The Art Of Self Mummification

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post pertaining to the illegal Art Of Self Mummification. While the Practice of Mummification (made Famous by the Egyptians) has its Own Page in the Book of Demented History it like so many things gets Even More Extreme. And what could be more Extreme than Mummifying a Person’s Corpse? Well how about Mummifying Yourself while You’re still Alive. That was the Case in back in the Day with Certain Sects of Buddhist Monks in Japan until Emperor Meiji Outlawed the Practice along with any Forms of Suicide (even though those who Practiced Self Mummification did Not consider it Suicide) back in 1879. It’s important to Note that there was a Good Deal of Terminology So Much so that We decided (for Time and Length Purposes) to Comprise a Glossary. The Glossary is Located Below the Text for Your Connivence and Now back to the Interesting Shit. You might be Wondering What was the Practice of Someone Mummifying Themselves while Alive all about? Well let’s find out Shall We.

First off the Term used in for the Process of Self Mummification in Japan was called Sokushinbutsu which Translates to “Buddhas in Their Own Bodies.” Sokushinbutsu is referring to the practice of Buddhist Monks observing Asceticism to the Point of Death, and Preforming mummification upon Themselves while still Alive. Traditionally it was/is Believed that the Mummified Monks had entered a State of Deep Mediation rather than having Died, and that They were/are still able to Grant the Prayers of Their Partitioners. There are Cases of Other Buddhist Mummified Monks in Other Buddhist Countries especially in East Asia, but They were Mummified after Death from Natural Causes. It’s Believed that Shingon School founder Kukai was the One who introduced Sokushinbutsu to Japan as Part of Secret Tantric Practices that He had Learned while in Tang China. In Addition to that the Sokushinbutsu Ascetic Practices of Shengendo were likely Inspired by Kukai, Who was the Founder of Shingon Buddhism. Kukai ended His Life by Slowly Reducing His intake of Food and Water, Ingesting Natural Preservatives (to Aid in the Self Mummification Process), and then Stopping Food and Water intake all together while Continuing to Meditate and Chant Buddhist Mantras.

Ascetic Self Mummification Practices have also been Recorded in China, but are associated with Ch’an (Zen Buddhism) Tradition there. Alternate Ascetic Practices similar to Sokushinbutsu are also known to have Existed such as Public Self-Immolation practice in China. The Final Purpose of Shegendo is for the Practitioners to find Supernatural Power and Save Themselves (as well as the Masses) by Conducting Religious Training while Traveling through Steep Mountain Ranges to Achieve Buddha Nature. In the Mountain Dwelling Region of Japan Shugendo emerged as a Syncretism, and the Practice was Perfected Over Time Particularly in the Three Mountains of Dewa (Mount Haguro, Gassen, and Yudono).

Now We have touched on the History of Self Mummification, but as for Actual Process of Self Mummification We haven’t so Here We Go. The Practice of Self Mummification was Mainly Practiced in Yamagata in Northern Japan between the 11th and 19th Century by the Members of the Japanese Vajrayanc School of Buddhism called Shingon (which Translates to ‘True Word’). In Medieval Japan the Practice was Developed into a Specific Process for Sokushinbutsu which a Monk could Complete from Beginning to End in Approximately 3,000 Days. The Process involved a Strict Specialized Diet called Mokujiki which translates to “Eating a Tree” while Simultaneously Restricting Food. They also Slowly decreased Their Water Intake to Help Dehydrate Their Bodies and Shrink Their Internal Organs. At the End of the Process a Monk Abstained from All Food and Water relying on Pine Needles, Resins (example Tree Sap), as well as Seeds found in the Mountain Regions of Japan in Order to Eliminate All Fat in the Body. In Addition the Monks utilized Fasting and Meditation in order to Expedite the Process.

Once the Monk was Almost Diseased They were put into a Wooden Barrel and Lowered into the Ground before the Barrel was Covered with generous amount of Charcoal. The Monks would take a Small Hand Held Bell that They rang the Bell as the Chanted Buddhist Mantras until They Died. Once the Bell ceased ringing the Monks knew Their fellow Monk had indeed Died. The Body of the Now Diseased Monk was Left for in its Wooden Tomb for 1,000 Days before being Removed. Now here is the fucking Kicker out of the Hundreds of Monks Attempting Self Mummification ONLY 17 Actually Accomplished the Task. Imagine that Shit, Seriously how utterly fucked up is that We mean talk about shitty Odds. So after Enduring the Gruelingly Prolonged 3,000 Days of Continuing Agony Slowly Starving Yourself to the Brink of Death, Effectively then Buried Alive until You Die, and Once it was all Said and Done it fucking Didn’t Work.

By the End of the Process the Monks Died in a State of Jhana (Meditation) while They Chanted the Nenbutsu (a Mantra about Buddha), and Their Bodies would become Naturally Preserved from the Inside Out. The Mummified Monk’s Skin and Teeth remained intact without Decomposing with out the Use of Artificial Preservatives such as Embalming Fluid. It’s Important to Note that Many of the Existing Buddhist Mummies are Wearing Sunglass which does Seem fucking Odd. There is a Valid reason for this and the Reason is Human Eye Balls unlike Teeth/Skin Decay Away thus the Use of Sunglasses to Hide the Empty Hollow Eye Sockets. Many Buddhist Sokushinbutsu Mummies have been found in Northern Japan and are Estimated to be Several Centuries Old. Ancient Texts suggest Hundreds of Mummified Monks are Buried in the Stupas and in the Mountains of Japan (and are Revered by the Practitioners of Buddhism to this Very Day).

One of the Alters in the Honey-ji Temple of Yamagata Prefecture, which is a Prefecture of Japan Located in the Tohoku Region of Honshu, is the Home of one of the Oldest Mummies of the Sokushinbutst Ascetic named Honmyokai. There is at Least one Self Mummified Buddhist Monk  named Sangha Tenzin (who was more then likely a Practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism) from the Northern Himalayan Region of India that was Confirmed to be 550 year Old. Tenzin’s Mummy can be Viewed to this Day at a Temple in Gue Village, Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. As I stated before it is Important to Note the Practitioners of Sokushinbutsu DID NOT consider the Practice as an Act of Suicide, BUT rather as a Form of Enlightenment.


Asceticism: The Practice of Self Discipline and Abstinence from All Forms of Indulgence Typically for Religious Reasons Spiritual Goals.

Dzogpu-Chenpo: The Traditional Teaching in Indo-Tibetian Buddhism and Youngdrung Bon that is Aimed at Discovering/Continuing in the Ultimate.

Ground: is a Primordial State that is an Essential Component of the Both the Dzogpu Tradition and Bon Tradition from the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism.

Syncretisym: Is the Combination of Different Religions, Cultures, Or Schools of Thought) between Vajrayana Buddhism, Shinto, and Taoism in the 7th Century which Stressed Ascetic Practices.

Stupas: A Mound like or Hemispherical Structure that contains Relics and are Used as a Place for Meditation.

Shut Endo: A Body of Ascetic Practices that Originated in the Nara Period in Japan that Evolved during 7th Century (710-794 bc) from a Combination of a Variety of Beliefs, Philosophies, Doctrine, Schools of Thought, Ans Ritual Systems found in Folk Religions.

Folk Religions: Japanese Folklore that encompasses the Informally learned Folk Traditions, Customs, and Material Culture.

Shingon Buddhism: Is One of the Major Schools of Buddhism in Japan, and one of Only a Few Surviving Vajrayana Lineages in East Asian Buddhism.

Shinto: A Religion Originating from Japan that is Classified as an East Asian Religion by Theologians, and regarded as Japan’s Indigenous Religion.

Tao: In Chinese Philosophy is the Absolute Principle Underlying the Universe, Combing within itself the Principals of Yin and Yang and Signifying the Way, or Code of Behavior, that is in Harmony with the Natural Order. The Interpretation of Tao in the Tao-te-Ching developed into a Philosophical Religion known as Taoism.

Taoism: Diverse Tradition Indigenous to China Characterized as Both a Philosophy and a Religion that Emphasizes Living in Harmony with Tao. Tao is generally understood as being the Impersonal Enigmatic Process of Transformation Ultimately Underlying Reality.

Buddha Nature: The Potential for all Sentient Beings to become a Buddha or the Fact that All Beings already have a Pure Buddha Essence Within.

Prefecture: An Administrative Jurisdiction Traditionally Governed by an Appointed Perfect which is a Magisterial Title of Varying Definition, But Essentially refers to the Leader of an Administrative Area.

Three Mountains of Dewa: Are 3 Sacred Mountains of Mount Haguro, Mount  Gassen, and Mount Yudono which are grouped together in the Ancient Province of Dewa. Haguro, Gassen, and Yudono Mountains remain Sacred in the Shugendo Traditional to this Day.

Vajrayana: Is often Translated to simply mean “The Diamond Vehicle”. Both Tibetan Buddhism and the Japanese Shingon Buddhism are Vajrayana Lineages. Tibetan Buddhism is Predominant in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, and Mongolia. It was Taught in and Continues to be Taught in China, Usually by Tibetan Masters.

Zen: is a School of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang Dynasty as the Chan School or the Buddha Mind School, and Later on Zen later developed into Various Sub-Schools as well as Branches. From China Chan spread South to Vietnam and became Vietnamese Thein, Northeast to Korea to become Soon Buddhism, and East Japan becoming Japanese Zen.

Self-Immolation: IS the Act of Setting Oneself on Fire and is Mostly done for Political or Religious Reasons, often as a Form of Protest or in Acts of Martyrdom. Due to its Disturbingly Violent Nature Self Immolation is Regarded as One of the Most Extreme Methods of Protest.


It is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Official Music Video for the Song OUR ICONS by ENSEMBLE OF CHRIST THE  SAVIOR AND CRUDE MOTHER EARTH and to be Abundantly Clear This is Post Doesn’t have a Goddamn Thing to Do with Christianity, Jesus, Religion, Jesus, or a fucking Savior. Ensemble of Christ the Savior and Crude Mother Earth is one of the Most Extreme, Uncompromising, and Totally Politically Incorrect Musical Projects of the Russian national Underground Scene (akin to GG Allin, Anal Cunt, and The Murder Junkies for Example). ECSCME’s Music is Raw, Overtly Politicized, Aggressive Hardcore with an Obviously Blatant Bias in Religious and Social Obscurantism.
The Band Members Describe Their Musical Style as being “Radical Political Hardcore”, and “Cult Russian Radical Political Hardcore Project with Aggressive Female and Crazy Granny Vocals. Forever Opposite”

The Trio Consists of Members Starukha Izergil, Alexei Glukhove, and Xenia Hitler have already earned a Well Warranted Reputation in the Circles of the Radical Russian Underground Music Scene. Xenia Hitler has been Involved in a Number of Extreme and Controversial Musical Projects during His Carrier, particularly in Noisecore Coprotechno-Project AUDIOPIZDA. ‘Starukha Izergil’ is one of the most Infamous Human Freak Shows of Counter Culture. Since 1999 Izergil has an Extensive Discography Including both Solo Albums as well as Singles singles, and Unprecedented Orthodox Chauvinist Projects NeoIzergil and ПРАВАЯ СЛАВА и ГРУППА АСКЕТОВ. Izergil Collaborated with Renowned Extreme Musician Alexei Glukhov on more than Two Dozen different Radical Underground Projects (in Particular, groups such as МОЛОТ РОДИНЫ, ПРАВОСЛАВНЫЙ ТРАКТОР, NECROCEPHAL, ВКУСНЫЙ КОНЕЦ, Vomit Fall, Pigworld Bombarder for Example).

It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

A Regrettable Pawn Stars Cartoon

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring A REGRETTABLE PAWN STARS CARTOON by One of Our Favorite Animators/Content Creators MeatCanyon. MEATCANYON: MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

We get a Real Kick Out of this Particular MeatCanyon Cartoon for Several Reasons.One Being Reality TV is Utter fucking Mind Numbing, IQ Dropping fucking Drivel. There is Simply NOT A GODDAMN THING REAL ABOUT IT, It’s a Fucking Entertainment Whore Trend perpetrated by the Shitty Television Networks. All Reality TV Accomplishes is making Dumbfucks Famous for being NOTHING MORE than Ego Driven, Self Obsessed, Personality-less, Ignorant, and being a Complete and Total Fucktarded. So Fuck Pawn Stars Too it’s No Better than the Bullshit Bachelor. But We Digress at Least for Now.

Another Reason We Thoroughly Enjoy this MeatCanyon Animation is it’s Complete Mockery of Christianity. Especially in Today’s Climate with Republicunts Trying to Turn America BACK to 1700’s fucking England the Filthy Motherfucking Anal Cunts. Organized Religion is one of the WORST Things Humanity has ever fucking Created and Breeds fucked up Fanatics. FREEDOM OF RELIGION REPUBLICUNTS FREEDOM OF FUCKING RELIGION. Bottomline Fuck Jesus.


The Last Reason We get a Kick Out of this MeatCanyon Creation is it’s Utter fucking Absurdity and When it come to the Theater of the Absurd We have Season fucking Tickets. To Those Offended by the Cartoon or Our Comments GET FUCKING REAL IT’S FUCKING FICTION! If The Idea of Someone Attempting to Pawn/Sell an Actual Living and Breathing Crucified Christ You need to Slam Your Genitals Repeatedly in a Car Door because People Like You Shouldn’t be Breeding any Dumbfuck Kids. ALSO if You want to be all butt hurt about it Listen Here. At the End of the Movie OLD YELLER the Young Boy has to Shoot His Beloved Dog Old Yeller because He contracted Rabies. BUT THATS NOT ALL in the Disney Family Animated Classic Bambi Bambi’s Mom get Shot right in the Beginning of the fucking Movie. So if Fiction Offends You go be Offend by that Shit and Leave This and Us the fuck Alone.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

MeatCanyon’s Nightmare Compilation 2021

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring NIGHTMARE COMPILATION 2021 by One of Our Favorite Content Creators MeatCanyon. We were Dementedly Delighted to See MeatCanyon had put together a Compilation of His Favorite Animations He did in 2021. And MeatCanyon once again did Not Disappoint His Selections are Dead On.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

The MeatCanyon in His Own Words: 

“Thank you all for another amazing year! heres to another! This is a compilation of some of my favorite toons from last year! hope you enjoy!

Nightmare Compilation Playlist:

00:00 – Let’s go Dababy
01:47 – The passion of the craft
04:28 – The last pringle
07:35 – Gumballs in the park
10:54 – I can count to three
13:20 – Yokai Bob the Builder
17:40 – Meaty talk

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

My First Slumber Party

Welcome to Another Monday Post here at FYB featuring MY FIRST SLUMBER PARTY By One of Our Favorite Creative Artists MeatCanyon.

Sleepovers are one of the Strangest Rites go Passage for a Kid if You think about it. You make Friends at School, then Hangout at Each other’s Houses, and then the Almost Inevitable Sleepover. It’s such an Awkward Dynamic because once Night Falls You realize You have to Deal with Your Friend’s Adult Parents. To make things Feel even Uneasier You’re a Child who now must Communicate with Bigger and Smarter Adults (who have Temporary Authority and Control over You) without the Benefits of Your Parents acting as Your Amateur Ambassador. The Surreal part is You’re in Familiar Surroundings, but in the Context of a Sleepover They Suddenly Seem Utterly Alien at the Same Time. Then to Top off the Whole Bizarreness of it All You wake up in the Middle of the Night to take a Leak, and the Once Nondescript Hallway is Now Hauntingly Silent and Cloaked in Shadow. By the Time You get Home the Next Day You feel as if You just came back from a Foreign Country that just so Happened to be Ruled by Your Friends Parents.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of popular characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been described them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that something normal or mundane gets you killed or possible worse.

PLOT: An Eight Year Old MeatCanyon has a Rather Creepy Experience during His First Sleep Over at His Buddy Luke’s House involving Banana’s, Religion, Pokemon Cards, and His Friend’s Apparently Sociopath of a Father.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober

Jones Town Death Tape (Audio)

First and Foremost this is NOT a Chronicling of Jim Jones or Jonestown. This Post serves as a Focus on just One of the Multitude of Facts, People, and Events surrounding Jonestown Massacre. If You’re Curious to Know/Learn more on the Subject We suggest Hitting up Ye Old Google for all the Gritty Details.

Here is the Most Basic of Backstories:

Jim Jones started a Cult in America called The People’s Temple that promoted Global Peace and Unity among all of Humanity. To Escape the Probing Eye of the American Government, Concerned Family Members Outside of the Cult, and Other Various Detractors Jones moved the Cult to Guyana (a Country on South America’s North Atlantic Coast). Once in Guyana Jones and His Followers commenced Building Jonestown which would be a Earthly Utopia Free from the Malevolent Evils of the War. Just like Drugs Jonestown was a Beautiful Place to Live and All was right with the World. As time passed things in Jonestown took a Dark and Ultimately Deadly Turn.

As Time Passed the Cults Detractors stayed Diligent in Their Attempt to either Rescue Members of the Cult and take them to Safety or to Shut Down Jonestown and take Jones into Police Custody. A Group consisting of Concerned Family of Cult Members, Cult Defectors, and Congressman Ryan Lee calling Themselves ‘Concerned Relatives” started Petitioning Politicians and Actively Engaging the Press for Help and Assistance in Their Mission. Finally the Group flew to Guyana to Visit Jonestown in Person to asses the Allegations of Sub Standard Living Conditions, Mental and Physical Abuse of Cult Members, and Accusations of Human Rights Violations by Reverend James Warren Jones.

The Trip was Tense and Ended with Jones Men Ambushing Ryan, the “Concerned Relatives”, and More Defectors from The People’s Temple at an Airstrip Killing Ryan along with NBC Cameraman Bob Brown, Temple Defector Patrica Parks, and Examiner Photographer Greg Robinson. In Addition to the Four Murders Nine other Members of the Group were Injured. The Attack would End Up being the Final Nail in the Jonestown Coffin.


THE DEATH TAPE: Is a 44 Minute Cassette Tape known as the “Death Tape”. It’s a Recording made on November 18, 1978, at The People’s Temple Compound in Jonestown, Guyana, Immediately Preceding and During the Mass Suicide or Murder of  The People’s Temple Followers. When it was All Said and Done 918 Cult Members Men, Women, and Children Died either by by Poisoning or Gunshot. On the Tape You Hear Jones urge Cult Members to Commit what He refers to as Revolutionary Suicide:

“You can Go Down in History Saying You Chose Your Own Way to Go, and it’s Your Commitment to Refuse Capitalism and in Support of Socialism.” 


The Poison was the Primary Method used in the Mass Suicide served to the Cult Members in a Flavored Beverage. The Beverage was Laced with Potassium Cyanide. The People’s Temple received 1/2 Pound Shipments of Cyanide every Month since 1976 when Jones acquired  a Jeweler’s License (Cyanide is Reportedly cleans Gold). The Crowd was Surrounded by Armed Guards, Offering the Cult Members the Basic Dilemma of Dying by Poison or being Shot by the Guards. As it were Not All Cult Members Drank the Poison willingly as Some were Forced to Drink it at Gun Point, and Some Unknowingly such as the Children. The Poison took Five Minutes to Kill the Children, Less than Five Minutes for Babies, and Twenty to Thirty Minutes for Adults. As for Jones Himself He committed Suicide via a Gunshot to His Right Temple.

Escaped People’s Temple member Odell Rhodes was there that Fateful Day Described the Scene of Both Hysteria and Confusion as Parents watched Their Children Die from the Poison (Jones says on the Tape “Don’t let Your Children Know They are Dying”). Rhodes also Stated the most Present Cult Members “Quietly waited Their Own Turn to Die.” and  that many of the Cult Members “Walked Around like They were in a Trance.”


Reasons For Jones Ordering the Mass Suicide:

  • Jones’s Mental Health was Declining.
  • Jones was becoming increasing Paranoid about the American Government (as well as Others) Conspiring /Plotting on How to Personally Destroy Him.
  • Jones had become Convinced the CIA and Other Government Intelligence Agencies were Conspiring with “Capitalist Pigs” to Destroy Jonestown and Harm Him and His Followers.
  • Jones was supposedly Suffering from Insomnia sometimes going Three to Four Days without Sleeping.
  • Jones Believed All Was Lost as His Mission to Build a Perfect Society Free from all Negativity was an Utter Failure.
  • Jones had just Ordered the Deadly Attack on Congressman Ryan and His Delegates earlier that Day leaving Several Dead and Injured. He Knew Retaliation for the Murders was be Inevitable since Sooner or Later someone would come Looking for Ryan and the Others.
  • Jones believed that the Children of Jonestown were going to be Captured by The American Government, and Extradited back to America where They would be Turned into Fascists.
  • Jones was at this Point was a Full Blown Drug Addict addicted to Injectable Valium, Quaaludes, Stimulants, and Barbiturates (Any Class of Sedative or Sleep Inducing Drug).


In Response to Seeing the Poison Take Effect Jones Counseled His Members Saying:

“Die with a Degree of Dignity; Don’t Lay Down with Tears and Agony.”

(Note: The Cries and Screams of Children and Adults are easily heard on the Tape Recording.)


“I Tell You, I Don’t Care how many Screams You Hear I Don’t Care how many Anguished Cries…Death is a Million times Preferable to Ten More Days of This Life. If You Knew what was ahead of You- If You Knew what was ahead of You, You’d be Glad to be Stepping Over Tonight.”

Thanks For Reading/Listening,

Presented By Les Sober  

The New Emerging Internet Mystery Update: The Latest Video From Valknut

We Previously Posted a Piece on 8/5/2020 on a New Mystery that was Emerging from the Darker Corners of the Internet, and that We Couldn’t be more Thrilled. On that Note there have been a Couple of New Developments since Our original Post so Let’s Get Started.


  • Whoever is Uploading Content Doesn’t have a User Name He/She/They go by an Icon Consisting of Three Interlocking Triangles Called a Valknut. The Valknut is a Symbol that Appears on a Variety of Objects from the Archaeological Record of the Ancient Germanic People. Archaeologists Don’t Really Know what the Ancient Germanic Tribes Called this Symbol or Why They Etched or Marked Artifacts with It. The Term Valknut is Derived from the Modern Era and the Term or Terms used to Refer  to the Symbol during its Historical Employment (use) are Unknown.
  • Valknut’s Main Theme/Focus appears to be Organized Religion, but He/She/They are  Utterly Ambivalent when it comes to the Question “Is this Religious Focus Negative, Positive, Or Indifferent?!” This Perplexing Vagueness of Sorts is an Unusual Spin on the Reoccurring Topic of Religion in a Majority of These Unexplained/Mystery Internet Videos. What We mean is  that the Portrayal/Reference/Allusion to Religion in these Type of Videos Tends to be Overtly Negative in Every Context.

  • Valknut First Showed up in the First week of June of this Year.
  • He/She/They Posted 14 Videos that were Posted Sometime in June.
  • 6 Additional Videos were Posted Sometime in July.
  • We found a Link to a Youtube Channel by a User Named Meat that had had all its Content including Icon Picture Deleted.
  • We thought there might be a Possible Link between Valknut and the Mysterious User Known as Meatsleep, But We discovered that in fact there is NO CONNECTION between Valknut and Meatsleep.
  • Valknut Doesn’t Appear to have Any Other Social Media Accounts (like Meatsleep or Hi I’m Mary Mary for Example) at Least We haven’t been able to Locate Any, and We haven’t Heard about Any Past or Present from Any Other Reliable Source.


  • First and Foremost Valknut Released a New Video that He/She/They Posted Yesterday on 9/12/2020  Titled bless (Posted Below as Per Usual)
  • Secondly for Some Unknown Reason Valknut’s 18 Previously Mentioned Videos have been Taken Down/Deleted (Though We’re sure there are Others who have Copies Stashed Here and There, and We are happy to be able to say We have all 18 previous Video’s in Chronological Order.)
  • The Only Remaining Valknut Video Currently Available is the New Aforementioned bless. 


Thanks for Reading/Watching,

Presented By   Les Sober & FYB


The New Emerging Mystery: The Valknut Videos

A New Mystery is Emerging from the Darker Corners of the Internet, and We could be more Thrilled.

Whoever is Uploading Content Doesn’t have a User Name He/She/They go by an Icon Consisting of Three Interlocking Triangles Called a Valknut. The Valknut is a Symbol that Appears on a Variety of Objects from the Archaeological Record of the Ancient Germanic People. Archaeologists Don’t Really Know what the Ancient Germanic Tribes Called this Symbol or Why They Etched or Marked Artifacts with It. The Term Valknut is Derived from the Modern Era and the Term or Terms used to Refer  to the Symbol during its Historical Employment (use) are Unknown.

What Sets The Valknut Videos from Similar Work (by Meatsleep or Hi I’m Mary Mary for Example) is the Fact that the Majority of the Valknut Video’s come with an Attached Message Pertaining to the Video. Also Valknut has been what some would Consider Prolific in Their Content/Posting. Valknut has only been around since July of this Year and have Already Posted 18 Videos in Total So Far (In Comparison Meatsleep’s and Hi I’m Mary Mary’s Content was Posted over Several Months to Several Years).


What We Know So Far:

  • Valknut first showed up in the First week of June of this Year.
  • Videos 1-14 were all Posted approximately a Month Ago.
  • Videos 15-18 were Posted around 3 Weeks Ago.
  • We found a Link to a Youtube Channel by a User Named Meat that had had all its Content including Icon Picture Deleted.
  • We thought there might be a Possible Link between Valknut and the Mysterious User Known as Meatsleep, But We discovered that in fact there is NO CONNECTION between Valknut and Meatsleep.
  • This is based on the Fact Meatsleep has/was Only Around since 2016 where as Meat has been around since 2014. Also Meatsleep just Re-uploaded 19 Videos from 2016, and Their Icon Pic was Never Deleted (even after all of Meatsleep’s Content was Taken Down Abruptly by Meatsleep Themselves).
  • We Found a Youtube Playlist Associated with Valknut that contained Only 2 Videos and the First one is PRIVATE so We have No Idea what the fuck it is or could be.

  • The Second Video is a Minute and Four Seconds Long, and looks like it was Shot on a Camcorder Circa the 1990’s.  The Video is some Random Kid Bouncing Around While Riding a More Modern Hobby Horse (The Plastic Ones with the Body mounted to a Frame with Springs). The Video on the Page is Titled “broke slaves”.
  •  The Nonsensical Babbling of the Child is referred is supposedly a Song called “Riding My Horse”, and was Posted on a Very Small Youtube Channel (Total of 106 Subscribers) run by a User Going by Pure Tacos. The Other Videos Posted on the Pure Taco Youtube Page are meaningless Garbage or Completely Useless Fluff.
  • The Song is Credited to Someone (More than Likely the Random Child) with the User Name C-Dog.

  • The Two Themes of Valknut’s are Religion/God and Knowledge.
  • The the Abbreviation “s.s.o” Appears in at Least Two of the Messages Accompanying the Messages Accompanying Videos #4 and #9, but what Does it Mean? Is it a strange Twist or Play on S.O.S or could it simply Stand for Single Sign-On (SSO)?
  • A SSO is a Session and User Authentication Service that Permits a User to Use one set of Login Credentials-For Example, a Name and Password- to Access Multiple Applications. This Begs the Question is Valknut indeed using a SSO and if So what Other Applications is Valknut Using it For Exactly?
  • The s.s.o Abbreviation from the World of Texting could stand for “Secondary Significant Other” or “Sorry Sold Out.”
  • The Abbreviation s.s.o in the Gaming World Stands for “Shattered Sun Offensive” from the Insanely Popular RPG World of Warcraft.
  • Also in the Message for Video #7 ends “…fruit of a tree whose leaves we are Pz1z. The Question is WTF does Pz1z Mean or WTF is it? As far as We can tell thus far it seems to be Related to Group Theory found in Mathematics.

So What Could the Possible Meaning Behind Valknut’s Videos?!

  • Is Valknut what is Referred to as a Recovering Catholic?
  • Is Valknut Promoting Spirituality Over Organized Religion?
  • Is Valknut possibly a Militant Atheist or an Agnostic Stuck in an Undecided Religious Limbo?
  • What is the Knowledge of Which Valknut is Speaking of?
  • Is Valknut Anti Religious and if So Why?
  • Is this Valknut’s Version of Divine Intervention?
  • Is Valknut Repenting for Something or Preaching About Something?
  • Do the Videos have to do with Armageddon, Revelation, or The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
  • Is Valknut Condemning Organized Religion or Christianity Specifically?
  • Is Valknut Pushing Science Over Religion?
  • Is Valknut Ex-Clergy by any Chance, like a Disgruntled Priest for Example?

Well We have No Idea and Thats what makes the Mystery so Intriguing. Below You will Find All 18 of Valknut’s Videos from the First to the Most Current. Enjoy.

  1. it all comes to an end. we will win


3. *No Message*

4. s.s.o we can’t all live in peace

5. never forget that you are not in the world when anything happens to u take experience inward creation is set to bring you constant hits and clues about your roll as a co creator your souls is metabolizing experience and surely as your body METABOLIZING FOOD

6. this is the start my bots will take over youtube

7. why don’t you think of god as the one is coming who has been approaching from all eternity the ultimate fruit of a tree whose leaves we are Pz1z

8. we have to love the darkness of religion more than seeking for the knowledge of god

9. look at the life fade out of her s.s.o

10. *No Message*

11. *No Message*

12. *No message*

13. more than ever that u seen before or ever feel the same

14.  *No message*

15. it will all come to a end

16. *No message*

17. *No message*

18. *No message*


Thanks for Reading/Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

FYB’s Salute To Eccentrics: Anton LaVey on The Joe Pyne Show

In this Installment of FYB’s Salute to Eccentrics We Feature The One and Only Anton Szandor LaVey was an American Author, Musician, Paranormal Researcher ,and Occultist. LaVey is most Notoriously Known as The Founder and the Original High Priest of The Church Of Satan and The Religion of LaVeyan Satanism (and Author of the Infamous Satanic Bible).

This is NOT a LaVey Biography or In-depth Look at the Church of Satan Those will be coming Later. We decided to Post This First.

This is a Rare  1967 Television Appearance LaVay did on The Joe Pyne Show so You could Hear DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE That of Course Being Non Other Than LAVEY HIMSELF.


The Host Is Joe Pyne Who reminds Us an Earlier Prototype of Morton Downey Jr. who Pioneered  the “Trash TV” (Just Ask Jerry Springer) Format with His Talk Show The Morton Downey Jr. Show. Downey was known for Berating His Quests with a Verbal Assault of Insults, Derogatory Remarks, Extreme and Controversial Personal Opinion, and Personal Jabs. Downey would Yell and Scream at His gets (sometimes inches from the Quests face) while He Stormed around the Set like Maniac and Chain Smoked like His Life Depended on it.

Joe Pyne Employs many of these Talk Show Host Tactics in an attempt to intentional Anger Their Guest into Acting up/Out in Hope Their Wild Antics Boost Ratings. Pyne is Nothing if Not Antagonistic from the Very Start of the Interview attempting to Bait LaVey in Vain. Pyne called LaVay a “Nut” and a “DingBat”, Attacks Lavays Appearance from His Shaved Head and “Shifty” Eyes, Clothes, Necklace, and even Finger Nails). Pyne also Mocks LaVey by saying corny shit like “I’d tell You where to go, But I think You’d Like it, and Insulting LaVeys With and Children by referring to Them as “Ms. Devil/ Mrs. Beelzebub”  and “The Little Devils”.


LaVey for His Part is the Exact Opposite and Remains Cool, Calm and Collective while Ignoring Pyne’s Various Antics and Personal Attacks. LaVay conveys His point and Answers Questions Intelligently and to the Point. LaVey definitely Proved to Be the Bigger Man.

In a Rather Interesting (and Bizarre) Note The Host Joe Pyne Died a few Months after this Interview.

Hope You Enjoyed This Historical Segment of the Ongoing Story of Satan as Much as We did.

 Presented By Les Sober

Cartoon’s That Aren’t For Children: The Backwater Gospel

Welcome To Another Installment of Cartoon’s That Aren’t For Children featuring The Animation Workshop’s THE BACKWATER GOSPEL!!!

The Story The Blackwater Gospel takes Place in the Wild West set in a Small Dessert Town of Religious Fanatics (Lead By A Malicious Reverend Who Believes that One Bad Apple Spoils The Bunch), and is Narrated by a Guitar Strumming Hobo Who Loiters Lazily about whiling the Days Away.

The Town Lives in Mortal Fear of The Demonic Undertaker Who like the Angel of Death comes to Claim The Dead and Their Eternal Souls. When the Undertaker arrives in Town He starts a Mass Panic as The Town’s Folk desperately Wonder “Who is The Undertaker Come For?”

The Tale Takes an even DARKER TWIST as The Question Turns into Chaos which Leads to Killing For NO ONE Wants to be the One Chosen Victim of The Undertaker. Enjoy.

So The Only Question That Remains is Was The Undertaker The Angel of Death or The Devil Himself?!

  Presented By Les Sober