The Mysterious Phenomenon of Station UVB-76

What the Hell is the Shortwave Radio Station UVB-76 is the Question thats spanned Decades and Still the Answer Alludes Everyone. Over the Years Plenty of People have Investigated the Mysterious UVB-76 Phenomenon, and Here is the Information that has been Collected Pertaining to UVB-76.

UVB-76 was Detected in the 1970’s/ Early 1980’s during America’s Cold War with Soviet Union (Now Russia), and was Originally located in Povarovo near Moscow. It’s current Location is Unverified, but it’s Known Through Radio Observation that at Least Two Transmitter Sites Exist. The First Site sends Radio Relay and Phone Lines Directly from Moscow via St. Petersburg’ Command Center Located on Palace Square. The Other Site’s Location is Allegedly (But Unconfirmed) to be at Naro-Fominsk in the Moscow District. The Moscow District is where the 69th Communication Center is Located, and Serves as the Main Staff Headquarters of the Western Military District in Moscow.

UVB-76 is also Know by its Nickname “The Buzzer”which is used by Radio Stations that Broadcasts in the Frequency 4625 kHZ . UVB-76 has been Broadcasting since at Least 1982 Broadcasting Tones Only Reminiscent of Morse Code. The Tones were Changed in 1992 to One Constant Buzz with Additional Beeps and a Variety of Unidentified Noises that Occurs 20-30 times Per Minute, and Audio Clips of Swan Lake. On January 16, 2003 the Station briefly changed to a Higher Tone for a Longer Duration (approximately 20 Tones Per Minute) and then Reverted back to its Previous Tone Pattern. UVB-76 Broadcasts Non Stop 24 Hours a Day 365 Days a Year with a rough approximation of 25 Tones a Minute


The Truly Strange Part is Sporadically on Rare Occasions the Buzzer Signal is Interrupted by a Voice Transmutation in Russian. The Messages are Predominately Random Names (Representing Characters/Letters of the Alphabet along with Seemingly Random Numbers.

Example: UVB-76 UVB-76 882 NAIMINA 74  14  35  74 93 7  8 8 2 NIKOLAI ANNA IVAN MICHAIL IVAN NIKOLAI 12 49 57…..

What does UVB-76 actually mean, well for Starters UVB-76 is an Incorrect Station Identification (Though the Station was Finally signed the Signifier S28, S28 is Not a Standard Number Station). The name UVB-76 cones from Early Unverified Reports pertaining to the First Voice Message that was Broadcast. A Unknown Male with a Russian Accent came on the Air and Said “Ulyana Vasilij Boris 76” the phrase then Repeated several times, and was initially thought to be the Station’s Call Sign. It was Later Verified using Recordings of the Message that the Unknown Russian Man Actually said UZB-76, and Zinanidia Not Vasilij. The Station which is Still Active in spite of Rumors that it had Shut Down uses Numerous Coded Phrases like the  WellKnown NAIMINA, but the then the  Station started to Use Other Code Words/Phrases such as Mihail, Dimitrj, Zheng, and Boris for Example.


The Purpose of UVB-76 and the Cryptically Coded Messages is still Unclear, and of Course there are Plenty of Theories floating around the Internet. There is a Theory The Dead Hand Nuclear Umbrella which states when the Buzzer goes Completely Silent once and for all it will trigger the Launching of Nuclear Missiles. Unfortunately the Dead Hand Nukes Theory is been Proven to be Incorrect as the Buzzer goes Off Many times a Month due to apparent Technical Difficulties. A much more Viable Theory is that the Buzzer Broadcast by UBV-76 is used for Propagation Measurements and Weather Research, and this Theory had been collaborated by Several Sources from Russian Research Magazines. Unfortunately for those who believe in this Theory No Further Confirmation has Been Found. The More than Likely Theories involve a Top Secret Government Conspiracy or For some Nefarious Military Plot.

HERE IS THE STRANGEST DETAIL OF THEM ALL: From It’s Discovery in the 70’s/Early 80’s the Official Statement from the Russian Government was and still is that Station UBV-76 Simply DOES NOT EXIST.

I included a Small Sampling of REAL UBV-76 Recordings Below. Enjoy.

Thanks for Reading/Listening,

  Presented By Les Sober

Malice The Band That Almost Killed Us All

This is the 2nd story I wrote working at DFF Magazine in 1991 for their August issue.

Malice isn’t one of those bands that was poised on the threshold of Fame, but never made it to the Big Time. Malice is a band that most people don’t remember and theres a reason for that. You see  Malice’s rise to International Fame was extremely rapid. In fact it was so rapid its considered a once in a lifetime phenomenon in the Music Industry. That combined with their Hardcore intensity on and off the stage Malice crammed a full 20 year career of Sex, Drugs and Rock’n Roll into just 2.  Malice was the epitome of “Live Fast, Die Young, and Leave a Good Looking Corpse.”

The Story of Malice started in Slaughters Kentucky when Drummer Robbie Rage met Bassist Vic Vile while they both were attending The Gus Hubbard School of the Vocational Arts. Rage was there learning the in and outs of welding while Vile was there learning the fine art of Landscape Maintenance. The two quickly became inseparable friends and decided to start a band together a Black Metal duo called Aborted Faith.

Vile managed to get  Aborted Faith a weekly gig on Friday Night’s at Lane’s Lanes a near by neighboring Bowling Ally. The Aborted Faith was going no where fast as playing in a cramped corner of the Bowling Ally Bar hidden behind a heavy cloud of cigarette smoke. Further more the open concept meant the band was constantly drowned out by the continuing Bowlers.

It was at one of these shitty shows when future guitarist Gar Fisch got stupid drunk and wondered over to where the band was playing and started playing along with them on air guitar. After the show Rage and Vile had a brief meeting and then promptly asked Fisch to join the band. Fisch took the guys up on their offer with one exception that they ditch the Black Metal schtick in favor of becoming a Hardcore Punk Band. Rage and Vile agreed to Fisch’s condition and their new band Stank Breath was Born.

Stank Breath went on to build up a local fan base by playing house party’s and by winning every “Battle of the Bands” that they entered. Stank Breath Shows were known be raucously violent fueled by Fisch’s outrageous stage antics (such as shoving high powered fireworks in his ass Actual M-80’s for example and lighting them) catapulted the Band even farther words fame. The only issue the band had was that they all seriously sucked at singing. After a late night of drinking Rage introduced the idea of hiring a singer to which both Gar and Vile agreed. So they put an Ad in a small music magazine, sat back, cracked a beer, lit a joint, and waited. Instead of getting plenty of replies by people who were no better vocalists than the rest of the band, They got no replies at all.

Pissed off and confused Rage and Fisch went on a beer run and outside of the liquor store pan handling was a rather tall and slim man with long greasy hair wearing a leather biker’s jacket. The man asked for spare change   as the two exited the store Fisch asked what the man needed money for to which the Man told Fisch he needed the money for Beer and Smokes. On a whim Rage asked the Man if by any chance he could sing worth a damn. As it turned out He could so Rage asked the Man his name and if he would be interested in joining the band. The Man said his name was Von Dire and since he had nothing better to do than beg for beer money he’d be glad to join the band.

It was after Dire’s joining the band in January 1988 that it once again changed their musical style to Heavy Metal and name to Malice. Not long after the switch Malice was killing it at the Minnesota “Battle of the Bad Ass Bands” in when Dire literally bumped into Clive Mangina who was the front man for competing Hair Metal Band known as Rectal Invasion at one of the plentiful Beer and Booze stations. This lead to one of the most heated and out of control Rock’n Roll Rivalries of all time. You see Clive was a snark and bitter little man with a raging Napoleon Complex who took great exception to Dire accidentally staggering drunkly into him in line.

Clive called Fisch a “Drunk Dickhead” and Fisch hauled off and head butted Clive. Clive went down like a ton of bricks with blood pouring out of his now broken nose. At this point the other members of Rectal Invasion saw what was going on and jumped in. Fish undeterred by being out numbered (5 on 1 as Rectal Invasion in addition to 2 guitarists, singer,drummer and bassist had a keyboardist (I told you they were Hair Metal so what did you expect?!) Fisch put up a good fight but ultimately he was overpowered by his 5 advisories. Rage and Vile who were vomiting exited the bathroom and immediately came to their fellow band mates aid. Rage ran around kneeing every member of Rectal Invasion repeatedly n the balls until they vomited. Vile proceeded too break $182.99 of the Bar’s glassware over the various heads of the members of Rectal Invasion.Von Dire broke several chairs across the backs and over the heads of Rectal Invasions members.  When inevitably the Police showed up with Billy Clubs a blazing everyone scattered like roaches when the light is turned on.

In spite  of the brawl Malice went on to win the Minnesota’s “Battle of the Bad Ass Bands” and just their luck Jerry Jerkin the owner of a local Record label was in the audience. Jerkin fell head over heels for the Band and enthusiastically signed them to a 3 record deal on his label RatFuck Records. Now RatFuck Records was home of other small time bands such as The Young Cocksmen, Guttural, and Spit Shine. Right away Jerkin booked them on a 10 show tour opening for fellow label members The Salty Yogurt Slingers. The “Mad As Hell” tour was set to hit the road just 2 days after Malice signed their contracts, but that was no problem for Malice. The entire band had been couch surfing at friends places and owned next to nothing.

The “Mad as Hell” tour went so well that Jerkins called up The Salty Yogurt Slingers and told them that they would now be opening for Malice since Malice was a bigger draw at this point. The Salty Yogurt Slingers responded by quoting the tour on the spot under great protest. Malice went on to finish the second half of the tour on with another RatFuck Records band Grind Spine. Malice built a huge following and was expanding their fan base faster than a Crackhead at an all you can smoke Crack Buffet. By the time Malice ended the tour (in the first week of February) they had racked up a slew of business cards from much larger record label reps.

Stay Tuned For Malice Part 2 Posting Next…..

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober 


We all have one at one point in our life. The true intention of the start of an attempted friendship is never that to purposely gain an enemy. We as people truly have good intentions the majority of the time.

I know. There are some people that only become your friends because of your position in life, because of your circle that they want to penetrate, your looks, your car, there are endless countless reasons that you could be used for your friendship. Maybe we all do this to some degree or another, even if you substitute these replaceable material things with that of someone’s personality. With that of a person’s inner most soul.

No, I know again. We can’t see the soul on the surface. That is why friendship can be a trial and error process. As we are younger, we are less cautious until we get hurt by another. It is very much akin to baby animals (and baby humans for that matter) who will go up to another and have unending trust in them.

That is why I believe not in original sin. Sin is taught, sin is learned. Behaviors around us are emulated. What is a sin to you, may not be a sin to me. And vice versa. Yes there are sins which an overwhelming majority knows are wrong, like murder, because they feel wrong and you would not want this happening to you. However, there are smaller things on the grand scale of things, that some people do not consider wrongs.

This therein lies where we come about the phenomenon of known as frenenemy.

You see it does not really matter, hide nor hair, of what a person’s upbringing is. It is what you surround yourself with. Your blood family can only be so much a part of this. Most of this is up to you and what you can tolerate.

I have had a few frenemies in my day. There is that old expression, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer.”

But how much can we tolerate? Where is the point where we must draw the line in the sand and say stop? I am beginning to the see where this ends and where this begins on the great precipice known as reality. There is a fine line between everything sane and rational and everything “insane” and irrational.  When the line is visible to all those around you sometimes it is time to call this to an end.

Yet, I wonder to myself. Were my motives selfish for associating with this person in the first place? Was there something I wanted to get out of it? Obviously I was getting something out of it as it filled my need for evil, that was mainly learned by society. There was a hole in my soul that needed a temporary patch job like putting ambisol on a cracked tooth or putting a tiny snoopy band-aid on an arm gushing with blood.

My most famous frenenemy (no he was not really famous, more like imfamous) started as my friend but after many years I only stuck around for reasons to this day I am unaware of. Perhaps I liked the pain that he brought me. Perhaps I liked the element of surprise that he brought to my life because I never knew what city I might be in or how much money he could bring me in the next night. He turned into my boss, but wow now I’m really rambling.

The point is. How long would you stick around for a frenemy? Is there any point to the mayhem?

I say. If no one is bleeding, then no one is hurt. But once you have ripped open my wounds and created new ones on top of that well then I listen to my friend Tori Amos. She says maybe it’s time to say goodbye now.

By The One and Only
