating for the Users of the Platform. There is No fucking Rhyme or Reason anymore since YouTube Doesn’t even Bothering Bullshitting Users with Lame fucking Excuses. At this fucking Rate Youtube is going to fucking Implode in the Future Under the Weight of its Own Growing Nonsensical Fuckery.


Who is Miss Shaye St. John? :

The Character Shaye St. John is Described as a “Model”, and is Shown in Videos Wearing a Plastic Mask, a Series of Wigs and Dresses, and Manipulating a Pair of Wooden Hands Attached to Sticks, and the Character’s Legs are in Fact Mannequin Legs as Well. Tragically Saint John was Hit By a Train which Resulted in the Loss of Her Arms and Legs (as Well as Horribly Disfiguring Her Face). Instead of Using the Traditional Prosthetics, She Added Mannequin Parts to Her Face and Added the Wooden Hands so No One could See Her Severely Damaged and Deformed Hands. Saint John Wears a Series of Different Masks throughout Her Videos, Supposedly because She Doesn’t want the World to See What She Actually looks Like.  Creator Eric Fournier Explained “It’s Really Bad, that’s Why She wears the Mask.”

Description (Written by Share Saint James Herself):



It is what it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

The Insanity That Is Alantutorial Installment #3

Welcome to Rare Sunday here at FYB featuring the Third of Four Sets of 16 Videos in the Alantutorial Web Series by by American Comedian Visual Artist, and Film Maker Alan Resnick Who plays a Fictional Version of Himself in the Series. Alantutorial a tutorial based Youtube Channel that follows tutorial videos of a Mild Mannered Adult Man Named Alan. However We can tell there is Something Not Quite Right with Alan and His Mental State begins to go from Bad to Worse. The Viewer can see Alan’s Sanity Slipping Farther and Farther Away.  Alan’s Tutorial Videos start to become increasingly more Disturbing with every Passing Day and Every New Video.

Alan Tutorials are Nothing Less than Absurd, and aren’t Practical for Anything. The Production Value is utterly Shitty with Wobbly Camera, Total Lack of any sort of Editing, and Half the Time Alan doesn’t seems to even grasp the concept of His own Subject Matter.

Aforementioned Pertinent Videos:

  • Video #3: “reveal slats of wood and dust a bed part 2” This is the Video which may Provide the Reason Alan get’s Locked Out of His Room and Ends Up Homeless and Living in the Woods.
  • Video #4: “Locked out of room tutorial (what to do)” This is a Major Turning Point in the Series as from this Video Forward Alan starts Slipping into Insanity and Squaller.
  • Video #7: “
  • Video #9: “How to do Spanish hair braids” Features the Infamous/Ominous Blue Chair.
  • Video #10: “DIY weatherize a hole Tutorial”
  • Video #11: “disk tutorial” This is Yet Another Pivotal Turning Point in the Series as Alan has been Abducted and Thrown in the back of a Delivery Truck covered in Blood.


















Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Insanity That Is AlanTutorial

Welcome to this Monday’s FYB Post where We’re going to do Something Different than the Past Several Mondays. Today’s Post features and Pertains to Alantutorial a tutorial based Youtube Channel that follows tutorial videos of a Mild Mannered Adult Man Named Alan. However We can tell there is Something Not Quite Right with Alan and His Mental State begins to go from Bad to Worse. The Viewer can see Alan’s Sanity Slipping Farther and Farther Away.  Alan’s Tutorial Videos start to become increasingly more Disturbing with every Passing Day and Every New Video.


Alan Tutorials are Nothing Less than Absurd, and aren’t Practical for Anything. The Production Value is utterly Shitty with Wobbly Camera, Total Lack of any sort of Editing, and Half the Time Alan doesn’t seems to even grasp the concept of His own Subject Matter. There are also several Hypothesizes surrounding Alan’s rather Odd Behavior, Speech, and Videos as Well. Here They are in Random Order:

  • Alan is Experiencing some sort of Arrested Development.
  • Alan possibly has a Mental Disorder (example Multiple Personality Disorder).
  • Alan is Mentally Handicapped.
  • Alan has suffered some Horrible Trauma that He can’t come to Grips With Which In Spite of being a Adult Talks like a Little Child.
  • Alan has Asperger’s Syndrom/Autism.

Now the One Hypothesis suggesting Alan has a Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome  seems to be the Most Likely but Why is that? In one of the Early Videos Alan has a Tab on His Web Browser that Notes that it is Autism Awareness Month. Now of course some say that its just a Coincidence, but I hold favor with Those Who believe it’s a Very Subtle Clue. Although I wouldn’t Rule Out All of the Other Hypothesis as I do think some apply here and There through out the Series.


Also as the Series Progresses Alan’s Life starts to Drastically Change. In the Beginning Videos Alan is simply doing His Weird Tutorials in what appears to be the Bedroom of a Small Apartment. Then there is a Significant Turning Point Where Alan is apparently been Locked out of His Room/Apartment and all of His Possessions have been Packed up for Him. Alan then spends a good amount of Time Homeless and Living in some Near By Woods where He still makes Tutorial Videos as Best He Can. There is One Thing that is Troubling from this Time Period and that is Alan is Heavily Splattered with Blood (and then cumulative Dirt and Grim) that He doesn’t seem to fell the need to Wash Off of Himself.

Then all of a Sudden Alan is Abducted by a Unknown Assailant(s) and Transported to an Unknown Location in the back of for all Intents and Purposes appears to be a Uhaul Type Truck. In the Abduction Video It is also a Disturbing Aspect that is Alan being covered in Blood like He just walked off the Set of a B Horror Movie. Alan ends up being Held Captive for a Duration during which the Captor(s) Provide Alan Supplies for His Tutorials which even in Captivity Alan continues to make. What’s interesting here isn’t just that the Captor(s) provide Alan Supplies, but when Alan is Finished a New Video a One Dollar Bill is Slid to Him under the Door.


Over an Undisclosed amount of Time things slowly start to Deteriorate. The Room Alan is being Held in becomes more and more Filthy with Trash all over the Floor and at one Point the Electricity is Cut Off. We know this by the fact Alan has to use a Flashlight in the Final Videos of the Series. At Last Alan discovers a Hole in the Wall, Crawls Enthusiastically through it existing the room and Freeing Himself.

What happens Ultimately to Alan in the End is a Mystery since His Escape Video was the Last Video Posted to His Youtube Channel. Did Alan set out embarking on Starting a Life of His Own? Did He reunite with His Brother? Did Alan’s Captor’s Catch Him as He made His Get Away once Free from Captivity, or Did His Captor(s) Discover Alan’s Escape and Hunted Him down at which Point They Murdered Him? Sucks to say but these are Questions that will More Likely than Not Never be Answered.


Reoccurring Themes:

  • The Color Blue is a Constant throughout the Series. Examples Include The Blue Mat in the Yoga Tutorial, The Actual Blue Chair, The Red Table Alan Paints Blue while in Captivity, and a Small Hand Painted Picture of the Blue Chair on one of the Walls in the Room Alan is being Held in (“The Story Of T3 Balls Video).
  • The Blue Chair appears in Several Videos, but it First appears in “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair Off The Ground”.  The Blue Chair is also featured in “How To Do Spanish Hair Braids”, “How To Eat A Bag Of Chips”, “How to Pick Up A Huge Amount Of Pencils, and “Do It Yourself Weatherized Hole”
  • Slats of Wood
  • Water (Not Actually Water but a Strange Hair Gel Looking Substance).
  • The Money Man Alan creates in Captivity that He ends up having a Conversation With.
  • The Mysterious Woman who is in Only Two Videos and is only Seen in One. (“How To Escape A Dark Room” and “How To Find A Lake”)

Note Worthy Shit: 

  • In the Video Hard Drive Video Alan mentions that He Lives with His Brother.
  • When it comes to the Mysterious Woman Alan says “Ut-Oh” Extremely Nervously as if He is Afraid of Her and Immediate returns to His Bedroom.. Is She Alan’s Mother or  Alan mentions Early on that He lives with His Brother so His Brother’s Girlfriend? Was She the One that Locked Alan in the Closet (aka Dark Room)? That would at least Explain Why Alan is Afraid of Her. Could the Woman be Alan’s Mother? The Video before Alan is Locked Out He Severely Damages the Bedrooms Ceiling while look for Wooden Slats, and is this Why perhaps He was Locked Out/ Evicted?
  • In the Video “Locked Out of Room” Tutorial Alan can be Heard Whispering future Tutorial Subjects to Himself (while awaiting Help), and one of the Subjects is “How To Kill”. This is Significant because in the Video where Alan is being Abducted in the back of a Shipping Truck He’s Covered in Blood.


  • The Room Alan is kept Captive in doesn’t seem to upset Alan say like being Stuck in a Jail Cell for Example. In fact Alan appears to be quite Content with/in His Surroundings.
  • Alan mentions (Sometimes Several Times in a Single Video) to Subscribe, Like, and Add His Youtube Channel as a Favorite.
  • In the “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair…” Video Alan approaches the fallen Chair as if it were an Actual Person who may be in need of Emergency Medical Help or The way Someone would Act Upon finding an Unconscious and Possibly Dead. Alan appears to be Distressed as He Whimpers and His Voice Keeps Wavering as well as Cracking with Emotion. The Alan Discovering His Dead Mother is Backed by the Video’s Description “If Your Chair is on the Floor here is How to get it Back, and Pick Up all the Pieces of Something Broken and Unfair.”


  • It’s Speculated by Some that Alan’s Captor(s) are Forcing Alan to make Tutorial Videos in Captivity to make Them Money (or Moreover They’re Stealing Alan’s Financial Returns from His Youtube Channel.
  • In the Video “How To Fill A Tiny Bin With Dirt” Alan says at one point “The Military Time Watch You Borrowed from Dad.” This is odd because the Only People Other than Alan in the Series are His Brother (Who We Never See or Hear From), The Unknown Woman (Seen Only Once and Not Heard From), and Alan’s Unknown Captor(s). This is the One and Only Mention of Anyone Else, and it just so Happens to be Alan’s Father.



  • There Many Hypothesis on What the the Origins of the Blood Covered Alan. Some Think it’s because  Alan Kill His Mom/Brother/Brother’s Girlfriend or Possibly Someone Else. The Other Possibility is Whoever Abducted Alan either Beat Him or They could have Killed Alan’s Family and it’s Their Blood all over Alan.
  • There a Couple Different Hypothesis on the Actual Room Alan is held Captive in. One it’s some Room for Holding Someone Hostage and the Other is Far More Intriguing. The Second Hypothesis is tied Directly to the Topic of the Blood in Some Believe Alan Murdered Someone and has been Taken into Custody by the Authorities or Mental Health Professionals. That would make the Room Alan Alan is a Patient’s Room in a Mental Hospital or Possibly a Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane if He in Fact Did Kill Someone. Then Again Perhaps after Destroying His Bedroom (and Living in the Woods Homeless)  Alan’s Brother/Mother had Him Institutionalized for Help with His Mental Disorder.


  • There also Two Hypothesis on Why Alan’s Room plunges into complete Squaller during the Last Videos. One is the Captors decided to Leave and Left Alan there to Die. The Other is that the Asylum was Shut Down and Alan was simply Forgotten About.
  • Now when it comes to the Blue Chair there a Variety of Hypothesis on what it Represents. Some believe it Represents Alan’s Deceased Mother who’s Body was Discovered by Alan (Remember the Distress and Emotional Angst in the “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair…” Video. It could also Represent Alan’s Failures as Far as Failing to become a Famous YouTuber or Other Life Failures. Then Some think the Blue Chair Represents Alan’s Lost Childhood. The Blue Chair might also Represent Trouble? By this I mean was Alan a Trouble Maker as a Child and Thus was put on a “Time Out” sitting on said Blue Chair.



The Obvious Question on Everyone’s Mind is This Series Real or What and Heres the Answer. It’s Fictional Series it’s actually an Experimental Performance Art Project by American Comedian, Visual Artist, and Film Maker Alan Resnick Who plays a Fictional Version of Himself. Resnick created the Series as YouTube Satire since He was Frustrated (and Disgusted) with/by all the Pointless Vlogs, Poorly Filmed, Poorly Edited if at All, Monetization, Crappy Videos with No Though or Creativity (Content for Contents sake or a Quantity over Quality Scenario), and Unexplained Tutorial on Youtube. Resnick Deemed all of it a Trash/Trashy Content and Decided to Create His Own YouTube Trash Channel Showcasing all the Shit He Hated about the Platform. Resnick created the Storyline of the Fictional Alan being a Dark and Deeply Troubled Individual Who ends up on a Nightmarish Decent into Sheer Madness.

VIDEOS: Here are the First 16 Videos from the Series, and Don’t freak the fuck Out about the Number of Videos (Their Short running from 8 Seconds to Three Minutes and Change)


Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Satan Panonski Croatia’s GG Allin

Welcome to a Thursday  FYB Post which may be somewhat of a Surprise. I was tooling around Looking for a Music/Musician Piece since it Occurred to ME that We hadn’t Done One in Quite a While. I wasn’t having a Whole Hell of a lot of Luck until I noticed an Article Titled Satan Panonski: The Croatian GG Allin and was Instantly Intrigued. It’s No Secret at this juncture that We here at FYB are Diehard Fans of GG Allin so Obviously the Comparison mad Me sit Up and Take Notice. I spent the Next 48 Hours Scouring the Internet for Any and All Information on Satan Panonski the so called Croatian GG Allin. Now if Finding Information on a Notorious Underground Niche Musician like GG Allin was a Pain in the Ass it made Finding Info on His Croatian Counterpart Satan Panonski almost fucking Impossible. The Main reason for the Serious Lack of Information on Satan Panonski was Even MORE OBSCURE since the Limited Documentation. This was due to Satan Panonski’s EXTREMELY LIMITED Exposure Outside of His Native Croatia, and Small Parts of South Eastern Europe.


This Post was Originally Intended to Showcase the 1990 33 Minute Documentary Film by Serbian Director Milorad Milinkovic (which served as His Graduate Thesis for Film School) on Satan Panonski. The Problem with the Documentary while it is as Interesting as it is Entertaining it was Shot Over an 8 Hour Period. This explains the short Runtime of the Documentary, but it also Explains Why its Far from a Traditional Style Documentary. The Documentary Doesn’t have any Biographical Backstory Information, Musical Career Information (prior to the Filming of said Documentary), and it Didn’t Cover Satan Panonski’s Unusual and Untimely Death.

With so Many Holes if Missing or Lacking Proper Information I set Out to find Out More than just this One article Alone. It was Laborious but Rewarding and I’m Very Glad I did. Thus with all that Said I Tracked Down the Information on Satan Panonski that’s Not Included in the Documentary as Additional Information. No Worries for Anyone Wondering the Documentary  is Included at the End of this Post. So Now I give You the Story of Satan Panonski the Croatian GG Allin!


“A Punk By Nationality A Friend By Profession.” – Satan Panonski 

Born Ivica Culjak in 1960 in Cerici which is a Village close to Vinkovci Croatia although it was know as Yugoslavia during Virtually all of Culjak’s Life.  In the Early 1970’s CulCuljak dropped out of High School and Entered into the Punk Scene where He Garnered a Notorious Reputation for His Crude Music, Violent and Disturbing Live Performances, and Brutally Uncompromising Lyrics. Panonski’s Infamous Live Performance Antics Included, but Not Limited To Breaking Beer Bottles Over His Head, Self Mutilating using a Razor Blade of Piece of Broken Glass, Sticking Safety Pins through His Flesh, and Preforming Dangerous Stunts.

Towards the 1970’s Panonski sought out Psychiatric Help, but this was Allegedly Panonski’s Scheme to Avoid serving Mandatory Military Service in the Yugoslavian Army (Which was at the Time Required). It was during the Same Time Period that Panonski Started to Preform Under the Stage Name Kecer II. In 1979 Panonski became the Singer and Frontman for the Band Pogreb X which Translates to Funeral X. Panonski Claimed throughout His Brief Career that He wanted to “Shock the Audience” and Elaborated by Saying the Following in a 1991 Interview with the Croatian Magazine Globus. “I Shock People to Free Them. When I Shock Them with My Gaze, I know They’ll listen to Me, Then it’s Hypnosis, Madness…..In These Moments, I set Them Free, I Liberate Them from the Barricades that have been Built through Education.” For the Prolific Violence that Panonski Inflicted on Himself wasn’t to Fight or Lash Out Angrily at the Establishment, but as a Product of Culjak’s “Inability to Change Things for the Better” as He said Openly. Unlike GG Allin Panonski Didn’t Hate Life, Loath His Fans, Abuse His Audience, Desire to Destroy Anything, Rage Against Society, Shit on Stage, Bring the Fear Back to Rock’n Roll, or Hate Himself.


In Spite of His Reputation for being Outrageous Panonski had Yet to Reach the turning Point from Musician to Murder. In 1981 Panonski’s Band was Preforming in Vincoshee when a Fight Broke Out. It’s one of those Events where No One Truly knows the Series of Events and the Story variates depending on Who is Telling it. The Most Widely Accepted Explanation is the Fight Broke Out when a Local Low Level Criminal Thug and Degenerate Gambler took issue with Panonski’s Older Brother. Once the Fight Started Panonski intervened to Stand Up and Protect His Brother from this Unsavory Character. Panonski managed to deescalate the Fight/Argument telling the Man that Fighting was Pointless, and They should talk it Out Face to Face Man to Man. The Thug Agreed and He along with Panonski took a seat at a near by Table where the Thug Ordered Them a Couple of Beers.

At one Point Panonski saw something in His Peripheral Vision and Turned His head to see what the fuck it was. Once He turned back to Face the Thug the Thug hauled off and Punched Panonski in the Nose like a Motherfucker Temporarily Stunning Panonski. After a Moment or Two Culjak recovered from the Blow, and Immediately Attacked the Thug in Retaliation for the Sucker Punch. During Their Scuffle Panonski grabbed Hold of a Knife and Stabbed the Thug to Death right There in the Club.


Panonski stood Trial for Murder and Assault (The Assault Charge stemmed from the Fact Panonski had Accidentally Struck an Innocent Bystander during the May-lay). Panonski was Convicted on Both Counts and was Set to Serve Out His 12 Year Sentence in Prison when by Some Unseen Divine Intervention Negotiated that He Shouldn’t be Sent To Prison, But Remanded to a Mental Hospital Instead. The Ploy worked more than likely to the Combination of Panonski’s Claim it was Self Defense coupled with the Fact He sought Psychiatric Help in the 1970’s (even if it was a ruse to get Out of Mandatory Military Service. While Serving out His Sentence in the Metal Hospital Panonski spent His Time Writing Poetry, Making Music, Painting, and Drawing, AND He was even Permitted to Temporarily Leave the Hospital to Play with His Band (or a Live Performance or Press though there wasn’t much of that).

Panonski Adopted the Stage Name Satan Panonski around 1984 for His Solo Work. Panonski continued to Garner a Cult Following as Reputation Grew. Panonski’s Outlandish Live Performances, Unique Production Style, Manner of Dress, and Even His Sexuality (Many People Close to Panonski claimed He was Openly Gay or at Least Sexually Fluid. While this isn’t a Big Deal Today, But the Time Period Panonski Lived in 1960’s-Early 1990’s it definitely was). Less Then Two Years after the Filming of the Documentary Panonski Died under Quite Mysterious Circumstances.


In January 1991 while Serving in the Croatian Military during Croatia’s War for Independence Panonski had Voluntarily Enlisted in the Military  (Due to His Intense National Pride). Panonski was found Wearing His Military Uniform with a Single Gunshot Wound to His Head. Panonski was just 32 at the Time of His Death. Since the Exact Circumstances Surrounding Panonski’s Untimely Demise there have been Several Theories on the Subject in Circulation. The First Theory is Panonski Committed Suicide due to the Fact He had Sought Psychiatric Help in the 1970’s, Panonski had been Sentenced to 12 Years in a Mental Hospital, and His Unconventional Life Style as a Manic Musician/Poet/Artist/Writer. The Second Theory is Panonski crossed paths with an Enemy Soldier who then Shot and Killed Panonski which seems Viable as Hell since He was Serving in the Military during the Croatian War for Independence. The Most Common Theory (and seemingly Most Popular) is Panonski simply Accidentally Shot Himself which happens Far More than The Average Person is Aware of. All That Remains of Panonski’s Life and Art are Three Albums, Collection of Poetry, A Mysterious Death, and The Myth of Satan Panonski.

The Three Satan Panonski Albums :

  1. Ljuljajmo ljubljeni ijubicast (1989)
  2. Neklearne Olimpijske Igre (1990)
  3. Kako Je Panker Branie Hrvatsku (1992)

Documentary Synopsis:

SATAN PANONSKI: DOKUMENTARAC is a 1990 Serbian Student Film Directed by Milorad Milinkovic featuring the Best Footage of Panonski’s “Hard Blood Shock” Body Art Performance, a Mixture of Self-Mutilation, Chaotic Punk Rock, and Spoken Word. Also Captured in the Documentary is a Radio Interview (Recorded at 1 am After Panonski’s Performance Earlier that Evening) where Panonski Outlines His Dreams of Creating a Communal “Rock n’ Roll State”, and His Return to the Mental Asylum where He spent the Better Part of the 1980s for Murder.

Self-Identifying as “Punk by Nationality, Friend by Profession” We see His full Tragic Range of Emotions that lead to Comparisons with both Marina Abramovic and GG Allin. If Panonski was Yugoslavia’s/Croatia’s Equivalent to America’s GG, then this is Their HATED (The Infamous GG Allin Documentary by then Film Student Todd Phillips). Like His Albums and the Myths of Panonski’s Life and Death, it has up Until now Only Circulated Underground on VHS Tapes traded at Flea Markets across Eastern Europe, and has likely Never Before been Screened in America.


Documentary Content Rundown:

Part 1 : May 28, 1990 11pm-12am at the Students Cultural Centre

This is Footage From Panonski’s “Hard Blood Shock” Live Performance that includes Poetry, Spoken Word, Panonski Breaking a Beer Bottle Over His Head, Flailing Wildly on the Ground, Sticking Safety Pins into His Bicep, and Some of Panonski’s Songs (along with a Strange Audio Recordings of Panonski Yelling/Screaming/Screeching/Moaning) as a Backdrop to Parts of the Performance. Part One Concludes with Panonski Cleaning Himself Up and Tending to His Wounds in the Venue’s Restroom. During this Scene You can see the Extensive Scarring on Panonski’s Head, Chest, and Arms that’s reminiscent of a Hardcore Deathmatch Wrestling Veteran.


Part 2: May 29, 1990 1am-3am Panonski Does a Post Show Interview for a Local Radio Station. Again this isn’t a Traditional Interview as Panonski spends His Time there Fielding Phone Calls while the DJ acts as a Hype Man. Some of the More Interesting Aspects of Panonski’s so called Interview was the Fact a Couple of Caller did in fact Refer to Him as (The) Wrestler. There were Several Callers be They Fans or Curious Parties asking the Question (Pertaining to Panonski’s 1981 Murder Conviction) if He was in Prison or a Mental Hospital. For the Majority of the Phone Calls were Well Wishers hoping Panonski can Resolve His Mental Health Issues. NOW THE MOST INTERESTING PART of Panonski’s Radio Visit was When the Director was being Antagonistic and Baiting the Haters between Callers. While He is Ranting and Raving He Says “Yes, You, Who Promised Us a Bullet in the Head…” This is Note Worthy considering Panonski Died Mysteriously of a Gun Shot to the Head. Could Panonski have ACTUALLY BEEN KILLED by one of His Detractors?


Part 3: May 29, 1990 4am-5am at a Private Residence

This Ironically is a Real more In-depth Interview where Panonski looking/acting Relaxed for the First Time in the Documentary. Panonski delves into His Unorthodox Personality, Way of Thinking, Artistic Works, His Personal Beliefs, and Yes The Murder as Well.


Part 4: May 29, 1990 3pm-??? Hospital Popovaca

There is No Dialogue outside of Recordings of Panonski’s Poetry and Spoken Word that Accompanies the Scene of Panonski Walking to a Train Station. The Film then Cuts from the Train to the Hospital as the Camera makes Their way Around the Halls until They Reach Panonski’s Hospital Room. The Camera Cuts to Panonski who is Now Lounging Calmly in His Room on His Bed. The Camera moves from Panonski to the Window in His Room, and Does a Close Up of Sorts Out the Window and Ends There.

Enjoy. (Note: The Film is in Croatian with English Subtitles.)

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Gateway of the Mind, Transfiguration, and Gateway to the Mind (RARE FOOTAGE)

In this Post Features a Total of Three Videos First Gateway to the Mind followed by Transfiguration, and Lastly Gateway to the Mind (RARE FOOTAGE). All Three of the Following Videos Shares a Distinct Part in One of the Internet’s Most Talked About, Notorious, Controversial, and Absolutely fucking Insane Mysteries to Date.

And Now Gateway to the Mind Please Enjoy.

The Backstory of Gateway to the Mind:

“In 1983, a Team of Deeply Pious Scientists conducted a Radical Experiment in an Undisclosed Facility. The Scientists had Theorized that a Human without Access to Any Senses or Ways to Perceive Stimuli would be able to Perceive the Presence of God. They believed that the Five Senses clouded our Awareness of Eternity, and without them, a Human could actually Establish contact with God by Thought. An Elderly Man who claimed to have “Nothing left to Live for” was the Only Test Subject to Volunteer. To Purge Him of all His Senses, the Scientists performed a complex Operation in which every Sensory Nerve Connection to the Brain was Surgically Severed.* Although the Test Subject retained full Muscular Function, He could Not See, Hear, Taste, Smell, or Feel. With No Possible way to Communicate with or even Sense the Outside World, He was alone with His Thoughts. Scientists monitored Him as He spoke aloud about His State of Mind in Jumbled, Slurred Sentences that He couldn’t even Hear. After Four days, the Man claimed to be hearing hushed, Unintelligible Voices in His Head. Assuming it was an onset of Psychosis, the Scientists paid little Attention to the Man’s Concerns.

Two days later, the Man Cried that He could Hear His Dead Wife speaking with hHm, and even more, He could Communicate back. The Scientists were Intrigued, but were Not Convinced until the Subject started Naming Dead Relatives of the Scientists. He repeated Personal Information to the Scientists that only Their Dead Spouses and Parents would have known. At this point, a Sizable Portion of Scientists left the Study. After a Week of Conversing with the Deceased through His Thoughts, the Subject became Distressed, saying the Voices were Overwhelming. In Every Waking Moment, His consciousness was Bombarded by Hundreds of Voices that refused to leave Him alone. He frequently threw Himself against the Wall, trying to Elicit a Pain Response. He begged the Scientists for Sedatives, so He could Escape the Voices by Sleeping. This Tactic worked for Three Days, until He started having Severe Night Terrors. The Subject repeatedly said that He could See and Hear the Deceased in His Dreams.

Only a Day Later, the Subject began to Scream and Claw at His Non-functional eyes, hoping to Sense Something in the Physical World. The Hysterical Subject now said the Voices of the Dead were Deafening and Hostile, Speaking of Hell and The End of the World. At One Point, He yelled “No Heaven, No Forgiveness” for Five Hours Straight. He continually begged to be Killed, but the Scientists were Convinced that He was close to Establishing contact with God. After Another Day, the Subject could No longer form Coherent Sentences. Seemingly Insane, He Started to Bite Off Chunks of Flesh from His Arm. The Scientists rushed into the Test Chamber and Restrained Him to a Table so He could Not Kill Himself. After a few hours of being Tied Down, the Subject halted His Struggling and Screaming. He stared Blankly at the Ceiling as Teardrops silently streaked across His Face. For Two Weeks, the Subject had to be Manually Rehydrated due to the constant Crying. Eventually, He turned His head and, Despite His Blindness, made Focused Eye Contact with a Scientist for the first time in the Study.

He whispered “I have Spoken with God, and He has Abandoned Us” and His Vital Signs Stopped. There was No Apparent Cause of Death.”

Well this Wickedly Wild Tale of Top Secret Human Experimentation Fueled People’s Obsession (and Curiosity) it is in fact 100% FAKE. So What the fuck is Actually Going On Here?! Well You’ll have to Watch the Transfiguration Video and Check Out the Explanation that Follows for the Facts.

Without Further Adu Transfiguration Please Enjoy.

The Truth:

The Man Pictured in the Gateway to the Mind Footage and the Accompanying Still Images is Actually Sculpture, Painter, and Performance Artist by the Name of Olivier De Sagazan, Who is Shown Transforming Himself into a Living Sculpture of Flesh, Clay, and Paint.

The Question at Hand Now is What the Hell is the Connection between the Disturbing Gateway to the Mind and Transfiguration???

The Original Video Installation, Entitled Transfiguration Shows De Sagazan sitting and Undressing in Front of a Crude Frame, Applying Copious Layers of Liquid Clay (Regular Clay that’s Been Diluted by Using Water) to His Head and Body until His Face is Completely Obscured, the Twisting and Tearing at the Material to Contort His “Flesh” into Horrific Shapes. Throughout this Process, the Artist can be Heard Uttering Animalistic Shouts and Haunting Moans.  Transfiguration was Later Re-Edited, Digitally Distressed, and Darkened to Resemble Archival Film, the Uploaded as Allegedly “Leaked” Footage from the Fictional 1983 Experiment.

LAIDIES AND GENTALMEN here is an Extra Bonus which is the Gateway to the Mind (Full and Color Version) Please Enjoy.

Gateway to the Mind Rare Footage is  Screen Test Footage of De Sagazan Rehearing and Experimenting with His Bizarre Performance Art Concept.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented by Les Sober  

FYB’s Salute To Eccentrics: Korney Creates a HOMUNCULUS

We came across a Enthusiastic Russian Man Who was Posting a Series of Home Videos of Him Attempting to Create a Actual Homunculus. Though He never produced the Definition of a Homunculus what He managed to Create is Something Straight out of Science fucking Fiction.

Definition of a Homunculus:

Is a Representation of a Miniature Fully Formed Human Being (Example Tom Thumb). Popularized in 16th Century Alchemy. Alchemy is an Ancient Branch of Natural Philosophy. Most People are Familiar with Alchemists as The Lunatics from History that tried to Purify, Mature, and Perfect Materials (example Transforming “Base Metals such as Lead into “Noble Metals” most Notably Gold. Alchemists also attempted to Create an Elixir of Immortality, the creation of Panaceas able to Cure Disease, the Development of Alkahest a Universal Solvent, and the Creation of Homunculi to Name a Few. The Homunculus Concept has Roots in Performationism (a Formerly Popular Theory that Organisms Develop from Miniature Versions of Themselves).


The Homunculus first Appeared by Name in the Alchemical writings Attributed to Paracelsus (1493-1542) In De Natura Rerum (1537) Paracelsus Outlines His Method for Creating Homunculi:

That the Sperm of a Man be Putrified bu Itself in a Sealed cucurbit for 40 Days with the Highest Degree of Putrefaction in a Horse’s Womb, or at least so Long that it comes to life and moves Itself, and Stirs, which is Easily Observed. After this Time it will look Somewhat like a Man, but Transparent, without a Body. If, after this, it be Fed Wisely with the Arcanum of Human Blood, and be Nourished for up to 40 Weeks, and be kept in the even Heat of a Horse’s Womb, a Living Human Child Grows therefrom, with all its Members like another Child, which is Born of a Woman, But Much Smaller.

In 1775, Count Johann Ferdinand von Kufstein working together with Abbe Geloni, an Italian Cleric, is Reputed to have Created 10 Homunculi with the Ability to Foresee the Future, which von Kufstein kept in a Glass Containers at His Masonic Lodge in Vienna. Dr. Emil Besetzny’s Masonic Handbook Die Sphinx, Devoted an Entire Chapter to the wahrsagenden Geisterm(Crying Ghosts). These Homunculi are Reputed to have been seen by Several People, Including some Local Dignitaries.


With That Said Now Back to The Russian and His Homunculus Experiments…..

The Man’s goes by the Name Korney (the R is Silent), and Unfortunately there isn’t a whole hell of a lot about Him online Outside of His Passionate Homunculi Experiments. Here is what We have Uncovered Thus Far:

  • Korney went Silent for 6 moths without Posting.
  • After 6 Months Rumors started that Korney had if fact Died of a Heart Attack.
  • Once the Rumor of Korney’s apparent Demise Conspiracy Theories Erupted like an On Line Volcano.
  • One Rumor was the KGB or Russian Government Assassinated Karney due to His Experimentation and “Knowing Too Much”. The only Problem with this Theory is Why the hell would the Russian Government/KGB wait for Years (and countless Video Posts) before Intervening?!
  • Then There’s The Frankenstein Theory to consider. The Frankenstein Theory is Based on Korney’s Videos where in one Episode in the Series HE announces One of His Two Current Homunculi in Fact Emits Electricity. Karney Demonstrates this in the Video using an Electrical Detection Device of some Kind. So the Theory is The Homunculus (Named Pikachu after its Electric Emitting Capabilities) may have Accidentally or perhaps Intentionally as a Defense Mechanism Electrocuted Korney causing said Heart Attack . Now to Believe this Theory One must believe that Korney’s Video’s are Real and Not Faked in Any Way.


  • The 3rd Major Theory is the Videos were Elaborately Staged using Expert Camera Work and Possibly a bit of CGI thrown in.
  • If The Videos are indeed Fake it Doesn’t Diminish the Excited Enthusiasm for this Korney exhibits for Experimentation Project then Faking His Own Death wouldn’t be Out of the Question. It be the Perfect End Game Move as it would leave all the Questions about His Videos Unanswered Permanently. If He Faked His own Death or Not there will always remain what They Call in the Legal Realm Reasonable Doubt. No One will be able to Definitively say it Was or Wasn’t Real.
  • So if Korney was planning to Fake His Own Death to End the Series as a Real or Fake Mystery He needed a Set Up for the Ending. The Electricity the Homunculus exhibited in His Video then would provide a Perfect Set up for the Heart Attack Scenario. The Principle would have been Simplicity personified as The Homunculi apparently Live in Water and Allegedly Emit an Electricity in some Capacity. This Provides the Set Up for a Possible Electrical Shock, and Electrocution can Cause Heart Attacks or Stop The Human Heart. And since No One Knows if the Videos are Real or Not Who’s to say a Homunculus Couldn’t emit an Electrical Shock great enough to Kill a Full Grown Man?!
  • There was also Official News/Media coverage of Korney’s Passing, and of Course some People believe it was a Fake News Cast also Created by Korney to Help convince People He was indeed Dead. Others believed One of the Reporters in the News Report was in fact Korney proving that He faked His own Death. Some People believe the News Story is actually the Cover Story for the Possible and Alleged Assassination by the KGB/Russian Government.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB Musical Monday Part 2: The Oderus Urungus Interviews

Gwar became known/is known for Their Legendary Raucous Live Show’s Full of Beheadings, Buckets of Blood, Gruesome Props, Disembowelment, Over the Top Theatrics, Insane Characters, Executions, and Gore Galore all set to Kick Ass Songs. There is no Doubt Gwar had taken Performance Art to a Whole New fucking Level the likes Humanity has Never Known.

Gwar also garnered a Great Deal of Additional Attention from Their, No Holds Barred, Politically Incorrect, Obscene, Overly Sarcastic, Ridiculously  Loud, Extremely Enthusiastic, Out Spoken, Foul Mouthed Front Man Oderus Urungus (Who’s Real Name was Dave Brockie who Tragically Died in 2014 of a Drug Overdose. Also Brockie originally was the Gwar’s Guitarist from 1984-1986 before jumping behind the Mic as Lead Singer from 1986-2014).


Oderus served not only as Lead Singer but did Double Duty as the Main Mouth Piece for Gwar doing a Great Majority of Interviews and Press. Oderus was the Face of Gwar and what a Face it Was. Brockie was not only a Talented Musician and  Iconic Spokes Person He was a Master of Improv constantly thinking on His Feet No Matter Where No Matter When. Oderus could wax Poetically and Absurdly about Anything and with a rather Manic Mind Set could/would jump from Subject to Subject at Will or Whim. ‘s Oderus’s Interviews took on a Life of Their Own and became almost as Notorious as Gwar’s Live Shows (granted though with a Great Deal Less Blood and Gore).

We have Featured a Good bit of Gwar here at FYB over the Years from Official Music Video’s to Concerts to Movies to even Oderus’s rendition of the Classic Children’s Book Good Night Moon. So the Next move obviously was to Track Down a Couple of Our Favorite Oderus Interviews and Showcase Them Here. Enjoy

Hope You Enjoyed the Absurd Insanity of these Interviews as Much as We Did.

  Presented by Les Sober