Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Official Music Video for the Song OUR ICONS by ENSEMBLE OF CHRIST THE  SAVIOR AND CRUDE MOTHER EARTH and to be Abundantly Clear This is Post Doesn’t have a Goddamn Thing to Do with Christianity, Jesus, Religion, Jesus, or a fucking Savior. Ensemble of Christ the Savior and Crude Mother Earth is one of the Most Extreme, Uncompromising, and Totally Politically Incorrect Musical Projects of the Russian national Underground Scene (akin to GG Allin, Anal Cunt, and The Murder Junkies for Example). ECSCME’s Music is Raw, Overtly Politicized, Aggressive Hardcore with an Obviously Blatant Bias in Religious and Social Obscurantism.
The Band Members Describe Their Musical Style as being “Radical Political Hardcore”, and “Cult Russian Radical Political Hardcore Project with Aggressive Female and Crazy Granny Vocals. Forever Opposite”

The Trio Consists of Members Starukha Izergil, Alexei Glukhove, and Xenia Hitler have already earned a Well Warranted Reputation in the Circles of the Radical Russian Underground Music Scene. Xenia Hitler has been Involved in a Number of Extreme and Controversial Musical Projects during His Carrier, particularly in Noisecore Coprotechno-Project AUDIOPIZDA. ‘Starukha Izergil’ is one of the most Infamous Human Freak Shows of Counter Culture. Since 1999 Izergil has an Extensive Discography Including both Solo Albums as well as Singles singles, and Unprecedented Orthodox Chauvinist Projects NeoIzergil and ПРАВАЯ СЛАВА и ГРУППА АСКЕТОВ. Izergil Collaborated with Renowned Extreme Musician Alexei Glukhov on more than Two Dozen different Radical Underground Projects (in Particular, groups such as МОЛОТ РОДИНЫ, ПРАВОСЛАВНЫЙ ТРАКТОР, NECROCEPHAL, ВКУСНЫЙ КОНЕЦ, Vomit Fall, Pigworld Bombarder for Example).

It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Extreme Grindcore: C+NT BUTCHER

A While Back My Path Crossed Once Again with that of My Long Time High School Friend  Bluejetski whoI hadn’t Talked to in God Knows How Years. We are Both Massive Music Fans Who’s Tastes Lie Predominately Outside of the Mainstream Commercial Happy Horse Shit. I have always liked Extreme Forms of Music such as Death Metal, Industrial, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Hardcore Punk, Grindcore, and Horrorcore for Example. Once We had Reconnected  We immediately picked up Where We left Off just as if We had Never Stopped Talking To Each other to Begin with. It wasn’t Long Before We got on the Topic of Music, and were Manically Swapping Bands/Artists Names that We had come Across Over the Years since We last Spoke.

One of My Favorite Bands since My High School Years to this Very Day is The Notoriously Offensive American Grindcore Band Anal Cunt Founded By Grindcore Legend Seth Putnam. Bluejetski told Me that I Should Check Out ,If I hadn’t Already, the Band Cunt Butcher Who were Australia’s Answer to Anal Cunt so to Speak. The Band Cunt Butcher was Founded By the Musician  Carcass Butcher (Real Name Marcus Kapitza), but that Wasn’t All there was More to Contend with. Blujetski then went on to Inform Me that (in Spite of being in the Golden Age of the Internet) Cunt Butcher was so Obscure that Not Even the Google Gods could Help Me that Much. Well He Wasn’t Kidding that’s for Sure. There is Virtually NO Photos, Interviews, Live Show Footage, or Songs by Cunt Butcher (or Carcass Butcher/Marcus Kapitza) fucking Anywhere and We Scraped the Hell Out of the Internet. We are Literally Posting Everything We managed to Uncover Online here in this Very fucking Post.



Cunt Butcher was a Grindcore Band, Formed in 2004 in Sydney, Australia and was Later Based in Brisbane. Originally Cunt Butcher was an Experimental Solo Bass Project in Offensive but Catchy Grindcore for Musician Carcass Butcher with Two Goals in Mind. The First Goal was to Create the Heaviest Most Aggressive Music Humanly Possible using Only Bass Guitars, and Secondly to Entertain and Offend by Bringing the Element of Danger and Controversy back to Grindcore. Cunt Butchers music is Chauvinistic, Racist, Sexist, Meat Eating, Pornographic, Beer Swilling, Violent Hate Driven Grindcore with all of the Politically Incorrect Bullshit that Pervades the Genre. Its Simply Being Offensive as Possible to Create the Maximum Amount of Shock and Awe from Critics and Fans Alike.

Needless to say Cunt Butcher went through Several Lineup Changes and Configurations  Over the Years. For Almost Two Years Carcass and Second Bass Player Cadburry Redbeard, Together with a Drum Machine, Terrorized the Sydney Live Music Scene with Raw Meat, Islamic Blowup Dolls, Pigs, Nudity, Blood (Both Human and Animal) and Assorted Other Fluids, as Well as Playing some Ultra Politically Incorrect Grindcore in Between. By Late 2008, after Numerous Drunken Post-Gig Incidents, the Relationship Between Carcass and Cadbury Turned Sour. The Band Broke Up Temporarily and Carcass left Sydney for Brisbane.


Carcass was Offered a Show on September 11, 2009, just One Year after a Similar Show caused a Huge Shit Storm of a Fight in Sydney , with Student Unions, Both Jewish and Islamic Groups, and All the Left Wing PC Assholes in Town doing Everything They could to get the Venue to Ban Cunt Butcher and Eventually They Succeeded. Given another Opportunity, Carcass Reformed the Band with Former Invocation and current Dreamkillers Drummer KKKrist, and took to the Stage Dressed as a Terrorist with Hilarious Results, Culminating with a Series of Brawls between  Crowds of Drunken Metalheads and Scummy Punks out in From of the Venue.

Cunt Butcher’s Gigs were so Extremely Rare due to Venues and Promoters being very Reluctant to Book the Band due to Their Outrageous Live Show Reputation. The Band’s Shows were also the Only Actual Way of getting Hold of Cunt Butcher’s Recorded Works that was with the Exception of the Album ALLAH SHARMUTA which Carcass Butcher completed Recording just Three Days before His Untimely Death on November 18th, 2014. Carcass wanted to hand out the Album for Free at a Cunt Butcher Live Show, But Due to His Death the Show was Never to Be. After Carcass’s Demise ALLAH SHARMUTA was Posted for Free Online out of Respect to Carcass as well as Cunt Butcher Fans.


Posted Below:

  • The Whole Set from a 2008 Live Show
  • The Whole Set from a 2010 Live Show
  • Allah Sharmuta (FULL ALBUM)
  • a Song From an Appearance at The Station Hotel
  • A Song from Musicland in 2011



Thanks For Reading/Watching/Listening,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB   


FYB Musical Monday Part 2: The Oderus Urungus Interviews

Gwar became known/is known for Their Legendary Raucous Live Show’s Full of Beheadings, Buckets of Blood, Gruesome Props, Disembowelment, Over the Top Theatrics, Insane Characters, Executions, and Gore Galore all set to Kick Ass Songs. There is no Doubt Gwar had taken Performance Art to a Whole New fucking Level the likes Humanity has Never Known.

Gwar also garnered a Great Deal of Additional Attention from Their, No Holds Barred, Politically Incorrect, Obscene, Overly Sarcastic, Ridiculously  Loud, Extremely Enthusiastic, Out Spoken, Foul Mouthed Front Man Oderus Urungus (Who’s Real Name was Dave Brockie who Tragically Died in 2014 of a Drug Overdose. Also Brockie originally was the Gwar’s Guitarist from 1984-1986 before jumping behind the Mic as Lead Singer from 1986-2014).


Oderus served not only as Lead Singer but did Double Duty as the Main Mouth Piece for Gwar doing a Great Majority of Interviews and Press. Oderus was the Face of Gwar and what a Face it Was. Brockie was not only a Talented Musician and  Iconic Spokes Person He was a Master of Improv constantly thinking on His Feet No Matter Where No Matter When. Oderus could wax Poetically and Absurdly about Anything and with a rather Manic Mind Set could/would jump from Subject to Subject at Will or Whim. ‘s Oderus’s Interviews took on a Life of Their Own and became almost as Notorious as Gwar’s Live Shows (granted though with a Great Deal Less Blood and Gore).

We have Featured a Good bit of Gwar here at FYB over the Years from Official Music Video’s to Concerts to Movies to even Oderus’s rendition of the Classic Children’s Book Good Night Moon. So the Next move obviously was to Track Down a Couple of Our Favorite Oderus Interviews and Showcase Them Here. Enjoy

Hope You Enjoyed the Absurd Insanity of these Interviews as Much as We Did.

  Presented by Les Sober