Sponge Bob’s Cartoon Conspiracy: SQUIDWARD’S SUICIDE TAPE (Red Mist)

While Wondering around looking for Future  Cartoons That Aren’t For Children content We inadvertently came across a Cartoon Conspiracy of Sorts (that wasFar to Dark and Disturbing for Cartoon’s That Aren’t For Children). The Conspiracy surrounds an Allegedly Leaked Episode of the Extremely Popular Nickelodeon Kid’s Show Sponge Bob Square Pants, and an Episode Titled SQUIDWARD’S SUICIDE (Red Mist) that was so Horrific it was NEVER meant to be seen by Anyone Ever Again.

The Story is there was an Intern working at/for The Kid’s Network Nickelodeon, and part of His Job was to review Episodes of Sponge Bob Square Pants. One Morning the Intern was called into the Editing Room where there were Two Fellow Interns along with the Lead Animator and a Couple of Sound Editors. They had just received an Episode of Sponge Bob that was supposed to be Titled” Krabby Cakes”, but the Episode that had been Delivered was Tilted SQUIDWARD’S SUICIDE (Red Mist). Initially the Title didn’t raise any Eyebrows since it’s sort of an Industry Insider Joke if You will. Sometimes Shows would be Labeled with Alternate Titles simply as a Joke. Thus Everyone in the Editing room assumed it was just Someone’s Sick Sense of Humor and that was that. Then They Watched It.


During the Initial Viewing the Lead Animator noticed there was a Sudden Flash near the Begging of the Episode. He went back and Replayed that particular part of the Episode Frame By Frame and What He discovered was TRULY HORRIFYING. What had flashed on the Screen was the Photo of a Dead Boy with His Intentions Removed and Piled Next to His Body. As the Show Descended for Weird to Darkly Disturbing the Team found Another Psychotic Photo this time of a Dead Little Girl laying face down in a Pool of Blood with Her Intestines Piled on Her Back. By the End of the Episode 5 to 6 other EXTREMELY GRAPHIC Photos were found Embedded with in it that were Different Pictures (One showed an Unknown Persons Hands as They are Tearing Out the Boy’s Intentions)  of the Same Dead Boy form earlier.

Once the Episode was over it was Immediately Turned over to the Police post haste. After the Incident it is Rumored that Everyone there at the Viewing ended up in Therapy suffering from Nightmares, Depression, and Insomnia. Also Allegedly a Female Intern from that Day actually Killed Herself being Unable to Live with What She had Seen. In Spite of all this People are People so its shouldn’t be Surprising that an Anonymous Employee (or possible an Angry Ex-Employee) Leaked the Episode Online where it was Promptly Removed by The Authorities.


The Question remains Who in the fucked up World would create this seriously Sinister Cartoon Episode where the Subject Matter is a Beloved Character commenting Suicide? And that’s Aside from the More fucked up Fact that there were/are Gory Pictures of Dead Kids embedded within it. It is believed that that SQUIDWARD’S SUICIDE was traced back to a Scottish Animator Andrew Skinner. Skinner is allegedly Created and Sent the SQUIDWARD’S SUICIDE Episode to Nickelodeon. Thats Not all though.  Some time after the SQUIDWARD’S SUICIDE Incident Skinner was supposedly Arrested and Charged with 9 Counts of Murder including Two Children. This then begs the Question if Skinner is the Creator, and a Serial Killer then are the Embedded Photos His Children Victims?!

Real or Fake it’s Still Some Extremely Sick Shit. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (15/365)

Lee instinctively flipped over onto His Belly (still using the Inflatable Sex Doll as a Shield) figured His best course of action was too literally keep His head down, and army crawl His way to the Door. Luckily for Lee at His lower Level managed to blend into the insuring chaos as He suffered a serious series of pokes and jabs from the Merchandise that coated the floor like a freshly fallen snow.

After a very slow going Lee made it to the Door at last, and stood up before barging His way out to the perceived safety of the Parking Lot. Unfortunately for Lee the Porn Shop was under full blow fucking siege by the incensed Seniors. They were everywhere as far as Lee could see it was just one continuous Sea of Senior Citizens.


There was a large and boisterous Picket Line, as well as several People Preaching through Bullhorns from Milk Crate Pulpits. Lee could help but think that the Self Proclaimed Preacher present were all talking over one another so none of Their messages could actually be heard by anyone there.

Also the Senior’s inside had decided it was best to Purge the Porn Shop by not just plundering the Stores Merchandise, But where now actively throwing it into the Parking Lot as the Little Old Ladies outside cheered Them on with chants of “Salvation Over Sin!”, and “Pornography  is Blasphemy!”


This Lee thought was the biggest Irony of them all as Vandalizing and trashing the Porn Shop made perfect sense to Lee considering the situation. The thing Lee found so amusing was the Shop while being set back from the Highly Trafficked Route 22 the Parking Lot was completely visible to all the Motorists as well as Bicyclists, Joggers, Dog Walkers, and walking Locals.

So if the Senior Citizens Brigade of God Fearing Soldiers (here to restore Society’s Moral Compass from the Vile Scourges of Sexploitation) were here  to  Truthfully Protect Humanity then why the fuck would They subject the World to the Twisted Perversions They were so Heartily Fighting Against?


The point was The Sinful Sex Toys were now littering the ground for not just the Public to see, but since it was 3:00pm School was out. And with the combination of The Local Middle School being in the immediate area, and that the end of Route 22 (where the Shop was Located) turned from Commercial to Residential so there were also School Bus Stops near by. It was by far the Worst Strategy at the Wrong time and Place as an Anti-Porno Pro Christian Righteous Rally could have possibly occurred.

Lee got to His feet as fast as He could while bobbing and weaving through the enraged Mob to find some place anyplace where He could have a second to regroup. By the time Lee found shelter from the Porn Shop Shit Storm behind a tree (that was on the property line of the Porn Shop and the next Door Gas Station) He could hear the Police Sirens Screaming like Banshees in the back round.


Stay Tuned Kiddies for Tomorrow’s Insane Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

I Was A Teenage Murder Junkie pt.4: Salvation of the Streets

Mike shoved the doors of the basement delivery and much to our surprise they swung open like a $2.00 Hooker’s legs on pay day.  We bum rushed out of the confines of the basement show leaving the ensuing riot behind us. As we emptied onto the street it resembled the most messed up parade anyone could imagine. Several police cruisers were parked out front in various and precarious angles outside of the bar with their lights blazing as a handful of cops wandered around amidst the occupants of the bar. The regulars were at the outskirts of the crowd bitching about being separated from their beer and bar because of some punk kids shit show (that shouldn’t have ever been booked) as The Barfly was in deed a Bar not an actual show venue. The base of the crowd outside were not just the fan’s that attended the show, but an increasing amount of onlookers out from the shadows of the shitty streets they called home. It was quite obvious that there simply were not nearly enough police officers to accomplish much of anything accept a couple of initial arrests, and not getting killed in an already out of control situation that since they intervened seemed to only escalate more and more. Plainly put it was a numbers game and the police were well outnumbered.

Our small clan stood in a tight circle around GG who was beyond agitated and was now bordering on his usual redirect of hate against the entire fucking planet. All I remember from standing in that circle as we franticly threw together some resemblance of an escape plan that I was completely distracted by GG. Well not GG as much as the way he smelled to be more accurate. The pungent stench of stale beer, body odor, blood, feces and urine combined into a force all its own burning ones nostrils and causing ones eyes to water profusely. I have smelled rotting roadkill baking under the hellacious heat of a Texas summer heatwave that didn’t wreak nearly as bad or strongly as GG that night in the ally. The most immediate part of our plan if we were to escape unharmed in one piece and avoid incarceration was to camouflage GG like any anonymous fan. While the first responders found themselves out matched had inevitably radioed for much need back up, and GG was their main target. GG’s girlfriend grabbed a dirty bandana from out of a trash can in the ally and furiously started wiping the blood from GG’s head as well as face. The Mike contributed his leather biker jacket and one of the few other fans with donated a pair of cut off sweat pant shorts. GG took the fitly bloody bandana from Liz and fashioned it so it not only covered his shaved head but also obscured his eyes. With GG now dressed identically like one of his disenfranchised fans we slowly exited the ally into the main street. The police were to distracted by all the other bullshit going on they didn’t notice our exiting from the ally next to the bar. We started walking briskly in a tight knit group with GG on point. We made it all the half block down to the corner of the block without issue until we (moreover GG) was detected again not by the police or adoring fans, but by one of the amassed spectators on the opposite side of the street from the bar.

“GG IS FUCKING GOD!!” screamed the unknown onlooker like a fucking air siren circa World War II. Thats all it took to get the attention needed for the fans and mentality of the show to spill out onto the streets like blood from a severed artery. The fans and onlookers started to walk down the street in our direction, and unwanted attention. We managed to make it 3 blocks before GG decided to start engaging his following fans and assorted others like the onlookers. GG started by responding to the chants and screams of support which only served to rile the crowd into a further fury. We could hear the sounds of bottles breaking, trash cans being tossed and an assortment of other sounds of destruction as I began to worry that the incoming police back up might spot us thus ending our escape and starting the jailing process. GG didn’t seem to give a shit anymore as he continued to encourage the chaos. GG was leading the procession of misfits and deviants through the South Philly streets like a demented Pied Pipper leading his personal army of rats.

The only thing that finally got GG to snap back to reality and realize the true and present danger of the surrounding police was his desire to party. No surprise GG was a heavy drinker and endorsed drinking as well as drug use in any and all forms (GG also endorsed violence especially against authority) ,and his Achilles hill made him focused at the task at hand: Don’t get arrested (again) and get drunk/high. We soon realized walking wasn’t going to work as no one knew where we were or where we were going not to mention we were being escorted by a unruly gang of miscreants spreading destruction in their wake. I managed to wrestle a crumpled $20 bill from my tattered jeans and got Liz’s attention. I gave her the twenty and told her it was for cab fare to get GG out of here once and for all. We unfortunately had to walk several more blocks until we had a chance in hell of catching a cab in spite of the nights already tumultuous events. At last one of the few fans with us a small greasy guy (he was 5 foot nothing at best) with 5 o’clock shadow got ahead of us and managed to hail the only cab we had seen since arriving hours earlier. Liz jumped in the cab as fast as she possible could tugging on GG’s arm so hard it looked as if she was trying to dislocate GG’s fucking shoulder. GG paused as he entered the beat up gypsy cab and said angrily “Fuck you Philly!” and then preceded to getting the cab. As soon as GG was in the cab it took off like a bat out of hell with its ass on fire.

As I stood there watching as the cab barreled GG off into the night I thought to myself “I don’t know how the hell I ended up at a GG Allin show, but I was damn glad I came because you can’t make shit like this up.”