USA Nails – Am I Man Or Not

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Music Video “Am I Man Or Not” by the Band USA Nails and Animated by Lee Hardcastle. USA Nails is an Underground Noise Punk Band from London and got Their name from an Actual Nail Salon. USA Nails Music Fuses Crushing Riffs and Frantic Speak-Singing  to create Chaotic Soundscapes. And If You Don’t Know Lee Hardcastle he is an Insanely fucking Prolific British Animator/Film Maker who Specializes in All Types of Stop-Motion Techniques, and has VOWED NEVER TO INSULT HIS AUDIENCE with shitty Film Making!

Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words:

“My name’s Lee Hardcastle, a claymation degenerate from the UK who started a YouTube channel after graduating Film School. I make claymations that are not for children’s eyes, I specialize in claymation for mature audiences. If you’re under 18, you should leave.”  -Lee Hardcastle-

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Shaye Saint John – Strange Dolly

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SHAYE SAINT JOHN – STRANGE DOLLY by Shaye Saint John. Shaye Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, and the Official Shaye Saint John Channel Quit Uploading Content in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Relevant Note Pertaining to Shaye Saint John:

It had been quite a long fucking Long Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans.

The Bottomline here is SO FUCKING WHAT if the Shaye Saint John Creator Eric Fournier Died? We’re Not trying to be fucking Dicks about it, but Yeah We all end Up Worm Food or Ashes in an Urn so fucking What of It?! We fail to see ANY fucking Point/Reason for Youtube to Take Down Fournier’s Videos or for Youtube to  just Straight Up Delete the Entire fucking Channel! There was a Small fucking Library of Content with a Substantial Viewership, and Again so what if the Content Creator Died?! Why should that be a Reason for Youtube to Shit on and Delete Fournier’s Legacy?!!

Shaye Saint John – Strange Dolly Synopsis: The Video is Filmed like a Throwback to the Old School 1970’s B Horror Movies, Previews, and Advertisements which We just so Happen to have an Affinity for. The Video surrounds a Self Loathing Severely Burned Doll named KiKi that Shaye Saint John has Recently Purchased. Now for One Reason or Another KiKi is either Possessed, Cursed, or just Plain fucking Evil for Evil’s Sake but Who Knows. KiKi’s Blood Thirst will Only be Quenched once She has Slaughtered  EVERYONE while Repeating Her Morbid Motto “I Must Kill. My Name is KiKi. Call Me KiKi.”


  • ©1999 Empty Socket Productions
  • ©1999 Shytown Productions

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Satan Panonski: The Man, The Myth, The Music

Welcome to FYB’s Friday Post Satan Panonski: The, Man, The Myth, The Music which is PART TWO of Yesterdays Satan Panonski: Croatia’s GG Allin. In Yesterday’s Post We covered Satan Panonski on a Biographical Level and Today We’re covering Satan Panonski’s Discography. I did My Best to Provide the Best Audio Sample Platter of Panonski’s Musical Menu if You Will.

Noteworthy Mentions:

  • SATANPANONSKI-Duro 6.6.1989 Part 3 and Part 4 are Both Footage of Live Performances.
  • Hard Blood Shock is in English
  • Ljuljamo ljbljeni ljubicasti lijuli is The Entire Ablum.
  • ja sam stoma tati AND Che Guevara are Spoken Word Pieces.
  • Misli Li stok is Recorded Live at a Satan Panonski Show.
  • SATAN PANONSKI Usijek Stuc 1990 is the Slideshow and Audio Recording of a Satan Panonski Live Show .
  • Kiss My Cock is in Yugoslavian/Croatian ACCEPT for the Phrase “Kiss My Cock”.

NOTE: The Live Shows are Copied from Old (Primitive) VHS Tapes that were Traded Underground and Pasted From Fan to Fan so there is No Subtitle Options.




Thanks For Watching/Listening,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Satan Panonski Croatia’s GG Allin

Welcome to a Thursday  FYB Post which may be somewhat of a Surprise. I was tooling around Looking for a Music/Musician Piece since it Occurred to ME that We hadn’t Done One in Quite a While. I wasn’t having a Whole Hell of a lot of Luck until I noticed an Article Titled Satan Panonski: The Croatian GG Allin and was Instantly Intrigued. It’s No Secret at this juncture that We here at FYB are Diehard Fans of GG Allin so Obviously the Comparison mad Me sit Up and Take Notice. I spent the Next 48 Hours Scouring the Internet for Any and All Information on Satan Panonski the so called Croatian GG Allin. Now if Finding Information on a Notorious Underground Niche Musician like GG Allin was a Pain in the Ass it made Finding Info on His Croatian Counterpart Satan Panonski almost fucking Impossible. The Main reason for the Serious Lack of Information on Satan Panonski was Even MORE OBSCURE since the Limited Documentation. This was due to Satan Panonski’s EXTREMELY LIMITED Exposure Outside of His Native Croatia, and Small Parts of South Eastern Europe.


This Post was Originally Intended to Showcase the 1990 33 Minute Documentary Film by Serbian Director Milorad Milinkovic (which served as His Graduate Thesis for Film School) on Satan Panonski. The Problem with the Documentary while it is as Interesting as it is Entertaining it was Shot Over an 8 Hour Period. This explains the short Runtime of the Documentary, but it also Explains Why its Far from a Traditional Style Documentary. The Documentary Doesn’t have any Biographical Backstory Information, Musical Career Information (prior to the Filming of said Documentary), and it Didn’t Cover Satan Panonski’s Unusual and Untimely Death.

With so Many Holes if Missing or Lacking Proper Information I set Out to find Out More than just this One article Alone. It was Laborious but Rewarding and I’m Very Glad I did. Thus with all that Said I Tracked Down the Information on Satan Panonski that’s Not Included in the Documentary as Additional Information. No Worries for Anyone Wondering the Documentary  is Included at the End of this Post. So Now I give You the Story of Satan Panonski the Croatian GG Allin!


“A Punk By Nationality A Friend By Profession.” – Satan Panonski 

Born Ivica Culjak in 1960 in Cerici which is a Village close to Vinkovci Croatia although it was know as Yugoslavia during Virtually all of Culjak’s Life.  In the Early 1970’s CulCuljak dropped out of High School and Entered into the Punk Scene where He Garnered a Notorious Reputation for His Crude Music, Violent and Disturbing Live Performances, and Brutally Uncompromising Lyrics. Panonski’s Infamous Live Performance Antics Included, but Not Limited To Breaking Beer Bottles Over His Head, Self Mutilating using a Razor Blade of Piece of Broken Glass, Sticking Safety Pins through His Flesh, and Preforming Dangerous Stunts.

Towards the 1970’s Panonski sought out Psychiatric Help, but this was Allegedly Panonski’s Scheme to Avoid serving Mandatory Military Service in the Yugoslavian Army (Which was at the Time Required). It was during the Same Time Period that Panonski Started to Preform Under the Stage Name Kecer II. In 1979 Panonski became the Singer and Frontman for the Band Pogreb X which Translates to Funeral X. Panonski Claimed throughout His Brief Career that He wanted to “Shock the Audience” and Elaborated by Saying the Following in a 1991 Interview with the Croatian Magazine Globus. “I Shock People to Free Them. When I Shock Them with My Gaze, I know They’ll listen to Me, Then it’s Hypnosis, Madness…..In These Moments, I set Them Free, I Liberate Them from the Barricades that have been Built through Education.” For the Prolific Violence that Panonski Inflicted on Himself wasn’t to Fight or Lash Out Angrily at the Establishment, but as a Product of Culjak’s “Inability to Change Things for the Better” as He said Openly. Unlike GG Allin Panonski Didn’t Hate Life, Loath His Fans, Abuse His Audience, Desire to Destroy Anything, Rage Against Society, Shit on Stage, Bring the Fear Back to Rock’n Roll, or Hate Himself.


In Spite of His Reputation for being Outrageous Panonski had Yet to Reach the turning Point from Musician to Murder. In 1981 Panonski’s Band was Preforming in Vincoshee when a Fight Broke Out. It’s one of those Events where No One Truly knows the Series of Events and the Story variates depending on Who is Telling it. The Most Widely Accepted Explanation is the Fight Broke Out when a Local Low Level Criminal Thug and Degenerate Gambler took issue with Panonski’s Older Brother. Once the Fight Started Panonski intervened to Stand Up and Protect His Brother from this Unsavory Character. Panonski managed to deescalate the Fight/Argument telling the Man that Fighting was Pointless, and They should talk it Out Face to Face Man to Man. The Thug Agreed and He along with Panonski took a seat at a near by Table where the Thug Ordered Them a Couple of Beers.

At one Point Panonski saw something in His Peripheral Vision and Turned His head to see what the fuck it was. Once He turned back to Face the Thug the Thug hauled off and Punched Panonski in the Nose like a Motherfucker Temporarily Stunning Panonski. After a Moment or Two Culjak recovered from the Blow, and Immediately Attacked the Thug in Retaliation for the Sucker Punch. During Their Scuffle Panonski grabbed Hold of a Knife and Stabbed the Thug to Death right There in the Club.


Panonski stood Trial for Murder and Assault (The Assault Charge stemmed from the Fact Panonski had Accidentally Struck an Innocent Bystander during the May-lay). Panonski was Convicted on Both Counts and was Set to Serve Out His 12 Year Sentence in Prison when by Some Unseen Divine Intervention Negotiated that He Shouldn’t be Sent To Prison, But Remanded to a Mental Hospital Instead. The Ploy worked more than likely to the Combination of Panonski’s Claim it was Self Defense coupled with the Fact He sought Psychiatric Help in the 1970’s (even if it was a ruse to get Out of Mandatory Military Service. While Serving out His Sentence in the Metal Hospital Panonski spent His Time Writing Poetry, Making Music, Painting, and Drawing, AND He was even Permitted to Temporarily Leave the Hospital to Play with His Band (or a Live Performance or Press though there wasn’t much of that).

Panonski Adopted the Stage Name Satan Panonski around 1984 for His Solo Work. Panonski continued to Garner a Cult Following as Reputation Grew. Panonski’s Outlandish Live Performances, Unique Production Style, Manner of Dress, and Even His Sexuality (Many People Close to Panonski claimed He was Openly Gay or at Least Sexually Fluid. While this isn’t a Big Deal Today, But the Time Period Panonski Lived in 1960’s-Early 1990’s it definitely was). Less Then Two Years after the Filming of the Documentary Panonski Died under Quite Mysterious Circumstances.


In January 1991 while Serving in the Croatian Military during Croatia’s War for Independence Panonski had Voluntarily Enlisted in the Military  (Due to His Intense National Pride). Panonski was found Wearing His Military Uniform with a Single Gunshot Wound to His Head. Panonski was just 32 at the Time of His Death. Since the Exact Circumstances Surrounding Panonski’s Untimely Demise there have been Several Theories on the Subject in Circulation. The First Theory is Panonski Committed Suicide due to the Fact He had Sought Psychiatric Help in the 1970’s, Panonski had been Sentenced to 12 Years in a Mental Hospital, and His Unconventional Life Style as a Manic Musician/Poet/Artist/Writer. The Second Theory is Panonski crossed paths with an Enemy Soldier who then Shot and Killed Panonski which seems Viable as Hell since He was Serving in the Military during the Croatian War for Independence. The Most Common Theory (and seemingly Most Popular) is Panonski simply Accidentally Shot Himself which happens Far More than The Average Person is Aware of. All That Remains of Panonski’s Life and Art are Three Albums, Collection of Poetry, A Mysterious Death, and The Myth of Satan Panonski.

The Three Satan Panonski Albums :

  1. Ljuljajmo ljubljeni ijubicast (1989)
  2. Neklearne Olimpijske Igre (1990)
  3. Kako Je Panker Branie Hrvatsku (1992)

Documentary Synopsis:

SATAN PANONSKI: DOKUMENTARAC is a 1990 Serbian Student Film Directed by Milorad Milinkovic featuring the Best Footage of Panonski’s “Hard Blood Shock” Body Art Performance, a Mixture of Self-Mutilation, Chaotic Punk Rock, and Spoken Word. Also Captured in the Documentary is a Radio Interview (Recorded at 1 am After Panonski’s Performance Earlier that Evening) where Panonski Outlines His Dreams of Creating a Communal “Rock n’ Roll State”, and His Return to the Mental Asylum where He spent the Better Part of the 1980s for Murder.

