FYB’s First Official Endorsement: LT.LICKME

Let ME Start By Saying when it comes to bringing the Bad Guys to “Justice” the Police at Best are Incompetent, and at worst as Criminal as the Bad Guys. So it’s No Wonder Why I have a Special Fondness for Vigilante Justice be it Movies, Video Games, TV, and Best of All (and Not Often Enough) in Real Life. That brings Me to FYB’s First Official Endorsement being Awarded to Australian Content Creator/YouTuber Lt. LICKME!

Now After achieving Mass Appeal a Year Ago LT.LICKME Stoped Posting and seemed to have Utterly Disappeared. At one Point LT.LICKME Tweeted that He was leaving for a while, He couldn’t actually say Why He was Leaving, and that He would be Returning sometime in the Future. Not Only that LT.LICKME also announced in the Tweet “I cannot tell you when I will return, I cannot truly tell you why I left. But know when I do return, I will not return the same.” Following that Tweet LT.LICKME changed all Their Profiles on Social Media to a Black Profile Picture. Then a Month ago the LT. announced in a Teaser Video that He’d Be Returning Sometime in July. Yesterday (August 1st 2021) LT.LICKME released the Hands Down the Best Comeback Video I have Ever Seen No Bullshit.


Before We get Started First Things First. I am Not LT. LICKME’s Biographer I’m just a Huge fucking Fan of His Work. I won’t be giving You an Insanely Detailed Account of Everything LT.LICKME, But I will Provide all of what I deem to be the Most Relevant and Informative Information. If You like what You Read/Watch here and have some Questions that were Not Addressed here then By All Means Please Research Further for Yourself. Like I said I’m a Fan, and as a Fan I will Not (And Never have Nor Will) Tell You what to Think. I believe You’re Intelligent Enough and Creative Enough to make Your Own Conclusions. Below You will find Pertinent Information about LT.LICKME and Below That there is LT.LICKME’s Return Video. If Your Interested in LT.LICKME We also included Another Video that I feel Properly Showcases LT.LICKME’s Work.


Let Us Get Started.

  • Channel Description:
    “We divide the line between reality and nightmare for the “bad ones” in order to create content for your entertainment.” #LTARMY


  • LT.LICKME has been Active Since 2013.
  • LT.LICKME Youtube Channel Videos have a Combined  307,076,974 Total Views.
  • LT.LICKME has 3.62 Million Subs.
  • LT.LICKME has Over 99+ Videos Posted Currently.
  • LT.LICKME’s Discord has 100,000 Members
  • LT.LICKME started as a Member of Anonymous.
  • Over Time LT.LICKME Debuted a Unique Character of His Own called The Stalker.
  • In the End Anonymous and LT.LICKME went Their Parted Ways due to Anonymous taking Issue with LT.LICKME’s Techniques and Intent. Anonymous did Not Approve of LT.LICKME’s Methods, and for LT.LICKME’s part the LT. Railed Against Anonymous as Old, Out Dated, and Ineffective.

  • LT.LICKME Objective is to make the Target Suffer the Way Their Victims Suffered basically Turning the Predators (Bullies, Wife Beaters, Racists, Pedophiles, Groomers, Rapists, and Other fucked up Assholes) into Prey and Without Mercy or Apology. A Fight Fire with Fire Mentality.
  • LT.LICKME Trolling Videos: Anonymous Trolling, Stalker Trolling, Missed Call Trolling, Mr. Steal Your Girl, and Watcher Trolling.
  • LT.LICKME isn’t Afraid to Operate Well Outside the Law to accomplish the Mission.
  • LT.LICKME isn’t a One Man Show by Far having amassed a Global Network of like Minded Individuals who became Active Members in the LT. ARMY.
  • LT.LICKME utilizes People called Watchers who collect information on Targets.
  • Lt.LICKME also has what I refer to as Foot Soldiers who Operate in the Physical World doing whatever Task They are Assigned.

  • When LT.LICKME Abandoned Anonymous the LT. Created a New Character from previous Stalker to The Watcher.
  • The Most Controversial and Popular Video Series done by LT.LICKME and the LT. ARMY are the Watchers Series which are The Extremest and Most Intensely Insane (and Enjoyable) Videos to Date.
  • There are Two Watcher Videos that End with the Statement “For Deniability Reasons the Rest of the Footage can Not Be Shown Here.”


  • In The Video We Learn LT.LICKME No Longer stands for a Person, but a Concept/Idea which Ironically enough mirrors Anonymous.
  • LT.LICKME Rages against YouTube for becoming a Greed Driven Platform and its Monetization Agenda.
  • LT.LICK also Rails against YouTube View Whores, 3rd Rate Copycats, Uncreative YouTube Hacks and More.
  • LT.LICK ME Trashes the New School YouTubers who Don’t give a shit about Content They only care about Pursuing Fame and Fortune (Basically the “I’ll BE Rich and Famous I’m Going to be a YouTuber.” Mentality).
  • LT.LICKME introduces a New Character .
  • LT.LICKME Debuts a New Logo.
  • The Channel has Evolved into its Best Incarnation Yet.

  • The Announced at the Beginning of the Video States the Channel is “Under New Management.” whatever the fuck that means, Well have to wait and see I suppose.
  • There have been Plenty of Theories as to Why LT.LICKME left for a Year including but Not Limited to LT.LICKME was Arrested by the Australian Police, LT.LICKME’s House was Raided by the FBI, and Even that LT.LICKME had gone to Fight in the War in Afghanistan though None of these have been Verified, its all Pure Speculation.
  • The Police/FBI Theory comes from the Narrator at the Beginning of the Video making a Statement along the Lines that LT.LICKME is just a Person and a Person can be Stopped, They can be Arrested….”


We Honestly and Most Sincerely Hope You Enjoyed The LT.LICKME Videos and will Check Out More of This Creator’s Marvelous Content.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Views of Vikings

As I mentioned in a Liquor synaptic storm I mentioned  (in the previous post) that today I would be posting something pertaining to the Vikings.

First off Vikingistic is not a recognized word, but English is such a half assed shit language I see there no reason Vikingistic should’t be a viable word.

Vikingistic: Having the Attributes or Likeness to or of a Viking/Viking Culture/Viking Life Style.

Now on with the Post.

I think a brief refresher on exactly Who and What Vikings were in Reality. Over decades of Hollywood Movies and Television Shows have been given one hell of a make over/rebranding.

According to Movies/T.V. Vikings are portrayed as  Stoic, Brave, and Honorable Nomadic Warrior Explorers. This couldn’t be FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

Vikings in Reality were complete Savages who’s bloodlust was unmatched. Vikings spent their time Drinking, Fighting, and Fucking through countless conquests. Vikings were brutal Barbarians that raped and pillaged anyone or anything that crossed their path. True the Vikings were explorers, BUT NOT in the traditional sense.

Vikings unlike say Charles Darwin for example traveled far and wide to Discover new Cultures, Animals, Sea Life or Plants. Vikings did the EXACT OPPOSITE. Vikings traveled for one reason, and one reason only to Rape, Pillage, and Destroy ANYONE they might come across,(and take their land for Viking expansion and EnSlaving Women and Children that is if they decided not to butcher them for the sheer fuck of it.)

Vikings though (more than likely due to their Lifestyle) had a total acceptance of Death, They had no Fear of Dying. This has been immortalized in the saying “Today is a Good Day TO DIE.”

Now Vikings didn’t say that shit to look tough or like a bad ass before battle they said it for an actual reason.

Vikings believed their Nordic God’s had scheduled the exact time, date, and day of their Birth. AND Those same God’s had also scheduled the Time, day, and date of their Death.

Another Key Viking belief was that a TRUE (and only appropriate) death for a Viking Warrior was to Die in Battle. For if a Warrior died in Battle not only did he die an Honorable Death, BUT he would be rewarded as well.

The reward for dying in battle was that the deceased Warrior’s Spirit would be transported to the Halls of Valhalla (The Viking Version of Heaven/Paradise) where a Viking could indulge in all that he loved while living. This meant his Spirit would spend eternity Drinking, Fucking, and Fighting.

Bottomline: Vikings Loved Violence and Hedonism to such an extreme that even in Death a Viking could spend eternity doing EXACTLY as He had Lived..

Believing this apparently led to the total acceptance that death is inevitable thus one shouldn’t be concerned about it. This is the concept that I’ve been mulling over recently.

With My inevitable demise due to my shit heart, the Doctors who want to run me around like a fucking Lab Rat, and Still come to the same conclusion PLUS the fact now they want to continue to their Frankenstein shit cutting me open again I have to ask myself is it worth it?

Obviously Dying isn’t the only option, BUT when I ask is it worth this is what I mean. If I get all this medical mumbo jumbo done yes I will live Longer anyway you look at it. My question pertains to Quality of Life.

Is it worth all the bullshit, time, pain, and most of all MONEY if after I spend my life strapped for cash, living pay check to pay check barely scrapping by because I’m buried under mounting of mounting medical bills.

Point: Do I want to spend my elongated life utterly stressed out and poor as shit due to massive medical bills? Sounds like financial fucking Slavery to me. (“We’ll save your life, FOR A HEFTY PRICE.” that is so fucked up I can’t believe I’m typing it.) This is America and CAPITALISM has turned Life Saving Medicine into a FUCKING BUSINESS full of Greedy motherfuckers.

So were the Vikings Views on Death really the best way to deal with one’s Mortality? Who the fuck Knows, Not Me.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober 

Life and Death in Architectural History

For the most part most of people today are well aware that during the Victorian Era (June 20, 1837 – January 22, 1901) Society and People in Large were absolutely OBSESSED with Death. This led to a variety of practices that can seem by todays standards to be outrageous, Bizarre, Morbid, and just plain Sick.

Some of these unusual practices pertaining to Death in the Victorian Era were as follows. Postmortem Portraits meaning ( Note: prior to 1839 all Portraits were PAINTED by hand) the relatives of the Dead would dress the Deceased and stage them in in Life Like poses for a Photograph, Especially Infants and Children.

There was also the practice of Wearing the Hair of the Dead. The hair could be put in a locket or more commonly made into a piece of Jewelry such as Brooches, Bracelets, Rings or Chains.

Another was the practice of Covering Mirrors. Once the family member died all mirrors in the House were immediately covered. This was done because if a mirror in the House fell and broke it was a sign someone else in the Household would die soon as well. Also to avoid bad luck the clock(s) in the house of the Deceased would be stopped at the exact time of their passing. Lastly when the body was removed from the premises it had to be carried out Head First so that it wouldn’t beckon other members of the Living to Follow.

Now if SEVERAL family members of the same family died EVERYONE and EVERYTHING that entered the Family Home would be wearing a Black Ribbon to PREVENT THE DEATHS FROM SPREADING FURTHER.

For my last example I will use the practice of taking all Family photos and turning them face down. This was to prevent the Deceased’s Spirit form POSSESSING Relatives and Friends alike.

Back in the Victorian Era Funeral Homes had very little to do with Death other than selling Coffins, and possibly providing the Grave Digging Service too. So when it came to such things as a Viewing/Wake it fell solely on the Families shoulder’s.

Based on what we have seen by the first example (Death Portraits) you better believe a Viewing/Wake was deemed absolutely necessary, BUT the question was “Where the hell do we Keep and Display The Dead?!” Without the services of Today’s Funeral Homes Families would hold the Viewing/Wake (which could last several days) in their house.

Since you couldn’t display a body in the kitchen, Houses when they were built had a Parlor Room. This room specific and really only purpose was to display Dead Family for the Viewing/Wake. And yes the name Parlor was a shortened version of Funeral Parlor.

Over time of course Funeral Homes realized their was a shit ton of cash they were missing out in in the Death Service Field. Slowly Funeral Homes came to resemble those of today offering a SLEW of Funeral options, but most importantly They had their own Viewing areas for Wakes. Thus Parlor’s found themselves unemployed and thrown out on their collective ass.

The issue that confronted POST Victorian Era Architects (and Society as a whole) was the lingering stigma of The Parlor. As we all can image as long as houses were built with Parlor’s the vision of Dead relatives on display would haunt the room’s reputation until the end of Time.

What comes next is NOT AN EXACT nor ANYWHERE CLOSE HISTORICALLY ACCURATE retelling of how The Parlor problem was Fixed.

One day on January 1, 1901 the American Architecture Society met for a special conference that was being held for the sole reason of coming up with a viable solution for the Prevalent Parlor Problem. The conference was held in a small town of Mortuary located on the outskirts of Death Valley in Sunny California. They unanimously agreed at the time that the Town name and Location were quite appropriate, and if your going to have a convention dealing with Death best to have it in a beautiful Sunny State full of Bleach Blonde Surfers?!!

Any who the morning was a complete wash, no one could see to come up with even a half decent answer to the Parlor Problem. By Noon everyone’s blood sugar was in their ankles so the Mediator called 60 minutes for Lunch hoping after a good meal the Men’s mental faculties might actually yield a solution.

As the Conference was breaking for Lunch a young attendy (an Architectural Student from Erroneous University in Pluskin the East end of South Dakota) by the name of Eger Herberts over heard two fellow attendees conversation on the said subject of Lunch. One Man had asked the other where exactly should they go for Lunch today. The 2nd Man replied he thought Lunch at The Lively Leprechaun Kitchen and Bar would be a good idea. To that the First Man said “Ah Food and Drink under one roof now thats Living!”

Right then Eger had his Epiphany and immediately ran over a pushed the conferences Emergency Stop Button. Once The Emergency Stop Button was pushed all in Attendance had to Stop dead in their tracks, and await instruction. Once everyone was motionless and silent Eger announced his answer.

“What’s the OPPOSITE of Death? Life! LIVING! We rename it a LIVING ROOM, Thats POSITIVE as all get out Right?!”

After the Shock and Awe wore off it was put to a vote right there on the spot and as a result the (Funeral) Parlor was REBRANDED as what we know of today as yes a Living Room.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober