What The Fuck Is nasajim108 About

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Videos of nasajim108 who Allegedly worked at NASA and has a Library of Top Secret Government Secrets pertaining to the Existence of Actual Aliens. The issue at hand is Jim is Dying and He doesn’t want to Die taking Such Secrets to the Grave with Him. The Channel Description Reads “These are a series of videos that my client requested to be released after his death.” which would give the Impression the Message was Posted by Jim’s Attorney. Now this Series never Garnered the Attention of Other Fringe Video Series which We think is fucking Strange. We say Strange because while it’s a Short Series (14 Videos all Under 5 Minutes Apiece) it is Still One of the Better Fringe Type Video Series We have seen to Date. So We decided Well Hell fuck it Let’s do a Piece on it Ourselves and We did. Below is the Complete nasajim108 Series in Chronological Order with Significant Bullet Points Pertaining to Each Video just Below each Individual Video for Anyone is Interested.



  • Jim was an Aeronautics Engineer at NASA from 1989 – 2004.
  • Jim quite Due to Health Problems Pertaining to His Terminal Bone Cancer Diagnosis.
  • Jim was given just a mere 5 Months to Live Due to His Diagnosis.
  • Jim wants to Reveal all of this Government Secrets and plans to Bare His Soul in a Series of Videos.
  • Jim claims that He has Personal Knowledge of the Actual Existence of Aliens and Their Capabilities.



  • Jim Teases the Viewers Stating He MAY play a Recording on an Actual Alien.
  • Jim begins Elaborating on the Various Capabilities/Powers such as Reproduction for Example.



  • This Video is a Monologue by Jim as He Rambles and Rants about Possible Threats to Earth.
  • The Video’s Music has had Several Hauntingly Creepy Audio Clips.



  • Jim Claims the Graphic in the Video was Created/Designed by a Fellow Scientist named Bill (Last Name was Inaudible as it was Mumbled like a Motherfucker).
  • Jim also Claims Bill worked Closely with the Aliens.



  • This Video was Not Created By Jim but rather Jim’s Attorney.
  • The Message pertains to Jim’s Family instating Restraining Order blocking Additional Video Releases.



  • Jim Shows what He claims is Actual Footage of a Supposedly Alien (Gray) and Provides and Explanation on the Subject.



  • The Audio and Visuals in the Video are meant to Allow Inter Dimensional Beings to Emerge.
  • The Graphic of a Baby with an Eyeball for a Head is Meant to Summon or Bring a Being called NEFF



  • Jim states that as Humans We can Open Ourselves to Open Frequencies.
  • The Video is to Provide Example/Proof of an Alleged Transmission on a Open Frequencies



  • This Video is NOT Jim’s usual Rhetoric.
  • The Videos Mainly a Minute Long Voicemail sent either to Jim OR His Attorney, More than likely it’s Jim’s Attorney as Jim is Assumed to have Died at this Point.
  • The Video Contains Odd Imagery of Jesus holding a Lamb that has the Head of Infamous Serial Killer Charles Manson.
  • The Video’s Description is Different then Usual as it Reads “We are not afraid.’



  • In this Video a New Character is Introduced named Little Hobo (who is a Ventriloquist Dummy) who seems Completely Out of Place in this Series.
  • Jim launches into a Monologue claiming We have all been Hit with a Plague and are in the Final Stages.
  • Jim appears to Imply that Killing All Infected/Sick People would Solve the Problem of this Unspecified Plague.
  • The Interesting thing is a Picture of Alister Crowley is Located at the Top of the Little Hobo Recording Graphic.



  • Jim states that after the Alien Apocalypse on Earth the Human Survivors will Leave on a Mothership destined for a New Planet to Inhabit.
  • Jim Describes how the Mothership is Built/Constructed in Detail.
  • There seems to be a Good Deal Parallels in the Video to Religion (Example: The New Planet equates to Heaven).
  • Jim Warns that when the Mothership became Corrupt People became Greedy and Egotistical falling into the Identically same Pattern(s) as Those who in fact caused the Apocalypse.



  • The Video features a Person in a Goat Mask and a Woman Tied to a Chair.
  • The Masked Person Displays a Large Fan which Consists the Statement “You are Sleeping”,  Part of the Fibonacci Sequence, Various Shapes and Dates, Bible Versus, 4 Individuals Names, and a Picture of a Snake.
  • The Video Ends with the Coordinates and 2 Additional Bible Verses (Psalm 38:7 and Luke 22:57.
  • One of the Names on the Fan is David Kelly who is a Well Known Scientist with Expert Knowledge of Biological Warfare and He Committed Suicide in 2003.
  • We looked but We couldn’t find a fucking thing on the Other 3 Names Steve Moston, Ian Langford, and Robert Shape.
  • the Bible Versus on the Fan Genesis 3:1 and Revelation 20:2 refer to The Serpent and The Devil, and Revelation 6:9 refers to Souls being Slain.
  • The Coordinates at the End of the Video is Either 1. Located in the Middle of the Yellow Sea off the Coast of North Korea, OR a Random House in Concord, Connecticut.
  • the Bible Versus at the End of the Video Psalm 38:7 reads “For my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and there is no soundness in my flesh.”, and Luke 22:57 “But he denied it. ‘woman I don’t know him,’he said”



  • For some fucking Reason this Video is No Longer Publicly Available from the nasajim108 channel, but Luckily Someone had Downloaded it Prior and that Allowed Us to Find it.
  • The Story of the Goat and the Bee Hive goes as follows. The Goat King who agrees to Help a Bee rid its Hive of Evil Spirits in Exchange for Honey in Return.
  • The Strange thing is the Story/Video is Cut with a Clip(s) of a Man either in Pain or Enraged.



  • Jim Realizes the Universe is a Tuning Fork and, a Tuning Fork is a 2 Pronged Metal Fork that can be used to Tune Musical Instruments.
  • After this Video was Originally Posted the Channel took a 5 Year Hiatus and Returned in 2016.


OMEGA PHASE (The Final Video in the Series):

  • This Video is Extremely Different from the Others as it is Essentially a Singular Shot of a Clock.
  • There is an Interesting Close Up of Jesus with Blood on His Face in addition to the Clock itself.
  • The Clock Represents the Actual Doomsday Clock.
  • The Real Life Doomsday Clock represents the Likelihood of a Man Made Global Catastrophe.
  • The Doomsday Clock was Started in 1947 at the Start of the Cold War.
  • The Doomsday Clock is Maintained by a Group of Atomic Scientists who have been Inching the Hands of the Doomsday Clock Closer to Midnight.
  • Midnight on the Doomsday Clock Signals the End of World at the Hands of Humanity.
  • in Early 2023 the Doomsday Clock Hands were moved to 90 Seconds before Midnight which is the Closest the Clock has ever been Since its Creation.



In The End nasajim108 turned out to be a Creative and Well Thought Out Alternate Reality Game (ARG) but Who was Behind it and Why did They Create the nasajim108 Channel/Series? The Key to Unlocking both Answers lies in the Character Little Hobo. If You search Little/Lil Hobo on YouTube there PLENTY of fucking Videos, BUT None have anything to do with or Pertain to nasajim108. So the Question Now is Who is or is Behind the Little Hobo Characterand the Answer is a Man Named Duncan Trussel. Trussel is Quite a Character unto Himself as He is a Regular on Joe “What a Cunt” Rogan’s Shitty Piece of Shit Podcast Rambling On and On about all Types of Alien Topics. Yet there has to be More Connections than just Jackoff Joe Rogen to Tie Trussel to nasajim108 and there are in fact Two Other People.

The First is Pendleton Word who is the Creator of “Adventure Time” and it just so Happens Trussel plays the Character Ron James on the Show. Trussel also plays Clancy Gilroy on Ward’s Other Show “Midnight Gospel”. The Second Person is Stand Up Comedian and Actress Natasha Leggero who Trussel Dated between 2011-2012. Many People Speculate that Leggero played the Part of Jim’s Attorney from the 5th Video Titled  DYING NASA SCIENTIST REVEALS TRUTH ABOUT LIFE ON MARS. It is Undeniable that if You Compare Audio of Leggero to the Voicemail from Jim’s Attorney They do sound Eerily Similar to the Point it’s Uncanny.

Now that We know Who Created nasajim108 the Next Question is Why did Trussel start the nasajim108 Channel to Showcase what amounts to His/Jim’s Video Confession Series? Here We have NO Definitive Answer, But there is a Popular Hypothesis as to Why Trussel came up with nasajim108. There is another Similarity between Trussel and Jim which is Trussel  was Diagnosed with Caner. Though Trussel was Diagnosed with Testicular Caner (where in Jim’s case it was Bone Cancer) back in 2012. Also Jim has Openly Admitted to having Mental Health issues and Conspiracy Theories (Mainly about Aliens) along with Little Hobo are a Regular Part of Trussel’s Stand Up Comedy Acts. Taking all this into Consideration Little Hobo, Famous Girlfriend, Successful Animator, Cancer Diagnosis, Mental Health Issues, Obsession with Alien Conspiracies, and His Appearances on Jackbag Joe Rogan’s Putrid Podcast it could be that nasajim108 was a Coping Mechanism for Trussel who was Facing a Life Changing or Ending Cancer Diagnosis? We more than likely will Never have a Viable Answer to the Question Why did Trussel come up with and Create nasajim108, but Ultimately Does that even fucking Matter We think Not as the Series Speaks for Itself.


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

The Horror Story That Was Unit 731

Virtually Everyone knows or is Familiar with the Nazis Preforming Unthinkable Human Experiments on Prisoners of War (POW) under the Authority of Doctor and SS Officer Joseph Mengele (Know as the Angel of Death). What most People are Unaware of was the Japanese Army’s Infamous Unit 731 that made the Nazi Death Camps look like fucking DisneyWorld.

Unit 731 was a Covert Biological and Chemical Warfare Research and Development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that Undertook LETHAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) of World War II. Unit 731 is Responsible for some of the most Notorious WAR CRIMES carried out by Imperial Japan. Unit 731 was based at the Pingfang District of Harbin, the Largest Gas Chamber in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (Now Northeast China), and had Active Branch Offices throughout China and Southeast Asia.


Unit 731 consisted of the Following Divisions:

  • Division 1: Research on BubonicPlague, Cholera, Anthrax, Typhoid, and Tuberculosis using LIVING HUMAN SUBJECTS. For this Purpose, a Prison was Constructed to Contain around 300 to 400 Prisoners.
  • Division 2: Research for Biological Weapons Used in the Field, in Particular the Production of Devices to Spread Germs and Parasites.
  • Division 3: Production of Shells containing Biological Agents (Stationed in Harbin)
  • Division 4: Bacteria Mass Production and Storage.
  • Division 5: Training of Personnel.
  • Division 6: Equipment, Medical and Administrative Units.


Just Some of the Horrific Human Experiments Unit 731 are as Follows:

  • Prisoners were Deprived of Food and Water to Determine the Length of time it would take for a Person to Stave to Death.
  • Some Prisoners were placed in High-Pressure Chambers unit Their Eyes Popped Out from Their Sockets.
  • Prisoners were also Experimented upon to Determine the Relationship between Temperature, Burns, and Human Survival.
  • Other Prisoners were Electrocuted.
  • Some Prisoners were placed in a Centrifuge and Spun until Death.
  • Prisoners were also Injected with Animal Blood.
  • Prisoners were Exposed to Lethal Doses of X-Rays.
  • Prisoners might also be subjected to Various Chemical Weapons inside a Gas Chamber.
  • Some Prisoners were Burned Alive.
  • Other Prisoners were Buried Alive.
  • Some Prisoners had Horse Urine Injected into Their Kidneys.
  • Prisoners had Their Limbs Amputated and Resewing them to Other Stumps on the Body.
  • Prisoners were Injected with Syphilis or Forced to have Sex with an Infected Prisoner.
  • Prisoners Subjected to Vivisection without Anesthesia.
  • Prisoners were subjected to Frostbite Testing.
  • Prisoners were Injected with Gonorrhoea.


Here are just Few Unit 731 Tests in Greater Detail:

  • Frostbite Testing: Army Engineer Hisato Yoshimura conducted Experiments by taking Prisoners Outside, Dipping various Appendages into Water, and Allowing the Limb to Freeze. Once Frozen the Ice was Chipped away and the Area Doused with Water, Limbs brought close to the Fire and Other “Methods” used to Determine the Effect it had on Frostbite. The Effects of Different Water Temperatures were Tested by Bludgeoning the Victim to Determine if any Areas were still Frozen.
  • Weapon Testing: Human Targets were Used to Test Grenades positioned at Various Distances and In Various Positions. Flamethrowers were Tested on the Human Prisoners as well as Bayonets and Various Knives. Prisoners were also tied to Stakes and used as Targets to Test Pathogen-Releasing Bombs, Chemical Weapons, and Explosive Bombs.
  • Vivisection: Vivisections were Preformed on Prisoners (without Anesthesia and often Resulting in Death) after Infecting them with Various Diseases such a Syphilis for example. The Researchers Preformed Invasive Surgery on Prisoners, removing Organs to Study the Effects of Disease on the Human Body. These Surgeries were Conducted while the Patients were still Alive since it was thought that the Death of the Subject would affect the Results. Prisoners had Limbs Amputated in Order to Study Blood Loss. The Amputated Limbs were sometimes Re-Attached to the Oppisite Side of the Body. Some Prisoners had Their Stomaches Surgically Removed and the Esophagus reattached to the Intestines. Parts of Organs, such as the Brain, Lungs, and Liver were Removed from Some Prisoners.


In The End: 75 Years Later, the Japanese Government continues to Deny or Minimize this Part of Their Wartime Record, and Refused Demands for a Clear Admission of Guilt with a Clear Apology. The Cover-Up was assisted by the United States i the Post War Years. Rather than allow Unit 731 Research on Chemical and Biological Weapons to fall into Soviet Hands, America shielded some of the War’s Worst War Criminals in Exchange for Their Knowledge/Research/Findings. America made Similar Deals with Top Ranking Nazi Scientists at the End of World War II, and again it was to Keep the Information out of the Hands of the Soviet Union.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

The End of Abe

Adventures Abroad Alluded Abe as  He was Afflicted by Absolute Alienation.

Believing in the Brutal Beasts, and Brilliant Beauty that lay Beyond the Binding Borderline Abe Bested Blinding Boredom.

The Cretinous Creatures Creeping in the Caves and Contorted Crevasses of the Canyon Passes Contorted Continually in the Cramped Confines of Abe’s Addled Cranium.

Death, Doom, and the Destruction of Dueling Damnations Dwelling in the Dark planning Travelers Dastardly Demented Demise a truly Dire Downfall. These Damnable Demons Did not Deter Abe’s Dedication to Defeating The Dreadful Doldrums.

Enraged Empires of  Eternal Enemies Eliminating Their Extravagant Evils  Encompassing the  Entire Earth. Enslaved and Entombed in the Elegance of the Endlessly Empty of Everlasting Eternity Elated Abe.

Fabulous Fantasy’s and Frenzied Fears Found Abe Floundering in His Fleeting Feelings when Faced with Futility, and Frantic Failure Found Abe Faltering Fast.

The Gruesome Greeting of the Gnarled Giants and the Greedy Ghouls Under the Governing God’s Grandiose Generosity Guided by Grief Guaranteed Abe Greatness at the Gregarious Gathering of Graves should He Go.

The Harrowing Heroism required to Help Humanity from the Hellacious Horrors that Hexed the Haunted Hollowed Halls of the Horrendous Hateful Horde remained Hidden from Abe.

Intense Interest leading to Illogical Ideas Illuminated In the Inner Insanity of Incredible Independence with its Intoxicating Introspective Ideology Irked Abe.

The Justification of Justice and its Judgement Jeopardized Abe’s Journey.

Knowingly the King kept a Kaleidoscope of Knowledge Keeping His subjects, His Keepsake’s Kainotophobia soaked in Kava and Kelter. Abe’s Kiang Kicked in Kippage like a Kylin preparing for Kriegspiel.

Lowlife Lingering Leaches Loitered Leaving the Lusting Lushes Lining the Lanes Liquored Leering in the Languishing  Low Light.

Murderous Madman and Monstrous Maniacs Marauding and Maiming, Mutilating, and Mauling all Mortal Men Making Moves to escape.

Numerous Numbers of Nauseatingly Noxious Gnomes Nastily Gnashing their Nails like Gnarled Knives Navigating the unknowingly Naive to the Netherworld.

The Outrageously Omnipresent Oppressing Overlord Observing, and Ogling Oddities Outside Ominously in Outrage looking into Organized Oblivion .

The Pungent Plague of Paranoid Predatory People Peddling Putrid Pickled Poisons as the Pragmatics Proudly Ponder the Plunders and Perils of a Perverted Purgatory.

Quartets of Orcs and Queasy Queens Qualms, Quarrels, and Quips Quashed Quickly over Quests and Quarter Quota.

Rabid  Reprehensible Rouges Relishing Repugnant Revelations of Riotous Revolt, and Raging Revolution’s  Rancid Retribution Fulfilling Repulsive Resentments against the Reigning Restrictive Rules.

Sinister Soldiers Sloshing and Slipping in Shit as they Sustain Their Sin through Slaughter Seeking, Succumbing to the Sniveling Smiling of The Smirking Snake’s Silent Salvation.

Terrifying Tyrants and Tyrannical Theologian’s Tremendous Triumph of Terror in Thriving Thieves a Terribly Tragic Trophy of Terror Thus Terrible Trepidation Throughout The Temples.

Abe’s Ubiquitous Unrest in Utopia Utilizing the Uniting of Unforeseen, and Ugly Unabridged Universal Undertaking that Utterly Undo the Undying Uniform Understanding of the Unknown Underground Escape.

Villanous Vixens Vomiting their Vastly Venomous Virtue Vanquishing the Vexingly Violent Vision of the Viking Vermin.

The Wildly Wicked Wizard Warlord’s Warrior’s Willfully Waiting for the Wretched Wonders of War  against The Wallowing Witches of the Willow’s Werewolves.

Abe’s Xenagogue’s  Xenium of a Xanthocomic Xenagogy readied his Xenization as a  Xyresic Xylotomous.

Yeagers Yaffling and Yauchle in Yagmiment’s Yallacrack and Yaw-Yaw  over Yakka as Yeverous Yellow-Yowling Yeggs indulging their Yird-Hunger fueled the Yoke-Devils until Yonderward.

Zabernism drove Abe to Zack, to Zaggle avoiding Zowerswopped Zed Zobs searching for a Zitella to join him in his Zigzaggery, and Zugzwang journey to a Zneesy Zwan to live out their days in Zwodder.

Note To The Reader: I’ll be quick. I know especially with the trickier Letters of the Alphabet such a XYZ it look as if I’ve gone all Dr. Seuss, and just started making up words as I went. This IS NOT the case.

GOOGLE any word I’ve used throughout for DEFINITION(S).

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Textonics : Another Peak Behind The Curtin of Absurdity

Yes you guessed it here is another text conversation between SpaceDog and Yours Truly discussing doing a joint post using a technique known as “Bible Dipping” (want to know wtf that is then wait for the post or just Goggle the fuck out of it.

Without Further Adu TEXTONICS!

SpaceDog: Yeah kind of funny how the hospital is like the top place to catch shit. They should have a separate entrance for sick people at the hospital and clean them up in one of those chambers like they do in the movies. True True. Do you possess one or both bibles? I think i have a new testament around here somewhere but generally speaking that shit is way too cheerful.

Les: Fuck yeah a decontamination shower. I actually have a few versions of the bible ironically. Thats because people (even me believe that shit or not) get weirded out by ditching a bible even if they donate it to like fucking Good Will or some shit like that. I have a biblical text thats a whole bible dedicated to Revelations. Really grim shit. We should definitely use it for the Devil’s end of the Q&A.

SpaceDog: Speaking of Satan, they brought back sabrina the teenage witch and she’s satanic now. lol. Oh yeah thats like grizzly new T. i was thinking of psalms they are all cheery i read them like 20 times when i was in jail.

Les: Holy Shit I saw that shit on Netflix’s New Line Up and thought of the old original show, BUT I had no fucking idea that Sabrina had gone Satanic. I mean Sabrina was on fucking Nickelodeon for fucks sake. So how do you go from a Kids Network to Being Sabrina and Satan she being all down with the Devil. PSALMS READ IN JAIL! Fucking Fabulous. Just read your latest posts and I have to say they are rather Awesome. Very cool indeed.

SpaceDog: Haha thanks i have to finish part 2 later tonight before i forget what the hell i was talking about.

Les: Hear you there. I have a few  backlogged posts but had to have surgery number fucking 2 for this year so I was sore as shit and whacked out on a combo of Pot and Percocet. Come to think of it I wish I could have written then because that shit would be far fucking out.

SpaceDog: Damn what surgery u have? It Help?

Les: One of My asshole Doctors wanted an insurance policy since I have a bum ticker. So 2 weeks ago I had a Out Patient Procedure done at this Hospital thats Great accept I fucking despise it like taxes. I hope the surgery helps since the procedure was done in case as my Doctor put it “You try and Die on Us again.” So my shoulder was all jacked the fuck up felt like a tried to tackle an 18 wheeler. Lmfao.

SpaceDog: Well thats good my grandfather had that shit done and was right for as long as i can remember so like 30 years maybe? I tried to have surgery but my Doctor talked me out of it. Have something going on with my neck/shoulder area. I forget what the hell she called it.

Les: Damn a Doctor who doesn’t recommend surgery??? Now thats fucking Crazy as Shit.

SpaceDog: She said the scar would be worse. Idk will reevaluate after i drop weight and find myself staring at myself in the mirrors and not avoiding them like the plague.

Les: Reevaluating is always a good fucking idea, I mean thats what second opinions are made of. I need to drop weight myself. Doing good but then there was the Italy deal and then the Surgical Procedure. I need to get the fuck going again and all that happy horse shit.

SpaceDog: The guy currently dating brittany spears dropped 100 lbs in 6 months by doing 2 hours at the gym every morning. Im not exactly sure what i would do there for 2 hours. Even if i stretch out cardio and weight lifting i can only hit 80-90 minutes. What bout the other 30? Free Handjobs? Fake tanning bed? Arguing with the desk staff about something completely irrelevant? The arguing one is always fun especially when you intend to make zero sense.

Les: Brittany Spears is still relevant?! Yeah a 2 hour block in a fucking gym is a stretch but thats why they have personal fucking trainers I suppose. Arguing nonsense is AWESOME and a GREAT past time/ hobby too. Dunno about the extra 30 minutes time killer-filler but you got some good ideas. There a gym in the next town 8 miles down the road. Its a prefab building that houses you basic gym equipment, no contracts, no pressure, no trendy juice bar, no mirrored walls, no TVs, and no staff at all. Fucking Love It. They give you a key once you track down the owner and then you can go anytime you want as much as you want. You just let yourself in whenever ya wanna hump iron.

SpaceDog: Sounds like the old gym i belonged to. It was 24 hrs had a key card, i think the staff left at 6 pm something crazy early. Had to drop that shit because they decided that when they left they would shut off the air conditioning off also. Urge Fitness i guess as in i have to urge to murder these assholes. Owner must be some road head likes to cuss people out in their yelp reviews which is why i review shit anonymously. Cuz i only review some nasty shit. Lol. Like your fucks. I agree sarah Sanders deserves 2 separate fucks. Also i have 3 to add: Fuck Steve Harvey. FUCK BIXBY. FUCK CORTANA. ( those are the rip roaring shitting alexis/siri clones on samsung and windows respectively. Bit/Cortana compared to alexis/siri is like sleazy hollow vs the ritz carlton. Im going to bed i think i will survive one more day without finishing blog. Here’s something to keep u busy. U have to enter for the Mama Mia socks i did lmfao.

Les: They cut the AC thats some real bullshit there the douche bags. Urge is for Assholes LMFBO! Roid Rage the Struggle is REAL. Steroids shrink your balls and gives you bitch tits. I can add the additional fucks tomorrow just gotta edit them in there. Double Fuck(ed). Come to think I may just use your fucks to start off a Part 2. LMFAOMFRS!

***Thats all for this time around kiddies.***

Thanks for Reading

  Les Sober and SpaceDog 

I Never Titled It. I Hate Titles. They Should Die. By SpaceDog


I decided on the old spring cleaning today. More like my portable DVD player is gathering dust and I need to find its extension cord. So even though the ideas of what I want to write are running through my head at a blistering pace, like sperm pelting the floor at a bathhouse, I’ve taken the lazy way out and decided to throw up a few brooding poems from about five years ago. I think I wrote them in rehab, hence the plastic bed references casually strewn in there.


Why do I work to escape this very moment
When all I should do is tuck it away
How come my darkest world shines so bright
When it only brings me the fear of my plight

The hate in my soul drips forth with blood
While the bluebirds may chirp
I sit here in your mud
It’s like one thousand flavors rattle my cage
Dairy Queen and Lucifer, One and the same

My chest collapses slowly
While I wriggle in pain
Two candy canes half eaten
Melting in the rain

..I feel for my pulse but it’s not to be found
I’ve been riding in your carriage too long
But my soul is nowhere around

You still plague my soul
Even from far, far away
The wax from your candle
It melts my nightmares
Covers up all this dismay

And I used to run, I used to fly
There once was a time I never cried
Your heart it stayed open
Your veins never closed
The moths gracing your light bulbs
They practically glowed

And one day I’ll wake up
Maybe I’ll even truely care
But for this moment in time
This moment I own
Alone in my thoughts
Even though my brain isn’t home

I plot and I ponder.
I sit and I stare.
The tadpole didn’t come home for supper
But I still feel him there

And I know this isn’t reality
Yet it’s certainly not a dream
Just a slice of delusion
In a cherry pie choking on whi9pped cream.


and then there is this one.  i never titled it. i hate titles. they should die.


All my Johnnys have gone away
While I sat staring out the window
Trying to breathe in the world
When all I saw was the lamp post
And your reflection in a puddle

Then I sailed across the ocean
Looking for you
Looking for him
I wondered where your trail of bread crumbs led
But they only formed some lost circle
Empty of my heart
Crashing up my car

I ate a sundae with marshmellows
It tasted like you
Or wait maybe like him
And I put on some Jimmies
But they were too sweet
You tasted so bitter
Yet it was my dream
I swallowed my dreams

The boat then crashed ashore
My holy father whipped me
I just wanted your chains
To cramp my style
You squeezed my soul so fine

But I’ve lost your scent
The moon doesn’t rise
And your face isn’t on my quarter anymore
Just another dead president

And one day I do know
That something will rise out of the sky
I’d just take the sun
But you are my God
I don’t know if I should try

Yet maybe it’s my destiny
Just smelling you out
I’m not sure though
Because it may not be you
Might have been him
Singing through the birds
Nestling in my head

The queen of hearts left my deck long ago
Suffering without anything to hold onto
My kingdom has lost its peaceful rest.