Self-Identifying as “Punk by Nationality, Friend by Profession” We see His full Tragic Range of Emotions that lead to Comparisons with both Marina Abramovic and GG Allin. If Panonski was Yugoslavia’s/Croatia’s Equivalent to America’s GG, then this is Their HATED (The Infamous GG Allin Documentary by then Film Student Todd Phillips). Like His Albums and the Myths of Panonski’s Life and Death, it has up Until now Only Circulated Underground on VHS Tapes traded at Flea Markets across Eastern Europe, and has likely Never Before been Screened in America.


Documentary Content Rundown:

Part 1 : May 28, 1990 11pm-12am at the Students Cultural Centre

This is Footage From Panonski’s “Hard Blood Shock” Live Performance that includes Poetry, Spoken Word, Panonski Breaking a Beer Bottle Over His Head, Flailing Wildly on the Ground, Sticking Safety Pins into His Bicep, and Some of Panonski’s Songs (along with a Strange Audio Recordings of Panonski Yelling/Screaming/Screeching/Moaning) as a Backdrop to Parts of the Performance. Part One Concludes with Panonski Cleaning Himself Up and Tending to His Wounds in the Venue’s Restroom. During this Scene You can see the Extensive Scarring on Panonski’s Head, Chest, and Arms that’s reminiscent of a Hardcore Deathmatch Wrestling Veteran.


Part 2: May 29, 1990 1am-3am Panonski Does a Post Show Interview for a Local Radio Station. Again this isn’t a Traditional Interview as Panonski spends His Time there Fielding Phone Calls while the DJ acts as a Hype Man. Some of the More Interesting Aspects of Panonski’s so called Interview was the Fact a Couple of Caller did in fact Refer to Him as (The) Wrestler. There were Several Callers be They Fans or Curious Parties asking the Question (Pertaining to Panonski’s 1981 Murder Conviction) if He was in Prison or a Mental Hospital. For the Majority of the Phone Calls were Well Wishers hoping Panonski can Resolve His Mental Health Issues. NOW THE MOST INTERESTING PART of Panonski’s Radio Visit was When the Director was being Antagonistic and Baiting the Haters between Callers. While He is Ranting and Raving He Says “Yes, You, Who Promised Us a Bullet in the Head…” This is Note Worthy considering Panonski Died Mysteriously of a Gun Shot to the Head. Could Panonski have ACTUALLY BEEN KILLED by one of His Detractors?


Part 3: May 29, 1990 4am-5am at a Private Residence

This Ironically is a Real more In-depth Interview where Panonski looking/acting Relaxed for the First Time in the Documentary. Panonski delves into His Unorthodox Personality, Way of Thinking, Artistic Works, His Personal Beliefs, and Yes The Murder as Well.


Part 4: May 29, 1990 3pm-??? Hospital Popovaca

There is No Dialogue outside of Recordings of Panonski’s Poetry and Spoken Word that Accompanies the Scene of Panonski Walking to a Train Station. The Film then Cuts from the Train to the Hospital as the Camera makes Their way Around the Halls until They Reach Panonski’s Hospital Room. The Camera Cuts to Panonski who is Now Lounging Calmly in His Room on His Bed. The Camera moves from Panonski to the Window in His Room, and Does a Close Up of Sorts Out the Window and Ends There.

Enjoy. (Note: The Film is in Croatian with English Subtitles.)

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Satanic Hispanic: The Industrial Devil & Satan’s Personal MC

Satanic Hispanic is a VJ, Musician, Video Artist, Producer, and CEO of BLVSPHEMY Records out of  Chicago Illinois. Satanic Hispanic deals in “All Things Dark and Glitchy” who’s music Features Fast Paced Drums as well as Fast Guitars, and Fucked Up Vocals.


Type(s) of Music By Satanic Hispanic:

  • Industrial
  • Electronic
  • Power Violence
  • Synthwave
  • Punk
  • Hardcore
  • Devil Goth
  • Witch House
  • Grind
  • Mota-Vation
  • Vaporwave


  • Violent Opposition
  • Satanic Hispanic
  • Satanic Hispanic Split Cassette

Songs/Music Featured in this Post by Satanic Hispanic:

  • Ungodly
  • Bela Lugosi’s Dead (a Witch House Remix of The Goth Band BauHaus’s “Bela Lugosi’s Dead”)
  • God Is Dead
  • Funeral Rave
  • Satanic Hispanic’s Satan de Mayo Quarantine Livestream (from May 5th 2020)


Thanks for Watching and Listening,

Presented By Les Sober and FYB


Meet The Goddamn Gallows

Meet the Unique and Almost indescribable Bands of Today The Goddamn Gallows.


  • Mickey Classic: Vocals and Guitar
  • Fishgutzzz: Vocals and Stand Up Bass
  • Uriah Baker (aka Baby Genius): Drums
  • Avery: Washboard and Accordion (Joined in 2009)
  • Jake Orvis: Banjo and Mandolin (Joined in 2009)

The Goddamn Gallows originated in Lansing Michigan in 2004 when the Three Original Founding Members Mikey Classic, Fishgutzz, and Amanda Kill (who was the Band’s original drummer until replace by Uriah Baker ) met During a Violent Face Scarring Flophouse Fight against Benton Gangbangers.

From  The Goddamn Gallows were Raised on the Road Migrating like  Nomads as They Toured America Playing Gigs. During 2007 to 20011 While Traveling the Nation The Band lived in Broken Down Vans, Storage Units, Abandoned Buildings, Fleabag Dive Motels, Shitty Shoebox Apartments, Homeless Tent Cities, and Squatter Camps. The Band Drove whatever Piece of Shit could get Them to the Next Show, and built a Reputation for Their Live Performances. In 2009 The Band added Avery and Jake Orvis to the Lineup looking to Enhance Their sound.

The Goddamn Gallows Music is as Eclectic and Eccentric as The Band Members Themselves. The Band’s Music is/has been Described as a Blend of the Following: Psychobilly, Punk, Rock’n Roll, Metal, Hardcore, Celtic Punk, Cow Punk, Hobocore, Americana, Rockabilly, Blue Grass, Punk Rock, and Gutterbilly.

FYB has assembled Four of Our favorite Goddamn Gallows Songs, and Their Unconventional Cover of England’s Black/Death Metal Pioneers Venom’s song Classic In League With Satan.

All Videos were Filmed at Live at Various Concerts from over the Years and are as Follows:

  1. Ya’all Motherfuckers Need Jesus
  2. 7 Devils
  3. The Maker
  4. Howlin’ Wind
  5. In League With Satan (Venom Cover)

Thanks for Watching/Listening

  Presented By Les Sober

GG Allin: The Profile of a Rock’N Roll Terorist

As Most of Our Readers are aware I am a HUGE GG Allin Fan I mean FYB has done 3 Pictorial Posts (with a 4th in The Works) dedicated to GG Allin and His Musical Career of Infamy.

In Addition to the Pictorials FYB also posted a Copy of GG Allin’s Legendary Song “Bit It You Scum”. I did that because No matter if I’m having one of the Greatest Days in My Life OR One of the Absolutely Shittiest Days of My Life either way if I put on GG’s “Bite It You Scum” it always makes Me Smile.

NOW Do Not get Me wrong I am NOT DEVIATING from My original Statement on the subject of GG Allin. I said I WILL NOT write a Typical or Traditional Bio Post because there’s No Point it’d just be an Exercise in Futility. What I mean to say is simply there isn’t ANYTHING I could write a Biographical Post about GG that isn’t just like all the Other Posts/Articles Out there on Google. Its all been said before so to say it now is just Regurgitating the Same Shit over, and over again.

So to Honor GG Allin and His Music just as FYB as recently done with Shitfucker and Silencer I devised the following Three (3) Video Tribute.

The FIRST video is the 1993 Cult Documentary  by then Film Student Todd Phillips (who later went on to make: Old School, Road Trip, The Hangover Trilogy, War Dogs, Borat, and More) called “Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” NOT Hated in the Nation which was the GG Allin Album.


This Documentary follows the Life and Times of GG Allin featuring Concert Footage as well as Interviews with Family Members, Friends, Fanatical Fans, and Fellow Band Mates.

The Second Video is the 2008 Short Film Documentary by Jay McBeth called “Live Fast, Die” which is Quite Different than “Hated”. This Story is the Story of so many GG Fans because like Jay and countless others I discovered GG by complete coincidence. I was at an Indue Record Store poking around the Bins, and I stumbled across a bunch of GG Allin CDs.


This Documentary with a running Time of just 28 minutes and change I believe is the Better of the Two Films. “Live Fast, Die” takes a different approached to the subject of GG in it follows the Curiosity of What made GG Tick or What Made GG Allin who He Was. It’s more about the Man than His outrageous and often Illegal Live Shows or Personal Life like “Hated”.

The Third Video is one of Several Video Versions of GG Allin’s “Bite It you Scum” played Live in Concert since We already Posted the Lyrics w/ Pics.



ALRIGHT WELL FUCK TODD PHILLIPS. Todd had “Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” posted on Youtube FOR FREE. I know because I watched it like 400 fucking times. ANYWAY Todd apparently now wants $1.99 for the pleasure of Watching His Film that was previously FREE.  GRANTED $2 is nothing really, BUT I WILL NOT PAY ON PRINCIPLE.

The Film was Free until Fans started making it More Popular to those outside of the GG Allin Universe, and since Todd has also had time to make Big fucking Hollywood Comedies He now seems to feel He can and will Charge $2. Again for a Film NO ONE FUCKING KNEW OF ACCEPT DIE HARD GG FANS WHO THEN MADE IT MORE POPULAR AND ARE NOW GETTING NICKLE AND DIMED OVER IT.


Fuck Todd Phillips personally in light of this I will say “Hated” is the only decent Film Todd Phillips had made the rest is Over Rated Recycled Hollywood Big Budget Bullshit so Fuck Him.


SO I WILL NOW POST A TRAILER FOR ‘Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” Below instead of the Film since it is No Longer Free.

NOTE: Also I will be Posting an Entire Concert by GG Allin and The Murder Junkies to make up for Todd Phillips being a Greedy Hollywood Cocksucker.

SORRY for the Interruption, We now return You to The Regularly Scheduled Post Currently in Progress Please Enjoy.

OK SEE WHAT I SAID! Todd is REALLY milking this Film for all its fucking Worth. I have NEVER seen this Trailer Before, and The Cover of the Film has been changed from the ORIGINAL cover. All this bullshit because Todd got Hollywood a Hard On, and now with the Anniversary the Greedy Twat is Now Charging $2 to view his Film that agin was PERVIOUSLY POSTED FOR FREE.

And Now Ladies and Genitals Welcome to the Stage The One, The Only, The Rock’n Roll Terrorist GG ALLIN & THE MURDER JUNKIES! Enjoy.

Well I’m still Pissed Off About Toddy Phillips’s Greedy Money Grubbing Student fucking Film. SO I’M Adding a BONUS VIDEO.

The Following Video is a Interview with GG Allin FROM PRISON. Enjoy Kids.

Thanks for Reading & Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober.

Shitfucker’s Official FYB Post

You’ve see Their Name, Posters, and Band Photos sprinkled through out Several Posts here at f-yourblog as We are BIG Fans. We’ve been meaning to Write a Official Shitfucker Post and Here it is. The following is a Video of Shitfucker Playing Live at Strongsville OH, 9th Aug 2014 along with the Lyrics Located Below. This is Our Favorite Song from These Self Proclaimed Detroit Metal Punks. Enjoy Kids.

Band: Shitfucker

Song: Go To Hell

Album: Suck Cocks In Hell


It’s Never to Hot for Leather

Unless it’s Too fucking Hot

Trapped in the Eyes of Thy Neighbor

Infernal Mother of Death

She Chokes on the Smoke of Our Unholy Tokes


Through the Hole in Her Throat

She Stares Through My Window

And Stands on My Front Lawn

You Can’t Understand Her

Because She Speaks in Daemonic Tounges

Trapped in a Plane with the Living Corpse

That Lives Next Door,




Play it Loud, Play on Ten

Play it so You Wake the Dead

I have awakened The Mother of The Reaper

Who has unleashed the Darkness Fever

Through My Brain, Down The Drain

To The Pits that Have No Name

Where the Most Rotten Pieces of Shit Finally Go Insane….GO TO HELL


(Uoy Lorthoc I, Me Lortnoc T’nod Uoy)

Thank for Reading/Listening,

  Presented By Les Sober

Quick Quiz Could Change Your Reality

Hello Reader(s),

If You opt to take the following Quiz Please follow these Guidelines:

  • Take Your Time. This isn’t some Convoluted Cosmo Quiz.
  • Think Over Your Answers. Question Everything.
  • BE HONEST. This is not some piece of Fluff Post.
  • This Quiz Could Alter Your Perception of Reality, The World, Humanity, Your Friends, Your Family, Coworkers, Significant Others, Neighbors, The Universe, Yourself, or Life & Death Permanently.
  • Pictures Have Been Added For The Purpose of Stimulating The Your Pre Frontal Cortex While Taking The Quiz.

For those reasons the ANSWER KEY won’t be Posted for a couple to a few Days as again it pays dividends to TAKE YOUR TIME, BE SURE OF YOUR ANSWERS, and BE HONEST (Otherwise Your Only Going To Fool Yourself, and the Quiz will be NULL & VOID.


1. Would You Ever Buy Something Off The Dark Web?                                                 A. Sure Why Not?!                                                                                                                        B. No Seems Like A Bad Idea.                                                                                                C. OH HELL YEAH, I’m An Asshole Who Lives Dangerously and Has No Fear Of Death!                                                                                                                                       D. OH HELL NO, I Don’t Want End Up In Prison.

2. Even If Its Prepared Correctly By A Master Sushi Chef Japanese Blow Fish or Fugu still has a 1 in 66 chance of Death When Eaten. Would You Ever Try Fugu?                                                                                                                                              A.  Yes I’ve Heard Its Tasty.                                                                                                    B.  No Thanks I Don’t Have a Death Wish.                                                                      C. I Know What Fire IS So I Don’t Eat Raw Fish. I’m An Asshole.                         D.  What The Fuck Is Wrong With This Red Lobster?!

3.When You Go To The Adult Store Do You…                                                                 A. Buy Something.                                                                                                                     B. Look Around Briefly And Leave.                                                                                    C. Realize You Could Have Done Your Adult Shopping Online.                             D.  I Don’t Indulge In Any Porn or Adult Store Merchandise, and I’m a Lying. I’m an Asshole.


4. What Kind of Pet Person Are You?                                                                                A. Rodents (Rats, Mice, Gerbils, Hamsters, Guine Pigs) Because I Forgot About The Black Plague                                                                                                          B.  Dog, Their Mankind’s Best Friend For A Reason.                                                 C.  Cat, They Were Worshiped Egyptians and They Had Pyramids so Thats Cool..                                                                                                                                               D. Fish. I’m a Simple Person Keeping It Simple.                                                          E. Bird. I’m a Masochist.                                                                                                         F. Reptiles. Dinosaurs Baby, Living Fucking DINOSAURS!                                     G. Unconventional (Pot Bellied Pig, Miniature Goat, Tarantulas, Scorpions, Hedgehog etc. I Was Born Without A Identity so Now My Identity Is My Pet. Also I’m An Asshole.

5. What Kind Of Motor Vehicle Is Your Type “Dream Car” ?                                  A. Sports: Speed Kills So Lets Die Fast!                                                                            B. SUV: I’ve Always Wondered What It Be Like To Be a Godzilla Sized Asshole.                                                                                                                                          C. Luxury: I’m a Rich Fat Bastard, and I Want The World To KNOW IT!          D. Truck: Bigger The Truck Littler The Man (Height and Penis)                         E. Motorcycle: Because Car Crashes Can’t Kill You Fast Enough.                         F. Moped/Scooter: I Like Motorcycles, But I’m Too Scared To Own One.

6. What Is Your Preferred Type/Style of Music?                                                          A. Heavy Metal: What I’m Middle Aged and Nostalgic.                                            B.  EMO: I’m Dark, Brooding, Deep and Clinically Depressed.                              C. Classic Rock: I’m a Hippy Hangover From 1969.                          D.Death/Black Metal: We Are All Going To Hell & I Have The Soundtrack!     E. Folk: I’m Heavily Medicated.                                                                                           F. Jazz: I Like Things That Sounds Like Schizophrenia Put To Music.              G. Pop: I’m a Mindless Commercial Lemming.                                                           H. Classical: I Like To Think I’m An Intellectual, I Listen To NPR.                      I. Punk: I Refuse To Admit Punk IS DEAD.                                                                       J. EMD: I’m a Bot.                                                                                                                      K.  Country: I Don’t Mind The Hypocrisy and Commercialism because I Like Horses and Playing Cowboys and Indians.                                                                     L. Talk Radio/Podcasts: I Didn’t Understand The Question, and I’m an Asshole.  


7. When Its Comes To Social Media Do You………                                                         A. I Check Once and a While, I Like Keeping Tabs On Shit.                                     B. I Check It Frequently and Often Because I Need To Stay In The Loop.          C. I Check It  CONSTANTLY I CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS A GODDAMN THING  D. I LIVE in Social Media, I’ve Fully Exited Physical Reality                                  E. I DON’T Check Because I Enjoy My Real Actual Life. Shove Second Life Up Your Avatar’s Ass.


8. What Kind Of Movies Do You Prefer To Watch?                                                      A. Horror: I’m a Sick and Twisted Little Puppy                                                            B. Action: Lets Blow Some Shit Up Already!                                                                  C. Drama: Because Life Doesn’t Have Enough Drama For Me.                              D. Foreign: I’m Profound & Worldly.                                                                                E. Rom-Com: Sometimes I Need a Break From Eharmony.                                    F. Documentary: Fuck Fiction I Want to Know What Is Really Going On in The World. Fiction, Save That Shit For Mordor.                                                          G. Mockumentary: Fuck Facts I DON’T Want to Know Whats Really Going On.                                                                                                                                                   H. Comedy: The Laugh More, Live Longer Philosophy                                              I. Thriller: I Like Being Scared, BUT I Can’t Handle Hardcore Horror.               J. Rockumentary: I Don’t just Want To Listen To Bands I Want To Know All The Behind The Scenes Shit Too!    


9. When I Drink I………                                                                                                             A. Shots! Shots! Shots!                                                                                                            B. Break Out The Beer Bong and Lets Party.                                                                  C. Have a Glass Of Wine With Dinner.                                                                              D. Have A Few Beers To Unwind After a Long Day.                                                     E. Go To The Bar and Shut That Fucker Down.                                                              F. Binge The Frat Life and I’m an Asshole.                                                                    G. Responsibly                                                                                                                            H. Like Theres NO Tomorrow and I Have A Hallow Leg.                                            I. Drink Like My Name IS Andre The Giant.                                                                    J. Drink Night and Day Because I’m an Alcoholic.                                                      K. Drink Cocktails Because I like To Classy Up My Boozing.                                  L. I Don’t Drink because I’m probably a fucking Alien.  

10. Where Do You Aquire Your Pornography?                                                               A. YouPorn.Com                                                                                                                         B. PornHub.Com                                                                                                                        C. Alternate Free Pornography Site.                                                                                  D. I Pay For My Porn Sites Like An Asshole.                                                                   E. Offline. I’m a Dinosaur and Still By Porno Magazines because I Like Reading The Articles.  

11. When It Comes To Trends I………                                                                                  A. Follow Blindly Like a Sheep.                                                                                            B. Make Sure I Conform To The New Trend WHILE Claiming Not To Be a Trend Follower.                                                                                                                          C. Follow Half Heartedly.                                                                                                       D. I Live To Trend, I’m a Hipster Asshole.                                                                      E. I DEPEND ON TRENDS I wasn’t Born With A Personality So I Need Trends To Define Me.                                                                                                                              F. Trends Are For Twats. I’m Not a Twat.


12. When I Smoke Marijuana I………                                                                                   A. Puff, Puff, Pass                                                                                                                      B. Break Out The Bong and Bomb it Like Bagdad.                                                       C. Smoke Straight To The Head By Myself.                                                                    D. Call My Friends and Bust Out The Bag/ Bust Out A Bag.                                     E. Smoke The Whole Bag From Beginning To End in One Sitting Like a Super High Hedonist.                                                                                                                            F. Wake And Bake BABY!                                                                                                           G. Smoke Socially because Hey Its Free.                                                                         H. Smoke Until I’m SO STONED I have To Hold Onto A Blade Of Grass To Keep From Falling Off The Planet.                                                                                      I. Smoke Like I’m Giving Cheech and Chong a Run For Their Money.                J. Smoke Like My Names Doug Benson.                                                                          K. Smoke Like a Chimney                                                                                                       L. Smoke Like I’m Trying To Smoke Colorado Dry.                                                  M. Smoke To Unwind After Work.                                                                                     N. 24/7 Like Snoop Dog.                                                                                                         O. Smoke Until The Tellitubbies Talk To Me.                                                                P. Smoke and Run Up a $600 GrubHub Bill                                                                   Q. Smoke Old School and Roll Up A Joint                                                                        R. Smoke New School and Roll Up a Blunt.                                                                     S. I Don’t Smoke Weed I Vape it and lecture People Who Didn’t Fucking Ask How Much Better It Is For You Than Smoking Weed. I’m a Self-righteous Asshole.                                                                                                                                         T. I Smoke SO MUCH Weed I Forgot How Much I Actually Smoke.                     U. I Don’t Smoke Weed and I’m Lying.

13. Air Guitar  OR Air Drums?                                                                                               A. Air Guitar: I Mean They Based The Widely Popular Video Game Rock Band Game on The Principle Of Air Guitar!                                                                               B. Air Drums: You Wanna Really Rock, DRUM SOLO!                                                C. Air Harpsichord: I’m an Asshole                                                                                   D. I play a REAL LIFE Drums/Guitar/Other Actual Musical Instrument.   

14. When It Comes To The Government I Believe………                                             A. Love Those Bastards, Good Job and Wouldn’t Change a Thing.                      B. Its a Necessary Evil                                                                                                              C. Its Time For a REVOLUTION.                                                                                          D. The System is Broken as Fuck, Scrap Current Model and Start Over.           E. Fuck Big Brother Period.                                                                                                    F. ANARCHY Live Free & Die Free.


15. When I Gamble I………                                                                                                        A. Play It Safe, And Stick To The Slots Like a Senior Citizen.                                 B.  I Set a Budget Before Hand, and Then Let The Chips Fall Where They May.                                                                                                                                                 C. Play Fast and Loose Because You Only Live Once so Fuck Consequences.  D. Play Like Your Auditioning For The World Series of Poker.                              E. Until I pass Out Or Puke From All The Free Fucking Drinks.                             F. I Don’t Gamble Probably Because I’m an Asshole.


16. When It Comes To Racists I Believe                                                                           A. Whole Heartedly In The 1st Amendment.                                                                  B. They’re Good People, and I’m a Trump Loving MAGA ASSHOLE.                  C. Racists Are Entitled To Their Opinion.                                                                       D. Racists Are Entitled To Their Opinion Even if Its Being a Bigot.                     E. Racists Are Fucking Scumbags                                                                                       F. My Favorite Game Is “PUNCH A NAZI”

17. When It Comes To Religion I Believe………                                                               A. There Is a God and We Should fucking FEAR HIM!                                               B. The Bible is a Moral/Ethical Historical Handbook Full Of Valid Advice.      C. God MIGHT Be Real So Better Play It Safe, and Go To Church.                        D. Heaven Or Hell Religion Doesn’t Matter To Me.                                                    E. I’m a Spiritual Person, Organized Religion is Man Made.                                  F. All Hail Mermenozoid!                                                                                                       G. Cults Are Cool so Whats Up With Scientology?                                                       H. Man Created God In HIS OWN IMAGE.                                                                        I. Take EVERY WORD of My Religious Text of Choice LITERALLY Because I’m a Religious Fanatic Like an Vile Evangelical.                                                      J. Science Over Organized Religion.                                                                                      K. There is Something Bigger Than Humans, BUT its Something Like The Universe or Nature for Example.                                                                                        L. The Ancient Greeks/Romans/Egyptians Had It Right.                                       M. How Would I Know About Religion I’m a Reincarnated Flat Worm.            N. See You In The Halls of Valhalla ASSHOLES!


18. When It Comes To Exercise I………                                                                               A. Believe My Body Is A Temple and I’m Its Maintenance Man.                           B. I’m just a Few Pounds Overweight, And Not That Out Of Shape so Steady As She Goes.                                                                                                                                 C. I Exercise Now and Then Basically Half Ass It.                                                       D. I’m Fine Buying Fitness Equipment, and Letting It Rot Covered in Dust In My Basement/Attic/Garage as I Always Have.                                                              E. I Love Exercising I’m a Gym Rat.                                                                                   F. I’m a Fitness Fanatic, I’m Running In Place While I Read This.                      G. I Need to Exercise, But Don’t Because I always Put It Off Till Tomorrow Like An Asshole.


19. When I Come To The Police I Think………                                                                 A. I Believe They Are In Fact Here To Protect & Serve Us                                         B. They Police Have Some Serious Problems That Need Correction.                  C.  Blue Lives Matter, and I’m an Utter Asshole.                                                         D. The Police Are The Biggest Criminals in America.                                                E. We Should Dismantle The Police System, And Reinstitute State Militias Or Wild West Modeled Sherriff’s Like Wyatt Eurp.                                                           F. The Police Are Just High School Nerds, and Now Have a Badge so They’re The Bully Now.                                                                                                                           G. Good Cops Are A Myth.                                                                                                      H. The Police Are Useless, Vigilante Justice Is The Only Way To Go.


20. When It Comes To Snakes and Spiders Which Are You More Afraid Of         A. Snakes: Obviously Remember The Garden Of Eden.                                             B. Spiders: They Can Crawl Into Your Ear, Lay Eggs, and The Babies Eat Your fucking Brain.                                                                                                                              C. Both Whats Wrong With You?                                                                                        D. Neither: I’m The Asshole Exception To The Rule.

 Brought To You By Les Sober

Written By: The University of Psychological Arts, The Synaptic Society,

& The Swedish Institute of Neuropsychology Research and Development.


Revised By: The Cerebral Studies Foundation & The Grey Matter Grant

Edited By: The Psychological Sociology Administration of Japan

Published By: InnerSelf Incorporated, Synaptic Storm,

& The Third Eye Institute for Developmental Cerebral Research.

Malice The Band That Almost Killed Us All: PART 4

April 1st: Heading into April with the umpteenth line up (consisting of Izzy Sane on Vocals, Mitch Fury on Drums, Maxi Padd on Bass, and Davie Scum on Guitar) met for a band meeting at their manager Harold Slickmann’s Villa in France. Once the entire band was assembled at Stickman’s French Villa they had a proper high end Wine and Cheese Pairing.

During the festivities the band decided to become a Honky Tonk Hillbilly Blue Grass Band. They also unanimously to donate 75% of their earnings to Charity, and Join Green Peace to occupy the time between Tours.

Also while they were at it Malice cured Cancer, Discovered the Secret to Immorality, had a conversation with all the Various Dieties of the World, Ended War, Fought Famine in third world counties, and traveled to the center of the Universe.

(Just Kidding April Fools)

In reality the band hung out at Slickmann’s house lounging around the Pool Day Drinking, and some light Day Drugging until they all got bored and did Ambient Shooters to sleep the rest of the Day.

April 3rd: The band met up at Dinky Kitty Recording Studio’s to quickly record a new EP called “Mental Metal Meltdown” before hitting the road heading out on a 27 day 27 Shows mini Tour promoting the EP. This was Razorback Records idea.

They figured why waste time you could use making money on anything else. Leisure was an Alien Concept to them. And since Malice wasn’t scheduled for their first World Wide Tour until the May 1st Razorback came up the the Ep Mini Tour Package Concept to keep the band productive and (Financially) Prosperous. Plus they figured with a band like Malice keeping them on the shortest of leashes was best for everyone involved.

Malice knocked out the entire EP in 5 hours flat. The Ep featured the songs “Beer Belly Blues”, “The Ease of Sleaze”, “Liquor, Ladies, and Lingerie”, “Sucking Down a Six Pack”, and “PsychoCycle”.

The second side would feature 4 Songs by their opening band during their upcoming World Wide Tour in May The Assholes. The Assholes were a notoriously infamous Underground Punk-Metal band from Detroit known far and wide for their overt aggression.

April 5th: After a 48 hour hangover Malice were in Razorback Records Conference Room for a Unscheduled meeting. Slickmann entered the room accompanied by the band’s long time Lawyer TR McCoy, and took a seat at the head of the far end of the conference room’s large tacky table. A few minutes later Razorback PR Rep. Lila Lascivious entered cold and emotionless as ever her Poker Face in full play.

Lila announced that Malice’s Mini Promotional Tour shows would all be “Secret” (unannounced or promoted or advertised no doubt to save Razorback more money on overhead expenses.) Shows each would be held in an “Untraditional Location”. This could be for example in an Abandoned Factory or some shit like that, but it was all an elaborate promotional campaign by Razorback to amp up Malice’s Street Cred. with Fans, and help spread the mythos of Malice. Lila finished her presentation by informing the band that they would be given the location of the Venue 1 hour before the show starting with tonights initial show.

At 9:00 pm Slickmann received a phone call in his Hotel Room from Lilia, and was told tonights show would be housed in an Abandoned and allegedly Haunted Insane Asylum named  The Leviticus Von Trundle Asylum for The Criminally Insane.

The show was a complete fucking flop. Razorback hadn’t “Put the world out on the street” (remember this is Pre Smartphones, Pre Internet, and Pre Social Media SO word of mouth was actually physically face to face or over the phone (Landlines and Pay Phones) to work.

Their was also a great deal of misunderstanding  as to what the fuck “Mental Metal Meltdown Mini Tour” actually was. See what happened was that the expected audience of Malice fans turned out to be mainly a larger group made up of rather confused Ghost Hunters. The Ghost Hunters thought the Show was some sort of Paranormal-Con type situation so imagine their surprise to instead of finding Ghosts the found Malice rampaging through the Entire EP.

Malice was than a little pissed off by the entire catastrophe that was that nights impromptu pop up concert. They not only played to a small handful of actual Malice Fans they also avoided selling any merchandise which Malice felt was an insult to injury.

An Utterly irate Slickmann called Razorbacks PR Rep. Lila and demanded a meeting immediately first thing the following Morning. After such a shitty show Malice vanished into the night to ingest intoxicants till the Hallucinatory Cows Came Home.

April 6th: Once again Malice found them selves in Razorback Records well used conference room along with their manage Harold Slickmann, and their Lawyer TR McCoy. Lila the Razorback PR Rep. assigned to Malice entered the room a minute or two accompanied by 6 well groomed, grey haired Record Executives in very expensive suits.

As soon as Lila and her associates sat down Slickmann still quite enraged from the previous nights cluster fucking launched into conversation like a NASA Rocket. Slickmann demanded Razorback release Malice from their current contract as Malice were utterly unhappy with Razorbacks, and were seeking  new Record Label Representation.

Lila listened to Slickmann’s wild rant and then presented Razorbacks position pertaining to the matter of Malice and their freshly started mini tour. Razorback insisted the show was a travesty true, BUT was anything but intentional. Malice and Razorback up until now how been amicable, and thus Razorback refused to terminate their contract with Malice.

TR McCoy requested to speak to the Head of Razorbacks Legal Department in private. Razorback agreed and walked McCoy to the Head of their Legal Department’s office. After 20 minutes or so McCoy returned with Bernard B. Burbler in tow.

McCoy presented the compromise that he and Burbler had come up with. 1st Razorback would cancel the next 12 shows (starting with tonights scheduled show) of the tour to allow time for Fans to find out about the “Secret Show(s)”.  2nd last nights show would be a write off on both ends since arguing would waste time and produce zero results (so Malice wouldn’t be “compensated” in any way for the hassle of last nights fuckfest AND Razorback wouldn’t seek reimbursement for the shows expenses or damages or for violation of contract.) 3rd and last of all after the current Mini Tour Malice could and would be renegotiate and reevaluate  their contract Razorback to assess wether or not  Malice and Razorback could continue to work with one another.

Malice begrudgingly accepted the terms and the deal was official, but Malice wasn’t through as they felt they needed to make their mark as it were. Izzy followed by Mitch and Davie strode over to the group of Razorback Record Executives, unzipped their flies, and proceeded to piss all over the them as the ran willy nilly around the conference room table horrified. Meanwhile Maxi who had drank 2 bottles of Exlax mixed with Gin jumped up onto the conference table, and took a massive 4 Gallon Explosive Diarrhea Shit all over it.

Security was called and a fist fight broke out between the Security Guards and Malice. No one was hurt because no one could land nor throw a decent punch due to the conference room being hosed down by a excessive amount of Urine and Feces. Malice and the Security Guards alike just tried to lunge at one another (in an attempt to grab the opposing party), but they all just ended up slipping and sliding all over in the bodily fluid covered floor.

Malice finally gave up and went home with the entire band smelling like over flowing Port-A-Potties.

April 7th: To help elevate the on going tension with their Record Lable Slickmann decided to book a Luxury Get Away to St. Troy in the Caribbean for the next week. Malice arrived in St. Troy in their Private Jet around Noon, and arrived at Oasis in the Oasis Resort. Slickmann had in the name of Privacy Booked the entire Resort to elevate the stress from the Press.

The first thing Malice did once they arrived at their Suits was to call everyone they knew and invite them to what Malice had dubbed “Rock’n Resort” Mega Party. The next order of business was arranging the almost none stop flights to and from the States shuttling all of Malice’s Guests back and forth.

Here is the Summation of Malice’s Vacation (AKA Rock’n Resort Mega Party)

April 8th: Malice charters the largest Yacht they possibly could to continuously circle St. Troy for 24 hours straight. Malice had additional Guests brought out to the Yacht on Jet Skies. The raucous Party got the attention of a local amateur Pirate Crew who moved on the Yacht like Fleas to a Dog.

Once the Pirates arrived they were mistaken for Guests in themed costumes and invited on board. The Pirates being thoroughly confused as No One they had ever attacked had remained throwing a Party. After a couple of Mojito’s the Pirates thought since they were now Guests at the Party it would be rather rude to Pirate and Pillage the Yacht at this point. Thus a good time was had by all.

April 9th: Mitch Fury went surfing and was accidentally killed. From what the Authorities said based on Eye Witnesses interviews the following. Mitch was surfing a gigantic wave having the time of his fucking life when the wave caught up to him. Once the wave was on top on him Mitch was thrown in a quite elegant arch through the air directly into an awaiting Great White Shark’s Mouth. The Local Police’s closed the case labeling it a extremely rare instance of”Suicide By Shark” (Its like “Suicide by Cop” but with a Great White Shark.)

April 10th: Malice in lou of the tragic death of their drummer knew they had to keep the band going, and began flying out Auditioning Drummers. The search for the new drummer was going badly to say the least, and Malice was entertaining the idea of just using a Drum Machine. Thats when Rock Harder the legendary Drummer who had played in such bands as Arch Enema, Poisoned Ivy, The Savages, and PileDriver. Needless to say Harder was hired on the spot without every playing a single beat.

April 11th: Slickmann wanted Malice to practice as much as they could during the trip to break in Rock Harder their new Drummer. So Slickmann assumed the responsibility of dealing with Fury’s ashes. See Mitch wanted to be cremated so the band had a Tiki Hut Beach Bash were Mitch’s body had been incinerated  in  the Bon Fire. Mitch being a such an Ocean Lover Slickmann had opted to give Mitch a Burial at Sea by spreading his Ashes out in Open Water. The Boat Left the Marina at 9:37 am headed towards the Bermuda Triangle (because Slickmann thought that be pretty fucking Metal) and was never seen again.

(Above: ^Bite The Turnbuckle ^)

April 12th: To deal with the second horrible death of their trip Malice went into the rain forests of St. Troy and Drank GALLONS of Ayahuasca. Malice then walked down their was to a splendid waterfall and spent the day talking to Trees.

April 13th: Malice got a call at 5:57 am from The American Embassy in Tokyo Japan. To their utter surprise Slickmann was in fact Alive. He had been found by Commercial Fisherman just outside the right side of The Dragon’s Triangle in the Pacific Ocean. The Dragon’s Triangle is reportedly Asia’s Bermuda Triangle. The best Hypothesis the Japanese Physicists could come up with at this time based on the data they had collected was this. Slickmann had entered the Bermuda Triangle and in it accessed some sort of geographical portal that transported Slickmann half way across the Earth. Their additional ideas were just plain ridiculous.

April 14th: After a trip that included the death of their old Drummer Mitch Fury, the hiring of Fury’s replacement Rock Harder, a Bon Fire Cremation, Hallucinating in the Forrest, and the temporary and mysterious (not to mention totally unexplained) disappearance of their manager Harold Slickmann Malice was ready to get the fuck out of St. Troy. Malice boarded their private Jet and flew home to New York (the bands current resident City) on an uneventful Flight. The inflight Movie was Tommy Wiseau’s Cult Classic “The Room”.

Stayed Tuned Readers for Malice The Band That Almost Killed Us All PART 5

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober