The Unexplained Mystery of the Crying Man Radio Transmission

On June 11th 2020 a Tok Tok User Named Aiden (aka cidlid) was parked near a Church in Elka Park near Hunter Mountain located in New York State. Aiden was sitting in Their Car doing a Livestream when Suddenly something Sinister started to Happen. A Strange and Disturbing Transmission started to Playing on Their Car Radio for No Apparent Reason.  The Transmission starts with some assorted Noises that Aiden states sounds like Footsteps (possibly Running) and “Tape” Noise like when You start to Peel off a Length of Duct Tape. Aiden also comments that the Acoustics of the Transmission made it sound as if the Man was in a Bathroom due to the Specific Type of Echo heard in the Transmission. The Odd Noises was followed by Four Minutes of a Man Sobbing, Crying, Moaning, Groaning, Sniffling, Whimpering, Panting, and Breathing Heavily before Transitioning into a Creepy Distorted Audio of some Surreal Song Starts to Play. The Song Ends and the Transmission Ends as Mysteriously as it Started.


Aiden didn’t have a Clue what the fuck was Going on and was Visibly Shaken by the Unknown Occurrence. Aiden wonders aloud if the Man is in Actual Distress and Needs Emergency/Professional Help, but Who would They Call for Assistance in a  Situation as Bizarre as this?  Several Days Later Aiden Posts the Second Additional Part of the Original Video of the Crying Man recored on the Same Day. The Audio Quality in the Second part of the Video is Far Superior to that of the First Video being Louder and Much Clearer so You can Hear Every Nuance of the Transmission. The Unexplained Transmission was Broadcast on the Radio Station 89.9 WKCR FM in New York. This begs the Question was this a simple case of Someone Hijacking WKCR’s Radio frequency?


Lets fucking Face it thanks to New Technology for Listening to Music such as Spotify, Pandora, Satellite Radio, Internet Based Radio, iTunes, and all the Other Music Listening Alternatives equates to Radio being a Dying Medium, and as such is Widely Disregarded by the Public. The Reality is Radio Relies on Advertising Dollars for its Revenue, and thus the Exodus of Advertisers to Alternative Music Listening Platforms is the Last Nail in Radio’s Coffin. Also with the Advancement of Technology Anyone Nowadays can Sit on Down and Watch a Tutorial on How to Hijack a Radio Station. Not Only That but an Average Joe can also Purchase the Exact Equipment for Cheap You’d Need as well. Thus All anyone has to do is Buy the Equipment, Watch a Tutorial or Two, and Wallah You’re ready to Hijack a Radio Station. It is Important to note that HIJACKING A RADIO STATION IS EXTREMELY ILLEGAL and if Caught You Will Be Charged with a FEDERAL CRIME BY THE FCC (Federal Communication Commission) SO DO NOT HIJACK RADIO STATIONS!!

A Little While Later Aiden Posts another Video to Tik Tok explaining How They actually contacted WKCR pertaining to the Seriously Weird Broadcast. WKCR 89.9 FM belongs to Colombia University Located in New York City Several Hours Away from where Aiden heard the Ominous Broadcast. WKCR replied that They had Nothing being Broadcast in/around the Area Aiden was at the Time of the Incident, and that They were in No Way Responsible for the Eerie Crying Man Transmission. In a Nut Shell Aiden at the Time of the Occurrence was Out of WKCR’s Broadcast Range. A Staff Member at WKCR named Jeremiah Wrote Aiden Stating: “Elka Park is Not NYC. Our Signal is Most Likely Intermittent up there. Those Recordings are Not being Broadcast from Our Radio Station- This is Someone in the Vicinity of the Elka Park Area.” What this Means is the Crying Man Broadcast was being Transmitted by Someone Running a Pirate Radio Station (a Pirate Radio Station is a Radio Station that Broadcasts without a Valid License which makes it Subsequently Illegal according to the FCC Guidelines) somewhere in the Elka Park Vicinity.


It didn’t take Long for People on the Internet to Start Hypothesizing about Who or What the Mysterious Crying Man Broadcast was all About. The First Hypothesis was the Broadcast was an Audio Recording from a Dark Web Red Room Broadcast, and is of a Real Person being Tortured for the Amusement of the Viewing Audience. The Second was it was just Some fucked up Person’s Sick and Twisted Prank. Both of these Hypothesis can Not be Confirmed because of a Almost Total Lack of Clues as well as Any Pertinent Information.

Then Speculations Began that the Crying Man Broadcast was the Audio from the Notorious Alleged Dark Web Video Titled “Blank Room Soup”. Blank Room Soup Video has been around 15 years and is Still Complete Mystery to this Day that Features a Man Sobbing while Eating what is Assumed to be Soup. He is sitting in a Blank White Room being Comforted by Two Individuals Dressed in Ray Ray Costumes. If You’re confused or want to know more about Blank Room Soup check Out Our Piece on it in the Dark Wb Video Category (We Promise You won’t be Sorry). Now Outside of some Minor Vocal Inflections it becomes apparent Quite Quickly that the Two Audio Recordings in Question Are Not the Same.

After some time the Song at the End of the Crying Man Broadcast was Identified as the Song “Taxonomies” by Larry Gus of His Album Years Not Living. this Led Many People to wonder if the Album Title had was some sort of Clue to the Meaning or Purpose of the Crying Man Broadcast, Unfortunately No Connection between the Two has ever been Identified. Other People thought the Crying Man Broadcast might be Part of an ARG (Alternate Reality Game), But that Hypothesis is Unlikely since there is No Awkward Amateur Acting, Puzzles, Unusual Images, Insane Imagery, Cryptic Codes, or Any of the Usual Fare You find with ARGs. The Crying Man Incident appears to be a Freak One Time Occurrence that just so happened to be Caught on Camera by a Tok Tok User totally by Accident. To Date NO ONE other than Aiden has come Forward as an Actual Witness if You will to the Mysterious Broadcast.

So the Last Prominent Question is Did Aiden Stage the Whole fucking thing? The Septics would use this Explanation to Discredit and Dismiss the Entire Incident, Yet I really Don’t think that’s the Case. From watching Aiden’s Content on Tik Tok They come of as a Normal User, and by that I mean He isn’t a Social Media “Try Hard”.  Aiden comes off as Your Usual Casual Tok Tok User Who isn’t looking to Become the Next Social Media Star, Influencer, or to have the Next Viral Video. You can spot Try Hards by the almost Desperate Look on Their Faces and How Hard Their Trying to Force some kind of Social Media Success. Well That’s just My Opinion.


One of the Curious Things that Aiden mentions in One of Their Tik Tok Videos is a Cult that’s Active in the Elka Park Area. The Cult is an International Community known as Bruderhof and Started in Germany. Since its Inception Bruderhof has Established Small Communities around the Globe Such as New York State, Pennsylvania, New South Wales (Australia), Thuringia (Germany), Asuncion (Paraguay), and London (England). The Bruderhof Members live a Lifestyle Similar to The Amish where Everyone is Equal, No One Gets Paid for the Work They Do, There is No Acknowledgement for Hard Work or Job Well Done, Everyone works for the Benefit of the Community and its Members. Yeah it’s Basically Communism. Aside from Their Deviant Lifestyle the Members of Bruderhof seem for All Intents and Purposes to be Harmless and a Threat To No One.

It then came to Light that WKCR 89.9 FM had suffered an Incident that occurred approximately Twenty Five Years Ago. At the Time WKCR was in Fact Hijacked and the Culprits were Never Found. The Hijackers Played a Disturbing Transmission consisting of Unusual Fuzzy Music that turns into Ear Irritating High Pitch Electronic Sounding Screeching. Next the Screeching Ends a Robotic Voice comes on Reading a List of Names and Various Other information. When You examine What the Voice is Saying is it’s an Obituary List of People Who Have Died (and Surviving Relatives) or Supposedly Will Die. In Spite of the Existing Audio the Hijackers Broadcast there is No Actual Proof that this Hijacking Ever Took Place. There were Zero News Reports, Articles, or Documented Evidence of Any Kind. This hasn’t Stopped Some People from Investigating the Possible Connection between the Two Incidents. As of Now No Connection has been Made. On a Side Note I have a Vague Recollection that FYB did a Post on the Alleged Hijacking Incident but I’m not Positive. If You’re Curious Please Check Out Our Dark Web or Strange and Disturbing Video Section to Find Out for Yourself.

Then Eleven Months Ago there was what Most Consider to be a Big Break in the Crying Man Radio Broadcast Mystery. A Person that Goes by rayn3.schzo1d drew Peoples Attention to a Independent Greek Movie which at the End of Larry Gus’s song “Taxonomies” the Exact Song at the End of the Crying Man Broadcast. At the End of the Movie Suntan the Main Character Breaks down in Tears before “Taxonomies” Plays at the Start of the Credits. Unlike Black Room Soup this Audio is Undeniably Identical including the Footsteps/Running and Tape Sound Aiden Mentioned. Also Coincidentally the Last Scene of Suntan is Four Minutes Long the Exact Same Broadcast Time as The Crying Man Broadcast. Now it’s worth Mentioning that the Main Character in Suntan breaks Down into Tears After Failing to Sexually Assault Someone. Ironically at the End of the Movie the Main Character Drugs and Kidnaps a Woman, but Can’t Assault Her, and The Main Character Tends to Her Wounds while Nursing Her back to Health. While Suntan Doesn’t Fall into the Torture Porn Arena it is Still an Insanely Dark and Disturbing Movie. This Led Many to Speculate that Someone Used a Radio Transmitter that provided Them Access to Any FM Radio Station, and would Allow Them to Play Whatever the fuck They Wanted to.


In the End the Question of Who was Behind the Crying Man Broadcast, and Why would They Opt to Use the Ending Scene of a Hard to Find Independent Greek Film or They could have Broadcast it in its Entirety. If Whoever is Responsible for  Broadcasting the Entire Movie Suntan (which is only Available in Greek) I personally Wonder could it have Something to Do with the Bruderhof Cult? What I Saying is  They are Known to Operate in the Specific Area of Elka Park, and are an International Community with Members from Around the Globe. So Could have some Cult Member Decided to Broadcast the Movie Suntan in its Entirety as a Way to Entertain the Other Bruderhof Cult Members? Could this Simply be a Case of Someone Combating Boredom within Their Community? Alas in the End We more than likely will Never Know the Who or Why behind the Crying Man Broadcast. Anyone Nowadays can Learn How to (and Buy the Equipment Needed to)Hijack a Radio Station, and it’s Even Easier to Run a Pirate Radio Station. This means that Any fucking Local Elka Park Resident could have been Behind the Mysterious Crying Man Broadcast.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober

Stupid shit I do when I get bored

What sucks so fucking bad about boredom is its boring and is know so by all who have ever existed. The best weapon in the arsenal of entertainment is to just make your own when all else falls flat on its face like your drunk uncle. I like to believe that I have redefined the concept of self entertainment when it comes to the stupid shit I do when I have to combat bored. I’ll let you be the judge. Bring on the list lets see that motherfucker!

The stupid shit I do when I get bored list:

  • Just the other day I had bought a rubber band gun to dissuade our upiity ass new kitten from misbehaving (main offense antagonizing the fuck out of the older house cat). I decided to load the gun with as many rubber bands as I fucking possibly could so I sat there adding one after the other until I had reached maximum capacity. That night as per usual the kitten started acting like a insane idiot and I was engaged in hunting her down to adviser her to cease and desist. Well if you have ever looked for a cat you already know that cats can be elusive motherfuckers when they want to be. Ninjas don’t have shit on cats its a fact so look it up. Anyway I colluded locate her and I have no idea why (it wasn’t fucking premeditated is all) when I passed my wife laying on the couch I yelled “SNATCH SHOT!” and unloaded ever last one of the rubber bands into my wife’s crotch. She had been engrossed in some YouRube video so she was startled as fuck and none too happy.


  • This week while keeping my wife company while grocery shopping a boring activity if there ever fucking was one am I right? Yeah I am. Anyways as my wife was selecting a piece of cow meat we would be dinning on that evening I saw a price tag. I don’t even remember what kind of meat it was but if I had to guess it was some pork tenderloin or something similar I suppose. The price was $6.96 and agin for no rhyme or reason I suddenly hauled the hell off and punched the shit out of that pork tenderloin thing. I then picked it up and loudly announced to my fellow shoppers “696 OFFEND MY FAMILY AND INSULTS OUR HONOR!”
  • A Frequent habit I have had for a  extremely long ass time is when I’m out shopping with any doesn’t matter who the hell it is I start sneaking the most fucking random items into the cart when they aren’t looking (like a fucking cat). Then at check out I watch as they unload their shit at check out and discover my additions to their carts one by one intermediately through out the checking out process. You see you have to make sure as shit you dispense the various ass items in at different times and in different parts of the cart to fully drag the awkward confusion out.
  • Once in a while I’ll go to Dick’s sporting goods acting like an unhappy and irate customer with an ax to grind. I then when I encounter the first fucking employee I can demand that I talk to someone with authority. That means I want to talk to the biggest dick there.


  • I enjoy tracking down owners of Badcock Furniture Stores and inquiring why they haven’t legally changed their name from Badcock to something more flattering and advantageous. I then give examples such as Bigcock, Hugecock, Monstercock, Giantcock, Bigoldcock, or Giantcock.
  • I once in a blue moon if I’m in a store such as HomeDepot I like to wander over to the appliance section and find dishwashers, refrigerators , washing machines etc. Once I’m there I wait milling around aimlessly until no one is around and then I fart into the particular appliance.  That way hopefully when the next person opens it to check it out it smells like ass inside.
  • When it comes to farting I also enjoy walking down the aisle of a store, stopping momentarily, farting, and walking away to an observation point. So then all I have to do is watch different shopper’s reactions when they walk through it. If they’re alone they’re all “what’s that pungent stench?”or if their with other people “Which one of these people I’m with is farting the place up?”
  • I have the juvenile habit of walking past friends who are sitting so I can fart in their face and ask “So what I have for lunch?!”
  • I tell people from time to time that I’m a doctor and when they ask what kind of doctor I am I tell them I’m a doctor of doctoring. You’d be fucking surprised how many people never question that statement as it sounds like some odd ass medical shit (and we all know how odd medical shit so lets just fucking admit it).
  • I have over the years also added a second version of the being a doctor of doctoring or more like a definition as it were. I explain that a doctor of doctoring is an extremely elite specialist who only treats other doctors.

  • I have been know to call church’s in the area and ask them why they seem to be having such a hard time finding Jesus.
  • Having some telemarketing experience I will cold call people and ask then to participate in a market research survey. The survey then turns out to be some ridiculous shit like with equally stupid questions. Examples of some such questions: “Have you ever taken part in any kind of spaghetti wrestling, and if yes were the noodles Ramen noodles?!” or “If one in the hand is better than two in the bush how do you feel about this exchange rate?”
  • I am a fan of hassling pescatarians about eating fish. Pescatarians are and I quote “People who do not eat meat, but they do eat fish.” So what the fuck are they classifying fish as? Fish isn’t a fruit, it isn’t a vegetable or dairy product so what the fuck do they mean?! Fish are living, breathing, breeding creatures with a natural life cycle so if they aren’t meat WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY THEN?!!
  • I get a kick out of sending take out food from one restaurant and have it delivered to another restaurant. There’s no purpose here other than for fucking laughs. The idea of the confusion and befuddling of staff by sending a Sushi platter to a Mexican restaurant or Indian food to a Italian restaurant is the motivator.

  • I have shit in inappropriate areas like parking lots, public fountains, people’s front lawns or some other common space area. When I’m confronted for my righteous public pooping I explain I was raised by Wild Animals (the animal changes regularly) and that’s how I learned to shit. That or I explain I’m from a poor ass family in Appalachia who lived in a one room shack so we were raised to just shit outside.
  • I used to call 411 and ask irrelevant questions like “Why does my dick look like a pickle its all green and bumpy?!”
  • I have on occasion called PetSmart or PetCo’s grooming department as a possible new client inquiring about their shrives and prices. I then ask them how much would it cost for my Bearded Dragon a haircut.
  • I’ve called random New Yorkers and asked why so they such bad insomnia in Ny since NY is the city that never sleeps?!
  • Occasionally I will go into fast food restaurant restrooms, go into one of the stalls, kneel down (have to make it realistic people!), and start making horribly violent vomiting sounds.
  • A couple of times I called Catholic churches pretending to be a Child Abuse/Anti-Pedophilia Charity soliciting donations.
  • I frequently punch packaged meat in grocery stores while yelling “ADRIAN!!”
  • I once called an abortion clinic to inquire about aborting my older brother.
  • I have told (and tried to convince) people I was born I believed myself into existence.


  • I like to call Law Firms/ Lawyers and to inquire about filing a restraining order on the grounds of sexual harassment against myself since I’m self employed.
  • I take one of those DNA or Ancestry tests and when the results finally arrive I harass customer service over the fact the test failed to prove my relation to Bigfoot.
  • I enjoy insisting to people that if latin is a dead language than anyone who still uses it (like doctors or lawyers for example) is in fact dead.
  • Several times I have gone to the zoo for the sole purpose of flinging my feces at the monkeys.
  • When bored I indulge in my favorite hobby: Douche Spotting.
  • I have demanded to know from soccer moms why there aren’t any other sports moms like Baseball moms and all that shit?!
  • I once stood outside of a sperm bank offering people going in free samples of my sperm.
  • A few times I have gone to sex anonymous meeting and handed out condoms, lube, and Lithuanian Viagra.


  • One of my personal favorite things to do when I get bored is probably the easiest (and shall well say “less objectionable” selections on this list). Step One  I briskly walk up to strangers with my hand up with pointer finger fully extended. Step 2 When I reach then I look in their eyes and squint as if I recognize them, but can’t remember their name. Step 3 I open my mouth as if I’m about to say something. Step 4 abruptly I close my mouth, look away, lower my hand, and briskly walk off. Now some people may be tempted to add an addition intro phrase such as “Excuse Me….” or “I just noticed….” this is fucking stupid because the point is too leave the person confused as fuck. Once you have walked off you want the said person to wonder who you were and more over what the hell were you about to say to them. The addition of words defeats the point so yeah there’s that.
  • I tend to when I get bored go to a local food store or grocery and create a godawful fucking scene by openly debating (to the point of rage) what the difference is between a Burrito and a Chimichanga is.
  • I get a kick out of telling fellow bar patrons that my favorite specialty drink I ever had was The Pale of Champale at_____ (Insert fictional place of choice), and then explain it’s a pale like you’d see at your garden variety hardware store filled to the brim with Champale.
  • Once in a while when I get bored I make a scene in public trying to literally kiss my own ass goodbye after just receiving some serious bad news from my doctor.

  • Quite often I go to my local gym and sit around eating the most unhealthy fatty food that couldn’t possible have another calorie added to it. When the gym rats and regulars get all bent out of shape about it. When they approach me about why I’m there I can tell them I’m an amateur sumo wrestler, and that I’m in training for the next Olympics because if I win a medal I can go pro.
  • Once many moons ago when I got bored I poured a shot of some rank cheap as bottom barrel bourbon, gargled with it, and then spit it out. I them poured beer into my hand and rubbed it through my hair and beard. Then for good measure I dribbled some beer down the front of my shirt. Next I drove around town until I saw a cop at which point I start to drive erratically until they pull me over. They get one wife of the booze and yank my ass out of the car for a sobriety test which I pass with flying fucking colors mind you. The cop will gets twisted because he/she can’t understand what the hell is happening. They will inevitable ask why you wreck of alcohol but are as sober as a goddamn judge. That when I replied “Well I’m tonight’s designated distraction.” WARNING: if the cop is an unforgiving prick you can be ticked or even taken into custody for this SO DO NOT TRY THIS ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME. THERE I LEGALLY COVERED MY ASS!


  • I call an import/export company and export some random shit. Then I call back the next day and hire them to specifically import everyone of the exports I sent out the pervious day.
  • I have been known when I get bored to call local businesses (especially malls) who have signs stating that pets aren’t allowed accept for seeing eye dogs, and ask them who the signs are for?! I then point out that the blind person in question can’t see nor read the sign because they are fucking blind. Meanwhile the seeing eye dog can’t read the sign so maybe a fucking sign falls a little fucking short of effective.
  • I make up absurd historical facts and attempt to convince them its true. For example the crock pot was derived from the ancient crotch pot. The crotch pot was a small clay jar that people kept between their legs for 12 -16 hours to heat the food contained within. To sell this one you can site the fact that Ancient Mongolian Warriors would take a piece of raw meat, stick it between the horse and the saddle to “cook” it. Then just google it and use it as an example of primitive cooking methods.
  • I hangout at local dog parks posing as a parks department employee who has been hired by the city to scoop the dog poop at the dog park. The reason the position was created was due to the increasing incidents of people getting in fist fights with other dog owners who use the park, but don’t pick up after their fucking dog. After I explain the position I then inform whomever I’m speaking with that while I’m a official  parks employee I work for tips due to department budget cuts.


  • If I get bored on vacation I just load up a bunch of scuba diving gear and other aquatic gadgets and head to the nearest lake. I then get in the water and start to act like a bonafide lunatic setting ups ll kinds of weird camera apparatus and drawing a lot of attention. That way when the people around me work up the courage/nerve to inquire as to what the hell I’m up to I tell them I’m hunting the Lock Ness Monster. When they point out that I’m not at Loch Ness the lake where the Loch Ness monster is alleged to reside I claim that the Loch Ness Monster has a distinct migratory pattern. It uses this unique migration  pattern to migrate from lake to lake around the world to avoid detection. This is why no one has been able to find or present any evidence of the Loch Ness monster’s existence.
  • I am found of logging onto dating websites so I can brag that I’m depended from a long historical line of bathroom attendants.

I think that’s enough for now so…

See you later,

by Justine Sane  

The PCP Party and The Pizza Delivery Prank

For a period time when I was 21 I was living at my moms house spending my free time sitting on my mom’s backyard porch drinking beer with friends. One evening it was myself and three friends Drivel, Cult and Ms. Razor. In addition to a 30 pack of Red Dog they had also brought a couple of dime bags of PCP which we preceded to roll up and smoke both bags. For our millennial readers PCP was a street drug that had its 15 minutes of fame hay day in the 1970s. The Irony is PCP is a veterinary drug (can you say foreshadowing? Special K.) that was/is a horse tranquilizer ,but in humans it can cause violent, unpredictable and aggressive behavior lets just say PCP was the Bath Salts of the 70’s.

Well the night finally ended as they always do with Ms. Razor, Drivel and Cult stumbling off into the night to raise more hell by morning. I was sitting in the kitchen after turning off every single light in the house off when their was a knocking at the front door. I stood up, grabbed a 12″ butchers knife and went to answer the door. I flipped the porch light on and whipped open the door to find some teenage pizza delivery guy holding a pizza of course. When I opened the door the delivery guy jumped back a few feet and was looking as nervous as a chihuahua in a thunderstorm. I glared at him with such intensity I’m sure that between the look and large butcher’s knife he thought he was going to end up dead, devoured and have his skin worn as a smoking jacket. I demanded to know what the fuck he wanted and he replied someone ordered the pizza so obviously he’s delivering it. I informed the delivery guy that I was the only person here and I didn’t order any goddamn pizza. He replied in a shaky voice that he was wondering what the knife was for ,apologized and high tailed it the hell out of there.

Interesting prolog:

  1. I went to the pizza place where the delivery guy worked to apologize ,but he didn’t want to come up front to get it stilling being a tad bit frazzled.
  2. I found out over a decade later that this rancid twat of an ex girlfriend who intellectually  reverted to 12 years old and decided to play the call in a fake pizza order gag.