A Reality of the Ongoing Rape Epidemic : The Collage Conflict

In the film “The Hunting Ground” reports on the horrific and growing college rape epidemic. It was increasingly hard to watch as rage slowly built up inside me as the deplorable facts one after the other were reported in the film. As the movie went on I became intensity aware of the female students in the audience and couldn’t begin to imagine what they must be feeling as this truly tragic story of senseless violence without consequences unfolded upon the screen.
My wife and I are working on having our first child and it utterly terrifies me it could be a girl. The reason behind it is I would be consumed by insane paranoia every time she was out of my sight (regardless of age) for fear she would be attacked by a sexual or any other predator. If I have a daughter I will make sure she is trained in all forms of self defense from hand-to-hand combat to knowing how to wield a knife to utilizing a fire arm. I would do everything in my power to insure she has the best education, but as far college (in the traditional sense I’d opt for online collage) is out of the question.
The only criticism I have of the film (and others like it) is the total lack of positive, empathetic and supporters of the anti-rape cause. Without showing male students who agree this vile crime is a problem and should be stopped its as if the film maker is subtly implying that male students either don’t care, condone, celebrate, encourage rape or worse their all possible rapists lurking in the sleepy shadows. Anyone who walked up to me and attempted to get high five from me on a rape related incident would be sadly mistaken as I would instead be apt to kick their teeth down their throat and not feel at all bad or guilty about it. I believe sexual predators should be publicly executed by impalement and the execution should be televised, broadcast on radio and streamed live on the internet. Sexual predators must be stopped at all costs no matter what those methods may include.