Salute To Eccentrics First Ever Follow Up: IvySavage aka VERDUYNETAL!

As some of you may be aware that just a while ago I did my first official a FYB Salute to Eccentrics featuring Verduynetal, and now I have returned with an FYB First. As far as I am aware this is the very first time FYB has done a follow up post on a previous Salute to Eccentrics.

I fucking deplore repeating myself but if you haven’t seen the previous Verduynetal post (or just plain don’t want to) here is a brief recap. Someone tipped me off to this YouTube Channel Verduynetal and when I checked it out I had my first real feeling of deja vu. It was a truly strange feeling as I stared at a complete stranger while feeling like somehow I did actually knew them yet I couldn’t remember for sure How I knew them. Anyway while reviewing the video content had a break through moment and realized that I did in deed know who this person was. As it turned out we grew up in the same shitty suburban bullshit town, and attended the same shitty high school (though she was a couple of years ahead of me).


I mentioned in the original Verduynetal post that a friend of mine actually dated Verduynetal way back in the day. I decided to hunt down my old friend   Kurt and see if I could pick his brain a bit to see if I could jog any memories. Well that idea failed because as it turned out Kurt had died of a drug overdose 2 years earlier. Left to my own devices I have spent a good deal of time racking my brain trying to remember anything I possibly could about this phantom from my past. Luckily my memory is half way decent and I contacted Spacedog to see if he could recollect anything on the subject.

After hours upon hours of deliberating Spacedog and I managed to compile the following information on Venduynetal. First off she has a younger brother named Josh who is her polar opposite if there ever was one. Where Venduynetal was a complete fucking train wreck of a person Josh to his credit was a proper preppy. He got good grades, had several extracurricular activities, a bunch of friends, was positive, and had his shit together. I image her little brother has since moved as far away as he possibly could from his fucked up family. Speaking of family there was her parents. She lived in their house but neither Spacedog or I ever met, seen, or said a cursory hello to Venduynetal’s Dad. I mean for all intents and purposes he may as well have been dead and buried though I don’t think he was dead  (at least at the time anyways). I remember seeing her mom once and that she kind of creeped me out since she didn’t say a single fucking word the entire time though she kept staring at me relentlessly.


As for Venduynetal Spacedog and I pretty much remembered the same shit. Venduynetal was a punk rock with the asshole attitude to match. She was one of those people that believed everything they said to be the undisputed truth, and if you didn’t agree with her then you were a fucking moron. She was outwardly angry and aggressive since she had some sort of chip on her shoulder though I don’t know why. She grew up in SUBURBIA in an UPPER MIDDLE CLASS NEIGHBORHOOD and never wanted for anything as her mom enabled the hell out of her allowing her to act like an out of control asshole.

Without consequences your kids grow up from being crappy kid into an asshole of an adult. Venduynetal was a drama queen who had to create shit to be pissed at because her life in reality wasn’t shitty at all. I mean no one likes authority figures as a teenager, but Venduynetal thrived on emotional chaos and assorted bullshit creating Mountain ranges out of mole hills just to have something to rage against. Bottomline SHE was the cause or creator of all her perceived problems. She got off on being the town’s self proclaimed most outrageous outcast as the mother of all misfits, and apparently she decided this was her niche, dug in, and never left.


That was all there was to the story until Spacedog found an extremely interesting additional piece of information. I mentioned in the original Venduynetal post that I had a sneaking suspicion Venduynetal’s name was Ivy as indicated in a couple of her video titles. I was right in real life she goes by Ivy Savage which is obviously not the name that appears on her birth certificate. Ivy Savage is part of the ongoing idolization of all things punk which she apparently made up for herself (I do know her real name first and last, but this is FYB so I’m not saying anything as per Les). You might be wondering how I came to know of the Ivy Savage angle and the answer is simple. Spacedog went and searched the name Ivy Savage on Youtube and LOW AND BEHOLD he discovered a Second Channel titled IvySavage (no spaces). So with this little kid bit of information I damn well knew I would have to most definitely do a fucking follow up post so here we go.


  • This channel actually pre dates the Venduynetal channel by approximately 3 months. I don’t know why she just didn’t rename her channel instead of creating a second one but what the fuck right.
  • The IvySavage channel joined on November 6, 2008.
  • The Channels has 22 videos in total posted.
  • There are 30 subscribers.
  • Channel Description: GO TO VERDUYNETAL CHANNEL PLEASE. ITS MY OTHER CHANNEL. (What surprised the fuck out of me was she actually said please which isn’t to punk rock now is it?!).
  • There 3 reoccurring themes:Finding  Hitler/Nazis funny, insomnia and prescription medications used to treat a variety of mental disorders.

  • One video that stuck out in particular was the video titled Creative with as much as is left 7 16 10 001. This video was shot solely by accident as Ivy enters a drug store to pick up some medication. While the video sums ass visually because the camera is all over the place it the AUDIO that I find most fascinating. Since this video was filmed by accident when the camera was on without Ivy’s expressed knowledge we can see what she is really like. What I mean by this is Ivy’s other videos she’s playing it up for the camera.
  • Another video that was particularly captivating in its oddity is the video titled cigarette break. What’s weird here is where the fuck Ivy is and who are the 3 additional people (other than ivy and her camera man) exactly? At first I thought she was at work, but it appears to me that she is attending some sort of program for people with more severe cases of mental illnesses.
  • We learn that her on again off again camera man is named Christopher in the video titled Instructional video on how to use Ivy’s door. Christopher for his part seems absolutely infatuated with Ivy somewhere between puppy love and a stalker like obsession.

  • Over all Ivy’s videos (like Verduynetal’s) fall into to categories the first being she is trying way to hard to be edgy/shocking/outrageous/defiant. The second are the videos where she honestly seems to slowly be unraveling mentally on the verge of crisis or is HEAVILY (and perhaps OVER) MEDICATED.
  • It also appears that the people Ivy associates with are all on psych meds too leaving me to wonder if she did meet them at a program for those with serious cases of mental health issues. This isn’t just because Ivy and company talk a good bit about different head meds, and they seem to know what they are talking about (they seem experienced in the subject). In the video titled Extinct…Like the kiwi Ivy literally says “Did you take your meds today, I sound like my mom.” to which her friend responds with the same question posed to Ivy. They then both attest to taking their meds that day.


That’s it so I’ll see you around,

   Justin Sane   

Saturday Slasher Cinema: THE DRILLER KILLER

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema featuring the 1979 Black Comedy Slasher Film Directed by Abel Ferrara and Starring Ferrara credited as Jimmy Laine. Ferrara  is an American Filmmaker , known for the PROVOCATIVE and often CONTROVERSIAL Content in His Movies, His use of Neo-Noir Imagery and Gritty Urban Settings.


The Plot concerns Reno Miller, a Struggling Artist in New York City, being Driven Insane from Stress and Killing Derelicts with a Power Drill. When the Movie was Released on Video Cassette in 1982, its Graphic Packaging drew Complaints which landed the Release on a List of “Video Nasties” that were BANNED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM under the Video Recording Act.

Video Nasty is a Colloquial Term in the United Kingdom to Refer to a Number of Movies, Typically Low Budget Horror and Exploitation Films, distributed on Video Cassette that were Criticized for Their Violent Content by the Press/Media, Social Commentators, and Various Religious Organizations.


Synopsis: Starving New York Artist Reno Miller is  Struggling to Pay His Bills, while Obsessed with Painting His Masterpiece (which He hopes to Sell to Art Dealer and Gallery Owner Dalton for Rent Money), and Caring for His two Roommates Carol the Divorced BiSexual and Her Drug Addicted Girlfriend Pamela. When the New Wave Punk Band Tony Coca-Cola and The Roosters move into Reno’s Building Playing Music Nonstop Day and Night, Reno can’t Sleep and is Slowly Driven Insane. As Reno Descends into Madness He takes to Stalking  the Streets of the City after Dark, and Gruesomely Killing Homeless Derelicts with a Power Drill.


We Hope You enjoyed this Tale of Insanity and Homicidal Tendencies  as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Scumfuck Radio (Our Favorite GG Allin Songs)

It’s No Secret that We here at FYB are GG Allin Fanatics in the Least, and Thus have Decided to Start the Scumfuck Radio (Our Favorite GG Allin Songs) Series.

The Series serves to Showcase Our Absolute Favorite Tunes from the Infamous Rock’n Roll Terrorist GG ALLIN.

Each Installment will Feature a Song (with or without a Accompanying Vide0) along with the Lyrics Transcribed Below.


We have Already Covered Our All Time Favorite GG Song Titled Bite It You Scum, and Now Here is Our Second All Time 2nd Favorite GG Song the Anti-Social Anthem Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat & Crucify off of the Album Brutality & Bloodshed For All. (The Last Every Record by GG Allin before His Untimely Death on June 28, 1993 due to a Heroin Overdose).

GG was always Controversial with His Notorious Live Shows Involving anything from GG Urinating on the Band, Rolling in Broken Glass,Starting Full Blown Riots at Concert Venues, Self Mutilation, Nudity, Fist Fights with Fans, Vandalism, Obscenity, Running from the Police, Promotors Shutting Down Shows Prematurely Due to Violence/Property Damage, Tons of Drugs, Binge Drinking, GG Knocking out His Own Teeth with the Microphone (or shoving it Up His Ass), and Most Famously GG’s Indulgence in Coprophagia/ Coprophagy (Which is the Consumption of Feces aka Actually Eating Shit). GG though wasn’t Satisfied with just Eating Shit, He took Shits on Stage and would Throw it at The Audience, Smear it on His Naked Body, and Roll in It.


Unfortunately By the Time GG Recorded Our Favorite GG Album Brutality & Bloodshed For All after a 3 Year Prison Stint (For Assaulting a Fan and Bating Them so Severely They spent Months in the Hospital Recovering) His Voice was Shot to Hell. Years of Drinking, Drugging, Smoking, and Psychotic Screaming finally caught up with GG, and reduced His Voice to a Gravely Growl that at Times is Incomprehensible. Thats Why We felt it was Imperative We included the Lyrics.



Stand Up, it’s Time to Rise

It’s Time for Revenge, Opposition must Die

Chaos, Violence, Revolution Now

We are the Real Rock’n Roll Underground


Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify

These are the 5 Laws of the Jungle that I Live By

You Locked Me up in Prison on the Inside

Now it’s time to Shoot, Knife, Strangle Beat and Crucify


Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify

I Believe in an Eye for an Eye

Your Rehabilitation Backfired from the Inside

Now its Time to Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify


Stand Up, It’s Time to Rise

It’s Time for Revenge, Opposition must Die

Chaos, Violence, Revolution Now

We are the Real Rock’n Roll Underground


Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify

I am the Guy, the One You tried so Hard to Fry

But I was Strong, You Couldn’t take My Mind

Now It’s Time to Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify


Stand Up, It’s Time to Rise

It’s Time for Revenge, Opposition Must Die

Chaos, Violence, Revolution Now

We are the Real Rock’n Roll Underground

(Repeat 4 Times until Song Ends)


Thanks for Listening,

Presented By   Les Sober & FYB  

Meet The Goddamn Gallows

Meet the Unique and Almost indescribable Bands of Today The Goddamn Gallows.


  • Mickey Classic: Vocals and Guitar
  • Fishgutzzz: Vocals and Stand Up Bass
  • Uriah Baker (aka Baby Genius): Drums
  • Avery: Washboard and Accordion (Joined in 2009)
  • Jake Orvis: Banjo and Mandolin (Joined in 2009)

The Goddamn Gallows originated in Lansing Michigan in 2004 when the Three Original Founding Members Mikey Classic, Fishgutzz, and Amanda Kill (who was the Band’s original drummer until replace by Uriah Baker ) met During a Violent Face Scarring Flophouse Fight against Benton Gangbangers.

From  The Goddamn Gallows were Raised on the Road Migrating like  Nomads as They Toured America Playing Gigs. During 2007 to 20011 While Traveling the Nation The Band lived in Broken Down Vans, Storage Units, Abandoned Buildings, Fleabag Dive Motels, Shitty Shoebox Apartments, Homeless Tent Cities, and Squatter Camps. The Band Drove whatever Piece of Shit could get Them to the Next Show, and built a Reputation for Their Live Performances. In 2009 The Band added Avery and Jake Orvis to the Lineup looking to Enhance Their sound.

The Goddamn Gallows Music is as Eclectic and Eccentric as The Band Members Themselves. The Band’s Music is/has been Described as a Blend of the Following: Psychobilly, Punk, Rock’n Roll, Metal, Hardcore, Celtic Punk, Cow Punk, Hobocore, Americana, Rockabilly, Blue Grass, Punk Rock, and Gutterbilly.

FYB has assembled Four of Our favorite Goddamn Gallows Songs, and Their Unconventional Cover of England’s Black/Death Metal Pioneers Venom’s song Classic In League With Satan.

All Videos were Filmed at Live at Various Concerts from over the Years and are as Follows:

  1. Ya’all Motherfuckers Need Jesus
  2. 7 Devils
  3. The Maker
  4. Howlin’ Wind
  5. In League With Satan (Venom Cover)

Thanks for Watching/Listening

  Presented By Les Sober

The Repugnant Return of GWAR to FYB with Phallus in Wonderland

GWAR the Scumdog’s of the Universe  are Back and Wreaking Havoc like Never Before in PHALLUS IN WONDERLAND!!!

Phallus In Wonderland is Thrash Metal Punk Rock Band Gwar’s First Attempt in a Commercially Released Long Form Film. The Video was Nominated for a GRAMMY in 1993, but Lost to Annie Lennox of all fucking People. I mean how the fuck does GWAR even End Up in the Same Category as Annie Lennox in the First fucking Place Anyhow?!

Phallus In Wonderland is the Story of Gwar’s Battle Against The Morality Squad, after the Theft of Lead Singer Oderous Urungus’s “Cuttlefish of Cthulhu” which is Oderous’s Pet Name for His Penis. Gwar is summonsed to New York City for a Commercial Shoot for Gwar Serial a Cornflake-like Food sprinkled with Cocaine in place of Sugar.


The Morality Squad’s Religious Representative Father Bohab is preparing to Lauch an Attack on Gwar is Convicted of Molesting a 12 year Old Choir Boy. The Shocked Morality Squad believe Bohab was Framed by Gwar and Their Unscrupulous Manager Sleazy P. Martini. Bob is ultimately released and Lead a Morality Squad Protest Picketing Gwar. That is Until Gwar along with Sleazy BRUTALLY ATTACK the Crowd, resulting in Bohab being DISEMBOWELED .


Gwar then Travel to a Nightclub where the indulge in MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF COCAINE. The following Morning The Cuttlefish of Cthulhu reunites with Oderous after Escaping form the Grasp of The Morality Squad, and Warns Gwar of The Morality Squads Imminent Attack. Once the Fight is Over Gwar emerges Victorious having Beaten the Morality Squad. For-Gor (a Giant T-Rex) is Born, and toys to Destroy the World. Gwar must Battle Gor-Gor who is inevitably Killed at the hands of Gwar. The Cuttlefish of Cthulhu ends up Happily Reunited with Its Owner Oderous Urungus.

We Hope You Enjoyed This Little Piece Of Murderous Mayhem As Much As We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

The World Through The Eyes Of GG Allin

“GG Allin is an Entertainer with a Message to a Sick Society. He makes Us look at it for What We Really Are. The Human is just Another Animal who is Able to Speak Out Freely, to Express Himself Clearly. Make No Mistake about it, Behind what He does is a Brain.”

-John Wayne Gacy-

Thanks for Reading/Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober

GG Allin: The Profile of a Rock’N Roll Terorist

As Most of Our Readers are aware I am a HUGE GG Allin Fan I mean FYB has done 3 Pictorial Posts (with a 4th in The Works) dedicated to GG Allin and His Musical Career of Infamy.

In Addition to the Pictorials FYB also posted a Copy of GG Allin’s Legendary Song “Bit It You Scum”. I did that because No matter if I’m having one of the Greatest Days in My Life OR One of the Absolutely Shittiest Days of My Life either way if I put on GG’s “Bite It You Scum” it always makes Me Smile.

NOW Do Not get Me wrong I am NOT DEVIATING from My original Statement on the subject of GG Allin. I said I WILL NOT write a Typical or Traditional Bio Post because there’s No Point it’d just be an Exercise in Futility. What I mean to say is simply there isn’t ANYTHING I could write a Biographical Post about GG that isn’t just like all the Other Posts/Articles Out there on Google. Its all been said before so to say it now is just Regurgitating the Same Shit over, and over again.

So to Honor GG Allin and His Music just as FYB as recently done with Shitfucker and Silencer I devised the following Three (3) Video Tribute.

The FIRST video is the 1993 Cult Documentary  by then Film Student Todd Phillips (who later went on to make: Old School, Road Trip, The Hangover Trilogy, War Dogs, Borat, and More) called “Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” NOT Hated in the Nation which was the GG Allin Album.


This Documentary follows the Life and Times of GG Allin featuring Concert Footage as well as Interviews with Family Members, Friends, Fanatical Fans, and Fellow Band Mates.

The Second Video is the 2008 Short Film Documentary by Jay McBeth called “Live Fast, Die” which is Quite Different than “Hated”. This Story is the Story of so many GG Fans because like Jay and countless others I discovered GG by complete coincidence. I was at an Indue Record Store poking around the Bins, and I stumbled across a bunch of GG Allin CDs.


This Documentary with a running Time of just 28 minutes and change I believe is the Better of the Two Films. “Live Fast, Die” takes a different approached to the subject of GG in it follows the Curiosity of What made GG Tick or What Made GG Allin who He Was. It’s more about the Man than His outrageous and often Illegal Live Shows or Personal Life like “Hated”.

The Third Video is one of Several Video Versions of GG Allin’s “Bite It you Scum” played Live in Concert since We already Posted the Lyrics w/ Pics.



ALRIGHT WELL FUCK TODD PHILLIPS. Todd had “Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” posted on Youtube FOR FREE. I know because I watched it like 400 fucking times. ANYWAY Todd apparently now wants $1.99 for the pleasure of Watching His Film that was previously FREE.  GRANTED $2 is nothing really, BUT I WILL NOT PAY ON PRINCIPLE.

The Film was Free until Fans started making it More Popular to those outside of the GG Allin Universe, and since Todd has also had time to make Big fucking Hollywood Comedies He now seems to feel He can and will Charge $2. Again for a Film NO ONE FUCKING KNEW OF ACCEPT DIE HARD GG FANS WHO THEN MADE IT MORE POPULAR AND ARE NOW GETTING NICKLE AND DIMED OVER IT.


Fuck Todd Phillips personally in light of this I will say “Hated” is the only decent Film Todd Phillips had made the rest is Over Rated Recycled Hollywood Big Budget Bullshit so Fuck Him.


SO I WILL NOW POST A TRAILER FOR ‘Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” Below instead of the Film since it is No Longer Free.

NOTE: Also I will be Posting an Entire Concert by GG Allin and The Murder Junkies to make up for Todd Phillips being a Greedy Hollywood Cocksucker.

SORRY for the Interruption, We now return You to The Regularly Scheduled Post Currently in Progress Please Enjoy.

OK SEE WHAT I SAID! Todd is REALLY milking this Film for all its fucking Worth. I have NEVER seen this Trailer Before, and The Cover of the Film has been changed from the ORIGINAL cover. All this bullshit because Todd got Hollywood a Hard On, and now with the Anniversary the Greedy Twat is Now Charging $2 to view his Film that agin was PERVIOUSLY POSTED FOR FREE.

And Now Ladies and Genitals Welcome to the Stage The One, The Only, The Rock’n Roll Terrorist GG ALLIN & THE MURDER JUNKIES! Enjoy.

Well I’m still Pissed Off About Toddy Phillips’s Greedy Money Grubbing Student fucking Film. SO I’M Adding a BONUS VIDEO.

The Following Video is a Interview with GG Allin FROM PRISON. Enjoy Kids.

Thanks for Reading & Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober.

Quick Quiz Could Change Your Reality

Hello Reader(s),

If You opt to take the following Quiz Please follow these Guidelines:

  • Take Your Time. This isn’t some Convoluted Cosmo Quiz.
  • Think Over Your Answers. Question Everything.
  • BE HONEST. This is not some piece of Fluff Post.
  • This Quiz Could Alter Your Perception of Reality, The World, Humanity, Your Friends, Your Family, Coworkers, Significant Others, Neighbors, The Universe, Yourself, or Life & Death Permanently.
  • Pictures Have Been Added For The Purpose of Stimulating The Your Pre Frontal Cortex While Taking The Quiz.

For those reasons the ANSWER KEY won’t be Posted for a couple to a few Days as again it pays dividends to TAKE YOUR TIME, BE SURE OF YOUR ANSWERS, and BE HONEST (Otherwise Your Only Going To Fool Yourself, and the Quiz will be NULL & VOID.


1. Would You Ever Buy Something Off The Dark Web?                                                 A. Sure Why Not?!                                                                                                                        B. No Seems Like A Bad Idea.                                                                                                C. OH HELL YEAH, I’m An Asshole Who Lives Dangerously and Has No Fear Of Death!                                                                                                                                       D. OH HELL NO, I Don’t Want End Up In Prison.

2. Even If Its Prepared Correctly By A Master Sushi Chef Japanese Blow Fish or Fugu still has a 1 in 66 chance of Death When Eaten. Would You Ever Try Fugu?                                                                                                                                              A.  Yes I’ve Heard Its Tasty.                                                                                                    B.  No Thanks I Don’t Have a Death Wish.                                                                      C. I Know What Fire IS So I Don’t Eat Raw Fish. I’m An Asshole.                         D.  What The Fuck Is Wrong With This Red Lobster?!

3.When You Go To The Adult Store Do You…                                                                 A. Buy Something.                                                                                                                     B. Look Around Briefly And Leave.                                                                                    C. Realize You Could Have Done Your Adult Shopping Online.                             D.  I Don’t Indulge In Any Porn or Adult Store Merchandise, and I’m a Lying. I’m an Asshole.


4. What Kind of Pet Person Are You?                                                                                A. Rodents (Rats, Mice, Gerbils, Hamsters, Guine Pigs) Because I Forgot About The Black Plague                                                                                                          B.  Dog, Their Mankind’s Best Friend For A Reason.                                                 C.  Cat, They Were Worshiped Egyptians and They Had Pyramids so Thats Cool..                                                                                                                                               D. Fish. I’m a Simple Person Keeping It Simple.                                                          E. Bird. I’m a Masochist.                                                                                                         F. Reptiles. Dinosaurs Baby, Living Fucking DINOSAURS!                                     G. Unconventional (Pot Bellied Pig, Miniature Goat, Tarantulas, Scorpions, Hedgehog etc. I Was Born Without A Identity so Now My Identity Is My Pet. Also I’m An Asshole.

5. What Kind Of Motor Vehicle Is Your Type “Dream Car” ?                                  A. Sports: Speed Kills So Lets Die Fast!                                                                            B. SUV: I’ve Always Wondered What It Be Like To Be a Godzilla Sized Asshole.                                                                                                                                          C. Luxury: I’m a Rich Fat Bastard, and I Want The World To KNOW IT!          D. Truck: Bigger The Truck Littler The Man (Height and Penis)                         E. Motorcycle: Because Car Crashes Can’t Kill You Fast Enough.                         F. Moped/Scooter: I Like Motorcycles, But I’m Too Scared To Own One.

6. What Is Your Preferred Type/Style of Music?                                                          A. Heavy Metal: What I’m Middle Aged and Nostalgic.                                            B.  EMO: I’m Dark, Brooding, Deep and Clinically Depressed.                              C. Classic Rock: I’m a Hippy Hangover From 1969.                          D.Death/Black Metal: We Are All Going To Hell & I Have The Soundtrack!     E. Folk: I’m Heavily Medicated.                                                                                           F. Jazz: I Like Things That Sounds Like Schizophrenia Put To Music.              G. Pop: I’m a Mindless Commercial Lemming.                                                           H. Classical: I Like To Think I’m An Intellectual, I Listen To NPR.                      I. Punk: I Refuse To Admit Punk IS DEAD.                                                                       J. EMD: I’m a Bot.                                                                                                                      K.  Country: I Don’t Mind The Hypocrisy and Commercialism because I Like Horses and Playing Cowboys and Indians.                                                                     L. Talk Radio/Podcasts: I Didn’t Understand The Question, and I’m an Asshole.  


7. When Its Comes To Social Media Do You………                                                         A. I Check Once and a While, I Like Keeping Tabs On Shit.                                     B. I Check It Frequently and Often Because I Need To Stay In The Loop.          C. I Check It  CONSTANTLY I CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS A GODDAMN THING  D. I LIVE in Social Media, I’ve Fully Exited Physical Reality                                  E. I DON’T Check Because I Enjoy My Real Actual Life. Shove Second Life Up Your Avatar’s Ass.


8. What Kind Of Movies Do You Prefer To Watch?                                                      A. Horror: I’m a Sick and Twisted Little Puppy                                                            B. Action: Lets Blow Some Shit Up Already!                                                                  C. Drama: Because Life Doesn’t Have Enough Drama For Me.                              D. Foreign: I’m Profound & Worldly.                                                                                E. Rom-Com: Sometimes I Need a Break From Eharmony.                                    F. Documentary: Fuck Fiction I Want to Know What Is Really Going On in The World. Fiction, Save That Shit For Mordor.                                                          G. Mockumentary: Fuck Facts I DON’T Want to Know Whats Really Going On.                                                                                                                                                   H. Comedy: The Laugh More, Live Longer Philosophy                                              I. Thriller: I Like Being Scared, BUT I Can’t Handle Hardcore Horror.               J. Rockumentary: I Don’t just Want To Listen To Bands I Want To Know All The Behind The Scenes Shit Too!    


9. When I Drink I………                                                                                                             A. Shots! Shots! Shots!                                                                                                            B. Break Out The Beer Bong and Lets Party.                                                                  C. Have a Glass Of Wine With Dinner.                                                                              D. Have A Few Beers To Unwind After a Long Day.                                                     E. Go To The Bar and Shut That Fucker Down.                                                              F. Binge The Frat Life and I’m an Asshole.                                                                    G. Responsibly                                                                                                                            H. Like Theres NO Tomorrow and I Have A Hallow Leg.                                            I. Drink Like My Name IS Andre The Giant.                                                                    J. Drink Night and Day Because I’m an Alcoholic.                                                      K. Drink Cocktails Because I like To Classy Up My Boozing.                                  L. I Don’t Drink because I’m probably a fucking Alien.  

10. Where Do You Aquire Your Pornography?                                                               A. YouPorn.Com                                                                                                                         B. PornHub.Com                                                                                                                        C. Alternate Free Pornography Site.                                                                                  D. I Pay For My Porn Sites Like An Asshole.                                                                   E. Offline. I’m a Dinosaur and Still By Porno Magazines because I Like Reading The Articles.  

11. When It Comes To Trends I………                                                                                  A. Follow Blindly Like a Sheep.                                                                                            B. Make Sure I Conform To The New Trend WHILE Claiming Not To Be a Trend Follower.                                                                                                                          C. Follow Half Heartedly.                                                                                                       D. I Live To Trend, I’m a Hipster Asshole.                                                                      E. I DEPEND ON TRENDS I wasn’t Born With A Personality So I Need Trends To Define Me.                                                                                                                              F. Trends Are For Twats. I’m Not a Twat.


12. When I Smoke Marijuana I………                                                                                   A. Puff, Puff, Pass                                                                                                                      B. Break Out The Bong and Bomb it Like Bagdad.                                                       C. Smoke Straight To The Head By Myself.                                                                    D. Call My Friends and Bust Out The Bag/ Bust Out A Bag.                                     E. Smoke The Whole Bag From Beginning To End in One Sitting Like a Super High Hedonist.                                                                                                                            F. Wake And Bake BABY!                                                                                                           G. Smoke Socially because Hey Its Free.                                                                         H. Smoke Until I’m SO STONED I have To Hold Onto A Blade Of Grass To Keep From Falling Off The Planet.                                                                                      I. Smoke Like I’m Giving Cheech and Chong a Run For Their Money.                J. Smoke Like My Names Doug Benson.                                                                          K. Smoke Like a Chimney                                                                                                       L. Smoke Like I’m Trying To Smoke Colorado Dry.                                                  M. Smoke To Unwind After Work.                                                                                     N. 24/7 Like Snoop Dog.                                                                                                         O. Smoke Until The Tellitubbies Talk To Me.                                                                P. Smoke and Run Up a $600 GrubHub Bill                                                                   Q. Smoke Old School and Roll Up A Joint                                                                        R. Smoke New School and Roll Up a Blunt.                                                                     S. I Don’t Smoke Weed I Vape it and lecture People Who Didn’t Fucking Ask How Much Better It Is For You Than Smoking Weed. I’m a Self-righteous Asshole.                                                                                                                                         T. I Smoke SO MUCH Weed I Forgot How Much I Actually Smoke.                     U. I Don’t Smoke Weed and I’m Lying.

13. Air Guitar  OR Air Drums?                                                                                               A. Air Guitar: I Mean They Based The Widely Popular Video Game Rock Band Game on The Principle Of Air Guitar!                                                                               B. Air Drums: You Wanna Really Rock, DRUM SOLO!                                                C. Air Harpsichord: I’m an Asshole                                                                                   D. I play a REAL LIFE Drums/Guitar/Other Actual Musical Instrument.   

14. When It Comes To The Government I Believe………                                             A. Love Those Bastards, Good Job and Wouldn’t Change a Thing.                      B. Its a Necessary Evil                                                                                                              C. Its Time For a REVOLUTION.                                                                                          D. The System is Broken as Fuck, Scrap Current Model and Start Over.           E. Fuck Big Brother Period.                                                                                                    F. ANARCHY Live Free & Die Free.


15. When I Gamble I………                                                                                                        A. Play It Safe, And Stick To The Slots Like a Senior Citizen.                                 B.  I Set a Budget Before Hand, and Then Let The Chips Fall Where They May.                                                                                                                                                 C. Play Fast and Loose Because You Only Live Once so Fuck Consequences.  D. Play Like Your Auditioning For The World Series of Poker.                              E. Until I pass Out Or Puke From All The Free Fucking Drinks.                             F. I Don’t Gamble Probably Because I’m an Asshole.


16. When It Comes To Racists I Believe                                                                           A. Whole Heartedly In The 1st Amendment.                                                                  B. They’re Good People, and I’m a Trump Loving MAGA ASSHOLE.                  C. Racists Are Entitled To Their Opinion.                                                                       D. Racists Are Entitled To Their Opinion Even if Its Being a Bigot.                     E. Racists Are Fucking Scumbags                                                                                       F. My Favorite Game Is “PUNCH A NAZI”

17. When It Comes To Religion I Believe………                                                               A. There Is a God and We Should fucking FEAR HIM!                                               B. The Bible is a Moral/Ethical Historical Handbook Full Of Valid Advice.      C. God MIGHT Be Real So Better Play It Safe, and Go To Church.                        D. Heaven Or Hell Religion Doesn’t Matter To Me.                                                    E. I’m a Spiritual Person, Organized Religion is Man Made.                                  F. All Hail Mermenozoid!                                                                                                       G. Cults Are Cool so Whats Up With Scientology?                                                       H. Man Created God In HIS OWN IMAGE.                                                                        I. Take EVERY WORD of My Religious Text of Choice LITERALLY Because I’m a Religious Fanatic Like an Vile Evangelical.                                                      J. Science Over Organized Religion.                                                                                      K. There is Something Bigger Than Humans, BUT its Something Like The Universe or Nature for Example.                                                                                        L. The Ancient Greeks/Romans/Egyptians Had It Right.                                       M. How Would I Know About Religion I’m a Reincarnated Flat Worm.            N. See You In The Halls of Valhalla ASSHOLES!


18. When It Comes To Exercise I………                                                                               A. Believe My Body Is A Temple and I’m Its Maintenance Man.                           B. I’m just a Few Pounds Overweight, And Not That Out Of Shape so Steady As She Goes.                                                                                                                                 C. I Exercise Now and Then Basically Half Ass It.                                                       D. I’m Fine Buying Fitness Equipment, and Letting It Rot Covered in Dust In My Basement/Attic/Garage as I Always Have.                                                              E. I Love Exercising I’m a Gym Rat.                                                                                   F. I’m a Fitness Fanatic, I’m Running In Place While I Read This.                      G. I Need to Exercise, But Don’t Because I always Put It Off Till Tomorrow Like An Asshole.


19. When I Come To The Police I Think………                                                                 A. I Believe They Are In Fact Here To Protect & Serve Us                                         B. They Police Have Some Serious Problems That Need Correction.                  C.  Blue Lives Matter, and I’m an Utter Asshole.                                                         D. The Police Are The Biggest Criminals in America.                                                E. We Should Dismantle The Police System, And Reinstitute State Militias Or Wild West Modeled Sherriff’s Like Wyatt Eurp.                                                           F. The Police Are Just High School Nerds, and Now Have a Badge so They’re The Bully Now.                                                                                                                           G. Good Cops Are A Myth.                                                                                                      H. The Police Are Useless, Vigilante Justice Is The Only Way To Go.


20. When It Comes To Snakes and Spiders Which Are You More Afraid Of         A. Snakes: Obviously Remember The Garden Of Eden.                                             B. Spiders: They Can Crawl Into Your Ear, Lay Eggs, and The Babies Eat Your fucking Brain.                                                                                                                              C. Both Whats Wrong With You?                                                                                        D. Neither: I’m The Asshole Exception To The Rule.

 Brought To You By Les Sober

Written By: The University of Psychological Arts, The Synaptic Society,

& The Swedish Institute of Neuropsychology Research and Development.


Revised By: The Cerebral Studies Foundation & The Grey Matter Grant

Edited By: The Psychological Sociology Administration of Japan

Published By: InnerSelf Incorporated, Synaptic Storm,

& The Third Eye Institute for Developmental Cerebral Research.

The Mentors: The Juvenile Joke of the Underground

This post is to address the fun fact that through all my manic musical tastes that there has never been a single mention of the band The Mentors, and thats because they’re not a band their actually a fucking joke.

The Mentors are the equivalent of a group of High School Freshmen Boys lingering around a Basement deliberately trying to write the most shocking lyrics purely for shock’s sake (unlike GG Allin who was fucked up yes, but he had a message and a mission behind his violent and obscene music)

And like a bunch of puberty ridden teenage boys The Mentors only have one subject matter when it comes to their music and its simply Sex. They’re Rock’s answer to 2 Live Crew (who also faded away fast because no one wants to hear numerous albums that solely relied on sexually explicit and often laughable lyrics over shitty beats)

The Mentors are best described as if the World’s shittiest GG Allin Impersonator,  and the World’s shittiest Gwar cover band took an insane amount of LSD, Banged Each other , and collectively gave birth a severely mentally disabled child known as The Mentors.

The biggest failure of The Mentors (other than being sub par musicians and crappy lyricists) is in their DESPERATE ATTEMPTS to try and Shock People, and make them think shit like “Oh My God! Who is this disgusting band obsessed with Sex?!”

To sum up The Mentors failure the bottom line is just one word: OVERKILL.

The Mentors employed several cliche gimmicks to achieve their goal of Shocking the Audience and Revolting Society such as :

The Mentors became a self proclaimed Porno Rock Band (Punk mixed with some Heavy Metal)

To help back up their Porn Rock Creation The Mentors Drummer (there were a few) would plaster his entire Drum Kit with Pictures of Naked Chicks cut out of Porn Magazines.

The Mentors Song Titles are as absurdly immature as their laughable lyrics with Song Titles like:

Secretary Hump, Shocked and Grossed, On The Rag, My Erection Is Over, White Trash Woman, Service Me Or Be Smacked, Kings Of Sleaze, Donkey Dick, Clap Queen, Herpes Two, In And Out Of You, Couch Test Casting, Heterosexuals Have The Right To Rock, and Wine You, Dine You, Sixty Nine You.

At some point in the early 1990’s The Mentors rebranded their self proclaimed Porn Rock musical style to Rape Rock. This was simply cheap schtick used to ramp up the offensive factor in the most obvious and  cliche manner.

The Mentors adopted Stage Names as moronically immature as their shitty music and here they are:

Original Line up was: Eric Carlson ( Sickie Wifebeater) on guitar, Steve Broy ( Dr. Heathen Scum) on bass, and Eldon Hoke ( El Duce) on drums and Vocals.

Due to his severe and chronic alcoholism Hoke eventually couldn’t play drums and sing at the same time so he ended sole as Singer. Hoke died in 1997 walking intoxicated along some train tracks.

The Current Lame Line Up is still Carlson and Broy along with Rick Lomas (Insect On Acid) who joined in 2014 as Background Vocals. There is also Cousin Fister (real name not given) on guitar, John Christopher ( El Chapo) joined as drummer in 2014, and lastly Don Nutz ( The Italian Stallion) who joined in 2015 as drummer for European Tours as well as Long U.S. Tours.

Past Members Include: Zippy on bass 1988-1989, Clark Savage ( Mossedick) on drums from 1991-2008), Sickie Jr on rhythm guitar, El Rapo on vocals (2001-2005), Marc D (Mad Dog Duce) on vocals (2005-2014) and on drums from 2008 to 2014, Chris Jacobson ( Jack Shit) on bass in 1980; died 2011, Mike Dewey (Heathen Scum Wezda) on bass 19080-1987, and Ed Danky (Poppa Sneaky Spermshooter ) on bass 1986-1987; died 1990.

The band is better known for their off stage antics than any fucking shit song they wrote. The 3 most know things/incidents The Mentors are actually known for (not their toilet rock)

Number 1 : No one even had a single goddamn clue who The Mentors were until 1985 (which was 9 fucking years after the forming of The Mentors) In 1985 there were Congressional hearings run by Tipper Gore’s Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC). The PMRC’s attention had been caught by an extremely obscure Mentor’s song called “Golden Shower”.

The lyrics for “Golden Shower” ended having excerpts of  it being read on the Congressional floor where they were received not by shocked gasps, BUT rather by Outbreaks of Uncontrollable Laughter.

One of the Excerpts from The Mentor’s song “Golden Shower” is as follows

“Bend up and smell my anal vapor,

Your face is my toilet paper…..

Our relationship I don’t want to spoil it,

You are my personal toilet……

It’s getting near the hour,

On your face I leave a shit tower,

Shit Tower, prune skin power,

Smelling’ sour, it’s the Shit Tower,

Golden Showers”

Number Two: The Mentors were featured on Jerry Springer in the early 1990’s (the heyday of daytime talk shows when they ruled the airwaves) as part of an episode on Shock Rock Acts.

While interviewed the band members  did everything in their fucking power to offend, insult, or yes shock the studio audience. They claimed to own professional Gimps, Actual Sex Slaves, are pro Drugs, Pro Unsafe Sex, embrace STDS as badges of honor, humiliate and abuse their fans, and see nothing wrong with raping everyone in the entire world or some stupid shit like that.

The Controversy from their appearance on Jerry Springer garnered The Mentors some well needed attention.

I must remind the reader that The Mentors got a bit of notoriety from the bullshit they spewed on show, NOT THEIR MUSIC.

NUMBER THREE: AND NOTABLY THE THING THE MENTORS ARE KNOW FOR had nothing to do with the Band or their crappy music. The Mentors lead singer (Hoke had stopped playing drums as well as singing due to his raging alcoholism) was in a  1997 Documentary Film about the death of Nirvana Lead Singer Kurt Cobain called ‘Kurt and Courtney”

The Film dealt with Kurt Cobain’s unfortunate suicide. Many fans believed that the singers death wasn’t a suicide at all, but a homicide staged to look like one. Also many people believed not only was it murder they believed it was a murder for hire where the killer was contracted by no other than Kurt’s wife Courtney Love.

NOW this is were Hoke comes into the story. Hoke had repeatedly made the claim that Courtney Love offered him $25,000 to kill Kurt. The amount changed a bit over time and telling to $50,000 for the murder.

Hoke again made the claim of Love offering him cash to kill her husband Kurt Cobain on camera in the Documentary. Shortly after the filming Hoke was died while walking intoxicated on train tracks where he was hit and killed by a Freight Train.

I’m sure you can see where this going, but for shits and giggles most Mentor fans believe Hoke was murdered. Hoke’s death was officially ruled alternately an Accident and a Suicide by the authorities.

Yet most fans assume Hoke himself was murdered by someone hired by Courtney Love to shut Hoke up once and for all thus feeding into the conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory. AGAIN THIS HAD NOTHING TO DUE WITH THE BAND’S MUSIC.

I will end this piece with proof that I adhere to the belief that one must give credit where credit is due. I have to give credit here the ONE thing The Mentors did/do thats not dumb as fuck is their idea/concept of wearing Medieval Executioner Masks, thats kind of dope.

All is All though The Mentors are still a Lame Ass Joke.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober 

More Musical Mayhem & Madness

By now I think its safe to assume readers might have picked up on my fondness for Unconventional and Unorthodox Bands/Artists.

Some of those said Bands/Artists are:

GG Allin (Who was backed by numerous Bands and in various Bands)

Anul Cunt (Abbreviated   AxCx)

Fuck The Facts

The Murder Junkies (The last Band to back GG Allin, BUT they are and always were their own separate entity)

Fuck I’m Dead (Previously Fuck…I’m Dead)

Now a couple of readers have asked if it was a mistake or an oversight that the band The Mentors are not listed, and IT’S NOT. I most definitely left them OFF THE LIST. I digress as the reason I left The Mentors of said list will be an upcoming post.

It has come to My attention that the only one who’s ever been acknowledged here at f-yourblog is GG Allin (Sometimes Pictures with Members or all of The Murder Junkies)


I have decided the next Band Worthy of Mention is the Heavy Metal Punk Trio from Detroit Michigan.

AND NOW Ladies & Gentlemen I give you None Other than…..

(Which is no real surprise as I’ve peppered posts with Pictures featuring Shitfucker for quite some time now, and honestly thats why their the next to get their own post.)

I picked songs of Shitfucker’s Album “Suck Cocks In Hell” to Showcase Their Lyrical Style..

The 3 songs I picked are:

“Go To Hell”,  “Smash Your Skull (Against The Wall)”, and “Demonic Rock”


“Go To Hell” by Shitfucker:

It’s never too hot for Leather

Unless its too fucking hot

Trapped in the eyes of thy Neighbor

Infernal Mother of Death

She chokes on the smoke of our unholy tokes

Through the hole in her throat

She stares through my window

and stands on my lawn

You can’t understand her

because she speaks in daemonic tongues

Trapped in a glance with the Living Corpse

That lives Next Door

Chorus: Go to Hell, Go to Hell, Go To Hell, Hell, Hell

Play it loud, Play on Ten

Play it so you wake The Dead

I have awakened the Mother of the Reaper

Who has unleashed the Darkness Fever

Through my brain, down the drain

to The Pits with No Name

Where the most rotten pieces of shit

Finally go Insane…Go to Hell


Uoy Lorthoc I, Me Lortnoc T’Nod Uoy*

(*And I have not a clue wtf that means so don’t bother to ask.)

“Smash Your Skull (Against The Wall)” by Shitfucker:

Masturbate upon the Alter

Unto Sigil Baphomet

Take my cum and energy

to Crush my Enemies

Putrefy the Putrid

The Filth and Walking Shit

Leave them Dead

And Rotting in the Earth

I want to cut and rip my sjin

And watch the blood start to begin

to drip into the cup from which I sip

Imagine your Death and I start to trip

Chorus: Smash Your Skull Against

Smash Your Skull Against The Wall

I collect the pieces of your skull

and scrape the brains right off the bone

I pack them deep into my bowl

Inhale and Reap your fucking Soul

Trample the weak under our chariots of steel

Crush thy Enemy with the Spirit of Metal

Bash the Bastards with the butt end of your sword

Leave him to rot in the humiliation of Himself

I throw this Curse with No Remorse

To the Death of my Enemies I shall rejoice

Smash your skull against the wall

Turn into a Spider

Away I Crawl



“Demonic Rock” by Shitfucker:

Going to the Show to play out of control daemonic Rock’n Roll

All I need is a Bag of Weed and some Acid please

But we ain’t got no money ain’t got no ride out

But when we arrive it will be time to get



It swirls magnificently I have held court with The Acid King

I have met The Rainbow Wizard and The Dark Lady

Messaged my bones

Daemonic Rock suck my cock

Detroit Metal Punks we do not give a fuck

Roll up we pull up all of us show up and the Natives throw up

Baldy says no he says we got to go we had to sleep in the Forrest

Fuck your pretty Town we will burn this City down

When we get back to the Wasteland it will be time to get



I have seen the Light and its out of Sight

Do you know what its like to be dead it feels Alright!

They are whispering to me Deadly Visions flash constantly

Body Parts scattered amongst my room

Make good decorations for Halloween

Daemonic Rock suck my cock

Detroit Metal Punks We do Not give a Fuck

Fuck You you  bet your Motherfucking Ass.


So thats all for now Kiddies.


Orchestrated  by Les Sober