Criminals OR Cowards Which One Are The Police?!

The Police as Started as an Racist Anti-African American Organization and has Evolved over the Decades into a Full Blown fucking Criminal Organization. There are Far too many Problems to Address all at Once as it Would Take Forever and a Day to Cover them All. The True Root of the Issue is while Citizens are Trained Basically from Birth to Inherently Trust the Police No Matter what, and Meanwhile the Police are Trained from Day One at the Academy NOT to Trust You in the Least. If You listen to any Recording of a Police Academy Class the Common Theme is The Instructor paints America as some Lawless Post Apocalyptic Max Max Wild West Wasteland. Not Only that but They Instill a Permanent and Lasting Fear in the Police Officers in Training that Everyone is a Killer, You can Be Killed at Any Point, and Everyone is Armed to the Teeth (One of the Downsides of the Second Amendment).

The Other Chief contributing Factor to Shitty Relations between Cops and Citizens happen Many Year Ago. Back then the Police had a Supply and Demand Problem as there was an Increasing Demand for Police Officers, but  the Number of New Cadets at the Police Academies was Minimal. Simple at that point in Time the Number of People interested in Becoming Cops was Severely Lacking. Stuck between the Preverbal Rock and a Hard Place the Police had Only one Real Viable Option, and that was to Significantly Lower the Police Entrance Tests. They basically Lowered Their Standards to get More Cops on the Street in Spite of the Fact They were Recruiting and Training Individuals that They Normally would NEVER Allow to be Cops. The Main Problem was the again Significant Lowering of the Entrance Psychological Evolution (I think We can all Agree an Insane Sadistic Fuck shouldn’t have a fucking Gun).


Now Among the Endless Myriad of Issues between the Police and the Public that I am going to Elaborate on is the Hypocrisy of How the Police Deal with Peaceful Protesters. This Problem Dates back to the 50’s and 60’s with the Civil Rights Movement and The Anti-Vietnam War Groups. It didn’t matter if You were and African American or an Idealistic Hippy the Police Treated every Protester the same Brutally. Thats Right the same fucking People that Cops are SWORN to Protect and Serve where the same fucking People They were Abusing, Beating, and Arresting. And for what I ask You? For utilizing Their Right to Peaceful Assembly to Protest the Ills of a Sick Society. It’s a Slap in the fucking Face to The First Amendment The Freedom of Speech. Never has this Hypocrisy been made More Abundantly Clear then with the Black Lives Matter Movement in 2020.

Black Lives Matter were Wide Spread Peaceful Protests against Police Brutality and Systemic Racism that Spread from Country to Country. taking it to a Global Level.Unfortunately it’s No Secret that Police Abuse, Exploit, and Kill African Americans at a More than Alarming Rate, and its been that Way ever since the Earliest Days of The Police. It has gotten so fuckng Bad that at this Point in 2020 Police aren’t just Shooting African Americans at an Insanely Increasing Rate, But in Today’s Times They’re Straight Up Murdering Them seemingly at Will. An Accompanying Issue is that it’s also No Secret that the Laws Don’t Apply to the Police the Same as for Your Average Citizen. The Police Badge is Essentially a License to Kill to Begin with Then the Police have Ultimate Immunity with the phrase “I was afraid for My Life.” This enabled a Police Officer to Shoot and Kill Someone, and then Get Off Scot Free just by Simply Saying “I was Afraid for My Life.” and on those grounds No Court would Ever Really Convict a Cop. Anyway back to the Point.


So to Recap right Quick Black Lives Matter Protests went Global as the World United behind a Common Cause in an Attempt to make a Change. These Protests were held in all 50 States, and Received a Phenomenal amount of News Coverage both through the Traditional Media as well as Social Media. Aside from the Odd Man Out Assholes the BLM Protests where in Large Completely Peaceful that was until the Police Arrived. Then All Hell Broke Loose as Chaos Erupted in the Streets. If You want to know Who Came looking for a Riot Look at Who Came Prepared for One. The Scene always Played Out the Same fucking Way like fucking Clockwork. The Protesters would Assemble, the Protest would Begin, and then The Police would Arrive in Full Blown Riot/SWAT Gear in Armored Vehicles Armed to the fucking Teeth. The Police Dressed in Paramilitary Gear would Form a Human Barricade to Block the Protesters from Advancing, and would Remain in this Formation for a Time.

Inevitably Though the Police would at Some Point start to Advance on the Protesters slowly walking towards Them Shields Up and Night Sticks at the Ready. Then in a Split Second (if that) the Police would Launch Their Utterly Unprovoked Offensive Literally Attacking the Protesters, and Escalating The Level of Their Extremely Violent Response to a Peaceful Protest Situation. The Next thing Anyone Knew The Cops were Beating Protesters with Night Sticks, Throwing People to the Ground (and then Beating them), Bombing the Protesters with Canisters of Tear Gassing, Firing Rubber Bullets at Protesters, and Tasering Protesters again TOTALLY UNPROVOKED. It got so Intensely fucked up that at One Point You had Men in Military Uniforms without Identification Grabbing Protesters at Random. They then would Toss the Protester(s) into an Unmarked Black SUV that would then Speed Off Somewhere and God Knows what the fuck happened AFter that or What the Hell became of those Detained Protesters in the End.


The Scene that summed it up for Me personally was the Footage of a Old Man in His Early 70’s Started to Approach a Police Officer as a Sizeable Group of Cops Marched down the Street. The Old Man had an Innocent Enough Question He wanted to ask the Cop but the Cop Strong Arms the Old Man Knocking Him Flat on His Back. When the Old Man was Shoved Over He was Standing on the Sidewalk so when He fell the Back of His Head Slammed into the Concrete and Busted Open. As the Old Man Lay on His back Bleeding from the Head Totally Helpless and in Need of  Immediate Medical Care EVER SINGLE COP in the Group of Approximately 25-30 Police Officers walked Past Him and DIDN’T DO A GODDAMN THING. They just Left Him Lying there without a fucking Care in the World. Now I ask You How/Why the fuck would or Should Anyone  ever Trust a fucking Cop when in Fact They should be fucking afraid of Them. I’m Sorry to say but it’s Beginning to Look like All My Heroes are Cop Killers, and That’s Ultimately Tragic Unto Itself.

Meanwhile it was a Completely Different fucking Story when MAGA Extremists, Diehard Trump Supporters, Racist Groups/Organizations, or Pro Trump Militias came to Town. Whenever these Either Racist Thugs like the Proud Boys (Pissy Bitches is More like It) or The Wannabe Tough Guy MAGAs/Trump Supporters it’s Always the Same Old Song. MAGA/Trump Supporters Dressed HEad to Toe in Camo and Sporting Combat Boots (as Well as whatever else They can Pick Up at Their Local Army Surplus Store) like Larping GI Joes wondering the Streets while Brandishing a Wide Variety of Guns. When these Motherfuckers show up somewhere to Start Fights/ Physically Attack People like the Racist Cowards or Stroll Around Town Even without Open Carry Laws carrying Assault Weapons and Shit.

The Most Outrageous Example of This is When a Bunch of these Play Soldiers Stormed a Government Building and Heavily Armed (and that would be an Understatement) completely Unobstructed. No One Tried to Stop Them even though Bringing Any Weapon into a fucking Federal Building is fucking Federal Crime. Right There is My Point during all the Illegal and Violent Shit Perpetrated by The Racist Scumfuckers or MAGA/Trump Supporter Pieces of Shit THERE WAS NEVER A SINGLE COP TO BE FOUND. I Never Saw a single Cop Not a One in ANY of the Footage from these Type of Events. No Armored Vehicles, Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Night Sticks, or Tasers Anywhere. The SWAT Team Never Came Storming In Nor the Droves of Cops in Riot Gear that Blocked Streets and Attacked the Peaceful Protesters. Forget Protect and Serve these Police Officers didn’t even Show the fuck Up.

So Where Exactly were all the Cops when all this bullshit went Down ? Well there Three Possible Answers to that Question. The First Answer is the Cops are fucking Violent, Rage Filled, Mental Unfit, Corrupt, Racist, Abusive, Anti-Semetic, Homophobic, Mindless Thugs who get Off on Abusing Their Power. The Bottomline is this means that The Cops are The Criminals Plain and Simple. The Second is that the Police are Lowly Cowards who in the Face of Actual Real Danger Run and Hide down at the Police Station like a Bunch of Scarred Little Bitches. This Means the Cops are Spineless and Gutless Cowards that make Themselves feel like Macho Men by Brutalizing Peaceful Protesters, But in Reality are Terrified of Anyone Posing Real Danger so They Piss Their Pants and make Themselves Scarious. Lastly is the Third Answer which I believe to be the Correct One which is the Answer is BOTH. I believe that Cops are Both Sleazy fucking Criminals and are World Class Cowards, but you can make up Your Own Mind.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober  (Pt2:23Am)

Twitter: #SocialMediaHypocrites

Let Me start off by Saying it absolutely NO SECRET I Hate, Loath, and Despise Facebook and All it Stands For. Fuckerberg swore He was keeping His users Personal Information Safe, BUT it turned out HE was selling User’s Personal Data to 188 Different fucking Companies. There also the Fact FB is the Number One Social Media Platform for Racist/Hate Groups because FB doesn’t do Dick about Stopping Them. FB also let us Not Forget was also involved with the Rigging of the 2016 Election.

Can You Say Cambridge Analytica?!! CA was a former British Political Consulting Firm that Fuckerberg also Sold User’s Personal Info Too. Cambridge took the User’s Personal Data to Exploit for Political (Republican) Propaganda Purposes such a  Misdirection, Misinformation, and it was designed to Specifically Target Voters. That combined with the Fact FB said it will NOT limit or Stop the Spread of Lies, Insult, Fake News, Misinformation, Bullying, Racism, Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, and Threat of Violence (or Infighting Violence). FB does have ONE thing going for it which is it Doesn’t try and Hide its Fucked Up Agenda Anymore They put it Right Out in Front.


Twitter on the Other Hand is Steeped Neck Deep in Utter and Total fucking Hypocrisy. They claim They want a “Safe Environment for its Users” meanwhile They Let Racist Tweet like there’s No Tomorrow and just Pretend They Don’t. Twitter has also Enabled a Certain Orange Asshole to straight out Lie/Insult/Bully on Their Platform with NO CONSEQUENCES.

Oh I’m sorry after almost 4 fucking Years Twitter managed to summon up the Testicular Fortitude to Tag just 2 (out of Hundreds if Not Thousands of Tweets) with Fact Checking Tags. The Obese Orange Bastard had a fucking Tween Level Temper Tantrum and THREATENED TO TAKE TWITTER DOWN WHILE USING TWITTER TO DO IT. How much of a Gutless Punkass Bitch do You have to be to Let a User Shit Talk and Threaten Your Platform on Your Platform, and DO NOTHING about it. Talk about being a fucking Door Mat.


Now The Reason for this Post is Quite Simple for the Umpteenth Time I have been a 7 Day Twitter Induced Suspension. I have mentioned in a Previous Post about Being Suspended Multiple Times, and even went as Far as to Talk Mad Shit about How Twitter Suspensions were a fucking Joke. Well all that Trash Talking circled around and bit Me Squarely on the Ass. Twitter apparently became aware Their “Punishments” for Violation of Their Terms of Service was Feeble at Best. Twitter has recently become MUCH more Strict about Handling Alleged Violations by its Users. Now You can’t Tweet, Retweet, Like, or Respond to a Tweet like You could before during its Lame Suspensions. Twitter has Also increased Their Suspension Time Frame from 24/48/72 Hour Suspensions to an Entire fucking Week.

I’m not going to Bullshit and Say I haven’t pushed the Envelope when it comes to Twitter’s Terms of Service over the Years. I also have been Suspended as I mentioned, BUT I have to admit at Least then I understand Why I was Suspended. An Example I Responded to a Tweet of a Well Known Asshole (You See I don’t engage with Regular People, I’m not a Dickless Basement Dwelling Troll. I have gone after Public Figures like Politicians, Musicians, Actors, essentially Famous People who live in the Eye of the Public) that They could Save the Planet by Killing Themselves. I also told a certain Washed Up Hollyweird Actor and wannabe Political Commentator that if He was so Unhappy about Things He could do US all a Favor and Kill Himself as well. OBVIOUSLY these Tweets were in DIRECT and FLAGRANT Violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service. I know that Now AND I damn well knew it when I Tweeted them.


I have always been Intensely Critical of America’s Police Force and Still think Their Fascist Scumfucks Who Use and Abuse Their Power any and Every Chance the Motherfuckers get. So with all of the Protests against The History of Systemic Racism of the Police, but Police Brutality as Well I have been more than Vocal on the Issue. When I was informed of My Newly Acquired Suspension I Honestly thought it was Due to the Anti-Police Hashtags I have been Using over the Last Few Weeks. The Hashtags are as Follows: #BlueLivesAreBullshit, #BlueLivesMyAss, #BlueLivesMean Nothing, #OnlyGoodCopIsADeadOne, and the Classic #FuckThePolice. To My Total Surprise that WAS NOT the Reason I got a 7 Days Bullshit Twitter Suspension.

For those Who May Not Know or Those Who need a Quick Refreshing on Twitter’s Terms of Use pertaining to “Hateful Content” is and I Quote:

“Violating Our Rules Against Hateful Conduct. You may not promote violence against, Threaten, or Harass other People on the basis of Race, Ethnicity, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Gender Identity, Religious Affiliation, Age, Disability, or Serious Disease.”

Here is the Tweet I got Suspended for VERBATIM:

@anananavarro Funny thing is at the First Sign of Trouble this Hillbilly and His Red Neck Friends would Run like Scared Rabbits.

This was a Reply to a Retweet by Anana Navarro who Retweeted a Video of some MAGA Asshole Who referred to Himself as a “Hillbilly” and His Friends as “Rednecks”. This Scumbag was THREATENING to have His Friends and Himself ARM THEMSELVES WITH GUNS and take to the Streets to Administer VIGILANTE JUSTICE if Their Cocksucking Police Deparment ended up being Defunded. The Asshole Actually then said “Me and My Friends Won’t Be Using Rubber Bullets that’s for Sure.”

SO To Recap a Hateful Fucktard angry over the Defunding of Police Issue THREATENING to walk the Streets ARMED, and THREATENS TO KILL PEOPLE (“…Won’t be using Rubber Bullets”. Twitter did NOTHING about the Video that wasn’t just Tweeted it as being countlessly Retweeted, and as Far as I am Aware it is STILL UP ON TWITTER TO THIS VERY DAY.


Thus I got suspended for insinuating that Racist are in fact Cowards who tote Guns and Talk Shit, BUT in reality They are completely Spineless Cowards who’d Run from Trouble (Not Confront it as They would have You believe). All I can figure is Twitter itself didn’t Flag Me the Algorithm/Bots didn’t Report Me. I think its safe to Assume a Fellow Racist who Supports Dumbfucks who Threaten Armed Violence in Response to Something They Don’t Like Reported Me. I think this Proves Racists are Punk Ass Cowards. Again They Talk Mad Shit, Yet No One “Came to get Me” or Contacted Me at All for That Matter. Instead Some Racist Bitchass Hid Behind Twitter and Reported Me like a the Fucking Cowardly Cunt They Truly are.

Thanks For Reading,

  By Les Sober

An FYB PSA: When Confronted By Cops

It’s No Secret that I have NO Love for the Police Just Endless Seething Contempt and Disgust. Now True I Hate Authority Figures, But I’m also Not an Ignorant Asshole. Thats to Say I have had PLENTY of Interaction with Police over the Years enough to Know that Cops are Crooks with Badges. The Police Abuse Their Power CONSTANTLY to the Point the Police are the Biggest Criminal Organization in America Today.

BOTTOMLINE: If there are such things as So Called “Good Cops” why then Don’t They Stop the Bad Cops? Thats because while these alleged “Good Cops” aren’t corrupt or abuse their Power THEY DON’T REPORT THE BAD ONES.  That’s because even these “Good Cops” adhere to the Code of Silence  which is UTTERLY FUCKED. The Rule of Silence is You Don’t Narc Out Your Fellow Police Officers NO MATTER WHAT even if They’re more Crooked than the Criminals just because You’re a Cop Too. And these professedly “Good Cops” still abide by the Code of Silence that Allows Corrupt Cops to Run Rampant in the Street. It’s the World’s Biggest DOUBLE STANDARD. How the Hell can You Be a So Called “Good Cop” if You Allow and Enable the Corrupt Cops to Continue Abusing Their Position by keeping Your Mouth Shut?!!!


With that Said Here are 5 Tips on How to Deal with The Police:

  1. You are NOT Under ANY Obligation to Exit Your Vehicle. Doing so Enables The Police to UNLAWFULLY do a Precursory Visual Search of Your Vehicle. To Circumvent this, Keep ALL Your Doors LOCKED, Crack Your Window enough for a Fist to Snugly fit Through the Opening. ASK WHY You were being Stopped, and Hand the Officer the Identification He/She Requested ONCE THEY ANSWER, Then ROLL THE WINDOW BACK UP.

2. If the Officer asks You for Permission to Search Your Vehicle, Ver Politely and Calmly say the Following: “In Accordance with My 4th United States Constitutional Amendment Rights DECLINE YOUR REQUEST until You Provide Me with a SEARCH WARRANT issued by a MAGISTRATE”, then say NOTHING MORE to The Officers NO MATTER what They Say and/or Threaten to Do. Police DO NOT have the right to Open Your Car Door, Some MAY TRY to do this, this is Why You MUST KEEP Your Door Shut and Locked During a Traffic Stop.


3. Contrary to what the Police might TRY to tell You, it is NOT ILLEGAL TO RECORD THEM during the Performance of Their Duties as Long as You maintain a Distance from Them that DOES NOT give Them Justifiable Reason to Claim You Impeaded upon Them Preforming Their SWORN DUTIES. In Criminal Statutes, impeding upon the Sworn Duties of a Law Enforcement Officer is called “Obstruction of Justice”. If You maintain a Distance of 12 to 15 feet from the Officer You are Recording if You are NOT the Person of Interest then They will have NO JUSTIFIABLE REASON to claim Onstruction of Justice, and Arrest You. IF You are the Officer’s Person of Interest, a CLOSER Distance of 4 to 5 Feet is Suitable for Filming.

AGAIN, IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO RECORD THE POLICE AT ANY TIME. If the Officer says Differently He/She is Straight up LYING which Cops do all the Time because They Know People are Scared and Intimidated by Them and Have No Clue About the Law or Their Actual Legal Rights. The Police Exploit the Public’s Ignorance and Fear to Literally throw the Rule Book out the Window, and Conduct Themselves anyway They fucking Want even if it VIOLATES YOUR RIGHTS.


4. On March 23, 2015 The United States Supreme Court Rules that Law Enforcement can NOT DETAIN DRIVERS While Waiting for a POLICE K-9 Unit. If a Police Officer THREATENS YOU with a K-9 when You Decline His/Her Request to Search You and/or Your Vehicle, You May Politely Remind the Officer of this Ruling. Ask if You are in Fact Under Arrest for Anything then again Politely ASK TO GO since the Officer has NO PROBABLE CAUSE to Detain You any Longer. If the Officer says “No” to Your Request, The Officer has VIOLATED Their OATH to Uphold the Law, BUT Your 4th Constitutional Amendment Right against UNLAWFUL DETENTION as well as CRIMINAL LAW FOR FALSE IMPRISONMENT.

5. Lastly but Not Least REMEMBER TO ALWAYS RECORD ALL INTERACTIONS WITH THE POLICE!!! Video Evidence of Police Misconduct is a Valuable Thing to Insure Bad Cops get fucking Fired. IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO RECORD THE POLICE!!!

The Old Police Motto of  Protect and Serve has Evolved into a Comply or DIE Mentality as Cops begin to forget Their Job is to UPHOLD the Law while in fact THEY ARE NOT THE LAW. Cops have a SERIOUS POWER TRIP Mentality that reduces them to NOTHING but Bullies with Badges. And then the PUSSIES cry like BITCHES when People criticize Them or Flip them the Bird meanwhile They are Robbing, Raping and Murdering at Will. THE COPS ARE CRIMINALS TOO Don’t Be Fooled, Don’t Allow Yourself to be Bullshitted by The Thugs in Blue.


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

“Well Twitter Me This Batman…”

Its no secret my favorite one and only Social Media Platform I use is Twitter. I’ve been told I’m prolific and am lucky enough to have a cult following. That doesn’t mean I don’t have issues with Twitter mind you because I do.

Twitter like so many before it has to balance precariously on the thin line of Free Speech. Society can’t make a simple Yes or No answer. Free Speech is a Black and White issue, there is not Gray area of ambiguity here.

If We truly have Free Speech then its for EVERYONE, or let me put it this way if you can say whatever you want SO CAN EVERY ASSHOLE IN AMERICA.

So to deal with this delicate matter Twitter like every other fucking Social Media Platform established a set of Rules and Guidelines designed to allow Free Speech. Thats ONLY IF it does’t violate their User Guidelines which in effect is CENSORSHIP, thus negating True Free Speech.

But I digress as the issue of Free Speech warrants an Entire Post for itself.

Yet Twitter seems to violate its own Rules of Conduct by openly allowing batshit scumfucker’s like Alex “Asshole” Jones or The Obese Orange Fuckass Traitor 45 to continually use their service apparently free from all penalties for violating the established Guidelines for Rules of Conduct.

Now I respect Twitter and Other Social Media Platforms (Except Face Book which is complete Bullshit, and Zuckerberg is a Slimy Little Money Grubbing Millennial Shitfuck.) To try and prevent Nazi’s, Rapists, Religious Fanatics, Political Scumbags, Homophobes, Anti-Semites, Corrupt, Crooked, Criminal, or illegal elements from getting exposure of any kind. That just is common sense to Me.

Now here is my issue with Twiter. Twitter has a rather basic and Parental plan in place to help address any issues of possible violation of Their Rules with a preverbal “Time Out” Yes that is correct.

Your screen will go blank and then a Template Letter Statement from Twitter appears. I can’t quote the fucking thing but I get the fucking gist.

It basically says that Twitter embraces Free Speech AND wants a user friendly platform. Then it accuses you of possibley might have gotten close to breaking the rules so this serves as an Slap On The Wrist if you will.

It informs you that since there could possibly been an issue your account is Limited Access for 12 hours. That means ONLY your followers will be able to see you account/tweets for 12 hours at which point your account is returned to normal.

What pisses Me off to no fucking end is the fact that though the messages says your account has been flagged for possible misconduct IT NEVER GIVES YOU THE/AN EXACT ANSWER.  Its just this vague play nice or be punished reminder babble.

To date I have racked up a total of 19 “12 Hour Time Outs”.

I also had My Account put on a Stricter “24 Hour Time Out” Twice thus far.

I recently was given the harshest “Time Out” Yet with the “48 Hour Time Outs”

Now I don’t really understand at all why the fuck My Account is constantly being plagued with this Twitter bullshit. For the Records I do not engage in participate in, or support in any way of the following: Trolling, Threats of Violence to Anyone/their friends/their family/ personal property,  pictures of anything of a Pornographic nature, Gun/Weapon Worship (ex. The NRAssholes), Anti-LBGTQ bullshit, Anti-Semetic Bullshit, Nazi Sympathizer Racist shit, Promotion or Glorification of Drug/Alcohol Use, Big Tobacco Bullshit, or anything of an Illegal, Criminal or Corrupt Nature.

The funniest fucking thing is how at this time in my life I’m not just aware of the Rules, BUT I do everything in my power to BEND but NOT BREAK the rules in Life. I seriously TONE DOWN my opinions and Posts by 10 fucking fold, trust me the shit you see I Tweet is just the TINIEST TIP of the fucking IceBurg. And not only that but when I do get put on one of these asinine “Time Out” deals I continue to Tweet, but again I tried much more lightly which I feel is respectful as fuck.

What I do is I do RAIL AND RAGE against primarily the Scumsucking Scumfuck Politicians, Trump the Traitor, Motherfucking MAGA Morons, Rancid Racists, Rapists, Homophobes, Police Brutality and Corruption, Bullshit Big Business (Fuck Walmart, Eat Shit Amazon), The Pharmaceutical Industry, Health Care, and any injustice I perceive. I fully support Underdogs as well as Those wronged by a Shitciety.

My feeling is if your a fucking ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANT aka a Politician and you fuck up or turn out to be a piece of fucking shit than your open to ANY AND ALL RIDICULE from the People who ELECTED YOU and for whom you supposedly work (REMEMBER FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE YOU WASHINGTON DC DICKHEADS?!!)

So yes I admit I insult the hell out of those I deem to be utterly shitty fucking people, and I talk mad shit about them (I do not Troll them, I say what I have to say on my Feed not Theirs.

I also get a kick out of BLOCKING MAGAs because their so fucking stupid that they respond to a Tweet of mine like I give a flying fuck what those fucktards have to say FUCK THE LEMMINGS!)

BUT these aren’t the General Public these are Elected Officials and other People in Power who by the nature of their job deserve to reap what they sow. And if you Sow Shit Seeds you Deserve to Reap Shit Plants.

Thanks for Reading,

By Les Sober

America’s Social Problems: The Sickness of a Dying Nation

What are the top 10 American social problems in my opinion?

They Are:
1. What The war in the middle East
2. Police corruption
3. Financial inequality
4. Out sourcing jobs
5. The legal system
6. The media
7. The healthcare system
8. The Pharmaceutical industry
9. The Prison system
10. The war on drugs

I will briefly summarize my reasoning behind the issues on the aforementioned list in no particular order. I believe them all to be extremely problematic and detriment to American society none being any more or less than the others.

The number one thing that baffles me to no fucking end is America has been at War in Afghanistan from 2001-2014 and less than a year after the 9/11 terror attacks America forgot about. It was like with previous war such as WWI and WWII where America rallied together as a nation against evil and all that shit. Nor was it like the Vietnam war where ACTUAL BATTLE COVERAGE was shown on the nightly news. The media just transitioned back into ignorant oblivion. Not only that but America was at war with Iraq at the EXACT SAME TIME, SIMULTANEOUS FUCKING WARS. IS that all, NOPE. America was involved in the Libyan Cicil War in 2011 in Libya.  America ALSO is currently at war (and has been since 2004) in North-West Pakistan, War in Afghanistan (AGAIN) 2015-Present, AND from 2014 to present America is also at War on ISIL 2014-Present in Iraq/Libya/Syria and Nigeria. My Bottomline: WHERE IS THE MEDIA COVERAGE and WHY THE HELL DON’T AMERICANS ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR COUNTRY IS STILL WARING IN THE MIDDLE EAST?! I digress for now.

When it comes to the issue of outsourcing its a doubled edged sword to say the least. While the outsourcing of American jobs created a massive nation wide unemployment crisis (that all but eliminated the American middle class.) slowly American corporations are bringing jobs back stateside. Yet while American corporations are bringing jobs back to the U.S. they are paying their employees half or less of their previous salary while working them three times as hard with few to no benefits. In the end American employees are being exploited so big companies can save on shipping costs.

All I will say on the subject of financial inequality is it has NEVER BEEN GREATER. With the near destruction of the Middle Class due to outsourcing, shitty Market, and Predatory Loans America has never come closer to being one of the 3rd world Counties we have Charity Ads for (Think “For just the price of a cup of coffee you can provide food, education and healthcare for….”) Financial Equality has also been exacerbated by the increasing commercialism of the American public for increasing profits. YOUR PAYING TO BE ALIVE. CAN YOU SAY HEALTH INSURANCE?!

The War on drugs has been and continues to be a complete undeniable failure. Even Mexico who was America’s tag team partner after 40 years admitted the war was lost mainly due to the way it was being fought. Drugs are not living things so really how the fuck do you declare war with inanimate objects so to speak?! Dealing with the addiction instead of fighting it (again declaring war upon a disease/mental disorder) We already saw alcohol prohibition not only FAIL SPECTACULARLY but also it had serious side effects like ORGANIZED CRIME because the moral to this twisted tail is PEOPLE WILL DRINK NO MATTER WHAT. It should be painfully obvious that the cliche “those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” applies here when it comes to the war on drugs. Yet not only has the war on drugs failed so monumentally, but the Big AMERICAN Pharmaceutical Companies along with the FDA caused/created the current Opiate Addiction.

Why You Ask could this happen? Pharmaceutical companies created SYNTHESIZED MAN MADE HEROIN in many shapes and names Vicodin, Oxycontin, Percocet, Fentanyl (patches) and the FDA allowed the Consumer Market to be FLOODED with BILLIONS OF NEW PRESCRIPTIONS without fully examining or learning the problematic issue of addiction they just wanted TO CASH IN AS FAST AS POSSIBLE at the expense of the American Public. I will digress for now.

Accept the AmericanHealthcare System went for helping the sick and injured to TOTAL CAPITALIST MAKEOVER. Patients equal Profits. If you don’t have insurance RAPING YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS while providing LESS AND LESS services. Fucked Up Fact: It Costs $1,200 to $1,500 a DAY to stay in the hospital. THATS JUST FOR THE FUCKING ROOM, THE ACTUAL SPACE and Nothing Else. Hospitals started to charge for EVERYTHING and they charge it all separately. You pay for medications BY PILL hence the joke of the $11 hospital aspirin.
The social problem that I have extreme fucking difficulty examining without personal judgment is the subject of police corruption (which includes police brutality and misconduct as well as corruption and breaking ANY and All was.)
The reason I would be so judgmental on the topic of police corruption is the problem is escalating through out all 50 states of America. Police officers are being charged with planting evidence, thief/robbery, assault, rape and murder.  The COPS have BECOME the CRIMINALS. The cliche for this one is the “If you work with monsters make sure you don’t become one” saying. Thanks to the internet combined with Social Media and the prevalence of Smart Phones equipped with video cameras are exposing rampant illegal police activity increasingly on a daily basis. Also in cases where a corrupt police officer is charged with a crime up to and including murder they are put on paid leave until their court date. THATS A PAID FUCKING VACATION.

Once the police officer ends up in court the prosecutor, District Attorney and the presiding judge all weigh in on the side of the police officer resulting in the police officer being absolved of all charges and sent back to work. YOU GOT IT NO PRISON TIME THEY GET TO CO RIGHT BACK TO THEIR FUCKING JOBS. Virtually none of the corrupt police officers caught and charged with a crime(s) ever serve time in prison unless its time for a sacrificial lamb of a scape goat to “Make an example out of” when the public outrage is at a high. It actually MEANS NOTHING.

Lastly lets address the controversial subject of the  law abiding police officers (referred to as “the good cops”) who have never broken a single law protect the corrupt police officers under the accepted “Code of Silence” This meaning quite simply the good police officers will not report or assist in the prosecution of corrupt police officers no matter how egregious the charges or conduct. So I’m calling HUMONGOUS BULLSHIT THERE. Its a Real Life Get Out of Jail Free Card for corrupt cops.

When it comes to the Legal System all I will say for now anyways. When I got arrested and charged with a Felony I was lucky enough to be able to afford a lawyer with a excellent reputation and connections. The first time I met with him in his office he said the following and I will remember it to the day I fucking die:

“You have to know what where dealing with here. You see there 3 kinds of Laws and there’re Rich People Laws, White People Laws and Minority Laws.” He meant if I had been Rich I’d get off easy, White people can get in trouble, but have the benefit of the court on their side so good chance I wouldn’t serve time and if I was minority I’d be going to jail no if, ands or buts.

As far as the Prison system goes all I can say is Over crowding and inhumane conditions are ongoing problems BUT PRIVATIZING PRISONS a PRISONER FOR PROFIT system your guaranteeing peoples rights will be violated (to keep them in or send them to prison) because your not a defendant YOUR A FUTURE CLIENT/CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ITS WORST.

The Media has become a fucking farce. The media stopped doing honest and worthy reporting to cater to the ongoing moronic American Public. The Media humped on wagon with Social Media make both products shittier. Now between biased news, fake fucking news,fluff pieces and FCC it may not have been what America wanted but its what it fucking got. Reality TV was the beginning of the end of all Media. No one cares about the American GI thats killed in the ongoing War, BUT PEOPLE SHIT OVER THE FUCKING KARDASHIANS. Think about it.

America is Cannibalizing Itself replacing the Constitution with Commercialism. Your NO LONGER a citizen of the country of American, you consumer client of American Inc. LLC. The government, the Pharmaceutical companies and Big Business Corporations ARE COMMERCIALIZING EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE FOR PROFIT.

The America we all came to love is gone, there is no longer an American Dream.

Catalog Of Humanity (The Vile Version)

The once grand city fell into the continuing chaos of decades of decay,

The businesses and those with money have abandoned this sickening city,

The whores loitering outside of the local liquor store looking for love,

The strung out narcotic zombie working the corner cleaning windshields to feed his abominable addiction,

The open festering sores that line the limbs of the homeless,

The panhandler suffering through withdraw from drink or drug fidgeting in the door way of a flea bag motel,

The flop house littered with junkies cooking up and shooting up nodding their nightmares away,

The constant flickering of lighters from the derelict row home windows reminiscent of fire flies as the crack pipes burn on,

The entire city is a cess pool engulfed in the putrid stench of a sewer,

The crooked cops riding around in the streets high on their own brutality like Nazis scumbag sons of bitches,

The dirty little convince stores selling single cigarettes and lottery scratchers to the soulless and the suffering,

The dim florescent glow from dive bars windows beckoning the bums inside for a glass of piss poor beer,

The screaming machinery bellowing like a banshee from the chop shops,

The junkyard dogs chained up in yards of dirt, clumps of weeds, and piles of its own shit,

The pimps perched like perverted gargoyles waiting to be paid by their beaten and broken bitches,

The asshole teenagers from the suburbs driving into the city to prey on the unfortunate,

The drug dealers posting up on the street corners peddling potent poisons,

The gangs who wage an endless war of horror over disputed territories,

The bouncer ejecting a greasy client from the shadows of a back room illegal casino,

The overlapping layers of spray paint so thick one can’t tell the walls original color,

The plagues of rats and roaches devouring the city turning it into shit,

The cold gray fermentable walls of the State Prison looming large casting its silhouette across the southern side of the city,

The now defunct factories slowly rotting away in the winds of time,

The dead Vietnam vet who overdosed in his cardboard condo decomposing as his body waits to be found,

The piles of foul garbage that choke up the entrances to allies,

The deep brown tap water thats murky like mud,

The squatters that inhabit the vast city cemetery emerge under the dark cloak of the encroaching night to forage for food,

The front stairs of the court house teems with lawyers and defendants debating their legal fates,

The Public assistance offices are over crowded and under staffed as the government gives up on the poor,

The sea of condoms that surround the dumpster out back of the check cashing store where hookers trade in dick for dollars,

The methhead on a 4 day bender thats furiously fucking a dead pigeon in the desolate park,

The the old deranged mentally ill man who wonders the streets arguing with himself and losing,

The inhabitants of tent city sit around their make shift fires roasting their catch of stray cats for diner,

The bankrupt arena the city built without proper parking at the corner of Rape and Heroin,

The drunken man beating his kids since he wore out his wife before his tv diner,

The dead and the dying wallowing in squalor and their lost faith,

The cries of an unwanted baby unceremoniously deposited in a garbage dumpster by a terrified teenage mother,

The distinct crunch of empty crack files mixed with broken beer bottles under ones feet as they walk down the street,

The nightly fist fights that break out in the city’s central soup kitchen,

The crumbling churches now just idle monuments to a bygone god,

And this city of shit could be any city, all cities dying from industrial death,

And forgotten by history and humanity alike.