The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (32-40)

Welcome to Another Installment of The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content featuring Videos 32-40.

  • If You Haven’t Watched the Previous Meatsleep Installments We Suggest You View Them First as all the Videos are Posted in Chronological Order.
  • The Mystery is are Meatsleep’s Videos a Bizarrely Disturbing Art Project Or are they the Chronicling the Life of an Actual Real Life Serial Killer.
  • Along with the Videos Additional Information Pertaining to The Mystery are Included in Each Post.

Some of the Pertinent Information Covered in Other Meatsleep Installments are as Follows:

  • Meatsleep all of Sudden out of the fucking Blue Made a Hasty Announcement that “It was all a Art Project and Fake”, and then Immediately Deleted all of Their Youtube Content.
  • Meatsleep under the User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep had a Facebook Page but it too has been Deleted.
  • Meatsleep technically has a Defunct/Abandoned Twitter Account again under the User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep. Nothing has been used in 6-7 years, and has only 6 Vaguely Cryptic which don’t provide any Information.
  • Is the Name Meatsleep mean anything example: Meat could mean Victim and Sleep could mean Death.
  • Meatsleep’s Alternate User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep possibly be a Reference to Homicidal Cannibalistic Serial Killer HorrorMovie Icon Leatherface?
  • Could Meatsleep Be a Cannibal as well as a Possible Serial Killer?


Additional Information:

On Meatsleep’s since Deleted Youtube Channel in Their Youtube Channel list was a person who went by or Goes By Iwan Fals. All of Iwan Fals Video Content always Focused on Something Negative Particularly Bad Shit that Happens to Animals. Due to the Animal component there is a Hypothesis the Iwan Fals is/was involved with a The Dark Web Website called Animal Nightmares which Deals Solely in Animal Abuse/Neglect in some Capacity.The Other Hypothesis is Iwan Fals and Meatsleep were in Cahoots as They were Working Together in some way. Did Iwan Fals create Their Youtube Channel as a Way to Collaborate with Meatsleep or is Iwan Fals in Fact Meatsleep either to Provide More Clues/Details or to Throw People Off the Trail who are Looking into the Meatsleep Mystery.

Now there 2 more Interesting Pieces of Information the first being if You Google or Search on Youtube for Iwan Fals who will find He is an Indonesian Singer/Songwriter. The Question here is what (if any) is the Significance of Meatsleep’s alleged Associate deciding to Use Iwan Fals as Their Username? The Last Thing pertains to the Title the Meatsleep Video longpig (#32) is a  Fijian Cannibal Term Designated for the People They Ate. The Best Example is the 19th Century Cannibal Chief  from Fiji Chief Ratu Udre Udre. Chief Ratu has the distinction of Holding the Guinness Book of World Records for the Morbid Record of being the “Most Prolific Cannibal” having Eaten between 872-999 People during His Life Time. Chief Ratu once was quoted as saying that “Long Pig is My Favorite Meal.”











Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober