BBC Omnibus: Hunter S. Thompson

Welcome to Today’s Post featuring Fear and Loathing on the Road to Hollywood (Also Known as Fear and Loathing in Gonzovision) is  the 1978 Documentary Film produced by BBC Omnibus and Directed By Nigel Finch. The Subject of the Program is American Writer/”Gonzo Journalist” Hunter S. Thompson and Ralph Steadman who was Thompson’s Illustrator, with Cameos by None Other than John Dean, Brian Doyle, Bill Murray, Ray Romano, & Plenty More.


Brief Synopsis:

The Group Travel to Hollywood via Death Valley and Barstow from Las Vegas, scene of the Thompson and Steadman’s 1971 Collaboration Fear and Loathing in Las VegasFor a Majority of British Viewers, the Program would be Their First Introduction to Hunter S. Thompson, and Quickly brings Them up to Date on Thompson’s Rise to Fame and Infamy, the Creation of Gonzo journalism, and His Alter-Ego Raoul Duke.

Perhaps Finch thought that getting Thompson and Steadman Together in a Car would Conjure Up the Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas Vibe on Screen, but the Two make a Painfully Awkward Couple to Say the Least. At one Point the rather Reserved Steadman compares Himself to Thompson’s Pet Bird Edward. Thompson Antagonizes the Holy Hell out the Edward invoking Panic, and then Directly after the Intense Harassment Thompson then Holds the Traumatized Edward Close and Talks to Him. “I feel Absolutely taken Apart,” being Friends with the Writer, Steadman Says. “…He’s holding Me like that Bird and I’m trying to Bite My Way Out.”


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober